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Messages - Siri

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Entertainment / Re: Good evening, ZFGC.
« on: March 27, 2009, 12:02:12 am »
if you like funny movies:
Hot Fuzz

Hot Fuzz <3

Also Shaun of the Dead, same people. Heh.

Got those to now :). Thanks for the recommendations. I actually watched Shaun of the Dead earlier.. it's really funny. I like the one part where they see the first zombie in the one backyard. I lol'd so hard at that. I can't wait to see what Hot Fuzz is about because my brother used to always talk about it.
Hot fuzz is too good :D
Shaun of the dead is pretty funny as well.
Hot Fuzz is just about the funniest movie ever made. <3

Entertainment / Re: Good evening, ZFGC.
« on: March 26, 2009, 03:43:27 pm »
if you like funny movies:
Hot Fuzz

Hot Fuzz <3

Also Shaun of the Dead, same people. Heh.

And because I'm a girl, I gotta tell you about a really cheesy giirrrrly movie.
Le fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain - really charming one.  ;w;

Graphics / Re: Some Photographyy.
« on: January 15, 2009, 08:31:24 pm »
Especially the shots of the last person are just incredible.
You've got quite a talent there! O:

Ahhh I'll try not to say anything too subjective, since I am a huuuge fan of  Coldplay... hm.

Not gonna talk about Talk & Computer Love, as it was said, that was openly admitted to be inspired by it.

Concerning Viva La Vida, there are thousands of songs out there that sound pretty similar to others. Maybe they stole it. Maybe they didn't.
I can't count how many times it has happened to me that I wrote something, let it be a story, a poem or song, and later found out that it sounded pretty much like something else. Sometimes something I loved and got inspired by without realising it, but sometimes it wasn't even something I knew, and only found out about it afterwards.
What I'm trying to say this, things like that happen. To anyone. And Viva La Vida is still one of Coldplay's best songs, imo, and although it might sound a tiny bit like that other song there, it's still completely different. It's still "Coldplay".

Anyhow, even if they stole, I'll admit it sucks - but that's not gonna stop me from loving them and their music.

Entertainment / Re: I'm singing, I'm singing!!
« on: December 23, 2008, 08:51:53 pm »
Whee, someone likes it!
Thanks.  XD

ZFGC Character Competition 2008 / Re: To everyone who's whining:
« on: December 23, 2008, 08:32:01 pm »
I really enjoyed last year's competition, it was great fun, everyone HAD fun.

I remember some fun was had with a certian toaster. Oh hohoho.
<3 gotta love Toaster Boy ;-;

Gaaawd, what the !@#$% is wrong with (some of) you.
Things like that make me realize how MUCH ZFGC has actually changed.

I really enjoyed last year's competition, it was great fun, everyone HAD fun.
This year people are moaning and bitching as if they had nothing else to do in their spare time.

I know some things around here didn't go too well lately, I don't agree with some, maybe most of the changes the staff has done so far (I know I didn't voice my opinion on any of them, but... yeh.)... but, WHAT THE !@#$%. This is just a Character Competition, nothing that will change the face of ZFGC forever, nothing major, just a COMPETITION that is run differently then the year(s) before.
Even if this and that and whatever had been so wonderfully done last year and in your personal opinion this year's planning is crappy as hell, this is ONE thing where you should just LET THEM BE.
Don't take every tiny occasion to !@#$% about stuff.


Marry me?

People are complaining about the competition?

Hmm, guess i should come to the competition board more, what is there to complain about? Last year's competition was fun, no one complained, no one whined, what happened?

What are people complaining about?
Well, yeah. That everything is going too slow, the votes shouldn't be made public,...

ZFGC Character Competition 2008 / Re: To everyone who's whining:
« on: December 23, 2008, 12:26:24 am »
Gaaawd, what the !@#$% is wrong with (some of) you.
Things like that make me realize how MUCH ZFGC has actually changed.

I really enjoyed last year's competition, it was great fun, everyone HAD fun.
This year people are moaning and bitching as if they had nothing else to do in their spare time.

I know some things around here didn't go too well lately, I don't agree with some, maybe most of the changes the staff has done so far (I know I didn't voice my opinion on any of them, but... yeh.)... but, WHAT THE !@#$%. This is just a Character Competition, nothing that will change the face of ZFGC forever, nothing major, just a COMPETITION that is run differently then the year(s) before.
Even if this and that and whatever had been so wonderfully done last year and in your personal opinion this year's planning is crappy as hell, this is ONE thing where you should just LET THEM BE.
Don't take every tiny occasion to !@#$% about stuff.


Entertainment / I'm singing, I'm singing!!
« on: December 21, 2008, 12:24:33 am »
Weeell. Last Tuesday, my school's choir (that I'm in) had a performance at a Christmas concert, with songs absolutely -not- related to Christmas. Yeh.

My sister recorded the whole thing and I thought I'd share one of the songs that I recently uploaded.
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0-2cxtx0R4I" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0-2cxtx0R4I</a>
It's crappy quality, dark, and the video itself has some... bugs. Sorry for that.

