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Author Topic: Unresponsive pages nearly every time i post  (Read 5319 times)

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Unresponsive pages nearly every time i post
« on: September 29, 2012, 07:47:24 pm »
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Only on this site. I'll try and keep this post short because 99% of the time my posts / topic attempts will freeze up and I'll get an error in Google Chrome saying the page became unresponsive. I have a 6 year old iMac so that's probably not helping the problem, but it is only on ZFGC, so I'm guessing it's not just the old slow computer.


Re: Unresponsive pages nearly every time i post
« Reply #1 on: September 29, 2012, 07:49:26 pm »
Only on this site. I'll try and keep this post short because 99% of the time my posts / topic attempts will freeze up and I'll get an error in Google Chrome saying the page became unresponsive. I have a 6 year old iMac so that's probably not helping the problem, but it is only on ZFGC, so I'm guessing it's not just the old slow computer.
I use Chrome, and I frequent this site on my CR48 netbook which is this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Google_Chrome_OS#Cr-48_prototype_hardware

don't really get unresponsiveness on the pages... though I'll check into it. Might be a script misbehaving or something.
Re: Unresponsive pages nearly every time i post
« Reply #2 on: September 29, 2012, 07:51:26 pm »
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Yeah, I use chrome too, and I never had that problem. Don't know what could be.


Re: Unresponsive pages nearly every time i post
« Reply #3 on: September 29, 2012, 07:57:02 pm »
I don't know, I did some CPU profiling on the JS scripts on my netbook and really didn't find anything hogging the CPU. But who the hell knows what the end-results could be on the Mac version of Chrome(plus not to mention that perhaps there's some odd overhead going on with V8)... so, you noted Topics/Posts. I figured that would point to the offline avatar JS. Disabled it, let me know if its still happening. The next thing I'd point at is the unread PM favicon DICKBUTT, but unlikely since you didn't say it was across the entire site.
Re: Unresponsive pages nearly every time i post
« Reply #4 on: September 30, 2012, 07:03:46 am »
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To add to this, I have noticed sometimes when typing out a post it decides to skip characters that I've typed, as though it's freezing up periodically. Only on here too.

The next thing I'd point at is the unread PM favicon DICKBUTT, but unlikely since you didn't say it was across the entire site.
I've only been having the problem since this, I think.
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Re: Unresponsive pages nearly every time i post
« Reply #5 on: September 30, 2012, 09:41:38 am »
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To add to this, I have noticed sometimes when typing out a post it decides to skip characters that I've typed, as though it's freezing up periodically. Only on here too.
I have run into the same thing. Most often it are two charaters that get skipped.


Re: Unresponsive pages nearly every time i post
« Reply #6 on: September 30, 2012, 11:56:41 am »
Theforeshadower experienced this but this was before the unread favicon. It was later found out from CPU Profiling on his machine that, the window resize JS was eating up his cpu cycles, which was weird but I figured it might've been related to something on his end. Well alright, I'll disable that too and re-evaluate the implementation of the unread favicon DICKBUTT. Next time I would like it if people report this stuff sooner. =\ Though it's interesting that I have yet to experience this myself... on any machine. If its still happening then there's no additional javascript that has been added on from my end which would suggest that there is something else misbehaving. But what else could there be? I mean jquery and the spoiler javascript run idle except when you press the button, the news js only happens on the index and the modified version of Prototype that SMF made only runs when you do something to trigger it.

Actually what I'm puzzled about is the unread DICKBUTT favicon causing rendering engine paint stalls. I have already rewritten this for the upcoming site update to rely on jQuery for polling, so perhaps we'll just have better luck with that one next time. I'll be disabling that script anyhow. Please report any issues here. Like seriously, if I can't reproduce the error myself how am I supposed to know !@#$%'s happening? Sorry just kind of annoyed nobody said anything after all of this time.
Re: Unresponsive pages nearly every time i post
« Reply #7 on: September 30, 2012, 02:00:29 pm »
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Never had such things happen to me here.

Is there some program that you can run, get some dump of the machine you use and post it here? so that the people with the problem can do that to see what relations they have.

I'm using chrome (always updating to the latest) and always have at least 10 tabs open at once, plus stuff like msn, skype and all the other crap you generally have running (logmein, hamachi, daemon tools, coretemp etc) and often have stuff like word/excel etc open for long times too. I also have an up time of about 4~5 days a week (put in sleep mode overnight and hibernation when carrying between places - its a laptop). 8 gigs of ram helps a lot I think, cpu's an i7 too.

How often is this happening to other people? Once a day, when posting say 10 posts a day? Nothing like this happens on other forums etc you post on?

What about other themes? Stuff like adblock etc? (I also have quite a lot of extensions installed)

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Re: Unresponsive pages nearly every time i post
« Reply #8 on: September 30, 2012, 02:51:40 pm »
Thanks to Hawthorneluke pointing me to line 1249 in editor.js, I narrowed down a potentially heavy JS call for some interpreters. Please anyone test.
Re: Unresponsive pages nearly every time i post
« Reply #9 on: September 30, 2012, 08:38:23 pm »
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To add to this, I have noticed sometimes when typing out a post it decides to skip characters that I've typed, as though it's freezing up periodically. Only on here too.
I have run into the same thing. Most often it are two charaters that get skipped.

Yeah that's what I noticed first. Only started happening a few months ago probably. I'd type and it'd freeze, but then after a good minute at most it'd finish what I typed and not freeze up. Only happens when posting / making topics, and only on this site. That still happens too, but the unresponsive pages seemed to stem from that initial freezing up.

I'll keep posting around... so far so good with this post.


Re: Unresponsive pages nearly every time i post
« Reply #10 on: September 30, 2012, 08:54:11 pm »
To add to this, I have noticed sometimes when typing out a post it decides to skip characters that I've typed, as though it's freezing up periodically. Only on here too.
I have run into the same thing. Most often it are two charaters that get skipped.

Yeah that's what I noticed first. Only started happening a few months ago probably. I'd type and it'd freeze, but then after a good minute at most it'd finish what I typed and not freeze up. Only happens when posting / making topics, and only on this site. That still happens too, but the unresponsive pages seemed to stem from that initial freezing up.

I'll keep posting around... so far so good with this post.
Alright well do me a favor. Spam the refresh button for like, 10 seconds. Then try posting around. I applied several changes to the various javascripts that run on this site to improve efficiency... as I caught a performance issue with some of the SMF-related scripts. (There's one that polls for input on each keystroke on the post textboxes for the shortcut features and they were causing some paint event misfires)

If it doesn't happen anymore, then I'll consider this situation resolved.
Re: Unresponsive pages nearly every time i post
« Reply #11 on: October 01, 2012, 01:08:04 am »
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It seems to be all good now, glad I mentioned it. Thanks!


Re: Unresponsive pages nearly every time i post
« Reply #12 on: October 02, 2012, 09:40:16 pm »
Hooray! :D Thank you for actually taking the time to report this. If there are ANY other issues with the site, please by all means let me know.
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