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Messages - DanTheMan

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Entertainment / Re: Reccomend me some good DS homebrew.
« on: June 24, 2008, 03:10:26 am »
Geez, Colors, PocketPhysics, and StillAliveDS already mentioned?  That takes out most of my ammo.  Regardless, there are still all the classic system emulators:  NES DS, SNEmulDS, jEnesisDS, NeoDS, Lameboy, and more.  There's Warcraft Tower Defense for a good RTS game.  There's Whee!DS for a 3D racer game. 

Moonshell for media, DSOrganize for web browsing, LMP-ng for showing people you literally have an iPod on the DS.  Rudolph's NDS Backup Tool for backing up your save files from official cartridges.  TetattDS for Tetris Attack on the DS (now with local wifi), DSFTP for wireless transfer to/from your media card.  DS2Win for controlling your computer from your DS.

There's also DS DOOM, Quake DS, Quake II DS, DScent, Rise of the Triad DS, Wolfenstein DS, Duke Nuken 3D DS.

Those are most of the major ones, if I think of any other really good homebrew apps I'll post again.

Entertainment / Re: Overclocked Remix
« on: June 24, 2008, 02:58:31 am »
I'm basically an OCR addict.  I used Bittorrent to download the archives to my computer and I'll put the whole thing on shuffle when I'm at my computer.  I've got a "favorites" playlist, but I usually don't play that since those are the songs I put on my GBA and DS for OCR on the go. 

My all-time favorite is probably Time Management (long version for the win), with KRool Intentions coming in at a close second.  As for Zelda remixes, "This Valley Rocks" and "Lullaby Proximitus" are excellent, while "Ocarina Boogie" is great battle music but was sadly taken off the site since it wasn't actually a remix of anything (merely used the ocarina samples directly from OoT).

Updates / Re: New Administrator
« on: June 24, 2008, 02:33:17 am »
Congrats CA, enjoy the role.

Other Discussion / Re: I forgot how to increase page file size -_-
« on: June 20, 2008, 03:16:53 am »
A really good example of this is in an MMO like World of Warcraft, in one of the large cities. Here you have numerous players, all wearing different kinds of armor in a huge environment that is constantly streamed off of your hard drive. While walking around, your game may pause frequently for very brief intervals, and you'll either hear your hard drive or see the indicator light come on, a sure sign that virtual memory is being accessed.

Slight gravedig, sorry.

I was just playing WoW yesterday on an older computer.  When going to the Undercity the game nearly locked up and the hard drive went crazy.  I actually saw the status monitor state that it was running at 1 fps and even 0 fps at one point.  I'm guessing the problem is that the computer only has 512 MB of RAM to begin with, so upon hitting the Undercity that wasn't nearly enough. 

Other Discussion / Re: ATTN: ZFGC
« on: June 20, 2008, 03:11:50 am »
Thank you, the only person out of 44 views to respond. But, that's ZFGC for you. They lurk moar.
To be honest, it's really not that noteworthy of a topic.  It's a nice avatar, but there's not really much to discuss, is there?

It seems whoever changed the word filters has changed them back.

Updates / Re: Notice: Reason for the disappearing post counts.
« on: June 14, 2008, 07:24:16 pm »
To be honest I actually agree with 4Sword here.  He made valid points, and I don't view his post as being confrontational really. 

Entertainment / Re: Star Trek TNG Rap
« on: June 07, 2008, 03:49:09 am »
...did I ever mention I love you 4Sword? 
* DanTheMan saves to his hard drive.  Twice. 

Other Projects / Re: The Guardian
« on: June 07, 2008, 01:20:32 am »
Not to nitpick, but I'm gonna need to ask you to read the WIP forum rules here - http://www.zfgc.com/forum/index.php?topic=23771.0

Specifically just rules 4 and 5, which shouldn't be too much trouble. 

Thanks, and good luck with the game.

Entertainment / Re: Brawl Taunts
« on: June 05, 2008, 11:33:43 pm »
My friend showed these to me yesterday completely separate from this thread, oddly enough.  Friggin hilarious.

"First rule of furfaggotry:  you don't recover" XD

Feedback / Re: Brawl Tourney.
« on: June 05, 2008, 11:26:32 pm »
I'm so proud to be the sole Lucario (Feel the power of Aura! Kamehame-ha! What's his power level? It's over 9000!!! Ok I'll stop. >.>)

Heh, this is off-topic, but my friend has this theory that in any 4-player match between random players, 4 out of 5 times there will be at least one Lucario.  Glad to see this won't be the case for this one (though of course the surge of Toon Links is to be expected, as it is ZFGC after all).  If I was in this tourney I would probably play as Lucario as well.

lol I think for everyone's benefit they should play some random online matches these next few days leading up to the tourny so they can get used to the possibility of lag. I've learned that even the slightest lag can REALLY throw off your timing so you go from ass kicking to noob pretty easily but after a few rounds you can get used to this.

