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Messages - Raen

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Hello everyone, and welcome to the topic for
The Legend of Zelda 72-Hour Marathon Relay Race

Time: December 31st until January 2nd (exact times to be determined)

What: A race through all 14 The Legend of Zelda video games.

For: NAMI (National Alliance for Mental Illness) - http://www.nami.org

Zelda? Cool! So, uh. . . what is this?[/u]
The Legend of Zelda marathon relay race is just what it sounds like; a race between teams (composed of member of our little marathon group) to beat all of the Zelda games. Some of my friends and I thought it would be really fun to do a charity marathon of our own. However, in an effort to not simply copy what others do, we thought it would be incredibly fun to have a big relay race that lasts 3 days.

Sounds nifty. So, how does this work
Basically, there will be either 2 or 3 teams of 2 or 3 (this is undecided) who will be playing through all of the Legend of Zelda games to see which team can beat all of the games before the other teams can. We will be streaming this event live on UStream; we'll have a website, as well. There will be a stream where you can watch the games currently being played, and another stream with a commentator and a camera showing the room where everyone will be playing their games.

That's cool. So. . .
Whoa, whoa, whoa. Wait a second, I'm not finished. Along with the video streams of the marathon, there will also be a chatroom where you can talk to various other people who are watching the marathon, and even talk to the commentator/players.
We're also going to try to up the ante a bit on the competitive aspect of this, and as such we will have a voting system where you can vote on which team you think will win, and another where you can vote for your favorite team. You don't get anything for guessing right, but hilarity will inevitably ensue as team rivalries arise.

Ok, sounds fun. So, are you guys just doing this for fun, or is there any kind of point to it?
While getting to play Zelda for 3 days is a reward in and of itself, we felt it would be good to do this marathon for a good cause. As such, we will be taking donations throughout the marathon in support of NAMI, the National Alliance for Mental Health. We feel this is a great cause to support, and we hope everyone plans on donating! We will likely be giving out some prizes to people who donate at least 5 dollars, which is all the more reason to donate. So please, be generous and help a great cause.

So, you said ALL the Zelda games? Which ones are you playing, exactly?
We will be playing:

    The Legend of Zelda
    Zelda II: The Adventure of Link
    A Link to the Past
    Link's Awakening
    Ocarina of Time
    Majora's Mask
    The Wind Waker
    Oracle of Ages
    Oracle of Seasons
    Four Swords Adventure (this will be played co-op, of course!)
    The Minish Cap
    Twilight Princess
    Phantom Hourglass
    Spirit Tracks

(this is not necessarily the order we'll be playing the games in)

But what about Four Swords? Or Link's Crossbow Training? Or the CD-I games?
It is certainly a possibility that we'll play some Crossbow Training if we have extra time (which is unlikely). We can't play Four Swords for two reasons: 1) You can't beat it exactly, and 2) We'd have no way to show the gameplay, as you can't link GBAs while using a Game Boy Player, which is the only we we can show the handheld games. As for the CD-I games, I do not own or know anyone who owns the CD-I games, and none of us doing this marathon have enough money to buy them.

Other Projects / Re: [Demo] Tech demo - Horn of Balance (working title)
« on: October 28, 2009, 06:24:08 pm »
Lookin' good as always, Martijin!

Other Projects / Re: [Demo] Alttp-style game / tech demo -- No name yet
« on: September 02, 2009, 03:24:30 am »
I just want to say: This game is going to really be something awesome, I think everyone here will enjoy it. I recognize my bias, since I'm working on it, but it really is one of the most polished, professional Zelda fan games around.

Contests / Re: Zelda Design Competition #1 - Dungeons - VOTING
« on: August 28, 2009, 10:32:12 pm »
Yep, the competition is now over. Congratulations, Niek!

Contests / Re: Zelda Design Competition #1 - Dungeons - VOTING
« on: August 25, 2009, 10:46:13 pm »
I just want to remind people that voting closes in 2 days.

Contests / Re: Zelda Design Competition #1 - Dungeons - VOTING
« on: August 17, 2009, 10:19:29 pm »
haha, sorry Jetstorm, honest mistake :D

Contests / Re: Zelda Design Competition #1 - Dungeons - VOTING
« on: August 17, 2009, 08:24:08 pm »
Oh, right, sorry Niek, I'll add that to the post.

Contests / Zelda Design Competition #1 - Dungeons - VOTING
« on: August 17, 2009, 05:56:18 pm »
OK, so it's time to vote for which of these awesome dungeons that were entered in our first Zelda Design Competition is the best!

But wait Raen! I thought you didn't want to do public voting?
This is true, I didn't want to do public voting. However, with only two entries, I don't feel like there is any other way to fairly judge this particular competition, and so I gave in and am doing this by public vote. HOWEVER, there are some special considerations I want you all to pay attention to.

Considerations? What considerations?
When voting and trying to decide which dungeon is best, please keep these things in mind:

CREATIVE USE OF ITEMS: This is a pretty self explanatory thing, but make sure to take special note of creative use of the items that are available to the individual. That doesn't mean that they have to be the focus of the dungeon, but that when they are used they are used interestingly and creatively.

INTELLIGENT DUNGEON LAYOUT: What I mean by this is a dungeon that you wouldn't get lost in, and that has a logical progression and an intuitive layout. A dungeon that you get lost in all the time isn't fun, right?

THEME: What I mean by this is that a dungeon shouldn't just be a collection of rooms: It needs a theme and a setting that holds it together. Pay special attention to this as you judge.