I'm the second from right, the one that's singing the second voice.
Well, actually I wasn't the only one singing the second voice. But the only one you can hear.
One of the others was standing BEHIND ME (way too far away from the mic) and the other one next to me was singing too quietly and... out of tune anyway.

Also feel free to check out my other song recordings on YouTube. One (the Micky Green cover) including me talking with a terrible, terrible accent. :x

Other Discussion / Re: Ugh, my right side felt like it popped
« on: December 10, 2008, 06:48:53 pm »
Okay, am I the only one that read "Ugh, my right side felt like it pooped?"

Anway, uhm... ouch.
Good luck with that. :/

Other Discussion / Re: Whats your life goal(s).
« on: December 08, 2008, 10:36:49 pm »
1. Be on a stage. I don't really care if it's as an actress or a singer, or a comedian or whatnot. I just wanna be on stage, doing the things I love, and be able to share that with an audience.
2. Find a "significant other". I can't see myself marrying someone, nor having children, but I want to be able to share my life with someone.
3. See the world. I want to travel, see places, meet people. England, Ireland, France, New Zealand, Japan, Iceland, Norway, Sweden... maaaybe the USA.

That's all I can think of right now.

Other Discussion / Re: 8th of December is not christmas.
« on: December 08, 2008, 10:30:10 pm »
bah humbug
/bah humbug

But srsly TDJ, lighten the !@#$% up. It's a frigging international end-of-year holiday, god forbid people make their houses look nice to lighten things up a little. Decorations, that is, fairy lights here and there, make you feel warm- don't deny it. It's nice when everything's grey, it makes things bearable. And don't pretend to feel sorry for Mr. Man in the decorated house because he's stressed about buying presents- for all you know he could easily be happy. People help eachother buy presents. But I do agree, Christmas songs suck balls.

So stop complaining about Christmas- you're going to get tons of presents/money that you're going to be happy with. Be a good boy, or you'll get a piece of coal (read: someone will punch you in the face) You have no right to complain about Christmas when it means nothing but fun for you.

To conclude: The shitty aspects of Christmas are tacky decorations plastered all over about one in 1,000 houses, of which one in 1,000 of those are actually completely terrible. The other aspect is the commercial whoring of it. At your age, you should know to ignore that !@#$% if you're above it and not throw a hissy fit over it. Most people don't put decorations up until at least the start of December, and hey, you know that month-long buildup that's completely pointless? It's called Advent. Maybe you should learn about !@#$% before making baseless rants next time.

Although I don't really think I'm looking forward to Christmas this year, for heaven's sake, let people have their fun.
Christmas might have turned into a shitty commercial holiday, but not for everyone.
Christmas might be this one period where everybody pretends to be happy just because "IT'S CHRISTMAS", while usually they would rip each others heads off. But it's not like that for everyone.
For a great deal of people it is a holiday to celebrate the end of the year, with your family and the ones dearest to you. Tell me what is WRONG about that.

You're complaining about 26 days of peace and happiness. What the...

But I have to admit, if anyone puts up Christmas decorations as early as September, or, well, in general, 1st of December, I'm definitely the first to be annoyed.
It's starting earlier every year. I don't want to be singing Christmas carols in July one day. xD

Other Discussion / Re: Dear Canadians...
« on: December 02, 2008, 07:54:18 pm »
Is it possible that every single picture of food that is NOT from a catalogue of a catering business or from the menu of a restaurant looks... well... disgusting?

Also. Poutine.
... what is it?
Never heard of it.

It's in the middle of nowhere, apparently.
At least culinarily.

Other Discussion / Re: What's On Your Christmas Wishlist so far?
« on: December 02, 2008, 07:27:11 pm »
Ugh, now I gotta correct myself.

I want a new laptop! Or a used one! Just... a working one.
My old lappy died on me yesterday. Again. And for good.

Oh Lord.

Other Discussion / Re: What's On Your Christmas Wishlist so far?
« on: November 25, 2008, 07:58:19 pm »
I would say that the female readers of that series are weak and want to be rescued, but then again that is generalizing and condescending - a two-fer for yours truly.  Beyond all the vampire stuff, it is a campy version of Romeo & Juliet sort-of - and really no one can top Shakespeare so if you've read his works, everything else seems a little dull. 

Blargh. I'm so annoyed by those girls.
Uhm, what. Most girls -that I know- behave like that. I can't take them seriously. :/
Aaanndd sad truth, most guys (again, that I know personally ;P) fall for that.

... okay, probably I'm just saying things like that cause I'm nowhere near "small and cute". If I speak at all, I'm loud and weird. Although I have a heckload of insecurities, I would never want to be looked after by someone who puts himself on a higher level than me. Bah.
I cannot understand people who'd do that.

After a break of being a bookworm, I am once again reading lots again, and I feel it would be shameful for me not to read those books. Just so I know what the hype is all about.
Yup, that's why I read it aswell. I wanted to know what I'm talking about when topic comes to Twilight.

