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Topics - Dark-Hylian

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Mini-Bosses / [Submission]: Magma Serpent: Miniboss of Carbon Mines
« on: June 18, 2012, 05:09:41 pm »
Name: Magma Serpent

HP: 9 (I assume, though the amount dedicated to a mini-boss might be different.)

Location: Mini-boss or Boss of the Carbon Mines (There might be some later, which you can use the Bomb Cannon on as well).

Description: The Magma Serpent is a creature that lives below the earth, generally in the pools of magma in and around Death Mountain. They are extremely territorial, and will exterminate encroaching threats with extreme prejudice. Their bodies are similar to a Magtail's (WW), but they bear resemblance to a snake or dragon, with fangs and the capacity to spew "venom", in this case, lava. They hate the cold, and if their bodies become to chilled, by wind or water, or simply prolonged time out of lava, they will withdraw before attacking again.

The Fight: The fight with the Magma Serpent takes place based on the amount of heat left in it's body. When it's fully charged, as in when it just surfaces, it will be all bright and glowing cherry red in its lava veins. However, when it attacks with Lava Spit, when you hit it with an Air or Water Cog attack, etc, it will lose some of that heat. Once it runs out of heat, it will turn gray, leaving it vulnerable to an attack. Once hit the appropriate amount of times, it will use Burrow, or retreat to an already existing hole if two already exist. Once it's underground, it will refresh its heat.


   Eruption - 1 HP

The most basic, and easily avoidable of the Magma Serpent's attacks, is the Eruption. Basically, the attack consists of a small explosion of rocks as the creature surfaces, burrowing its way out of the ground at speed. To avoid this attack, simply watch for the preceding animation, and stay out of the way. (Note, it will use this attack a total of two times, leaving two exit holes, after that it will come out of an existing one.)

   Burrow - 1 HP

Similar to the Eruption, the Magma Serpent, after receiving damage or when its body cools, will dive back under the ground, leaving another hole in its wake. This one is slightly more difficult to dodge, as the Magma Serpent gives very little indication of when it will dive, aside from its body's cooling or damage received. To avoid it, you simply have to retreat from the creature once you injure it. It will use this attack once it has run out of heat.

   Lava Spit - 2 HP and Burn

As the Magma Serpent chases you around the room, it will occasionally shoot flaming balls of phlegm at you, which will set a little patch of fire on the ground, and deal damage if it hits you. This attack causes the Magma Serpent to lose heat, and it can only use this attack three times before it will retreat underground.

Player Countermeasures: While fully heated, the Magma Serpent cannot take damage from anything. The goal is to lower it's temperature by either prolonging it's time above the ground, or hitting it with cooling attacks.

   Sword - Hitting it with your sword will bounce it back somewhat, like attacking a Darknut's shield in Minish Cap, thus useful for barring it from entering it's holes. Once it runs out of heat, the sword can be used to deal damage to it until it burrows again. This contact removes 1 heat charge.

   Shield - Blocking / Bashing it with your shield will bounce it back somewhat, like attacking a Darknut's shield in Minish Cap, thus being useful for barring it from entering it's holes. This contact removes 1 heat charge.

  Hookshot - Has no effect

   Bow and Arrows - Shooting the Magma Serpent will bounce it back somewhat, like attacking a Darknut's shield in Minish Cap, thus being useful for barring it from entering it's holes. This contact removes 1 heat charge. Once it runs out of heat, this attack can be used to damage the Magma Serpent.

   Forest Cog - the tornado created by the Forest Cog is incredibly useful against the Magma Serpent, as it removes 4/8 heat charges. It has no effect once it has no heat left, however, except to put out the Lava Spit patches.

   Water Cog - the ring of water created by the Water Cog is incredibly useful against the Magma Serpent, as it removes 4/8 heat charges. It does its appropriate amount of damage once the Magma Serpent has no heat left. It can put out the Lava Spit patches.

A Word from our Sponsors: To clarify a few things:

The Magma Serpent has 8 heat charges. Hitting it with stuff removes a charge, hitting it with a cog removes lots.
Once the Magma Serpent has no heat left, it gets stunned for a few seconds. During this time, you can damage it.
After the stun wears off, it will Burrow again, leaving another potential surfacing point (a la Whack-a-Mole).

I wrote this with the idea of it being the mini-boss, but I realized that it would work just as well as a Boss if a few things were tweaked.

Since you would have the Bomb Cannon, you would be able to injure it like that, by either getting a lucky hit above ground, or dropping it down the right hole as it goes to surface.
Or, if you're planning on using Bomb Flowers, have them usable the same way ^^
Its heat and its health amounts would increase, and it would need another attack, probably a bigger Lava Spit, for when it enraged.
There could even be two of them!

What do you think?

Artwork / Concept Art Thread
« on: November 23, 2011, 03:15:07 am »
Mmkay, I'm personally going to be drawing some stuff from this game, cuz it sounds fun. Anyways, I'll post it here, and everyone else can put theirs here as well, if they draw any.

Bomb Cannon Concept v.1

Coding / [Help Req] Why the hell...?
« on: January 21, 2011, 08:47:54 pm »
     In a small project of mine, I'm attempting to code a side scrolling shooterific game for a friend. I've coded to the best of my ability, but... the code seems to have incredible issues with my choice of arrangement.

