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Topics - Moldrill

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Entertainment / Fans of rap: Best rapper?
« on: December 22, 2009, 08:10:05 pm »
This is not a topic for those who are not fans of rap. I don't want this to be a rap-hate thread, so if you don't like rap don't post. For those of you who do appreciate rap, who do you think is the most talented rapper? For best free-styling I'd have to say Eminem.

Entertainment / Halo Reach thoughts?
« on: December 17, 2009, 10:20:38 pm »
What do you guys think of Halo Reach? Biggest game of 2010, dramatic irony in the plot, etc. I think it's gonna be pretty damn good. Better than Modern Warfare 2 (which I loved). Also having watched the trailer I think it's not just Ghost from MW2... I have to buy a game if one of the squadmates has a skull on their mask/helmet :-[

Entertainment / Recommend me Electronica / Techno music
« on: December 17, 2009, 12:03:28 am »
So I tend to listen to classic rock 90% of the time. The other 10% is reggae, ska, punk rock, modern rock, and probably 1% is rap. But I just got to like one or two electronica songs. Heartbreaker by MSTRKRFT, and Don't Trust Me by 3OH!3. Anyone want to recommend me some similar music?

Entertainment / What's your favorite RPG
« on: December 13, 2009, 08:01:07 pm »
My favorite RPGs are probably the Mother series, Fallout 3, and Mass Effect. What about you guys? MMOs don't count.

Entries / [Secondary] Oscar
« on: December 10, 2009, 12:24:47 am »

And he hates Hank, because Hank eats kittehs.
Also I forgot to mention, he shoots lightning out his paws.

More pics of the sith lord Oscar.

Recruitment / Voice actors needed for a Half-Life 2 Source Mod
« on: December 06, 2009, 09:02:44 pm »
Me and a few friends of mine are working on a Half-Life 2 Source Mod set in the Half-Life universe. We have already come up with a design for the game, and we are currently working on a script. On our team we have two skilled programmers, two modelers, an artist, and some design people. We're currently looking for voice actors for this project. Here is what we're looking for. I'll put an age range for how old each character should sound. Though if you are younger or older but sound in that age range, you're a-ok.

Blink: The protagonist, we've actually given him a few short lines. This is a very easy job. We want someone without any heavy accents. He is American. Should be a strong-sounding character. Age range, 18-30 year olds.

Raptor: The leader of your squad. One of the more line-heavy roles. He is a lean British man. Very casual about certain things, though he can get serious quickly. Heavy British accent. Age range, 18-30 year olds.

Deadlock: Voiced by my Scottish friend Connor.

Rawhide: Voiced by my brother Nick.

Vortigaunts: I really have no idea on this one. If you've played Half-Life games you know what a Vortigaunt sounds like. If after some sound editing (that we can provide) you sound like a Vortigaunt, that's enough for me.. Though I don't want any heavily accented Vortigaunts, cause we know those don't exist. :P

Combines: This isn't very hard to do. Basically we just record you saying things in a clear voice, lower the pitch. Add in Combine sound effect beeps and boops and you're a Combine. If you want to do a voice, but you don't want anyone to hear your voice. This is the job for you.

That's all I've got for now. I'll add more requests as we add more to the script. If you'd like to try out for one or more of these jobs, send me a PM. Post in the topic if you're interested or something. :)

Entries / [Primary] Digit the Penguin
« on: December 03, 2009, 02:43:03 am »

That's right, he's a !@#$% entertainer.

Being born in Antarctica, Digit grew up with a very Jewish environment. As Digit grew older, he decided he wanted to see the rest of the world. He considered doing something in the film industry, cause he heard that's what Jews do in the world. But that career bored him. Instead, he decided to dance. And goddamn Digit is the best !@#$% Jewish penguin entertainer in the whole world.

He traveled all over the world, just as he'd always dreamed. From Antarctica, to London, to HelL.A., to Sydney. That motherfucker even went to Saudi Arabia, and they don't like Jews in Saudi Arabia. But when those antisemitic bastards saw that penguin dance, a spark of hope was lit in the hearts of Jewish people everywhere. Digit learned to speak at least twelve different languages, including Traditional Penguinese, Mandarin Penguinese, English, British, Canadian, Australian, and Hebrew.

