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Author Topic: [W.I.P.] TLoZ: New Beginnings ver. 1.7 (LoZNB)  (Read 157278 times)

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[W.I.P.] TLoZ: New Beginnings ver. 1.7 (LoZNB)
« on: September 13, 2009, 01:18:26 am »
  • L'homme avec beaucoup de noms.
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My Channel

Current Version 1.7.1 as of May 25, 2017, (1.7.5 October 31st, 2017)

Click here to download 1.6 Demo

The older demo will be replaced with the new one, once I release 1.7.5. Any loznb.sav can be saved for the new build of the demo.

1/18/2018 update: Sorry guys I was away for some time, I had to take a break due to an irl situation, but I am back now.

<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sD99HugxcZs" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sD99HugxcZs</a>
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7h5gKLYgwgk" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7h5gKLYgwgk</a>

Tool in used: Ocarina Room Editor and Gmare by Xfixium, Game Masker 8 pro, Dlbrooks33's lttp/gb engine, MS paint, GIMP

New Video
Zora and Fierce Deity Link
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sNervE6NGNY" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sNervE6NGNY</a>
Bandit Side-quest demo ver.2
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iTZExEbzuNU" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iTZExEbzuNU</a>
Passive Mini Game Test(Morning)
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9nAvQ3uho-U" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9nAvQ3uho-U</a>
Broga & Malus Test Fight
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QZgwDNOJrTQ" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QZgwDNOJrTQ</a>
Geno Secret
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nlTHt1ZSX4g" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nlTHt1ZSX4g</a>

Link's Arrival to New Orsa:
Show content
The game takes 4 to 5 days after the events in The Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask.
Link and his companion, Epona, are still trying to get back to the land of Hyrule.  During the journey, Link began to feel a bit of fatigue, the food that was given to him in Termina wasn’t enough sustain his weariness, but despite his condition, he did not give up on trying to find his way back home.  Nightfall has taken over the land, making it harder for Link to see. But it turns out Link wasn’t the only one in the Forest.  He spotted a group of moblins, but to his surprise, these moblins had the ability to speak.  The leader of the group spotted Link on his horse, and decided to confront him.  He taunts Link and asked Link to fight him, Link refused, and the other moblins started to giggle, but teir Leader told them to quiet down.  This moblin told Link that his name is Mobi the Great, and that he owns this part of the Forest.  Link decided to walk the other way, however, out of anger Mobi told one of the moblins to try and steal Link’s horse.  The grab was successful.  Link got up and readied his sword and shield, Mobi, now happy that Link is going to fight him readied his fists and said “If you win, you get your precious horse returned to you, however, if you lose, I’ll keep the horse and you will be my prisoner to help me build my empire!” continued on to “I’m going to test my new power of you, you should be happy that you will be the first witness.”  Link and Mobi began to fight.  Link nearly emerged victorious, however, Mobi decided to play a bit dirty, he sees that Link is tired and say “I might as well keep the horse, it will look good when I ride it around my camp.”  He then hits Link’s shield, forcing Link back into a tree.  Link struggled to get up now dazed, Mobi walks up to him and kicks him, Link fell unconscious.  Link woke up minutes later to see that he is unarmed and tied up.   Next to him he sees other moblins and humans tied up as well.  Mobi yelled at his victims saying that he will not be too rough with them, while waving Link’s sword in the air.  Link manages to whisper to one of the prisoners about his location, the moblin said Hyrule?  This is not Hyrule…“  Link is now thinking that Mobi is bringing them to Termina, in addition, in his mind he is slowly thinking of a plan to escape from Mobi’s grasp.  Unknowingly, a boy wearing an orange cloak began stumbled upon the moblin caravan, and decided to follow it.
Show content
*Functioning HUD
*Special Equips System
*Sword use and Shield defense
*Rolling and bouncing
* Sword thrust /Sword Dashing
*Continuous Spin Attack Ability
*Instant Spin Attack after thrust
*Real time Text-box (Credit to Sahittam and Scooternew)
*Ledge Jumping
*Ledge to Ledge (LtL) Jumping
+Fall Damage
+Fatigue Meter/Life Force Meter
*pick up items and throw
*Ally System(needs work)
*Room changing(3 effects)
*Scroll down Menu/Map
*Dying and use of fairies
*Game Over with Death Cut-Scenes
*Rupees and Heart use
*Silver Rupees
*7 Day cycle Day and Night/Clock (Credit to Cptn. Goodnight)
*Daily Activity system
*Weather change
*Bridges under and over
*AI behavioral patterns and weapon use with att.
*Playing Ocarina/Flute
*Mask use
*Epona(needs work; and another of Link's animal ally, a Hawk name Airais)

Update Box:

May 2, 2016

The 1.5 demo had been delayed twice already and most issues have been resolved during that time.
Something in the dungeon was causing the game to crash immediately and or when the
player is in the dungeon for a certain amount of time (usually a few seconds). Also sorry for the twice delays, didn't expect the crashes during private test, so everything should be good now, more testing out as usual for May 14th.


Scene blockers have been added in and during some cut-scenes to prevent glitching.
*Hint markers are added to help player make use of Fairy.
*Player's Fatigue Meter depletes from actions correctly.
So no more Gels being able to tackle you and taking more than 2/3 of HP.
*Sub-Boss has been remade, fight is a bit longer and harder than the original.
*Sub-Boss Cut-Scene is fixed, just a few typos that needs correction.
*Player is able to skip longer cut-scenes, short cut-scenes not be skippable, but speeding through text with A key is still doable.
*Player takes correct damage from enemy targets; damage various depending on status of Fatigue Meter.
*Fake Guards now block area to sub-dungeon, player was able to glitch pass them or force a global. variable to force the guards to go away.
*Fairy cannot comment during a paused/map event taking place, can still be summoned (Pressing F key during pause/map/ocarina).
*Damage intake Calculator has been fixed: Player no longer takes on damage if fatigue meter is in the red.
*Passive energy counter has been fixed, it resets correctly instead of going negative.
*Player can choose to skip Revol, but this hinders saving Cole, he won't listen to you because Revol escapes to BellBrooke Town to bump into Cole, whom he knows.
*Sub-Dungeon has been re-created, smaller this time, it's previous version was buggy and the root of the crashes.
So it took me some days to remake this dungeon, put in the elements the previous one had, minus the extra objects.
*The player no longer freezes during certain cut-scenes and player interaction with objects and NPCs.
*Enemies no longer move during enemy info text when fairy is used.