Although I have to admit I'm a sucker for anything romantic ...
XD, same, in a way, but still... Twilight... too much... urgh.
Needs more depth. Way. More.

Also, it's kind of weird. Among my friends and all those people at school I've always been the bookworm, the one who'd always read whenever there was a chance, and now, whenever we get reading tasks at school, I simply don't do them, can't concentrate on them or whatever (and some of them are really interersting books!), while everyone else seems to get along fine. Huh. Things change. >_>

... I'm getting WAY too Off-Topic, right? :/

Other Discussion / Re: What's On Your Christmas Wishlist so far?
« on: November 24, 2008, 09:54:07 pm »
So far I only have a list of books I'd like :P at the top is the Twilight series by Stephenie Meyer - it may sound familiar, it's been turned into a film and I believe it is in cinemas in the US now (the UK has to wait til 9th December I think)

Gahh, don't do that to yourself! D:
Okay, I've only read the first one, but... meh. MEHHH.
(Still gonna watch the movie though, I'm always curious what they do with adaptions..)

Side note: it's wonderful to see a female that doesn't like those stupid, stupid books.

Hehe... thanks. :D

So far I only have a list of books I'd like :P at the top is the Twilight series by Stephenie Meyer - it may sound familiar, it's been turned into a film and I believe it is in cinemas in the US now (the UK has to wait til 9th December I think)

Gahh, don't do that to yourself! D:
Okay, I've only read the first one, but... meh. MEHHH.
(Still gonna watch the movie though, I'm always curious what they do with adaptions..)

Side note: it's wonderful to see a female that doesn't like those stupid, stupid books.

Just reading a few summaries on Wikipedia was enough to let me know not to read them. It all sounds so...cliché.

Then again, if I were to write a romance book it'd probably go:
John was a quiet, harmless, but shy man who had always had a thing for his co-worker Jane. He was about to go ask her out in typical bumbling manner, when a ninja appeared out of nowhere and sliced him in two, vertically, straight down the middle with a 6ft Katana. Then, world war three broke out and everybody died in the nuclear fallout. The end.
Summary of Twilight:
Edward: BELLA you're so weak LEMME DO THIS FOR YOU or you'll kill yourself... btw I'm a vampire

... I don't understand why people would like that ;_;
It was "okay" to read, but I really don't understand this huge obsession with the series.

Other Discussion / Re: What's On Your Christmas Wishlist so far?
« on: November 24, 2008, 08:11:46 pm »
So far I only have a list of books I'd like :P at the top is the Twilight series by Stephenie Meyer - it may sound familiar, it's been turned into a film and I believe it is in cinemas in the US now (the UK has to wait til 9th December I think)

Gahh, don't do that to yourself! D:
Okay, I've only read the first one, but... meh. MEHHH.
(Still gonna watch the movie though, I'm always curious what they do with adaptions..)

Anyway... my wishlist?
Nothing. Well, not quite, I told my family I would only want money so I can -really- enjoy my oncoming Berlin trip (last one was great, but it DID kinda bug me that I didn't have much money to really do stuff).

What I want but won't get is a new mp3 player and a decent digital camera. And clothes. Haaaah yeah. Clothes. ;_;

Debates / Re: Depression
« on: November 23, 2008, 01:48:32 pm »
Depression isn't genetic. I'm completely positive it isn't a new condition. Stuff like epilepsy and autism has been around forever, depression has been too, just not categorized.

I never said that society IS evolution, merely that society wants to BEAT evolution, but the stark reality is that we can't stop it.

And you lost me on the technology bit, elaborate some.

Well, I think there is really more than one type of 'depression'.

There is being sad, depressed, something we all go through for a short period (sometimes longer periods) of our life.

Then there is a mental illness, mental illnesses (logically) can be genetic.

Mmmmh... my father had depressions a few years ago, and he went to the hospital for a few months.
He wrote me a looong letter, in which he also explained to me that, yes, it's genetic, but I shouldn't be afraid of "getting it myself", because it just means "I'm just more likely to get depressions than others might be". Or not, even. Uhm, whut. Well, that's how it is with genetic illnesses anyway, right?
I didn't even care that much about it back then. Or about -his- depression.

Of course there are different kinds of it, and of course there are "fake" ones for those who just seek attention, but you never know which kind it is, so I'd be careful.

Entertainment / Re: Songs from your childhood
« on: November 19, 2008, 04:53:17 pm »
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H25lz7gchaw" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H25lz7gchaw</a>

THAT was the first song I thought of when I saw this topic.
It used to be the favourite song of this guy that liked me... back in third grade... awww, sweet times.

Edit: Oh, and of course, got something myself:
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lrtA69G15zk" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lrtA69G15zk</a>

Updates / Re: ZFGC Radio - Broadcasting live from YOUR internet.
« on: November 04, 2008, 10:00:51 pm »
;_; now I'm wishing more than ever that the audio on my laptop would worrrrrrk.

Ohhh yes please. (:
I'm okay with a version without singing, but I'm also curious to hear someone sing it, soo... <3

Record it. Now. GO.
I mean.

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