Good advice.

Discussion / Re: Tile Set Optimizer
« on: June 02, 2008, 06:30:12 am »
I've got v2.1 here, attached to this post.

Does Windy not have copies of the program anymore?

Feedback / Re: An idea for an award.
« on: June 02, 2008, 05:20:32 am »
Well that's what I get for resizing it to 50% and then back up to 100% in Paint.  Either way, the topic in question probably isn't all that secret anymore anyway, so it doesn't matter if you can read some of it.

Well... How about an online Zelda: Four Swords?

I think that would rock.
Someone tried it here at ZFGC long ago, got as far as a working demo at least.  No clue where it headed after that, or who the creator was.

And are we all so quick to forget Oracle of Life?  (relating to Zelda MMO in general, not FS)

Entertainment / Re: R4 DS
« on: June 02, 2008, 04:13:30 am »
I just bought an N5 Revolution.
Bad move, the N5 is a cheap R4 clone that's been known to actually break DS systems (how, I have no friggin clue). 

The couple places I went to in pacific mall (most of you probably haven't heard of it... it's like an all out chinese mall) said that the R4 is discontinued.
Dunno about that one, though it's a bit harder to find nowadays.

The R4 isn't necessarily bad, it's just outdated with all the newer carts on the market (SDHC support being the main feature the R4 lacks).  For a new user, I'd recommend looking into the CycloDS Evolution, Supercard DS, and Acekard (either v2 or R.P.G.).  The SCDS has the most features, with the CycloDS Evo coming in at a very close second.  For homebrew, they're all about the same, though the SCDS has more stable soft-reset patching for homebrew programs than the current CycloDS Evolution beta firmware. 

Entertainment / Re: Super Mario RPG coming to Virtual Console
« on: June 02, 2008, 04:06:37 am »
And I just put it on my PSP. Meh, it'll run better on the Wii.
Make sure you're using the speedhacks I created so SMRPG runs faster.  From my understanding they make the game much more playable.  Rather than guiding you through the process of adding the patch to your speedhack database, I'll just link you to the one you need:  http://danthemanms.googlepages.com/snesadvance.dat

Download it, replace your current snesadvance.dat file with it, and have fun playing. 

On-topic:  excellent news for an excellent game.  Shame it's Japan-only right now.

Entertainment / Re: Pokemon Odd Question
« on: June 02, 2008, 03:57:22 am »
See, my friends and I were recently discussing something similar.  We came to the conclusion that Pokemon simply WOULD NOT WORK in the real world.  For one thing, every female would have a Likitung (you can figure out why >_>).  But yeah, it's issues like that, plus the fact that you KNOW the rules wouldn't be followed.  Screw the "no killing" rule or "only 6 Pokemon per battle" or "no attacking the trainer" or "no capturing another trainer's Pokemon" or... you get the point.  None would be followed.

To be honest, I like the idea of having sentient animals that are semi-intelligent and can interact with humans on a level higher than that of normal house pets.  It would actually be comforting IMO.  Yet at the same time I know that if they actually existed they would be abused to no end.  They'd become weapons, tools of terror, and the world would turn into chaos.

And I'm slightly ashamed for half-wishing they were real.  At least I'm not as crazy as those Pokeclipse guys, hehe.

Feedback / Re: An idea for an award.
« on: June 02, 2008, 02:56:23 am »
Hehe, sometime around when 4Sword and I were first made staff members, he made a friggin huge post in the staff boards, which I then screenshotted and blurred for confidentiality. 


Wall of text much?  XD

Wasn't Graal originally based on Zelda but was then forced to change?

There was once an MMORPG based off the PlayerWorlds engine called Links of the Realm, which then died and led to Zelda Worlds, which died and was revived as ZeldaWorlds Ice before finally dying entirely.  The guy who hosted the second half of these then started his own MMO without the use of PlayerWorlds at all called Tales of Hyrule, which is hosted at http://toh.dvondrake.com/index.php

I do not know of ToH is still online or how well it works.  I broke ties with Dvondrake when ZeldaWorlds Ice died, as I finally had enough of it all.  Still, I'd check it out nonetheless, it might be fun to pass the time for a while.

Entertainment / Re: Mario and Zelda Big Band Performance
« on: May 29, 2008, 03:48:32 am »
Pretty good.  Not my favorite renditions of the songs ever, but not bad at all.

A marching band nearby did Nintendo themes my freshman year.  Granted, I can't recognize half of them, but it was still a fun show to watch. 

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