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Messages - Haru

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Discussion / Re: Polaris
« on: November 27, 2013, 01:43:19 am »
I'm worrying about the story now rather than what program I'll make it in. This is my ultimate project. I'd like to make it when I am very experienced. Not as some 'first project'. There are spinoffs possible that take place in the same world though. Same setting that this story takes place in.

Discussion / Polaris
« on: November 24, 2013, 02:03:29 pm »
I want to share my dream with everyone. I've always wanted to become a game designer since I decided what I want to be and the story has been pretty consistent so far. Here's the summary.

Polaris is the story of a choice given to humanity through wicked temptation. After the war in heaven, banished angels were thrown out of heaven for rebelling against God. In this fictional story, in order to give their fallen brethren a second chance, some angels who remained righteous went down to change the hearts of those who had fallen.

Seeking to lead humanity astray while attempting a futile second war in heaven, the fallen angels took the moon as a middle-ground between the heavens and the earth, gradually edging their influence closer to man. The result gave humanity's gifted the ability to manifest their desires into reality with the stolen secrets of Psionics.

The story follows Dave 'Carlos' Heron, a boy visited and protected by one of the righteous angels as he struggles past the reality that at birth, his dead mother left him with a detached father. A reality that he now has the power and choice to alter.

As the moon draws closer to the Earth, the threat of impact becomes evident and the direct conflict of the series. Polaris' conflict becomes a story about the aftermath of the war in heaven, a losing war that the fallen angels fight in futility on heaven and on earth.

That's the summary. The story is about the moon coming to crash into the earth. You could say it sounds like Zelda, but you'd be misinformed and might I say unimaginative. The story takes place in modern times with teenage protagonists. After several events lead  'Carlos' Heron to believe that there are others like him, he and his friend John search for the truth behind Psionics. Upon learning that he does not posses the same psychic powers as others, Dave journeys with a mysterious man, Izar, who soon becomes their greatest threat. Just before things between the two get hectic, Izar explains to Dave that the moon may be giving humanity the gift of psionics but it will only draw closer until the point of impact.  Dave is informed that the impact is inevitable but the current plan is to slow it down and ensure that the point of impact is on the other side of the world. Both being Watchers, Dave and Izar disagree on the way to deal with the conflict and the conflicting ideas force them to become enemies.

It'd be nice to receive some feedback.

Discussion / Re: Shadow of Liimina
« on: August 05, 2013, 04:02:30 pm »
You seem to be liking my ideas. And yet you call yourself the idea man haha. Why don't you add me as part of the team? I can do spriting as a backup, story and concept. Story as in what's between everything that holds all of the key events together so that they mmake sense. Also, I can help with things that keep the game fresh or provide meaning to tasks such as visiting the city's archives/library. It will also be easy to make up those names that you needed. I can do anything and everything that I just mentioned. Just tell me what exactly you want me to start on.

Discussion / Re: Shadow of Liimina
« on: July 31, 2013, 01:43:05 pm »
I wonder who this handsome and intelligent person with all these ideas could be! There should be additional features for a house, in my opinion. How disappointing it would be to purchase a house for 5000 coins for restocking and storing items and free sleep? In other games with purchasable houses, there are benefits such as some place to craft materials or strengthen items and whatnot. In wind waker, the house had a hidden secret. I'm busy. Any ideas of additional features?

Discussion / Re: Shadow of Liimina
« on: July 30, 2013, 03:26:09 pm »
Earthbound has the same thing..."Say fuzzy pickles!" Areas where your picture is taken. It was made before link's awakening, right? And since this world is a shadow of Mynale....

I forgot. :/ (oh, are they the same time period/is the time period of Mynale the same as in Liimina?)

But if some areas were similar between the two towns, you could create some nice puzzles. For example, a damaged shed in one land might be repaired in another and by studying the clues in the first, you find a treasure or item that corresponds to a location in vitin's world. It's complicated, but I wanted to throw out some ideas. I don't think that it would be as interesting if the worlds were exactly the same (you said they weren't), but if the player can draw similarities between some elements of each world then you can create some interesting situations. Another example I can thin of is a man in one world losing his...favorite ring or other meaningless quest item. Would it be interesting to find it in liimina? I'm wondering if Vitinn's travel to liimina has only affected him or if when he arrives back home in part 2 will he find that the two worlds have linked or his home land has gone through some slight changes (I'm afraid that everything being different is overdone). It's hard to make yet another example as an explanation since I'm not ure how the two worlds are linked exactly.

Edit: Most likely numerous typos. I use my phone rather than my computer. Numerous more excuses, etc.

Discussion / Re: Shadow of Liimina
« on: July 30, 2013, 03:24:05 am »
I'd like to point out that these 'special areas that have meaning' to Vitin sound very similar to Earthbound. Knowing that you don't play Earthbound, I thought you might like to look into it because the ideas are so similar. In addition, I was wondering if these areas of special interest to Vitin corresponded to the world of light as a sort of parallelism. Do they mean something to Vitin in his home world? What makes them important to him?

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