*Dasum has been revamped.
*Tile errors have been fixed on both Flora Road and Flora Lake.


Original Mar.30th 2016 <Halted due to further testing>
April 14th 2016<Halted due to major bug/crash found during testing>
May 14, 2016, Saturday <This will be the official release for this demo, as of now private testing>
Jan. 8, 2016

Link is now able to use 2 new weapons: Element Rod, Steel Hammer without issues. Just needs a better animation when used and everything will be all good.

Collectibles bar comes up when the player is idle, this bar shows items Link has collected, and these items are used to improve items in Link's inventory.

Concept for Light Temples have been made and as stated before, these side dungeons, which plays a big part in the story, can be completed in any order the player wishes.

I'll be making another video soon on what I've done.

Jan. 4, 2016

Small update of what I can resolve from nimbus' video

There was an issue with not being able to do a few quests at some point, and the game counts it as if you have completed it without starting it, this has been resolved.

Rooms have been adjusted so that Link does accidentally teleport/warp into the testing room (default room) when trying to move on to the next room.

Arrows, if shooting way to close to a bomb flower, will cause the bow flower to ignite nearby the player, this has been fixed.

Player damage immunity has been improved, player will NOT take damage when interacting with npcs, objects and or cut-scenes. Player will have a small window of immunity when damage is taken; the player can and will always be able to maneuver around and or attack while hurt, unless the player is knocked into the air that's different story :p.


Game Over music has been changed, if you are a fan of Golden Sun, this should be a familiar song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v3mAri-knf0

Link sprites have been slightly altered.

Npcs now have correct animation when talking and or moving.

Enemies now spawn on different parts of the map instead of a spawning on the same spot each time the player enters the room.

Light Temples have no order of completion after fighting Dark Link (Riku). The player can go about doing any of the temples, prepared or unprepared. All of these temples have the same layout, but different puzzles inside of them. 2 Light Temples have already been added to the game.

Jan. 3, 2016

First update of 2016 XD Well some enemies had a few of their stats lowered, bosses are a bit more harder than before, due to giving draft/new bosses new moves. These bosses will also adapt to the progression of the fight so you can't pull the same stunt from before, Hero Mode or not.

Link is able to use a new item, Rod of Elements. The primary power of the rod will be ice, which slows/stuns enemies longer compared to a boomerang stun. Other elements can be unlocked and or added when the player upgrades the item. Elements can be selected on the inventory by having the rod selected and using the space key to toggle through unlocked elements.

Jak Forzen has also been added to the list of bosses, will not mention the other ones yet. He has snow/ice abilities and in order to get the rod, Link has to go through him.

Jak Forzen is a human, who has a thing for art and theater, who somehow stole powers from a Wizrobe. As the dungeon plays how, Jak forces Link and his ally, Romeo, into a dangerous snowy play in hopes of saving one of the Sheikah Villagers who was captured by him. Notable ice enemies from Zelda games will appear along with new ones.
As for Jak's moves, they will be unpredictable, this way the player does not try to make out a pattern of his moves, Jak's actions various randomly on player's health, amount of enemies, etc placed through out the dungeon and or the room.

There were some fixes to the player from last demo that have finally been resolved, if possible feedback on any bugs, typos, or anything else would be nice  XD

Dec. 24, 2015

The demo will be updated with the latest fixes in the coming days. If you have a save from the previous demo (1.4) you can move over progress simply by deleting the new save and replacing it with the one you've been using, overwriting, if you will.
This update will include expanded locations and PROBABLY the second dungeon will be patched up in there secretly XD

Dec. 16, 2015

The fight for Flora Town is nearly complete, just a bit of dialogue and some NPC placement need to be fixed up.

Hearts drop more often for the player to pick up for enemies are difficult.

Epona glitches need to be fixed up, planning out on how Epona would come to aid the player. She will only be usable in the over world and not in towns or indoors. A designated spot will be place next to every caravan for Link to call Epona.

Link is able to sleep indoors, for it was temporarily disabled previously. Requires the player to be on an empty bed and press the S key without doing any sort of action. Doing so replenishes the players Hp, Fatigue meter (Stamina bar), however, this adds on time if the player has acquired a clock.

Nov. 14, 2015



*Temporary invincibility has been increased and instant while opening a chest and or in a frozen state.
*Enemies who have any sort of action are in a frozen state now when certain objects and or instances are present.
*Fairy is automatically summon at random if Link is in real danger.
*Icon now pops up for Fairy to give information on objectives and or enemies, as for objectives, if the player remains idle for too long, talking to the fairy is possible.
*Thieves are capable of robbing you now.
*Pitch Black Screen glitch has been fixed.
*Map icons have been fixed for dungeons.

So far working on a movement code for Epona.
How she will function in game is that she can only be mounted within the main over-world, so you can get around faster. She will not be present in small provinces however.
Obtaining her is optional, the first being is a Moblin who was captured by Mobi, found the Horse and went to Flora Town to get Epona treated, however, the greedy new owner of the farm stole the horse and plans on selling Epona to a man in Fy'Vash Province. The player will have a chance to buy and or rescue Epona by breaking into the owners house at night, once the player is given a Clock to keep track of time.
During the quest, any type of noise can wake up the owner of the house and he will search the house and if found, he will run you out of the farm. If done a number of times,the player is prevented from entering the farm until the old owner gets it back.

Zones & Maps:

*The back route next to Blackrock is nearly complete. Some areas within Blackrock and the cave network next to it will give player shortcuts to various places within the province itself.
As for the maps itself, it is nearly complete.

*Design of the 3rd Dungeon has been completed, along with Black Herot. Quests and objectives leading up to it is still in the works, with the most notable quest being Battle for Ash Valley finally being coded in as a draft.


*Malus and Broga have been completed and these guys are optional. depending on how the player gets through the map shown in the other update post, these guys either walk right past you, not noticing you, or corner you inside the cave, as shown in the video.

*Bublin Archers have been updated, they can be hit this time.


*Collectibles have been enabled in order for player to make upgrades,this was evident in the last demo where some of those gold/silver chests could not be open. Those chests contain materials to upgrade items in your inventory.
Keys to unlocking these chests will be found within or nearby towns in game.