This !@#$% even started to write his own songs. Every new song was a hit single, making it to the top of the charts. His songs were all played on an acoustic guitar by his friend Sam the Snake, while he sang and danced his little penguin heart out. After a while he branched out and experimented with different musical styles like hiphop and rap. But surprising as it may sound, not everyone adored this talented penguin.

Justin Bieber, a 15 year old musician who recently started growing popularity among teenage girls with a bad taste in music, despised Digit. Enough to save up his allowance and buy a Dragunov sniper rifle, with which he is planning the assassination of one of the world's greatest recent musicians.

What the !@#$% will happen next?
Will Justin Bieber hit puberty? Will Digit live? More importantly, will anyone even vote for him?

Entertainment / Another Call of Duty game is inevitable,
« on: November 23, 2009, 11:07:06 pm »
And the next one is most likely being made by Treyarch. What would you want them to do to advance the Call of Duty series. Basically, what do you want Treyarch's next CoD game to be. Key word is Treyarch. Modern Warfare 3 and Infinity Ward can shut the !@#$% up for now. Those are the two taboo words. Go go go.

Discussion / WW2 with robots
« on: November 19, 2009, 01:43:44 am »
Just a concept I was thinking of for a new spin on the WW2 game. British would have some kind of awesome navy robots. Nazis would have giant, expensive, high-tech robots. Japanese would have mechas? :P

Entertainment / Rice Boy
« on: November 15, 2009, 07:46:00 pm »

Forgive me if you have heard of this before, I have just found this website the other day. It is a graphic novel called Rice Boy available free on the internet (and for sale in stores) that was started in 2006, and finished in 2008. The author is currently creating a second book in the series called the Order of Tales, which is updated twice a week with a new page. They both take place in the Overside universe, a very fictional world full of magic, machine men, and other imaginative things. I recommend anyone who has not already done so, to read these. Especially if you like fantasy or graphic novels. It won't take you too long to read, but in the short amount of time I read Rice Boy I became completely wrapped up in it's universe.

Feedback / Quick questino about the next Character Comp.
« on: November 09, 2009, 03:03:01 am »
Right now on ZFGC, I'm kind of coming and going up to a few months at a time. And I just want to make sure I'm here when the next Character Comp. is happening. Any ideas when it's happening next? Winter 2009, Summer 2010? Thanks, :P

Entertainment / Beatles or Led Zeppelin
« on: November 08, 2009, 04:29:26 am »

Entertainment / Learning Over the Hills and Far Away
« on: November 08, 2009, 12:52:54 am »

yeah. i'm a little better than i was when i made that now though, ill make another video later. i just started playing last summer.

Entertainment / Favorite console of this generation
« on: November 07, 2009, 01:59:26 pm »
This should be interesting seeing as this forum is made about a Nintendo franchise... Let's see your loyalty. :D

Yeah so it's 2:01 AM and I'm really bored on vacation right now. On GOG I just bought Fallout, Fallout 2, and Fallout Tactics for about $15. Games on GOG are downloaded so you have them instantly, no shipping or anything (obviously..). And once you buy it you also get downloadable versions of each manual, some official artwork, and other little goodies. In case you didn't know, Fallout and Fallout 2's manuals are !@#$% novels compared to modern game manuals. Each one is a little over a hundred pages. The deal ends in five days by the by.

Alright, just checkin' in. ZFGC still looks in tact to me, so my work here is done. All hail ZFGC.
I'll probably check in whenever, prolly in a few months. Bye again~!

ZFGC Character Competition 2008 / Rocky forfeit remember?
« on: January 16, 2009, 01:38:59 am »
"Upcoming Match: Jar vs. Rocky"

Kren forfeited his character. Jar automatically wins his division. :-*

Graphics / Solochrome
« on: January 11, 2009, 11:43:24 pm »

Breaking the mold. C&C on the hair and hands. Never done hands before.

Graphics / Mr. Jones ( molded :o )
« on: January 11, 2009, 04:48:06 pm »

Someone really needs to help me with vector hair. :'(

ZFGC Character Competition 2008 / When's the next round start?
« on: January 10, 2009, 06:38:10 pm »
I'm getting bored of the contest already. Start the next round. >_<

Entertainment / We were originally a Zelda forum
« on: January 09, 2009, 11:39:05 pm »
I know when I joined I was obsessed with playing and watching any Zelda game that had been released, and anticipating the next one. I no longer have that same devotion to the series. I think it's a great series that has been declining in recent years, but not by that much. The new ones are still great games. What about you

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