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Messages - joeshmo

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Other Discussion / Re: Hard drive= dead I beleive
« on: September 17, 2006, 06:13:07 am »
I wouldn't recommend using another partition on the hard drive to backup, especially if you'll be reformatting.  Do you have another computer that's hooked up to your home network?  Try using the Samba network program on your LiveCD and copy and paste all your data to another computer's hard drive through the network.  Or disconnect the other computer's hard drive and plug it into yours as a slave drive, copying over all your files to it.  I once had to use Knoppix to reformat, and based on my experiences, I would recommend the network option over the slave drive method, since for some reason the version of Knoppix I used didn't have native support for writing to NTFS partitions, yet the Samba network program could copy and paste all my files to the other computer's NTFS partition.  Strange indeed.

Of course, if you can read from the drive, you can always burn CDs or DVDs for backups.  It would take many DVDs, and even more CDs, but it could be done.  You may want to omit the porn though if you choose this method. 
Well, we have a laptop with a 40 gig, my dad's computer with a 160 gig, but his is running a version of linux that is helplessly outdated, or was, We may have updated but I'm not sure. Well, thanks for the tip.

Other Discussion / Hard drive= dead I beleive
« on: September 17, 2006, 01:47:04 am »
Hey guys, my hardrive with windows on it has a corrupted format, or so I am told, and cannot be fixed without reformating and reformating would lose all 90 out of 160 gigs of data! This includes 32 gigs of porn! I can access but not write it from live cd, is it possible to make a new NTFS partition and copy over my vital folders and make it my active partition?

Other Discussion / Re: So I made my Kickass computer last weekend...
« on: September 17, 2006, 01:42:46 am »
man... I don't know what I'd do for a PC like that...  I could get probably more power out of it than most people, learning from using this PC with 533MHz for so long :P
533Mhz is like... fast compared to a 270mhz with 100mb of ram.

Other Discussion / Re: Guess whos using ArkLinux with KDE?
« on: September 16, 2006, 04:17:12 am »
Linux is useless for me as it can't mount NTFS without 3rd party.

Entertainment / Re: Who here plays maplestory???
« on: September 14, 2006, 09:15:44 pm »
Yay, I play this game quite a bit now and can heck quite well.

Other Discussion / Re: Wii release date and price!!!!
« on: September 14, 2006, 08:44:17 pm »
I didn't see the Release date anywhere. And WTF, bateries? I'm going to rig mine to be rechargable.

Other Discussion / Re: Windows restarts before login screen.
« on: September 13, 2006, 07:28:15 pm »
Well, reformating is an impossibility until I get a at least 80 gig hard drive, I will not install linux as the only reason I want to keep my files is for use of windows, and I couldn't install linux over it anyway as I can't partition it.

Other Discussion / Re: Guess whos browsing on his 1.5 psp, without wipeout?
« on: September 13, 2006, 01:34:03 am »
Yeah.... do you mean javascript support? Cause PHP is server side. All browsers support it.

Other Discussion / Windows restarts before login screen.
« on: September 13, 2006, 01:33:00 am »
Hey guys, its joeshmo again. I've been having some technical problems. Here we go: Ok, so one day I pressed turn on in windows and left, the next day my computer is still on. So I turn the monitor back on and it says; Windows has run out of registry space and will not accept any more registry space commands or something of the sort. Since I didn't need my computer at the moment, I turned it on. I come home from school, turn it on and after it is finished booting and when its almost at the login screen, the computer reboots. I booted in safe mode, same thing. I messed with bios, same thing. So eventually I booted my version of livecd ubuntu linux. I get in, mount my harddrive with read write permissions in root, and view it. My hard drive is viewable but I cannot modify any files. I don't know what to replace even if I could modify files. I think its a problem with kernel32.dll . By this point, I was very scared. I got some packages for linux to write to NTFS format but they wouldn't work. So I found my windows backup DVD and popped it in and restarted. I got into DOS and I was in the A drive, which was natural because my dvd drive is A:. So I type: CD C:. It says: Drive not found, or something of the sort. so I try CD C:\, CD C:/ CD c: . None of which work, they all give me an error message. So I go to D: drive, my floppy drive and it works fine. I wanted to run chkdsk, so I type: chkdsk C: . It still can't find the drive. So what can I do? I think that my NTFS partition may be screwed, but I need a new hard drive to back up onto. I don't see how my NTFS could have been screwed up. The registry error is the only problem I found. But if it was, it wouldn't be accessable with linux or the windows boot process. It may also be my power suply, but I doubt it because linux still runs. What else could it be? Help is apreciated, thank you.