Nov. 11, 2015
Added Broga and Malus alive this time, they become what they are as the story progress, previously, they had already perished before Link started looking for the fragments. They are still enemies of Sane still.
There are typos, placeholders and object placement that need to be changed, for what is seen in the video is just a draft of the actual fight itself, which is in the works.

This cave is just part 2 of 4 maps in connection with the sub-dungeon, the 1st part is what was shown before, map-wise.
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QZgwDNOJrTQ" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QZgwDNOJrTQ</a>

Nov. 9, 2015
Part 1 of 3 areas I'm working on, leading to an underground network to a sub-dungeon. This area is located in BellBrooke Province and it is West of BlackRock Cave. This area use to be a temporary land held by the Gorons before moving into the mountains, and due to Gorons love of trading, they gave this land to the people of Novos Orsa, which was turned into a Stronghold, later on, abandon and forgotten. Parts of the map goes wood/stone flooring, revealing that there is areas under the ground.

In truth, the underground tunnels will act as a maze in order to get to the sub-dungeon, instead of a simple bomb placed next to a boulder to reveal stairs to access it, makes no sense to me so I added a way to get there naturally.
The player's objective is to get to the tunnels without alarm any thieves, bandits or brainwashed thugs in the area, meaning no explosives, and in certain situations, you have to use something other than a sword and not roll around as much, causing a noise will alter how the player accesses the sub-dungeon and or trigger a bad en result in doing so, however, Demo, who is the NPC in the zone will guide you on when to make minor to major actions within the zone.

All this leads to an updated version of this (This is an OLD video) The zone has been given a makeover as well to better fit the situation, and the quests surrounding it.:
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kK7UKmxu0Mw" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kK7UKmxu0Mw</a>

Nov. 5, 2015

Some fixes have been placed in the game, and an updated version of the demo will be available soon.
I'm also doing a bit of stress testing to see how certain things can/cannot be handled within the game itself.

Also was having some fun while adding more things to the game XD. Every secret has it purpose, this one I intent to add something special if the player happens to trigger it; it won't be that bush as seen in the video next time :D
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nlTHt1ZSX4g" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nlTHt1ZSX4g</a>

*There was an issue with hearts not popping up from drops occasionally, the drop rate for hearts has been increased.
*Player is given immunity when opening a chest and or talking to an NPC.
*Zone map is now displayed when you press Space and it shows where you must go (Zone Map is alpha still).
*Player's fairy will now pop up at random if the player is in an objective based room; The F key will be prompted, pressing it will make the fairy give the player hints instead of the player using the fairy manually.
*NPC chat range has been increased.
*Typos/wording have been fixed.
*Player can now sleep inside specific homes or inns to regenerate energy.

Oct. 27, 2015

Small fixes
*The fog in some areas have been reduce so it's easier to see.
*Shield does not get disabled when you load up the game from last save.
*Enemies have reduced damage and they do lose damage when their defensive "!" is depleted.
*Arrows no lower create a chain reaction explosion when you are standing close to a Bomb Flower and or explosive.
*Super Jump has been fixed, prevent players from short-cutting half of the cave in Quiet Wood via wall jump.

Oct. 26, 2015

Example, this shows now with objective markers while viewing map

World Map has been updated with a few new locations. The map can be view via pressing space bar. Only areas in which the player is currently in can be view, however, objective markers, with a color to represent quests and objectives, will be placed on the map to make it easier for the player to navigate in game.
Maps are automatically presented when you are in an area:

If in the over-world, you can view the whole map, with all locations shown, with objective markers pointing to the destination the player must go to.
If in a town or a small area, a map will reveal the entire zone to the player.
Entering a Dungeon changes the map interface as shown in older videos, this will remain the same.

Working as I go to perfect what what I had in place before, plus makes it easier for players due to the lack on area maps in the demo itself.

Another thing I am working with now is Epona. My last video show Epona being idle, walking around, etc.
Right now I am working on horseback transportation for the player to use, if they are nowhere near a fast-travel object.
Epona right now, in testing, only upgrades the player's speed. The player is invincible, but will change this so the player falls off the horse if damage is taken.

Oct. 23, 2015
Just a small update regarding transitions. What I notice, even beforehand was when the player changes room/zone, the black/white transition markers is sometimes not covering the whole green and or shows up when not needed, this will be looked at and fixed.
There was also a small bug when the player enters Orlo Gale Pass for the first time, this bug makes Link able to move while using the Spin Attack, this was quickly fixed.

Enemy Updates:
*Garo's can no longer be immune to attacks at random unless they are in stealth.
*Beamos/Mobile Beamos beams no longer creates explosions on contact with solid/objects and or player, instead, the effect disappearance and or creates a small burn mark on an object on contact.
*Stone Chus can now be defeated when they are in contact with their weakness, water. They do not do as much damage as they did before.

*First boss is no longer attackable when he is in an immune state (transparent).
*Boss 2 whirlwind attack no longer sends the player flying feet into the air.
*Mary is no longer immune whether she is visible or not. Whether she is defeated or nearly beating the player, cut-scene still triggers.
*Fighting Dasum requires the player to enter the final room within the Stronghold.
*Falric and Marywn are confronted separately this time, for fighting 2 Garos with stealth ability is too difficult.


The Aquatic Tower (Water Tower) information

An in game draft of the dungeon has been made, still working on it however.
The dungeon will have 8-9 floors, all leading to the depths of the tower itself.
There will be generator capable of lowering the water, in order to access the lower floors, which is currently flooded.
A map will not be obtainable here, for the map is engraved on the wall for the player to look at within the lobby of the floors.
Each room will contain enemies, which are locked away and can only be freed when the Mini Boss randomly attacks the player, one of it's mechanics is freeing these monsters to attack the player, along with many traps capable of killing you.
The Water Tower will be something similar to and a bit of inspiration came from Catfish Maw from Link's Awakening, so the new design and setup of the dungeon ill be very interesting to play through.

Oct. 20, 2015
A few fixes and a test version of BellBrooke Stronghold Tunnels. I decided instead of having the use of bombs to unblock an obvious passage, I decided to make an underground tunnel instead. Some of these sub-dungeons do not have maps to them so it is the player who has to navigate the underground tunnels promptly.

There was an issue of the shield being unequipped during loading the game, will look into this to resolve that issue.