     In the code below, state doesn't change for anything except ducking, in which it changes properly. All of ducking works fine, save that you can still jump while doing it, which is a byproduct of the .state not changing. Likewise, the jump sprite is displayed for 1/32 of a second when you do jump, but the state doesn't change. While you walk, it doesn't set the sprite, and for the life of me, I can't figure out why. It's probably some dumb mistake with if else statements that I missed, but I'm completely stumped. Would any of you care to take a shot at it?

Player Step Event
Code: [Select]
if paused=false
// --------------- JUMPING ----------------
gravity_direction = 270;// Sets the direction of the pull of gravity. 270 = down.
if place_free(x,y+1)//
    gravity = 0.5;// set gravity to .5
else //otherwise
    gravity = 0;// set gravity to 0

//  ------- JUMP SPEED --------
if vspeed > 10
    vspeed = 10;
// -------- JUMP KEY ---------
if keyboard_check(vk_up) and !place_free(x,y+1) and state = 0 // If you're pressing down, and not busy...
    state = 1; // State = 1
    jumping = true; // And jumping = true
    vspeed = -6;
else // Otherwise...
    state = 0;// You're not busy
    jumping = false;// You're not jumping.
if state = 0
jumping = false;
if jumping = true // If you are jumping...
        if facing = 90 // and if you're facing Right...
            sprite_index = sprPlayerJumpR; //Sprite = jump Right
        else if facing = 180 // Otherwise if you're facing Left...
            sprite_index = sprPlayerJumpL; // Sprite = jump Left

// --------------- MOVING RIGHT AND LEFT ----------------
if keyboard_check(vk_right) and place_free(x+4,y)// If you're pressing Right, and there's nothing to your right...
    x += 4; // Move to the right some.
    facing = 90; // Facing becomes Right.
    moving = true; // And you start moving.
else // Otherwise...
    moving=false; // You're not moving.
if keyboard_check(vk_left) and place_free(x-4,y)// If you're pressing Left, and there's nothing to your Left...
    x -= 4; //Move Left.
    facing = 180; //Facing becomes Left.
    moving = true; // And you start moving.
else // Otherwise...
    moving = false; // You're not moving.
if moving = true and state = 0 // If you're facing Right, and Moving, see above ^^^, and not busy...
        if facing = 90 // If you're facing Right...
            sprite_index=sprPlayerWalkR; // Show the walking Right sprite.
        else if facing = 180 // But if you're facing Left...
            sprite_index=sprPlayerStandL; // Show that you're standing Left.
if moving = false and state = 0 //Otherwise ^^^^^^^^ if you're not moving, and not busy (ie, jumping or crouching)...
        if facing = 90 //And if you're facing Right...
            sprite_index = sprPlayerStandR; // Sprite = standing right.
        else if facing = 180 //Otherwise if you're facing Left...
            sprite_index = sprPlayerStandL; // Sprite = standing left.
// --------------- DUCKING -----------------
if keyboard_check(vk_down) and state = 0 // If you're pressing down, and not busy...
    state = 2; // State = 2
    ducking = true; // And ducking = true
else // Otherwise...
    state = 0;// You're not busy
    ducking = false;// You're not ducking.
if state = 0
    ducking = false;// State = not busy
if ducking = true // If you are ducking...
        if facing = 90 // and if you're facing Right...
            sprite_index = sprPlayerDuckR; //Sprite = duck Right
        else if facing = 180 // Otherwise if you're facing Left...
            sprite_index = sprPlayerDuckL; // Sprite = duck Left
}// --- Paused }

Collision w/ objFloor

Code: [Select]
if vspeed >=0

if vspeed=0

Graphics / My first drawing...
« on: January 09, 2011, 11:54:48 pm »

^^^^ it's kinda big actually, i think you have to click it.

AAAANYWAYS. I have paint. I have a computer. I have a tablet. I decided to try drawing something. While I'm decent at drawing with pencil and paper, I grossly underestimated how annoying computers are. This took me about an hour and a half, with paper and a pen, it would probably have taken about five minutes. However, I think it has a certain look to it that you can only get on the computer, don't you agree? Sigh, well, the first of probably many to come, it was fun practice and all.

(the mouth / nose suck balls, I got bored xD)


Graphics / [SOLVED][Help wif Candle!] MC style
« on: December 08, 2010, 10:58:57 pm »
Anyone feel like making the fire on this candle better? I absolutely cannot think straight right now, and I can't get it right. If you could, that'd be a big help =)

Stupidity Edit: Nvm... I found fire for it. Thanks x.x

Zelda Projects / Legend of Zelda: Mirror of Stars
« on: December 07, 2010, 11:41:32 pm »
Any and all stuff here, will soon be moved to "there" -----> http://www.wix.com/darkhylian/dawning-hour
Thank you very very much =)

A Star fell from Heaven...
A Golden Star.

The Princess took in the Star...
And the Star took her in.

Now the Star is passed down...
From Queen to Daughter.

   Now, a new Star has fallen.
An evil begins its hunt for the Light, and a Hero must arise to battle it, and protect the Light.
While the evil lurks on the edges of the world, searching and searching, the Hero must find the Key to the Heavens, and ascend to do battle with the great foe.
His quest will take him to the stars and back, as he completes his own hunt to save the Light of Hyrule.

This is the Dawning Hour.