COMPLETENESS: The more cohesive, polished, and complete the dungeon is, the better. This DOES NOT mean that a dungeon implemented in a game is better. I'm talking about DESIGN here. Which brings us to my last point:


Ok, your good to vote now!  :D Go check out the dungeons and vote!

Where can I see the dungeons?
You can check them out right here! Here you go:

Niek's Dungeon: http://home.student.utwente.nl/n.j.hoeijmakers/ZFGC/Niek_(set1)_Dungeon_Competition_1v2.png
Walkthrough for Niek (READ IT): http://home.student.utwente.nl/n.j.hoeijmakers/ZFGC/Niek_(set1)_Dungeon_Competition_1.pdf

Jetstorm4's Dungeon: http://host-a.net/Jetstorm4/Golgatha%20Crypt%20ZFGC.rar

Keep in mind the criteria for each dungeon as well:

Niek -
Set 1 - 3 hearts minimum
Item Acquired in Dungeon: Bow
Items Already Acquired: Sword, Shield, Deku Sticks, Boomerang

Jetstorm4 -
Set 6 - 8 hearts minimum
Item Acquired in Dungeon: Hookshot
Items Already Acquired: Sword, Shield, Deku Sticks, Boomerang, Ocarina, Bow, Bottle, Roc's Feather, Bombs, Flippers, Iron Boots, Ice/Fire Arrows

Audio / Re: LttP Dark World Theme - An Arrangement
« on: August 15, 2009, 06:38:01 pm »
I recognize that, but part of the purpose of this song was to give the whole thing a different tone, and a slightly different (and mildly dissonant) key is kinda the point. However, I did notice a few parts that clash very badly, so I will touch those up.

Audio / Re: LttP Dark World Theme - An Arrangement
« on: August 15, 2009, 04:48:15 pm »
Thanks for the comments, guys! Someone over at ZREOmusic.com converted it into a higher quality MP3. They didn't do anything fancy, but it does make it easier to hear what is dissonant and what isn't:

As far as I can tell, there is really only one part with the guitar that doesn't sound good. I don't hear anywhere else that's a problem.

Feedback / Re: Next Contest
« on: August 14, 2009, 06:49:32 pm »
A writing competition would work and be fun, but I'm of the personal opinion that all (or most) future contests need to be game development centric. Meaning, a story writing competition for a game would be cool (albeit hard to really put together), but a simple writing contest doesn't seem as development focused as it ought to be.

Audio / LttP Dark World Theme - An Arrangement
« on: August 14, 2009, 06:29:24 pm »
I was bored the other day, so I made this:

It's the Dark World theme from LttP, changed and arranged by me in Anvil Studio. I had a lot of fun making this, and I hope you guys get some enjoyment out of it.

Also, since this is my first real attempt at composition/arrangement, I'd love to hear any advice any of you have as to how to make this better/ what you like/ what you hate, ect. I'd like to improve my music making skills, so all comments are welcome. Thanks!

PS. Also, if any of you awesome musician peoples out there want to make this an awesome, no midi song, that would be great. Sadly, I don't have access to FL Studio or anything, so I'm stuck with plain old midi.

My point, Darunia, is that this is simply an amateur made game. Done of us are exactly professionals: As such, expecting a game of professional quality from every singe fan game is unrealistic; for criticism given to fan games, a good amount of negative and positive feedback must be give if the criticism is meant to be truly constructive.

While I don't think it's as game breaking as Darunia is making it sound, this is what he's talking about. Basically, if you standing right next to a wall (as in, you walked into it) and then try to move along the wall, you don't move. I believe this might be because the engine is thinking there is something solid there when there isn't. It should be a easy fix.

As for sound problem, the only thing I noticed is that the music is too quiet in comparison to the sound effects. This is also an easy fix, you simply need to adjust volumes.

Other than that, I quite enjoyed this little game. I'll play more later, but for now I've only gott 10 or 15 minutes into it, and it's pretty enjoyable. I think the graphics are well done and functional (albeit not particularly fancy) and the gameplay in general is pretty good.

Contests / Re: Zelda Design Competition #1 - Dungeons | NEW DEADLINE |
« on: August 13, 2009, 04:19:06 pm »
Ok everyone, this competition is officially over! I received 2 entries, one from Niek and one from Jetstorm4. Since I've receive no indication that anybody else is actually working on this, I'm not going to take any late entries. (Probably.)

I'll post again soon with information about how this will be judged.

Contests / Re: Zelda Design Competition #1 - Dungeons | NEW DEADLINE |
« on: August 12, 2009, 07:13:15 pm »
Today is the last day for entries. So far I've still only received one.

Contests / Re: Zelda Design Competition #1 - Dungeons | NEW DEADLINE |
« on: August 11, 2009, 06:21:07 pm »
Well, everyone, you have one day left to send in your entries. So far I've received only one (quite good one, I might add).

Entertainment / Re: Zelda Favorites
« on: August 09, 2009, 03:54:01 pm »
To everyone with Wind Waker high up on their list: Your cool :D I'm glad there are others who love that game as much as me.

Entertainment / Re: Zelda Favorites
« on: August 09, 2009, 05:51:33 am »
1) Ocarina of Time
2) Wind Waker
3) Minish Cap
4) Majora's Mask
5) Link to the Past

Contests / Re: Zelda Design Competition #1 - Dungeons | NEW DEADLINE |
« on: August 08, 2009, 05:14:35 pm »
I just want to remind everyone that you have  4 DAYS left until August 12th, the new deadline. I likely won't extend the deadline anymore, so get to work!

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