Oct. 4, 2015

Doing some work on the Title and the title screen itself, to give an option to load/start a new game. The logo will remain the same, but this time, with the addition of the "New Beginnings" under it.
You no longer need to press L to load the game, hitting enter will give the option to start a game, and or showing your last save.
Auto Save triggers are added as well, so that the player does not have to always meet with Progus (Save Owl) in the game.
*Skater Link Glitch has been fixed. Will be resolved in the other 2 areas in the game causing this.
*Looking into enemy strength, for they can take more HP from the player than normal.
*Another path has been added next to Blackrock Cave, puzzle path way of getting into Dasum's Hideout.
*Fast Travel is also being worked on to, the npc keeps vanishes, this will be fixed.
*Goron Link's size is a bit too big, will work on fixing the issue of entering doors or changing areas lol. XD
*I may consider making my first trailer for the game when I get more of the bosses coded.
Oct. 3, 2015

There is a bug someone encountered from playing the latest demo, going to test out a few things to resolve the issue.
Another bug called Skater Link is enabled only in 2 rooms, this will be fixed as well.
Flora Lake is a large room, so water is disabled when not in few, similar to the bigger overworld's setup.
Some areas where the player can pass through has been blocked off. Test room A, B and C have been removed, rendered to normal hidden caves; may plan something in the future for these rooms.

Oct. 1, 2015

The boss fight with the Blood Garo has been changed. The deku sticks in the room has been removed, in order for the player to reveal the enemy during the fight, the player must use arrows in combination with a fire trap to light up the torches.
The fight can either end in 2 ways, if the player defeated the Garo, or, if the player is weaken, nearly dying, a special cut-scene will take place, marking an end to the fight with Link being saved.

Other areas, such as sub-dungeons, have newer ways of entering; BellBrooke Stronghold now has an underground tunnel, for the player to access the stronghold through an unmapped network of tunnels in BellBrooke.
Draft for the castle of Novos Orsa is being planned, for my previous video shows part of the castle town from before, which has been expanded upon over time. Also working on npcs moving about in the city on their own, as seen in Twilight Princess.

Another death animation was made for Link also losing all your HP while in a form other than Young Link, reverts the player back to their true state if they were to die at some point in the game.

Sept. 30, 2015

Other, Dungeon stuff
The backstory of the second dungeon was altered, the intruder is a Garo Ninja who is acting as a NADI spy; trying to get the Gerudo and Garo to fight each other in order to redirect tension off of NADI.

*Link carrying a rock/stone and falling will result in the object sitting on Link's head until he is damaged, this was evident in the 1st dungeon and will be fixed.
*The sleep option can be trigger even though Link is sleeping or waking up from his sleep, this will be fixed next demo.
*The player is able to skip the mini boss in the 1st dungeon, which will result in the dungeon script going hay-wired, this will be fixed as well.
*Leafosa's sol shot barely slows down Blind, this has been changed.
*Bublins can no longer 1 shot you.
*Beamo's beam does not create explosions anymore, lags out game and gives the player no chance to fight back.
The 3rd dungeon has many hazards that will result in an instant death or hard to escape situations if the player is not aware of what the sentinel is trying to do, which is to terminate anyone intruding the tower after canon fire set the sentinel off, prior to entering the dungeon.
New Traps have been added: Flood Room, Zero Room, even preserved enemies such as Gyro being release to make things even harder.

Wanted to put these enemies to the test for the longest lol

This dungeon will have 7-8 floors, going deeper into the tower to shut down sentinel and defeat the boss that lies inside in order to get the final pendant, which is needed.

The map for this dungeon will be displayed via wall paintings instead of the player getting the map, however, viewing said painting will be noted in the map menu when the player presses the space button.
More will be added since it is still in the draft phase, but the way I will set up Hero Mode for this dungeon will be different from what was in the demo, involving the player to take action when a chance is given, passively.

Sept. 28, 2015

*Testing the fast travel system via boat this time. This is a must in order for the player to get to the 2nd and 3rd dungeon in the game.
*Link's limited invulnerability, when hurt, has been increase by a few milliseconds. When Link is hurt, some actions would by disabled during that time, like using a Bow.
*Jinx time has been shorten, some people had a hard time with 1st Boss causing the player to be jinxed, well at least I know it works lol XD .
*The 2nd Dungeon boss has a Hero Mode version in the works.
*Dreadmire (Richardson) has a new design.
*Dark Artifact image has been disable from the start this time, it is only visible after the player is introduced to Sane.
*Sol Meter has been added this time; collected sol builds up this energy, as for the sol collected it can be used as secondary currency and or for creating/upgrading Link's Arsenal, this goes for all forms.
*Clock has been reduced, time is sped up.
*Food didn't fill up Fatigue meter, this has been fixed. An issue that prevents the player from taking extra damage when the fatigue meter is depleted, this has also been fixed.
*A few typos have been fixed.

Sept. 8, 2015

Testing areas have been closed off, even the one leading to the desert.
New towns and cities are being made and the use of boat/fast travel is being re-worked on.
New sprites are being made as well, mainly for the Gerudo Race.

Sept. 3, 2015

Zora Link is being worked on, graphical errors occur during some actions in game. Epona/Horseback Riding is being worked on as well.
More information will be posted later on.

Also if anyone hasn't already, please give feedback on the NCFC dungeon demo XD .

Aug 24, 2015

Please make sure you download the latest version, I uploaded a newer version because of the end-demo bug that freezes the player in space and the limbo effect. I am looking into the auto-equip shield bug. Spotted a few typos, which will be fixed. Zora Mask was acting strange so I temporarily removed it :(

1.4 Tech Demo

It's a big file (170MB) due to sound/music content I was working on for some months, even edits done by myself.
Game plays best on windows 7.



Please give feedback if you run into any errors while playing, this helps out a lot.  XD

Aug 8, 2015


<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lxFqrXeKdqA" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lxFqrXeKdqA</a>

*Some NPCs and Enemies have been given a small makeover.
*Puzzles have a harder difficulty, for example, dungeon one which is using a bow and pushing blocks to unlock areas. Pretty much *speed run proof for there are enemies and obstacles that are unpredictable.  8)

A Demo for 1.4 will be out very soon, it will include, the first zone, just like in the 1.2 demo, however, the player is able to access the dungeon and continue out of the forest, etc. The demo will end once Dasum has been defeated.