The game begins with a meteorite plummeting to the earth. An evil power (the main bad guy of the game) appears, along with the fallen star, and disperses into the night, loosing an evil cackle. Elsewhere, Princess Zelda, asleep in her castle, tosses and turns in nightmare. The next day, she sends for her friend Link, who lives with his Uncle and Aunt in the Forest Town. Princess Zelda warns Link of her Nightmare, and tells him of an Ancient Prophecy. Link then sets out to stop the evil.

Alright, so. Dawning Hour/Mirror of Stars has 3 real dungeons (and a boss filled last "dungeon"), with one or two more not relevant to the game.

Goron Solarium:

Area:Death Mountain

Item: Bombs

Miniboss: Flare Dancer - A spirit of fire that splits into three smaller entities, and prefers to run, rather than fight.

Boss: Embodied Inferno: Pyral - A demonic spirit of fire that flits between the shadow and the light. Strike before he does!

Rewards: First Key Fragment
   Celestial Compass Map
              Sun's Song - Changes the day to night, and night to day.
              2 Heart Pieces
              1 Heart Container

Description: The Gorons in Death Mountain, whom Link encounters shortly after leaving home, have a temple to the sun at the top of their mountain home. It is a rather dangerous place to go since, recently, evil monsters and the like have started filling it, and lava veins have reopened in it. There are rooms that are quite dark, but more frequently, there are rooms full of painfully bright sunlight. Most of the enemies in this dungeon thrive of heat and fire, or high altitudes. The bombs are quite necessary to traverse this elegent, but hostile environment.

Starpoint Vista:

Area: Lake Hylia

Item: Bow 'n' Arrows


Boss: Midnight Phantom: Stellum - A magician of starlight and ice. You fight this shrouded menace on the top of the tower, beneath the darkened sky.

Rewards: Second Key Fragment    
              Song of the Stars
              2 Heart Pieces
              1 Heart Container

Description: Located in the middle of a misty lake, and only spoken of in rumors and fables, lies a tower. This tower was once a shrine to the heavens, and used to observe the stars and skies above. The tower itself is serene and quiet, shining and resplendant through its mist covering, and reaching up into the cool night. However, enemies of darkness have pervaded the sanctum, and now the gleaming spire casts a shadow of doom on the lake around it. Inside is most likely going to be slick and elegant, with many curves and slopes. Basic color schemes should run along the lines of white, light blue, dark blue, and silver. Most of the enemies inside the hidden tower are icy and cold in nature, or just more accustomed to the darkness.

Tempest Pillar        

Area: Field

Item: Switch Boots

Miniboss: None?

Boss: Hero's Spirit - The skeletal remains of an Ancient Hero, he wears rusty armor and weilds a polished sword.

Rewards: Third Key Fragment
   Access to the Celestial Diorama
              4 Heart Pieces
              Song of the Skies

Description: A tall pillar of old, old stone reaches to the sky, and higher. Inside this tower, unreachable by most, and invisable to more, ancient protectors lie in wait for any who dare face its challenges. Not much of the evil influence has intruded here, leaving just the sheer force of protectors placed by a higher power to defend the way to the heavens. Inside, you'll find skeletons and statues galore, as well as, in the open air segments, birds and bats and the like. Many windy areas exist, and massive pits, so changing of weight is greatly required to get through this dangerous fortress alive.

Celestial Diorama:

Area: Space

Item: None

Minibosses: Celestial Hero-Guard - Equivalent to a Darknut, this spectral knight is a valorous opponent.                    
                 Celestial Flare Dancer - A spirit of fire that splits into three smaller entities, and prefers to run, rather than fight.                
                 Celestial Airrobe - A great magician of air and winds.

Boss: The Darkness Within

*This boss will equate to about the most coding for anything in the game, save Link himself. This boss will no doubt be a pain in the ass, and a victory rush when you finally do manage to overcome the terror that lies inside your own heart.

Rewards: You win!
              Replay Mode!
Description: Deep in the heart of Space itself, floats a churning, twisting, gold temple. Like a planetarium, it holds areas representative of Earth, Fire, Air and Water. Here you will face great challenges, and then proceed to seal away the Darkness forever. Careful though, watch your step! If you fall off here, there's no getting back up. However, this may be one of the most peaceful scenes you will ever see, despite the very ominous and impending danger. The soft glow of the stars fill the pure black, and the gold reflects in their light, as you spin, high above the earth. Take your pick of the rings to enter, and fight the four precursors to the finale, the fight of Destiny.


The Map

The Land of Hyrule consists of five major areas. Each area is home to a focal point, or city. Through use of the Celestial Compass, Link can warp between these points, once he has unlocked them.

The Forest: In the bottom right-hand corner of the map, there is a dense forest. This is Link's hometown, and is one of two areas of Hyrule that doesn't have a dungeon relevant to the storyline.
The Desert: In the bottom left-hand corner of the map, there is a sandy wasteland. This is home to the fierce Gerudo tribes, and their capitol. This is one of two areas of Hyrule that doesn't have a dungeon relevant to the storyline.
The Field: In the center of the map, there is an expanse of field. A star recently landed here, and has caused some upheaval. In the north is Hyrule Town. This area is home to the Sky Dungeon.
The Mountains: In the top right-hand corner of the map, there are tall mountains. The tallest of these is Death Mountain, under which live the Gorons. This area is home to the Sun Dungeon.
The Lake: In the top left-hand corner of the map is a vast lake. Many rumors and legends are associated with this lake, and of a mysterious tower in the middle. This area is home to the Star Dungeon.

