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Messages - Vandavil

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 39
Go with the original IP decision. Seriously. A fan game won't bring you bread to your house (you do it because you like doing it, not for the money).

Like you said, you'd be stupid to let this chance pass you by. If anything, someone can heck your original version into a Zelda themed version. It can happen. Just look at the thriving romhacking community... And some of them probably do simple graphic hacks just for their own amusement. So go with the original IP... someone else will make sure we get "Zelda" Shadowgazer.

He took the chance, but then it turned out it was never going to happen, so he's asking himself whether to go for a fan game or stick with the Zelda.

Just remember, if you go with the original, it'd be of great assistance if you gave some sprites and coding to the community project.

Do you still have the Zelda version of the shadowgazer? All the stuff you were up to when you left with zelda stuff? If so I think a latest demo of that game and a demo of the new non-zelda game, to help people with their choice.

If you no longer have the zelda file, then go with whatever you are closest too in terms of music and graphics and gameplay. If most of your graphics, music, and basic gameplay (ie. items and that) are all still Zelda, go for Zelda. If they're mostly this new project, go for the new project.

Most people believe this project to be able to 'save' ZFGC. If you go with the un-Zeldarised project you could maybe donate some of your programming and etc. to the community project in order to help with a new fantastic zfgc project. ;) No pressure either way, though, I reckon either way you go this game will still be fantastic.

Other Projects / Re: [DEMO] Chronicles of Orenna - Crystal Blade
« on: March 07, 2009, 08:55:27 am »
There will be an option to reduce the darkness in the Settings. It will go as a %.

Maybe in important-vision spots (Boss fights, treasure digging) you should have some light source around such as a torch to fix this problem, and also have some amount of dim light in cities, made by oil lamps in the street. While in open plains there is no light.

Entertainment / Re: Drunk Japanese Guy Explains Super Mario Land
« on: March 06, 2009, 11:58:53 am »
!@#$% hilarious at the end boss. Also talking about the gomba, breaking windows. Also at the end of a level when he was like '!@#$% you. No. No !@#$% You. Unfuck you'

Graphics / Re: I Drawed a Dragon
« on: February 28, 2009, 10:46:46 am »
Dragon looks buff, though his 'forearm' is bigger then his 'bicep'

Graphics / Re: Metal Gear Solid: VR Missions Boxart
« on: February 22, 2009, 04:32:45 am »
But the case still looks like a screenshot, Games shouldn't have a screenshot as their cover, they should have them on the back to show gameplay, and have the main character's art on the front along with a fitting background setting, such as in Super Mario Galaxy, it has Mario in space, it kinda looks like a screenshot, but it isn't, and atrracts attention.

I'll help set it up, but I'l need people to help with graphics (for brackets, etc.) is I do.

Previous Matches / Re: [FINAL DESTINATION] Jar vs. The Fartriloquist
« on: February 11, 2009, 10:45:56 am »
And The Winner is JAR! In an amazing anti-climax of the whole character competition.

Entertainment / Re: 2 Virtual Console RPGs. Which one should I get.
« on: February 07, 2009, 11:42:40 am »
Flip a Coin.

Honestly; I would have handled this the same way the last tie was... Leave it open for another day and see the votes henceforth...



Agreed! Who's with me?! Let's start a revolution against the communist people in charge of this contest and uphold the principles of a fair democracy!
I'm up for another revolution. Let's go fight for justice.

Zelda Projects / Re: [DEMO]The Legend of Zelda : Ocarina of Time 2D
« on: January 25, 2009, 06:44:00 am »
The Skullwalltulas look too big for that dungeon, and there is too much blank space.

Entertainment / Re: A book I bought is missing the last 50 pages
« on: January 23, 2009, 10:49:03 am »
This topic proves that you just shouldn't buy books
Buy books? Yes, probably. Libraries exist for a reason I suppose.

Read books? *Kills FISSURE*

But with some types of books, such as a book series really long (Wheel of Time lol) you should because everything is inter-related and I have to keep flicking back and forth through them to figure out where one guy comes from etc. Such as a character coming back from two or three books back.

Graphics / Re: Solochrome
« on: January 23, 2009, 10:26:37 am »
It reminds me of NiGHTS without a fancy hat and legs. But yeah, I like the concept. It's pretty neat.

Ooh!  Give him a tophat!

I will later today after school. :)

Him? but the pube-Triangle indicates it's a girl. O_o

Entertainment / Re: Bands I personally detest
« on: January 17, 2009, 10:55:59 am »
Panic at the disco and My Chemical Romance come to mind here.

For bands I like (covers before is shot) are Dragonforce, Killers, and old school (ACDC, etc.)

Entertainment / Re: A book I bought is missing the last 50 pages
« on: January 17, 2009, 10:50:17 am »
Book sounds good, although I don't think leaving the world because there is the inevitable stupidity (Only two infinites in the universe, the universe and stupidity, or however it goes) is very rational, although it may just be a metaphor for when the people who were used to work and solving problems essentially die out and leave people who can't handle something that goes wrong... I'll have to put it on 'The list'

Also, I'm sure you could find another library to copy down those last fifty or so pages. ;)

Feedback / Re: [Suggestion] Donation button
« on: December 23, 2008, 11:08:51 am »
I'm sure if people want to donate, then you could get into contact with the bill payers and donate via paypal or something. Wikipedia's donation thing is starting to !@#$% me off. Don't let it happen here. If you feel guilty, just unblock the ads and click on them a couple of times now and then. Doesn't hurt, and you still donate to the site. ;)

I'm sure the administrators are now going to kill me for trying to stop a donation. :P

I hope we get a tie... the great white fishu! (if anything happens like last year) then we can have the great dude fishu! etc.

ZFGC Character Competition 2008 / Re: PLACE YOUR BETS
« on: December 22, 2008, 09:47:15 pm »
^-^ heartwarming responses. You guys are awesome.
By all means, vote for Fishu if you think he's better, because the best character should win in the end, not the one who people feel most sorry for.

Fishu was taken from the joke spam-mod poll and put into the competition, you made your guy up, and he has the longest story by far! That's worth my vote.

ZFGC Character Competition 2008 / Re: To everyone who's whining:
« on: December 22, 2008, 08:00:19 am »
Thanks Min, as it seems walnut can't. :P He forgot about the other two matches to take place before the finals. Walnut, we have the prelims, which take it to 8 contestents, then the next round to take it to 4, then another to take it to two, then the GF for the winner. :P

ZFGC Character Competition 2008 / Re: To everyone who's whining:
« on: December 22, 2008, 01:16:15 am »
With this plan... round 2 will take 20-16 days, another 12 for the rest of prelims, another 10-8 at least for semi's and another 4-5 for the grand final match...

All together, 40-47 days more to go, Character Competition 2008 ends in Febuary 2009.

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