Discussion / Re: Rated $ for Cash
« on: August 22, 2006, 05:50:43 am »
A first person shooter.

Other Discussion / Re: Solar powered cars?
« on: August 22, 2006, 03:19:45 am »
How about bio-diesel?

Other Discussion / Re: My school is better than yours. XD
« on: August 20, 2006, 07:04:28 pm »
right tools.

oh so everything is done automatically for you? You're now labeled as "script kiddie".
Meaning an operating system that supports it and the correct lan adapters n_n. LiveCD linux is helpful too.
Any operating system works. As long as it supports sending out raw packets (which it should as long as it has network drivers). LAN adapters are unnecessary, what they would do is literally what you could do in your computer in software. I don't understand why you would want to boot a Linux LiveCD when you can use any other operating system on your HDD (which I assume you have) which is much faster.
To get around Windows XP Password protection among other things. And plus, If you are using a WLAN card you will need the 2750 adapters for most operating systems. Also, booting off livecd on another computer on the lan is faster and esier than booting via LAN.
You don't boot via lan (you don't even boot more than your own computer (well duh), and then you don't boot a livecd, because it's faster to boot a normal Linux installation, or any other OS for that matter). You never even see the Password screen if you are really good and smart (or you make the owner write in the password for you). And, no, you don't need 2750 adapters to use a WLAN card, it is often placed just as normal ethernet cards are. Also, what kind of hardware you use doesn't matter, it's all wrapped in the OS so you don't have to send anything more than normal data and the OS fixes the rest.

Are you actually talking about using one computer to reach another computer on the network anyway?
Sorry, not boot from lan, I mean read from lan. CD rom drives and hard drives have faster read speed than most Lan connections, and I was talking of the wireless USB adatpders, like the belkin 54g usb. And yes, you can boot windows in safe mode or command prompt to get rid of the password screen but linux is more fun =P
You have to read from the lan anyway! Just because you boot your computer in another way doesn't make the LAN faster! If anything it will go slower because since the CD rom drive isn't as fast as the processor at all times you will execute network drivers more slowly and the net will go slower (and the whole computer in general). And you can't boot the victims computer without a long stick, which would be cheating. You can make it reboot however, but at the time you can do that and make it force-boot into safemode you are already in the computer so why bother? It would be like a burglar breaking the window to get in and then unlock the door and then jump out the window again to then open the door normally: pointless/10. And lastly, one thing for sure is that you can't make the computer boot linux unless it's installed, or you actually physically (cheating) change the computers bios to boot a NFS partition which contains Linux. And I don't see what's the point doing that anyway.
It's not the computer thats slower, its the fact that you load from the CD rom drive and use your ram alot more than normal. And I wasn't talking for lan stuff with linux, I'm talkin once you're on the computer and it has a password system installed. Thats what LiveCd is for. Also, you can make a computer boot linux without having it installed, thats the whole point of livecd. You boot from CD.
Yeah, but WHY!? o.O; Why would you want to boot from a liveCD? It doesn't help you at all. It just make the computer going slower.
And the computer goes slower because it runs from the CD rom yes but the ram is used almost just as much (no bigger difference there). The CD rom is too slow so that whatever processor you have you can't execute code faster than it can read it (and CD-roms are relatively slow).
Password system? WTH? o.O What does it have to do with LiveCD or anything for that matter?
My school has a security system that does not let you access most of the main C:\ drive or any hard drive without admin privelages, so if i boot from livecd, I get admin privalages and can mess with files all I want. Also it has a student password thing that annoys me. Plus, if you are using a livecd image of linux, you should use the copy2ram function so its faster.
Oh. You meant on that kind of network! Good luck booting a LiveCD though. I don't think the BIOS lack password. And you need to change boot options in BIOS to boot a LiveCD.
And yes, I'm aware of the copy2ram boot option. It however, is still not as fast as HDD since not everything is copied to ram, and you have to wait for it to copy (which take some time, maybe more than 5 minutes).

EDIT: or wait! You have you own computer where you can boot Linux? Connected to the school network through WLAN?
Occasionaly yes, I do have my own computer. You don't need to heck bios, just press Alt+S. It should do it automatically though.