The Items

This game includes a few items, not as many as either ALTTP or Minish Cap, but hopefully enough to make it enjoyable. Some of these are included in the following.

Bombs: these explosives are strong enough to shatter rock and blow open doors!
Hero's Bow: this bow shoots arrows with deadly accuracy!
Switch Boots: these boots allow Link to cling to magnetic surfaces and become heavier, or, become as light as a feather and even walk on water!
Celestial Compass: this handy naviagational device allows Link to open portals to places he's been!

What's Unique

Minigames: there will be at least two minigames, one of which involves fishing!
Bunches of Graphics: I plan on spriting / tiling about 75% of the graphics!
Sidequests: there will be a bunch of these, if I get around to them, to make up for lacking in dungeonness.  These come absolute last, the plot, and the epic come first.

Current Credits:

ZFGC Community Project - coding help =)
King Mob - sprites
SinkinDevil - sprites
Miragos - sprites
Nabeshin - Teh Fanart Map!
Anyone else who's influenced this game as of yet =)

Recruitment / Small Projects
« on: November 17, 2010, 11:09:31 pm »
<-- has a bored.

I am relatively adept at spriting in Minish Cap style, and would like something or other to do. This includes spriting (not so much tiling) something from something. I'm great with people NPCs, fairly good at objects, etc. If you have something you want done, or something of that sort, I'll see about spriting it. I'm accepting pretty much anything from any Zelda games, so have at me.


1. It not be too immense, ie, "A OOT Ghoma Spritesheet...". That's a little much. A standing sprite of Ghoma, not so huge, can prolly do.

2. You provide a decent(ish, i know they're hard to come by) screenshot or other artform of said thing.

3. You recognize me as the spriter.

That will be all.

Discussion / Legend of Zelda: Dawning Hour
« on: October 11, 2010, 01:33:45 am »
A Star fell from Heaven...
A Golden Star.

The Princess took in the Star...
And the Star took her in.

Now the Star is passed down...
From Queen to Daughter.

   Now, a new Star has fallen.
An evil begins its hunt for the Light, and a Hero must arise to battle it, and protect the Light.
While the evil lurks on the edges of the world, searching and searching, the Hero must find the Key to the Heavens, and ascend to do battle with the great foe.
His quest will take him to the stars and back, as he completes his own hunt to save the Light of Hyrule.

This is the Dawning Hour.
   The game begins with a meteorite plummeting to the earth. An evil power (the main bad guy of the game) appears, along with the fallen star, and disperses into the night, loosing an evil cackle. Elsewhere, Princess Zelda, asleep in her castle, tosses and turns in nightmare. The next day, she sends for her friend Link, who lives with his Uncle and Aunt in the Forest Town. Princess Zelda warns Link of her Nightmare, and tells him of an Ancient Prophecy. Link then sets out to stop the evil.

Alright, so. Dawning Hour has 3 real dungeons (and a boss filled last "dungeon"), with one or two more not relevant to the game.

Goron Solarium:
Area: Death Mountain
Item: Bombs
Miniboss: Flare Dancer - A spirit of fire that splits into three smaller entities, and prefers to run, rather than fight.
Rewards: First Key Fragment
   Celestial Compass Map
              Sun's Song - Changes the day to night, and night to day.
              2 Heart Pieces
              1 Heart Container

Starpoint Vista:
Area: Lake Hylia
Item: Bow 'n' Arrows
Boss: Midnight Phantom: Stellum - A magician of starlight and ice. You fight this shrouded menace on the top of the tower, beneath the darkened sky.
Rewards: Second Key Fragment     
              Song of the Stars
              2 Heart Pieces
              1 Heart Container

Tempest Pillar         
Area: Field
Item: Switch Boots
Miniboss: None?
Boss: Hero's Spirit - The skeletal remains of an Ancient Hero, he wears rusty armor and weilds a polished sword.
Rewards: Third Key Fragment
   Access to the Celestial Diorama
              4 Heart Pieces
              Song of the Skies

Celestial Diorama:
Area: Space
Item: None
Minibosses: Celestial Hero-Guard - Equivalent to a Darknut, this spectral knight is a valorous opponent.
                     Celestial Flare Dancer - A spirit of fire that splits into three smaller entities, and prefers to run, rather than fight.
                     Celestial Airrobe - A great magician of air and winds.

Boss: The Darkness Within *This boss will equate to about the most coding for anything in the game, save Link himself. This boss will no doubt be a pain in the ass, and a victory rush when you finally do manage to overcome the terror that lies inside your own heart.

Rewards: You win!
              Replay Mode!

The Map

The Land of Hyrule consists of five major areas. Each area is home to a focal point, or city. Through use of the Celestial Compass, Link can warp between these points, once he has unlocked them.

The Forest: In the bottom right-hand corner of the map, there is a dense forest. This is Link's hometown, and is one of two areas of Hyrule that doesn't have a dungeon relevant to the storyline.
The Desert: In the bottom left-hand corner of the map, there is a sandy wasteland. This is home to the fierce Gerudo tribes, and their capitol. This is one of two areas of Hyrule that doesn't have a dungeon relevant to the storyline.
The Field: In the center of the map, there is an expanse of field. A star recently landed here, and has caused some upheaval. In the north is Hyrule Town. This area is home to the Sky Dungeon.
The Mountains: In the top right-hand corner of the map, there are tall mountains. The tallest of these is Death Mountain, under which live the Gorons. This area is home to the Sun Dungeon.
The Lake: In the top left-hand corner of the map is a vast lake. Many rumors and legends are associated with this lake, and of a mysterious tower in the middle. This area is home to the Star Dungeon.

