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Author Topic: Is President Bush a good president?  (Read 13491 times)

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Re: Is President Bush a good president?
« Reply #20 on: May 23, 2006, 04:20:00 am »
I think everyone who can afford to must pay taxes. If that is the concept liberalism is derived from, I guess I'm a liberal
The statement of "everyone who can afford to must pay taxes" is very different from "it simply isn't right to let one person prosper and another suffer".
I believe both are right.
Re: Is President Bush a good president?
« Reply #21 on: May 23, 2006, 04:22:55 am »
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I hope it's not just because of the left-wing liberal media and your Mommy and Daddy's comments.
I hope your views aren't because of the conservative, old-fashioned traditions and what your Mommy and Daddy force-fed you as a child. And I hope that wasn't supposed to be some kind of implied insult, either. Still friends?  ;D You seem to be the very right-winged type. I'm neither, I don't want you to think I'm strictly liberal, but I tend to lean with liberal points of view.

A huge problem I have seen develop with Bush in office is an integration of religion into the government, which is causing problems.

I'm not going into details because I'm about to go to sleep right now, but maybe tomorrow. I'm independent. Trust me, there is conservative media too.

Sometimes I try to decide which is worse: crazy conservatives (KKK) or crazy liberals (PETA).

As for my previous post, SOMEONE changed what I said or something, because I did NOT write "Fecal" in that post.

Someone list ALL that he has done good, and tomorrow sometime, I'll list all that he has handled poorly. I think his only two good contributions have been No Child Left Behind, and I think that his border patrol handling isn't too bad. I DO think though that Hurricane Katrina, Iraq, the economy, supreme court justices, etc. were all handled very poorly. At heart, I believe Bush is a corrupt man. And a stupid one too. He can barely talk in the English language.

If Clinton/Gore would not have weakened us, I don't think 9/11 would have happened.
I don't know why you think this. Clinton made some bad choices, but I think he did an excellent job as president. He helped pay of a whole lot of debt. How would it have stopped 9/11 anyway? It wouldn't have stopped two terrorists from crashing into the World Trade Centers - a weakening of the nations economy (which I believe Clinton didn't subsume) doesn't really justify airport security doing a crappy job.
« Last Edit: May 23, 2006, 04:34:35 am by Scooternew »


Re: Is President Bush a good president?
« Reply #22 on: May 23, 2006, 05:58:53 am »
I hope it's not just because of the left-wing liberal media and your Mommy and Daddy's comments.
I hope your views aren't because of the conservative, old-fashioned traditions and what your Mommy and Daddy force-fed you as a child.
Yeah, and old-fashioned traditions are so bad!  Soooo bad!  Like our tradition of wearing clothes... let's do away with the "indecent exposure laws".  I'm 'pro-choice' for being naked in public!

A huge problem I have seen develop with Bush in office is an integration of religion into the government, which is causing problems.
What?  Is he not allowed to say 'God' now?  Let him have his religion!  Him being president shouldn't stop him from being allowed to have religious beliefs.

Unless you're reffering to something not so easily shot down, in which case, I'd love to know what it is (you've stumped me). ;)

Sometimes I try to decide which is worse: crazy conservatives (KKK) or crazy liberals (PETA).
Woah, there buddy!  Don't associate us conservatives with the KKK!  The KKK fights against everything that conservatives believe!  We believe in a color-blind society.  We believe that we shouldn't single out minorities (or majorities), and discriminate nor "reverse"-discriminate others!

Someone list ALL that he has done good, and tomorrow sometime, I'll list all that he has handled poorly. I think his only two good contributions have been No Child Left Behind, and I think that his border patrol handling isn't too bad. I DO think though that Hurricane Katrina, Iraq, the economy, supreme court justices, etc. were all handled very poorly.
You can't blame Katrina on Bush... sure there were problems, but it wasn't his fault.  We make mistakes to learn, no?

At heart, I believe Bush is a corrupt man. And a stupid one too. He can barely talk in the English language.
For someone who knows so much about stupidity and the English language, you'd think you'd at least have proper word-usage.  It's "He can barely speak English", not "talk" it.  Or are the "conservative hicks" the ones using proper grammer now, and the "educated liberals" the ones with poor speaking habits?