A new video shows you just a glimpse of what the first boss would be like, and as I said before not saving will not be the only consequence. The player is given a passive quest once the dungeon is entered, you have a choice to save said deku inside the dungeon, or continue to the boss. The secret switches to access the hidden room will not be on your map, but there will be obvious clues, such as white footsteps, highlighted to show the player a clue.
Same could be said about events leading up to Dasum.
If more items have are added, the demo, may be longer than mentioned for 1.4, Zora Link may probably be playable this time around.

July 31, 2015
Some bugs have been fixed
"Minor playable character objects are being worked on.
"Player does not have to go back in and out of houses for events to take place, events carry on before the player, for example the "very beginning, etc.
"Global variables are saving with the alpha save/load feature, the only thing that needs to be handled is adding additional scripts and variables to be saved as well.
"Some objects and NPCs/Enemies have been given a small redesign.
"Game Overs: It has been updated; if the player were to somehow die, they will restart from their last save only, sort of like Final Fantasy. The player is given a chance to save before hand by going back with a portal to the entrance if they wish to do so.
July 30, 2015

*New enemy has been added, Stationary Beamos. These enemies CANNOT be destroyed, only disabled, and they can reactivate on their own.

*The fairy has been updated, this time it is able to speak to the player, glows when an enemy, NPC or hint object is present. The fairy is also able to act as a lantern in dark places, and help the player find objects that are hidden, for example, the silver rupee mini games. The fairy has also been given a name, Urlia. I was thinking about adding a passive Z target, however, that is still in test mode.

*Save/Load has been updated, which killed off ALOT of errors and bugs such as the multi-Link glitch, etc. Saves have been updated to use ini files, any tampering with ini files result in glitch mode, causing the player to loose ALL data, so just play the game.

*Missing Deku quest has been fixed, so the player can find an obvious trigger before actually entering the dungeon via finding a ghost who speaks in 3rd person. However, events must be done before fighting the first boss.

*The Blockade has been fixed, so that the fight takes place at night, before the fight can be fought as time goes by, which is not suppose to happen, time will lockup for this event.

*Home Invasion is being worked on, so when the player takes this side-quest, the npc actually wakes up and searches the house. Before an unlimited amount of chances were given, this time you only have 3 chances to search the house, after the 3 chances, the npc who gave you the key will not be present (he got fired) and the player is not able to access the area if the boss is outside.
July 8, 2015

More enemies have been added, including, Bublin Archers(http://zelda.wikia.com/wiki/Bulblin). These guys have the ability to not hit you from afar, but also hit key items player tend to use, such as hearts for example, turning them into dark hearts, which depletes health instead of regaining.

More updates will be added soon, for there is more items being coded right now, the first of a few enemies.
July 4, 2015

As you can see diving is being worked on, want to get it working on Link first, then it will be easier to do this for Zora Link, for his diving will not be limited, but gives the player further exploration in certain zones.

*Ghost Link Glitch: When the player surfaces onto land quickly before surfaces above water, this will be fixed.
*Limited God Mode: When the player is damaged by an enemy while diving, they will temporarily be unable to be harmed, cannot fight and or swim, walk on water, damaged seconds later reverses the effect, this will be fixed.

* Player can only dive if they are moving while swimming, if movement stops while under water, Link will surface immediately.
*Animation for the swimming will by changed soon, mainly for the side view animations, example, making Link's feet kick to swim animation.

<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZW6rYllQ6tk" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZW6rYllQ6tk</a>
June 18, 2015

A bit of spriting only, small updates and a few redesigns of some resources, such as Fierce Deity (Oni) Link and Ray Wingfield in their in game form.
Also Diving is being worked on this time, like swimming, but you are underwater, and some rocks and object that are underwater become solid once you dive.

June 9, 2015
*Enhanced enemies have been added, stronger versions of common enemies, which must be defeated in order to access other rewards.
*Garo Robe/Ninjas have been fixed.
*Link's "killing Blow" attack will be worked on soon, only the animation is done. A special move only Link, in normal form, can do.
*Falling has been updated, if player falls an X amount of steps in variables, it will predict the appropriate damage upon player.
*Intro cut-scene dialogue has been shorten, just need to fix a few line-breaks.
*Dasum's Hideout (Stronghold) is getting a  huge makeover from what it looked like before on video. The Dasum boss fight will also be changed up a bit.
*Small Chu sap ability has been increase; they can sap a greater amount of energy from the player's Fatigue Meter.
*A secondary meter as been added, which acts as energy collected from Sol Fragments, sort of like a Magic Meter, however, it does not effect collected Sol, which serves as currency, just the energy borrowed from them is used by the player.
*Link can now be shocked by electricity, with the exception of the Zora form, which it does not harm Link at all.
*Rolling can and will be disabled if Fatigue meter is too low and or depleted, this goes for all forms as well.
*Player cannot exploit pass choice box messages, hitting ESC will cause the player to automatically pick NO.
*Alpha Boat/Transport has been added, still needs a bit of work. It is a bit different the the small 2 seconds that was shown in an old video.
Areas that will be worked on; recap:

Fuerur Isle (Fy'Vash Province)
*Town of Ferur
*Fy'Vash Port Town
*Delmo's Mansion
*Steins Old Mansion / Stein's Water Well [DUNGEON]
*Hidden Lab [DUNGEON]
*Goron Village
*Ash Valley
*Fiery Steps
*Gog's broken Fleet
*The Black Herot [DUNGEON]
*Ash Valley Volcano
*The Aquatic Tower (Water Tower) [DUNGEON]
Some stuff as of June 4, 2015
lol haven't updated this in a while, but here is what I am working on right now:
I am currently working on and improving boss phases. I am finally working on Mal'Rocher ( http://wiki.zfgc.com/Mal%27Rocher,_Reanimated_Goron ), one of the enemies the player will face, who is somewhat unkillable by normal means, trying to make the boss fight as hard as possible. I have made other enemies as well, and a mock up of the Zula fight and of Jak Frozen. Link's items will work in any form, however, will have it's own spin on it, my focus will be Link's Goron form, for it is the only form needed to face Mal'Rocher.

Keep in mind that the "*" by the item name means that it has been coded.
Environmental Use(EU): Items which link can use as if it was his own weapon.
Projectiles(PJ): Weapons that are physically thrown by Link.
Ability(A):Link can also use an ability with the weapon as well.
Engaging(EG): Items which Link can use to physically inflict damage on foes, for instance, a sword.
Responding Weps.(RW): Weapons that either inflicts or stuns Link's foes
(The ones that are crossed out have been removed.)