The Items

This game includes a few items, not as many as either ALTTP or Minish Cap, but hopefully enough to make it enjoyable. Some of these are included in the following.

Bombs: these explosives are strong enough to shatter rock and blow open doors!
Hero's Bow: this bow shoots arrows with deadly accuracy!
Switch Boots: these boots allow Link to cling to magnetic surfaces and become heavier, or, become as light as a feather and even walk on water!
Celestial Compass: this handy naviagational device allows Link to open portals to places he's been!

What's Unique

Minigames: there will be at least two minigames, one of which involves fishing!
Bunches of Graphics: I plan on spriting / tiling about 75% of the graphics!
Sidequests: there will be a bunch of these, if I get around to them, to make up for lacking in dungeonness.  These come absolute last, the plot, and the epic come first.

Current Credits:

ZFGC Community Project - coding help =)
King Mob - sprites
SinkinDevil - sprites
Miragos - sprites
Anyone else who's influenced this game as of yet =)

Zelda Projects / Legend of Zelda: Half-Light Oculus
« on: July 29, 2010, 04:01:02 am »
Firstly and foremostly. This game, Half-Light Oculus, was never designed to be a two dimensional game. I was planning to create this game in 3d, using Unity3D, and either Twilight Princess models, or waiting until Skyward Sword models would be released. Thus, there won't be as much of the flashy, complex good stuff, that it might have had in 3D. Rest assured, I plan on "remaking", or making the actual version in 3d in the near to distant future. Without further adieu, Half-Light Oculus.

In the land known as Hyrule, the land created and blessed by the Goddesses, winds of a Great Evil are stirring. Slowly, monsters have crept into the land, and rumors of a mysterious and powerful figure being sighted have arose, but most of the civilization remains blissfully unaware. However, a boy dressed in forest green, and a princess of the Royal Family hatch a plan to counter the forces of evil. But, as they quest for an artifact of immense power, they realize that they may be in over their heads.

The Half-Light Oculus

The Half-Light Oculus is a powerful relic, from the days when Ganon attempted to conquer Hyrule. Supposedly, its mystic, and so far, unknown powers can transcend time itself. When this item, a small, roughly palm sized device, similar to a compass and a magnifying glass, is discovered by the duo, they begin to unravel its abilities. As time goes on, and as Zelda is able to research it more thoroughly, it is revealed to have the ability to locate the Triforce, the sacred golden power of the goddesses.

As time progresses further, after finding the "key" to unlocking the mysterious device's full potential, the true powers of the Oculus become apparent. The object gains energy from combat, when Link fights monsters (or perhaps by some passive medium as well, standing in the shadows / light for a while), and this energy can be released to stop time. This time stopped is relatively brief, ranging from one to five seconds, but that time can be crucial in solving the timed puzzles, or in low health situations.

The Items

Well, at the core of every good Zelda game, right next to the great plot and the beautiful music, are the items and devices that the hero has at his disposal. While I won't go into too much detail, as I want there to be some surprise, I'll give you a taste of what's to come.

Slingshot: This weapon is a Zelda classic, ever since Ocarina of Time. Shooting nuts at foes from afar, it's the first of several long range weapons. This weapon will be upgradable in a manner similar to the Fire and Ice arrows.

Bow and Arrow: This weapon is another Zelda necessity, having been in every Zelda game to date. This weapon is a powerful projectile thrower, and can be upgraded in ammo capacity and is given a variety of different shots.

Pegasus Boots: One of my favorite items ever since A Link to the Past, I was looking forward to using these, with a significant variation from ALTTP and MC's usage. These boots let you cover distances much faster, and combined with the Oculus's time stop, these wreak havoc against enemies. I guarantee these will be fun to use.

Gearfists: An original item, these metal gloves give enhanced strength, at a cost. They require you to put away your sword and shield, but provide just as much in return. You can swing powerful, rock crushing blows, and block even the strongest sword slash with these indestructible gauntlets. They will also have other uses.

The Geography

While I have several detailed maps on hand in person, I won't be able to upload them for a while, so I'll give you a description of the geography and terrain.

The Forest: In the bottom right of the map, there's a dense, dark forest. The trees grow so close together that there's no light from above, making the forest seem as if it's in permanant night. However, a variety of glowing plants and bugs have established a home in this serene forest. But, the villagers of the forest are scared to leave the light of their small towns, as monsters and beasts have been known to claim wanderers.

The Desert: In the bottom left of the map, a windy, harsh desert stretches as far as the eye can see. Supposedly, the Gerudo live out in the blistering wastes, although nobody has seen them in quite some time. The sandy expanses have been known to claim more than a few foolish travelers.

The Mountains: In the top right of the map, a mountain range forms the corner of the world. Deep under these mountains live the Gorons, a race of rock eaters. They don't welcome travelers as warmly as they used to, as hard times have befallen them recently. The mountains in which they live are a twisting maze, unless you know the way. However, the view from the tops of said peaks is absolutely stunning.

The Coast: In the top left of the map, a cove, and the coast give way to the Great Ocean. Zoras are supposed to live out somewhere under the misty waves, but nobody has heard tell of them since the first of the monsters began to creep into the land. A coastal town resides peacefully next to the large, almost lake-like bay, connected to the sea.