That picture is *so* clever, btw.  It's not like they couldn't find birds to put next to Michael Moore in wierd poses, that look similar...

I don't know why you think this. Clinton made some bad choices, but I think he did an excellent job as president. He helped pay of a whole lot of debt.

How would it have stopped 9/11 anyway? It wouldn't have stopped two terrorists from crashing into the World Trade Centers - a weakening of the nations economy (which I believe Clinton didn't subsume) doesn't really justify airport security doing a crappy job.
It's about national security, intelligence, investigation.  Not purely economics or private industry's job.
Re: Is President Bush a good president?
« Reply #23 on: May 23, 2006, 06:08:41 am »
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I think he's a good president though he made mistakes but we are all humans.
Re: Is President Bush a good president?
« Reply #24 on: May 23, 2006, 06:11:53 am »
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i'm with hyrule_boy iu'm not american but i think so two.
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Re: Is President Bush a good president?
« Reply #25 on: May 23, 2006, 06:16:52 am »
I think he's a good president though he made mistakes but we are all humans.
Well, and you've gotta realize that any mistake you DO make, is going to be up in the air for years!  We hear Bush's failures all the time... when do we hear about his successes?  Even Sean Hannity bashes the President's mistakes more than he praises his victories!  And Sean's one of his biggest fans (as am I).


Re: Is President Bush a good president?
« Reply #26 on: May 23, 2006, 06:21:50 am »
Re: Is President Bush a good president?
« Reply #27 on: May 23, 2006, 06:30:29 am »
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I think he's a good president though he made mistakes but we are all humans.
Well, and you've gotta realize that any mistake you DO make, is going to be up in the air for years!  We hear Bush's failures all the time... when do we hear about his successes?  Even Sean Hannity bashes the President's mistakes more than he praises his victories!  And Sean's one of his biggest fans (as am I).
He does his best to do it right sadly enough it didn't go so well.
Re: Is President Bush a good president?
« Reply #28 on: May 23, 2006, 06:51:02 am »
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I think he's a good president though he made mistakes but we are all humans.
Well, and you've gotta realize that any mistake you DO make, is going to be up in the air for years!  We hear Bush's failures all the time... when do we hear about his successes?  Even Sean Hannity bashes the President's mistakes more than he praises his victories!  And Sean's one of his biggest fans (as am I).

It shows that most people are quick to see the negative.
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Re: Is President Bush a good president?
« Reply #29 on: May 23, 2006, 03:03:29 pm »
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crazy conservatives (KKK)
Don't even try to associate my belief system with these racists, backwoods, hillbilly hicks and their white supremecist bull. I believe that ALL men were created in the image of God... I don't believe in the 'power' of any one people over another simply based on the amount of melatonin in their skin.

And neither does president Bush.

« Last Edit: May 23, 2006, 03:07:44 pm by TheRealMethuselah »


Re: Is President Bush a good president?
« Reply #30 on: May 23, 2006, 03:36:36 pm »
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Personally (IMO) I would not trust a guy who tried to walk out of a fake door without realising it.
It may just be a vicious media attack on a nice guy, but it just happens too often. I mean you cannot fall off a segway...
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Re: Is President Bush a good president?
« Reply #31 on: May 23, 2006, 04:02:04 pm »
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He's a really, really closed-minded and bad politician. I have two major reasons for this:

- He failed to add a quick response to the Katrina-disaster in New Orleans, leaving the city in anarchy for weeks. He could have responded quicker, but didn't see the need to because that would cost him more money. It was a black city, and therefore didn't need an urgent response in his opinion. He has got blood on his hands.
- He doesn't give jackshit about the environment. He didn't sign the Kyoto Protocol since "ololo economixx are m0r3 important!!!1". By giving this response, he proves that he fails to see that the environment needs urgent action since the climate is rising and rising. America is the biggest polluter for heaven's sake, and George W. !@#$% doesn't undertake any kind of action. Selfish.
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Re: Is President Bush a good president?
« Reply #32 on: May 23, 2006, 04:07:13 pm »
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On your first point there Neo, dont you think he was avoiding spending larger sums of money as it would cause more damage to have spent that money so hastily in the long run (In his experienced opinion)? Especially withought the ability to estimate exact costs.