*working on an upgrade system for every item*

Koriki Sword*(EG) DONE
Hero's Shield*(A) DONE
Roc's Feather*(A) DONE
Hero's Bow & Arrow*(PJ) DONE
Bombs*(EU,A) DONE
Boomerang*(PJ,A,RW) Modding
Megmus Hammer AKA Rezoran/Zora Hammer(A,EG,RW)
Deku Sticks*(EU)
Circlet of Gog()
« Last Edit: January 18, 2018, 07:46:17 am by Zhello »
The IT Guy
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Re: Zelda:The Fusion Gate: The dungeon Segment(n...
« Reply #1 on: September 16, 2009, 12:08:13 am »
  • L'homme avec beaucoup de noms.
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The Forest Cavern
Item: Hero's Bow
Mini Boss: Mutated Deku (Hallow Deku)
Main Boss: Thief's Ghost (Blind Jr.)
The Cavern use to be a home and training grounds for the Gorons, and soon Deku who end up being lost, become good friends with the Gorons. After the war days, the area collapsed housing the Pendant used in the war inside. The Gorons had moved into BlackRock with their families and the dekus took up residence in Orlo Gale.

A lone thief heard of this pendant and grew obsessed with such an item and ended up dying in the old cavern when he managed to get himself trapped.
It wasn't long until a Deku went inside to discover what has happen, realizing items left behind by the thief inside, and eventually he is trapped there too.

When Link is tasked to find Leafosa, Link has no choice but to help him find Ralts, and soon the Pendant. The ghost revealed itself to Link and Leafosa, speaking to itself in 3rd person until it engages in combat with them. After it's defeat, the ghost drops the pendant and vanishes.

Old Palace (Old Soli'Dad Palace)
Item: Roc's Feather
Mini Boss: Falric & Marywn/ Blood Garo Spy
Main Boss: The Exile of Termina, Illrigal
A crazed man's actions lead to an outright act of treason just weeks after the war against the interlopers. The Shiekah and the Gerudo not only fought each other due to being tricked by this man, but the Garo were also targets, and the blame of the bloodshed was on their hands and the Shiekah. Time had passed and the group settled their anger over a peace treaty, and the Sheikah moved out of the desert soon after.

The Garos made their return, with a man named Stelio who guided the new generation of Garos to be ready and protect the Gerudo and the kingdom of Soli'Dad. Illirgal, still anger by passed error did not trust the Gerudo at all, and a member, who is a NADI spy, among his Garo Clan, waited for an opportunity to cause another act of treason exploiting the Garos this time.

When Link and the Gerudo Princess were ambushed by Illirgal's men, the princess was taken and Link was left for dead until Stelio's Garo faction saves him.
Link accompany the Garos to aid in taking down Illirgal and saving the princess, not knowing the true story behind the scenes, as if the spy wanted this to happen in her favor. While Link and the others are busy, she made several advances to assassinate the princess, but cannot get passed Illirgal's gaze. The spy attempted to kill Link but is stopped by Dorian.
Link and Roga soon faces off against Illirgal and defeats him. Illrigal soon realize the error of his way and blames it on the lost of his beloved, rewarding Link with a pendant, and out of nowhere, Red Garos appeared and attempted to kill everyone, Illrigal, Link and the princess, until Illirgal's servants rise and stops them. Illrigal and his Garo escapes and soon Roga aids Link and the princess to escape too, evading the fight among the Garos in the desert. The Princess thanks Link, Roga and Dorian for saving her.
The Aquatic Tower
Item: Ancient Hammer
Mini Boss: The Sentinel
Main Boss: Giant Preserve Serpent
This Tower use to house ancient Zora (Rezorians) armories and housed wildlife that is known to be extinct. They were also advanced and made items to protect the assets of the tower and creating a barrier to prevent those from entering. Among their creations is a Sentinel, which acts as a sentry supervisor of the tower.
When the ReZorians left, they sealed the only entrance and got rid of the key, which is broken into 6 pieces. When Militus succumb to corruption, he tested out his Shadow Cannon to hit the tower, thinking it is an obstacle against those who corrupted him. Unknown to him, the cannon fire had been deflected by the Tower's barrier, hitting a pirate fleet off in the distance with great force.
Once Link defeated Militus, Cynthia told Link that the Canon needs to be destroyed, but everything they do cannot destory it. Ray told Link about the treasure and armory of the tower and that they could find something of the same material to break the canon for good, even stating their is a pendant housed inside that tower.

Ray aids Link in finding the key before the barrier could go up again. Link was able to enter right before the barrier sealed him and Ray within the Tower's area. Link attempts to find the weapon and he pendant but runs into The Sentinel, which has been been awaken by the canon fire, and it attempts to kill Link on multiple occasions inside the tower, until Link finally destroys it.
Link finds a large serpent at the depths of the tower, and the Sentinel, believed to be destroyed, abused the Serpent into attacking Link. The Serpent had been re-sealed into where it came from by Link and the pendant had been recovered. The Sentinel makes one last ditch effort to destroy Link by flooding and freezing the room, only to be finally put down by the weapon Link found.

Shiru Swamplands
Item: ???
Mini Boss: Tree Babas x4
Main Boss: Dreadmire

The area once housed a temple of light and a surrounding city, which was abandon. Over the years The Dark Artifact was placed there by a man who went mad. As time went by, Sane and a Gerudo Man seek out the Dark Artifact, but the two ended up fighting each other, with Sane being left for dead as the traps inside the ruin temple were set off.
Sane was able to escape thanks to his surrogate sister, Sara, however, the dark energy caused Sane's eye to be permanently scarred and a lose of most of his memories.

Months after Sane had recovered, he apparently hired Link and a few others to find the Dark Artifact Fragments. Link didn't know about Shiru Swamp until he was informed about a warrior named Richardson, who venture into the Swamp and never returned.
People who had escaped the swamp mentioned a massive monster hiding under the murky waters of the swamp and the waters were dark as if it is engulfed in dark power.