The Bad Guy...(dun dun dun!!!!)

While I can't tell you too much about this guy, I can assure you that he's badass. He's managed to infiltrate Hyrule Castle, obtain the Triforce of Power, and even without, is capable of summoning evil creatures and doing other crazy beast magic. You don't get to see much of him at all until after the 3rd dungeon, when he.... Well, I'll leave that part of the plot up for grabs.

I can't guarantee you will like him, making a good bad guy is sooo hard, but I'll do my best.

The Challenges Ahead
This game will have almost 100% original dungeons, bosses, and scenarios. I hope to give a fresh, but at the same time nostalgic feel, like a real Zelda game.

Dungeon 1: Deep Forest Tangle
Description: Basically, it's an open air dungeon, the roof being tall trees, the floor being the    
                 gray rock and roots. It's peaceful, but with danger lurking in every shadow.
Miniboss: Enraged Scrub
Item: Slingshot
Boss: Luminescent Insect: Vespis (A giant, glowing wasp).

Dungeon 2: Glimmering Caverns
Description: Basically it's a peaceful series of caves, that lead you towards a Goron high
                 security prison.
Miniboss: ????* (Note, this means I won't tell you, it has been planned).
Item: Bomb Bag
Boss: ???? A giant... that's all I'll say.

Dungeon 3: Abandoned Aquatic Mine
Description: Basically it's a high techish metal and stone mine, underwater! Similar to Great
                 Bay Temple, and the Goron Mines.
Miniboss: ????
Item: ????
Boss: ???? (I want this one to be a surprise, I really love this boss >=))

Dungeon 4: Sealed Crypt
Description: An underground, sheikah and monster protected graveyard, housing the dead of
                 the Royal Family. Evil got inside, and is using it to awaken the dead therein.
Miniboss: Phantom Specter (an epic shiekah ghost =))
Item: ????
Boss: ????

Dungeon 5: Skyreach Cathedral
Description: A cathedral building that reaches up even to the clouds, with a top nestled  
                 amongst them. Layed out like TP's Temple of Time.
Miniboss: Hero's Spirit
Item: Gearfists
Boss: ????

Dungeon 6: Temple of Blazing Winds
Description: ???? (I wanna keep you guessing, giving too much away isn't fun.)
Miniboss: Volta and Armor
Item: ????
Boss: ????

Dungeon 7: ????
Description: ????
Miniboss: ????
Item: ????
Boss: ????

Final Dungeon: Darkened Hyrule Castle
Description: Hyrule Castle, infested with the most evils of evils.
Miniboss: ????
Miniboss: Darknut Leader
Miniboss: ????
Item: None
Boss: .... Self explanatory ^^^^^


Walking - 100%
Rolling - 90% (Gotta get it to work properly with room changing, then done.)
Menu - 90% (Graphics, then done, have the code for the Item selects and all).
Hearts HuD - 90% (graphics are f**ked up, gotta fix that, then done.)
Rupees HuD 100% (and you can gain them!)
Talking/Signs 60% (gotta fix how much text goes on each pane of chat.)
NPC facing and talking - 100% ^^^
Ledge Jumping - 90% (working on a peice of code for extended jumping... its hard to explain)
Swimming - 50% (working in my own dive / dashes, so.)
Falling in Holes - 90% (working on room changing, see below)
Room Changing - 80% (see below)
Precise Room Changing - 5% (Precise not working too well xD)

***Note, this is just the basic plan for 3d, since I'm converting to 2d, this information is subject to change and I don't want any complaining, got it? Good.***

No screens as of yet, but I will most likely end up making a progress sheet, and I'll tell you all when I've finished anything important. Right now I have the ZFGC's MC project and all it's effects and glories, a good deal of the Slingshot stuff done, sprites, engine, etc. I have a menu/inventory engine that works wonders, but nothing to do with it yet. I have hearts and rupees outside of ZFGC's work, I like mine better thank you very much, and I have text and talking. I'll let you know when I have more than that =)

Comments, critiques and other meaningful conversational tidbits go down there.

Thank you and have a nice day =)

MC & FS / [Solved] "Legend of" ZELDA
« on: July 27, 2010, 07:47:21 pm »
Does anyone have the legend of ZELDA from the Minish Cap's title screen, but without the Minish Cap writing and the bird? If so, that would be remarkably helpful, I'm attempting to put together a title screen so that I might be able to produce a demo of my game in time, and this is just one thing I'd like to knock off the list. If anyone could help, that'd be remarkable.

Discussion / Majora's Mask 2d
« on: April 01, 2010, 02:33:31 am »
General Information

The Story

We all know the story of Majora's Mask, how Link, on a journey to find a long lost friend, fell into a chasm between dimensions and found himself in Termina. Now, this epic adventure is going to be retold in a new light, the light of the second dimension.

The New Version

            MC Styled, most likely 80% custom.
            We'd much appreciate any help you can give, C+C on our work, and comments on how we're doing.

         I'm taking the music to a new level, once I get FLStudios, and spinning most of Majora's Masks' tracks into a MC/WW style of music.
         We'll probably use MC styled MM sound effects, and for that, I'd appreciate some help.

We're going to add some never before seen things to the 2d environment.

Z-Targeting: For an easier to manage aiming system, going to be as MM/OOT as possible.

3d Swimming, with depth and all sorts of yummy factors, like dive, etc.