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Re: Is President Bush a good president?
« Reply #33 on: May 23, 2006, 08:32:02 pm »
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Seriously aab; this is not about money, this is about saving human lives. If he saved more lives by spending more money than it would definetely have been worth it.
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Re: Is President Bush a good president?
« Reply #34 on: May 23, 2006, 08:34:14 pm »
He's a really, really closed-minded and bad politician. I have two major reasons for this:

- He failed to add a quick response to the Katrina-disaster in New Orleans, leaving the city in anarchy for weeks. He could have responded quicker, but didn't see the need to because that would cost him more money. It was a black city, and therefore didn't need an urgent response in his opinion. He has got blood on his hands.
Doesn't that make him a good politician?  Naturally I don't believe it (remember our nice little FBI Investigation?), but wouldn't that make him a good politician and a terrible person if it was true?

Woah!  Hold on... you just called him a racist.  On what grounds do you make this comment?

He doesn't give jackFecal matter about the environment. He didn't sign the Kyoto Protocol since "ololo economixx are m0r3 important!!!1". By giving this response, he proves that he fails to see that the environment needs urgent action since the climate is rising and rising. America is the biggest polluter for heaven's sake, and George W. Female puppy doesn't undertake any kind of action. Selfish.
Canada's more polluting that the US.  Look it up.

And why the name calling?  If I were you, I'd actually write intelligent posts instead of "Bush is a !@#$% because he's a racist because I said so!"


Re: Is President Bush a good president?
« Reply #35 on: May 23, 2006, 08:35:44 pm »
I dont think hes a very good president, but hes not as bad as most people make him look.  He is still human, and he is doing an OKAY job :/

Though the democrats right now are just as bad XD


Re: Is President Bush a good president?
« Reply #36 on: May 23, 2006, 08:36:00 pm »
He's a conservative! Anti-abortion, but why pro-execution? You can't put a price on human life, so why'd he let so many people die in/after katrina?

I'll make a more coherent argument later, but that's a good point to start.


Re: Is President Bush a good president?
« Reply #37 on: May 23, 2006, 08:37:50 pm »
He's a conservative! Anti-abortion, but why pro-execution?
In the name of enforcing our laws.  Why else?

You can't put a price on human life, so why'd he let so many people die in/after katrina?
Not his fault (read: FBI investigation, might do you some good, interesting read.  Obviously time for some serious reform).
Re: Is President Bush a good president?
« Reply #38 on: May 23, 2006, 08:38:52 pm »
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Don't even try to associate my belief system with these racists, backwoods, hillbilly hicks

Well, I wasn't associating you with this at all. I was just merely making a comment since there was being an argument over liberal and conservative point of views. Of course I don't think you are racist...or ARE you? (crazy liberals are annoying as hell too. PETA once took animal blood and poured it on some fur coats at my grandparents jewelry store. Some high-class fur coats. It pissed me off).

Yes, that is correct. I've found him out. TRM, in his spare time, kidnaps other races and whips them. It's what has been keeping Demo 4 from being released.

Either way, I just don't see how you can classify Bush as a good president. You can't look at the few things done right (and the copious amounts of things done wrong) - you need to look at the big picture. And when I look at the big picture, I think to myself - has Bush helped improve the nation? And I answer myself, "no, he has not. He has helped plunge it into never-ending problems which intertwine themselves and lead to bigger problems."

I'm interested in the people's opinions (who favor Bush) as to why they don't agree with the liberal points of view.


Re: Is President Bush a good president?
« Reply #39 on: May 23, 2006, 08:45:58 pm »
Well, I wasn't associating you with this at all. I was just merely making a comment since there was being an argument over liberal and conservative point of views.
My point is: the KKK isn't conservative.  They're extremists, but they're certainly not conservative extremists.

has Bush helped improve the nation? And I answer myself, "no, he has not. He has helped plunge it into never-ending problems which intertwine themselves and lead to bigger problems."
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