Link explores the Swamp and has found remaining items left behind by the lost Warrior. Link had been attacked by humanoid swamp beasts and Tree Babas that were wrapped around the trees. As each Baba goes down, the Swamp man within range dies instantly.
After all the Babas were terminated, Link heads to the center and drops the 4 seeds from the Babas and tossed it into the waters.
Dreadmire emerged and attempts to kill Link, but it was defeated.
The beast spat up The dark fragment and it turned into a human, who was injured badly.
Link aids the man back to the village to receive some treatment and to everyone's surprise, this man was Richardson himself.
He thanks Link for saving him and was immediately taken in to be cared for by clerics of the village.

Kohlingen Monastery
Goron City Ruins
« Last Edit: October 04, 2015, 11:34:46 pm by Zhello »
The IT Guy
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Re: Zelda:The Fusion Gate (had for a couple yrs ...
« Reply #2 on: September 16, 2009, 01:56:17 am »
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That hud is somewhat overcomplicated... Honestly you'd be best off just having 2 main item slots and an action button.
Re: Zelda:The Fusion Gate (had for a couple yrs ...
« Reply #3 on: September 16, 2009, 04:25:54 am »
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That hud is somewhat overcomplicated... Honestly you'd be best off just having 2 main item slots and an action button.

I agree. "HUD A" is definitely better than "HUD B" though both just scream.. "unfriendly"

Maybe you just need to change the formation of the buttons to not have them take up too much of the center screen? If you get what I mean. It would be good if you could find a way to make a button formation that keeps them closer to the edges.

Really though, if you could, I think you should take Mammy's advice.  XD

Btw, this looks like a big project! From seeing the videos on youtube, it doesn't look too bad either. Nice work, keep it up!
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Re: Zelda:The Fusion Gate (had for a couple yrs ...
« Reply #4 on: September 17, 2009, 05:43:25 am »
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thx ill be working on that. :)
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Re: Zelda:The Fusion Gate (Idea I had for a coup...
« Reply #5 on: September 17, 2009, 11:19:34 am »
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I watched the videos of the game and I have some critisms. Note that they're meant to lead you to a good game

-Stick with 1 style. GB,Lttp,MC,etc. Never more than 1
-Too many NPCs in Kafei's section. (May become redundant)
-By the looks of Kafei's section, there isn't much of a story.

If you need help/advice on it, feel free to ask me stuff.
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Re: Zelda:The Fusion Gate (Idea I had for a coup...
« Reply #6 on: September 17, 2009, 01:37:54 pm »
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The sorry was cut down due to a change, his orginal story is at zeldalegends.net.  It will be hard to find due to how old it is, and the name it was in.
lol I adde so many sprites for 2 parts of the game back then^_^
The IT Guy
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The Legend of Zelda - New Beginnings

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Forum Dragon
Re: Zelda:The Fusion Gate (Idea I had for a coup...
« Reply #7 on: September 18, 2009, 04:49:59 am »
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loks promising keep up the good work.

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Re: Zelda:The Fusion Gate - Overworld
« Reply #8 on: September 19, 2009, 04:50:52 am »
  • L'homme avec beaucoup de noms.
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Orlo Gale:

Orlo Gale, once known as Mt. Goron, is now a home to Humans and Dekus.  Most of the Terrain is far different from the terrain found in Flora Town and Orsa.  An old Deku Shrine can be located there but today, it is buried in rubble.  It is now known as the Forest Cavern due to the fact that in the olden times, the shrine for the dekus contain types of flora which can only be foun in Flora Town today.

Flora Town:

South of Orlo Gale, is a town with the population mainly Human.  An Inn and a Ranch can be found here.  As for the ranch, it has many components to it, also a Maison due to the fact that the brothers who owns the ranch are rich.  At some point in the game, Link must return here due to the fact a greed salesman at the ranch is keeping Epona for an upcoming sale which you cannot miss.

Orsa Field South:

This area contains forest Like areas.  There is also mountain areas which is unaddressable to begin with.  There are also small Towns.

Orsa Field East:

Orsa Field North:

Orsa Field West:

The great blue sea can be found here, if you had a boat, you can travel to the forgotten Castle, Fuerur, and if your lucky, meet the Rezorans which is rare.
Outskirts of New Orsa:

Fuerur Ilse:

Soldalia(Solidad) Desert, home of the Guerudo Tribe:

Town of Shiru:
« Last Edit: March 02, 2010, 04:18:04 am by Linkwolf48 »
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Re: Zelda:The Fusion Gate (Idea I had for a coup...
« Reply #9 on: September 19, 2009, 08:43:40 am »
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Your concept looks very promising and has a lot of potential to become a great game. My points of criticism are therefore not discourage you but as advice for some improvement.

- The multiple graphic styles do not fit together very well. You use MC graphics along with ALttP graphics and in one of the videos you even show Metroid and Fire Emblem sprites. Additionally the boss battle area clashes with the regular Zelda boss battles.

- The HUD really is confusing and obstructing the view. Take a look at the HUD's from other 2D Zelda's.

- The story doesn't read as one complete story. It reads more like background information for various characters in the game. Is it that each character has its own storyline with the other characters as players in the their story. Does your game have a story that can be played from multiple points of view or do you jump characters during the game? For example: games like "Sword of Mana" and "Command & Conquer" have stories with multiple points of view. You choose a character/side at the beginning and play with them until the end. Or is it more like the Kafei/Link part in Majora's Mask of jumping characters. Story related triggers send you from one character to another. Or is it something more in between, like "Jet Force Gemini"?

- The prologue reads a lot like a fanfiction and is very detailed for a prologue. I think to much detail. It could be part of a story for an independent project. My advice is that you start to look at the prologues of actual Zelda games. Preferably TWW or Oracles and later. Abstract your prologue a bit, remove names, omit dialogues and all that. Those things are more in depth history during the game. A prologue has to set the mood and explain bits of events at the beginning of a game, while keeping the player shrouded in mystery.

- My last point of advice is about your language. I am not saying that my English is perfect, but half of the time I spend reading the stories, I was deciphering what English word or correct grammar there should be. I don't know if English is your native language or not, but my advice is to put those stories through the grammar- and spellchecker of microsoft or open office. It is really difficult to read.

I hope you find my advice useful and keep up the good work.


Re: Zelda:The Fusion Gate (Idea I had for a coup...
« Reply #10 on: September 28, 2009, 02:13:43 am »
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I know not to use more than 1 type of graphic, I did this long time ago; my game only uses LTTP(enchanted)
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Re: The Legend of Zelda:The Fusion Gate
« Reply #11 on: October 17, 2009, 05:23:44 am »
  • L'homme avec beaucoup de noms.
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That hud is somewhat overcomplicated... Honestly you'd be best off just having 2 main item slots and an action button.