Other Discussion / Re: My school is better than yours. XD
« on: August 20, 2006, 06:21:31 pm »
right tools.

oh so everything is done automatically for you? You're now labeled as "script kiddie".
Meaning an operating system that supports it and the correct lan adapters n_n. LiveCD linux is helpful too.
Any operating system works. As long as it supports sending out raw packets (which it should as long as it has network drivers). LAN adapters are unnecessary, what they would do is literally what you could do in your computer in software. I don't understand why you would want to boot a Linux LiveCD when you can use any other operating system on your HDD (which I assume you have) which is much faster.
To get around Windows XP Password protection among other things. And plus, If you are using a WLAN card you will need the 2750 adapters for most operating systems. Also, booting off livecd on another computer on the lan is faster and esier than booting via LAN.
You don't boot via lan (you don't even boot more than your own computer (well duh), and then you don't boot a livecd, because it's faster to boot a normal Linux installation, or any other OS for that matter). You never even see the Password screen if you are really good and smart (or you make the owner write in the password for you). And, no, you don't need 2750 adapters to use a WLAN card, it is often placed just as normal ethernet cards are. Also, what kind of hardware you use doesn't matter, it's all wrapped in the OS so you don't have to send anything more than normal data and the OS fixes the rest.

Are you actually talking about using one computer to reach another computer on the network anyway?
Sorry, not boot from lan, I mean read from lan. CD rom drives and hard drives have faster read speed than most Lan connections, and I was talking of the wireless USB adatpders, like the belkin 54g usb. And yes, you can boot windows in safe mode or command prompt to get rid of the password screen but linux is more fun =P
You have to read from the lan anyway! Just because you boot your computer in another way doesn't make the LAN faster! If anything it will go slower because since the CD rom drive isn't as fast as the processor at all times you will execute network drivers more slowly and the net will go slower (and the whole computer in general). And you can't boot the victims computer without a long stick, which would be cheating. You can make it reboot however, but at the time you can do that and make it force-boot into safemode you are already in the computer so why bother? It would be like a burglar breaking the window to get in and then unlock the door and then jump out the window again to then open the door normally: pointless/10. And lastly, one thing for sure is that you can't make the computer boot linux unless it's installed, or you actually physically (cheating) change the computers bios to boot a NFS partition which contains Linux. And I don't see what's the point doing that anyway.
It's not the computer thats slower, its the fact that you load from the CD rom drive and use your ram alot more than normal. And I wasn't talking for lan stuff with linux, I'm talkin once you're on the computer and it has a password system installed. Thats what LiveCd is for. Also, you can make a computer boot linux without having it installed, thats the whole point of livecd. You boot from CD.
Yeah, but WHY!? o.O; Why would you want to boot from a liveCD? It doesn't help you at all. It just make the computer going slower.
And the computer goes slower because it runs from the CD rom yes but the ram is used almost just as much (no bigger difference there). The CD rom is too slow so that whatever processor you have you can't execute code faster than it can read it (and CD-roms are relatively slow).
Password system? WTH? o.O What does it have to do with LiveCD or anything for that matter?
My school has a security system that does not let you access most of the main C:\ drive or any hard drive without admin privelages, so if i boot from livecd, I get admin privalages and can mess with files all I want. Also it has a student password thing that annoys me. Plus, if you are using a livecd image of linux, you should use the copy2ram function so its faster.

Other Discussion / Re: My school is better than yours. XD
« on: August 20, 2006, 05:57:49 pm »
right tools.

oh so everything is done automatically for you? You're now labeled as "script kiddie".
Meaning an operating system that supports it and the correct lan adapters n_n. LiveCD linux is helpful too.
Any operating system works. As long as it supports sending out raw packets (which it should as long as it has network drivers). LAN adapters are unnecessary, what they would do is literally what you could do in your computer in software. I don't understand why you would want to boot a Linux LiveCD when you can use any other operating system on your HDD (which I assume you have) which is much faster.
To get around Windows XP Password protection among other things. And plus, If you are using a WLAN card you will need the 2750 adapters for most operating systems. Also, booting off livecd on another computer on the lan is faster and esier than booting via LAN.
You don't boot via lan (you don't even boot more than your own computer (well duh), and then you don't boot a livecd, because it's faster to boot a normal Linux installation, or any other OS for that matter). You never even see the Password screen if you are really good and smart (or you make the owner write in the password for you). And, no, you don't need 2750 adapters to use a WLAN card, it is often placed just as normal ethernet cards are. Also, what kind of hardware you use doesn't matter, it's all wrapped in the OS so you don't have to send anything more than normal data and the OS fixes the rest.