Aiming / Height for things such as Bow and Hookshot, making it possible to shoot incoming enemies, such as birds, or target the tops of trees.

Riding Epona, of course. Already have the basis of the sprites for her.

Fully functional Deku, Goron and Zora Link forms.

I'll most likely be starting from scratch for this engine, so the progress will start at 0% on Everything code related. This will soon change, as I have several Demo code engines with good stuff in 'em.

Engine Progress


Z-Targeting  - 0% .(March 31 2010
Speaking  - 0% .(March 31 2010
Opening Doors  - 0% .(March 31 2010
Room Changing  - 0% .(March 31 2010
Pause Menu  - 0% .(March 31 2010
Talking to Fairy/Fairy Engine  - 0% .(March 31 2010
Shop System  - 0% .(March 31 2010
Rupee System  - 0% .(March 31 2010
Key System  - 0% .(March 31 2010
Day/Night System  - 0% .(March 31 2010
Heart Container Engine  - 0% .(March 31 2010
Clock / 3Day System - 0% .(March 31 2010
Cutscenes and Extras  - 0% .(March 31 2010
****************** - Will add cutscene specific info here
Minimap Engine  - 0% .(March 31 2010

Normal Link

Walking - 60% .(March 31 2010
Rolling  - 0% .(March 31 2010
Swimming  - 0% .(March 31 2010
Diving  - 0% .(March 31 2010
Ledge Jumping  - 0% .(March 31 2010
Ledge Climbing  - 0% .(March 31 2010
Climbing  - 0% .(March 31 2010
Sword  - 0% .(March 31 2010
Shield  - 0% .(March 31 2010
Items: - 0% .(March 31 2010
Bow  - 0% .(March 31 2010
Fire Arrows  - 0% .(March 31 2010
Ice Arrows  - 0% .(March 31 2010
Light Arrows  - 0% .(March 31 2010
Hookshot  - 0% .(March 31 2010
Bottles  - 0% .(March 31 2010
Ocarina of Time  - 0% .(March 31 2010
Bombs  - 0% .(March 31 2010
Bombchus  - 0% .(March 31 2010
Deku Sticks  - 0% .(March 31 2010
Deku Nuts  - 0% .(March 31 2010
Lens of Truth  - 0% .(March 31 2010
Magic Beans  - 0% .(March 31 2010
PictoBox  - 0% .(March 31 2010

Deku Link

Walking - 100% .(March 31 2010
Spinning  - 80% .(March 31 2010
Hopping on Water  - 80% .(March 31 2010
Ledge Jumping  - 80% .(March 31 2010
Deku Flower Flying  - 100% .(March 31 2010
Shooting Bubbles  - 10% .(March 31 2010
Shield  - 0% .(March 31 2010

Goron Link
Walking - 0% .(March 31 2010
Rolling  - 0% .(March 31 2010
Hopping on Water  - 0% .(March 31 2010
Curl  - 0% .(March 31 2010
Pound  - 0% .(March 31 2010
Ledge Jumping  - 0% .(March 31 2010
Punch  - 0% .(March 31 2010
Shield  - 0% .(March 31 2010
Roll Jumping - 0% .(March 31 2010

Zora Link
Walking - 0% .(March 31 2010
Rolling - 0% .(March 31 2010
Swimming - 0% .(March 31 2010
Boomerang Fins - 0% .(March 31 2010
Sword Fins - 0% .(March 31 2010
Ledge Jumping - 0% .(March 31 2010
Shield - 0% .(March 31 2010
Electric Shield - 0% .(March 31 2010

Graphics List

Normal Link

Ledge Jumping
Sword Slash 1
Sword Slash 2
Jump Slash
Spin Attack

ZTarget Shield

Deku Link
Ledge Jumping
Blowing Bubble
Spin Attack
Jumping on Water
Jump Back

Skull Kid
Riding Epona
Casting Magic


Notice to All!

Anyone who has maps of areas, please, feel free to email them to me, post them on this topic, etc. Links are good too.

We are recruiting spriters, or just people who'll C+C like they did on the MC: Deku Link topic... and !@#$%, just noticed I posted this in the wrong forums. Move to concepts plox, 4Sword or Mammy?!?!?

Discussion / Png to Gif... help?
« on: March 27, 2010, 06:51:45 pm »
How might one go about converting a strip of 33x33 images (this is a sprite made in game maker) into a GIF of 33x33? I'm pretty sure there's an easy way, but I havn't found it yet. Anyone know how or have any suggestions?

Graphics / MC: Majoras Mask
« on: March 25, 2010, 07:23:33 pm »

Just something I made in a few minutes. I think it's pretty good, and yes, it's a MC Link edit, for those of you that weren't completely sure.

The shading's probably terrible, and if anyone finds anything that they feel like fixing, feel free.
Please don't use these, they're customs for one of my projects.


Entertainment / Kingdom Hearts
« on: March 15, 2010, 07:52:33 pm »
The KH games, are they any good? They look pretty good, and a friend of mine, who's moved away now, had them, and I played them briefly. Are they worth buying? Has anyone played them? If so, please let me know =D.

Discussion / Just Looking For Opinions
« on: March 05, 2010, 06:55:30 pm »
Hello, I'm just wondering which type of combat / play-style people prefer, out of:

Spyro Advanced: Season of Fire / Ice style overworld and combat.
Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories.
Spryo Advanced: Orage; Cortex Conspiracy.

I'm really wondering whether or not to go side scroller with a project of mine, with M/L SSS type combat, and wondering whether or not I should.