How to do like the new HUD XD?  a little bug I got is changing the wep sprite but Ill fix that  :D

Plz guys I know the tress are TMC but it was just test trees for something, same goes for sprite shifting Link.  Im gonna add his sprites today.
« Last Edit: October 17, 2009, 05:27:17 am by Linkwolf48 »
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Re: The Legend of Zelda:The Fusion Gate
« Reply #12 on: October 17, 2009, 10:20:52 am »
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That hud is somewhat overcomplicated... Honestly you'd be best off just having 2 main item slots and an action button.
How to do like the new HUD XD?  a little bug I got is changing the wep sprite but Ill fix that  :D

I can't say for sure but you should put the HUD better in view, or did you cut of a bordermargin from the screens. Because the hearts and magic part are only half in view. The item buttons I still have to think about. But my first reaction is that there is a lot of space between the buttons.


Re: The Legend of Zelda:The Fusion Gate
« Reply #13 on: October 17, 2009, 10:11:18 pm »
  • L'homme avec beaucoup de noms.
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Im still making HUDS for my game  XD, the magi bar is just temperary, I gonna change it to make it look like the one from OOT/MM/TP.  :D
The IT Guy
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The Legend of Zelda - New Beginnings

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ZFGC is like the Hotel California.  You can come in but you can never leave!

devianart: http://linkwolf48.deviantart.com/


Re: The Legend of Zelda:The Fusion Gate
« Reply #14 on: October 19, 2009, 03:41:02 am »
  • L'homme avec beaucoup de noms.
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The thing is now that I am constantly making HUDS, I'm thinking each style isn't good enough.  Yet the current menu select i am using can only take in 1 item, gonna work on that.

Now I'm currently worried about the Temple design, making a map still, there are some screens that shows you the dungeon. :)
The IT Guy
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The Legend of Zelda - New Beginnings

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ZFGC is like the Hotel California.  You can come in but you can never leave!

devianart: http://linkwolf48.deviantart.com/


Re: Zelda:The Fusion Gate (Idea I had for a coup...
« Reply #15 on: October 20, 2009, 07:18:47 pm »
  • L'homme avec beaucoup de noms.
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Your concept looks very promising and has a lot of potential to become a great game. My points of criticism are therefore not discourage you but as advice for some improvement.

- The multiple graphic styles do not fit together very well. You use MC graphics along with ALttP graphics and in one of the videos you even show Metroid and Fire Emblem sprites. Additionally the boss battle area clashes with the regular Zelda boss battles.

- The HUD really is confusing and obstructing the view. Take a look at the HUD's from other 2D Zelda's.

- The story doesn't read as one complete story. It reads more like background information for various characters in the game. Is it that each character has its own storyline with the other characters as players in the their story. Does your game have a story that can be played from multiple points of view or do you jump characters during the game? For example: games like "Sword of Mana" and "Command & Conquer" have stories with multiple points of view. You choose a character/side at the beginning and play with them until the end. Or is it more like the Kafei/Link part in Majora's Mask of jumping characters. Story related triggers send you from one character to another. Or is it something more in between, like "Jet Force Gemini"?

- The prologue reads a lot like a fanfiction and is very detailed for a prologue. I think to much detail. It could be part of a story for an independent project. My advice is that you start to look at the prologues of actual Zelda games. Preferably TWW or Oracles and later. Abstract your prologue a bit, remove names, omit dialogues and all that. Those things are more in depth history during the game. A prologue has to set the mood and explain bits of events at the beginning of a game, while keeping the player shrouded in mystery.

- My last point of advice is about your language. I am not saying that my English is perfect, but half of the time I spend reading the stories, I was deciphering what English word or correct grammar there should be. I don't know if English is your native language or not, but my advice is to put those stories through the grammar- and spellchecker of microsoft or open office. It is really difficult to read.

I hope you find my advice useful and keep up the good work.

Thx,  Ill try to change this up lol
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Re: The Legend of Zelda:The Fusion Gate/ AKA TMT...
« Reply #16 on: March 03, 2010, 07:23:54 pm »
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Art concept of Menu

Menu I was from the engine but menu II was recreated by me, as of now I think that menu II is a bit cluttered.  I'm going to remake make it on bmp. during the weekend.  :-X

Final HUD argument:

The HUD; I completely remade it from it's complicated counterparts.  Yes I know the HUD buttons for Z,X,C and S don't look right on the top left  :D, I'm going to shift its current position with the Hearts which are on the right side.  I myself think that shifting the sprites will make it look a bit better then before, and for the oil meter, that has been removed completely.  I might change the mapper position, I don't know if it takes up the space on screen.

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Re: The Legend of Zelda:The Fusion Gate/ AKA TMT...
« Reply #17 on: March 03, 2010, 11:32:44 pm »
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Not too shabby... But it could still use a little work...

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I like-like it :D
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Re: The Legend of Zelda:The Fusion Gate/ AKA TMT...
« Reply #18 on: March 04, 2010, 09:57:22 am »
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I might change the mapper position, I don't know if it takes up the space on screen.

I think it should be fine if you move it down toward the corner a bit more. There is just a bit too much unnecessary space between the map and the edge of the screen imo.
Notice how you have the rupees much closer toward the corner than the map? You usually want to avoid this because it gives sort of an off-balance feeling. It is usually a better idea to have the same amount of spacing away from the edges for everything on the HUD. The placement of the rupee icon is perfect imo. Match everything to space from the edge the same amount as the rupee icon and the HUD should look much better.

If you do that and shift things around like you said you would, I think it will look loads better.
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Re: The Legend of Zelda:The Fusion Gate/ AKA TMT...
« Reply #19 on: March 04, 2010, 10:48:29 am »
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The menu looks alright, but the HUD is not going to work. No matter how much you shift it around. The icons of the buttons are way to big and just obstruct the view. I also think that a mini map in a 2D game does not fit. In 3D games the minimap is used for navigation, because it is possbile to get lost when the camera turns around in all the action. In a 2D game you can´t get lost, because the view is fixed and up will always be up. Thus it only obstructs the view, especially when it is completely opaque like yours.
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