Are you actually talking about using one computer to reach another computer on the network anyway?
Sorry, not boot from lan, I mean read from lan. CD rom drives and hard drives have faster read speed than most Lan connections, and I was talking of the wireless USB adatpders, like the belkin 54g usb. And yes, you can boot windows in safe mode or command prompt to get rid of the password screen but linux is more fun =P
You have to read from the lan anyway! Just because you boot your computer in another way doesn't make the LAN faster! If anything it will go slower because since the CD rom drive isn't as fast as the processor at all times you will execute network drivers more slowly and the net will go slower (and the whole computer in general). And you can't boot the victims computer without a long stick, which would be cheating. You can make it reboot however, but at the time you can do that and make it force-boot into safemode you are already in the computer so why bother? It would be like a burglar breaking the window to get in and then unlock the door and then jump out the window again to then open the door normally: pointless/10. And lastly, one thing for sure is that you can't make the computer boot linux unless it's installed, or you actually physically (cheating) change the computers bios to boot a NFS partition which contains Linux. And I don't see what's the point doing that anyway.
It's not the computer thats slower, its the fact that you load from the CD rom drive and use your ram alot more than normal. And I wasn't talking for lan stuff with linux, I'm talkin once you're on the computer and it has a password system installed. Thats what LiveCd is for. Also, you can make a computer boot linux without having it installed, thats the whole point of livecd. You boot from CD.

Other Discussion / Re: My school is better than yours. XD
« on: August 20, 2006, 04:41:35 pm »
right tools.

oh so everything is done automatically for you? You're now labeled as "script kiddie".
Meaning an operating system that supports it and the correct lan adapters n_n. LiveCD linux is helpful too.
Any operating system works. As long as it supports sending out raw packets (which it should as long as it has network drivers). LAN adapters are unnecessary, what they would do is literally what you could do in your computer in software. I don't understand why you would want to boot a Linux LiveCD when you can use any other operating system on your HDD (which I assume you have) which is much faster.
To get around Windows XP Password protection among other things. And plus, If you are using a WLAN card you will need the 2750 adapters for most operating systems. Also, booting off livecd on another computer on the lan is faster and esier than booting via LAN.
You don't boot via lan (you don't even boot more than your own computer (well duh), and then you don't boot a livecd, because it's faster to boot a normal Linux installation, or any other OS for that matter). You never even see the Password screen if you are really good and smart (or you make the owner write in the password for you). And, no, you don't need 2750 adapters to use a WLAN card, it is often placed just as normal ethernet cards are. Also, what kind of hardware you use doesn't matter, it's all wrapped in the OS so you don't have to send anything more than normal data and the OS fixes the rest.

Are you actually talking about using one computer to reach another computer on the network anyway?
Sorry, not boot from lan, I mean read from lan. CD rom drives and hard drives have faster read speed than most Lan connections, and I was talking of the wireless USB adatpders, like the belkin 54g usb. And yes, you can boot windows in safe mode or command prompt to get rid of the password screen but linux is more fun =P

Other Discussion / Re: My school is better than yours. XD
« on: August 20, 2006, 04:11:05 pm »
right tools.

oh so everything is done automatically for you? You're now labeled as "script kiddie".
Meaning an operating system that supports it and the correct lan adapters n_n. LiveCD linux is helpful too.
Any operating system works. As long as it supports sending out raw packets (which it should as long as it has network drivers). LAN adapters are unnecessary, what they would do is literally what you could do in your computer in software. I don't understand why you would want to boot a Linux LiveCD when you can use any other operating system on your HDD (which I assume you have) which is much faster.
To get around Windows XP Password protection among other things. And plus, If you are using a WLAN card you will need the 2750 adapters for most operating systems. Also, booting off livecd on another computer on the lan is faster and esier than booting via LAN.

Other Discussion / Re: My school is better than yours. XD
« on: August 20, 2006, 03:43:42 pm »
right tools.

oh so everything is done automatically for you? You're now labeled as "script kiddie".
Meaning an operating system that supports it and the correct lan adapters n_n. LiveCD linux is helpful too.

Other Discussion / Re: The most pointless accessory for the Nintendo DS.
« on: August 20, 2006, 03:41:45 pm »
I want one!

Other Discussion / Re: New Boots! (lots of pics, low bandwidth beware)
« on: August 20, 2006, 11:14:43 am »
I'm a typical american, so football or futball= american football. Not soccer. Its silly, I know.

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