The combat would either be like in Superstar Saga, side-scrollish and turnbased, but free-form, where you can attack during both your turn and counter / defend during the enemies, or like in Spyro, where you can attack and do things without enemies there, in all eight directions, and stuff like that.

I don't really know what I want to go with. It's either two directions, or eight. Two would most definitely be easier, even though I've never programmed a platformer type game before, but eigth directions is something I'm already familiar with.

Coding / Help Req]: Goodnight's Menu Engine
« on: February 28, 2010, 07:18:48 am »
How would one go about making a second item through use of Goodnight's engine? (Aside from needing to allign my menu box with the sprites for the images and vice versa, which I have yet to figure out the code for...
Code: [Select]
//if inventory[a] = 1
if a=0 or a=4 or a=8
{draw_sprite(menu_items,a,x+(a mod 4)*30+36,y+floor(a/4)*30+z);}
else if a>4 and a<8
{draw_sprite(menu_items,a,x+(a mod 4)*30+h,y+floor(a/4)*30+z);}
else if a>8 and a<12
{draw_sprite(menu_items,a,x+(a mod 4)*30+h,y+floor(a/4)*30+z);}
else if a>0 and a<4
{draw_sprite(menu_items,a,x+(a mod 4)*30+h,y+floor(a/4)*30+z);}
pen_color = c_black
//draw_sprite(select,-1,x+(global.weapon mod 4)*30+20,y+floor(global.weapon/4)*30)

//if inventory[global.weapon] = 1{
i believe it is..)

I've succesfully placed the HuD and everything, so that the selected item ends up at the right place, the top right of the HuD. However, how would one use

Show content
Code: [Select]
depth = -15

if deactivated = 1{

if keyboard_check(vk_right) = 1 and global.weapon < 14 {global.weapon+=1; io_clear();}
if keyboard_check(vk_left) = 1 and global.weapon > 0 {global.weapon-=1; io_clear();}
if keyboard_check(vk_up) = 1 and global.weapon >4 {global.weapon-=4; io_clear();}
if keyboard_check(vk_down) = 1 and global.weapon < 14 {global.weapon+=4; io_clear();}
if global.weapon>14
brush_color = c_black
pen_color = c_black

for(a=0; a<13 a+=1){
if a=3 or a=4
else if a=7 or a=8
else if a=11 or a=12
if a>0 and a<4 or a=0
else if a>4 and a<8 or a=4
else if a>8 and a<12 or a=8
if a>0 and a<4 or a=0
else if a>4 and a<8 or a=4
else if a>8 and a<12 or a=8
//if inventory[a] = 1
if a=0 or a=4 or a=8
{draw_sprite(menu_items,a,x+(a mod 4)*30+36,y+floor(a/4)*30+z);}
else if a>4 and a<8
{draw_sprite(menu_items,a,x+(a mod 4)*30+h,y+floor(a/4)*30+z);}
else if a>8 and a<12
{draw_sprite(menu_items,a,x+(a mod 4)*30+h,y+floor(a/4)*30+z);}
else if a>0 and a<4
{draw_sprite(menu_items,a,x+(a mod 4)*30+h,y+floor(a/4)*30+z);}
pen_color = c_black
//draw_sprite(select,-1,x+(global.weapon mod 4)*30+20,y+floor(global.weapon/4)*30)

//if inventory[global.weapon] = 1{




var box_x, box_y;
box_x = view_xview +230
box_y = view_yview + view_hview - 230
draw_sprite(itembox, 0, box_x, box_y)
//if objmenu.inventory[global.weapon] = 1
draw_sprite(menu_items,global.weapon,view_xview + 235,view_yview + view_hview - 225)
to make a second selectable item?

Using the bottom right image, the cloud overlay, used in Minish Cap, how would one create an overlay like in the game, where the clouds drift slowly over the screen? Or, would there be any easier ways, or other methods that anyone else prefers? If so, I would appreciate your input, as it would help a lot. If anyone has any suggestions or answers, I should be glad to hear them.

MC & FS / [Solved] MC Bow Moblin Sprites!
« on: February 21, 2010, 05:51:36 pm »
Does anyone happen to have a complete sprite sheet for the Minish Cap's Bow Moblins, preferably both colors? I don't have them anymore, and could not find them on SpritersResource, or on google (checked the first four entries). Thanks in advance!

Coding / Help with Leever AI?
« on: February 20, 2010, 03:05:12 am »
Aright. Working with Leever AI, hoping that it would be a quick and easy process. Actually it was, up until I hit a hitch.

Code: [Select]
if sprite_index=sprLeeverRise and image_index=6

if sprite_index=sprLeeverSpin and divetimer!=divetimermax

if sprite_index=sprLeeverDive and image_index=6 and risetimer!=risetimermax

if divetimer=divetimermax

if risetimer=risetimermax

in it's step event, it will start out with the rise sprite, then move towards link for 4 seconds, just as planned. Then, it will play the dive sprite, and sink down. However, it will then stop, and not do anything else.

Is there anything I'm overlooking in the code?

Graphics Requests/Archive / [Solved] ST font?
« on: February 16, 2010, 08:42:12 pm »
Doeos anyone happen to have / know where I might appropriate the Spirit Track's font? I could really use it. Spriter's Resource doesn't have it, and so I don't know where else to look (google turned up no results on the first page).

Thanks in advance  XD

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