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Author Topic: Evolution being 100% true?  (Read 17449 times)

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Re: Evolution being 100% true?
« Reply #40 on: December 13, 2007, 11:08:41 pm »
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Wolverine is extremely overrated as a character.

Yeah, I'm more of a Bobby Drake fan.

Evolution does exist.. how do you think a bulbasaur gets to a ivysaur?

It doesn't; you play Pokemon Breeder, and you evolve it straight to a Venusaur.
(Out-nerding a pokemon reference? Nice.)

2. Because religions never brainwash people ever. And in school, people are taught that there is evidence for evolution and that it's not quite the same thing.
Of course they do. Religion, Science and Education create paradigms in your head as if they were brainwashing you. If you go to school and the teacher says that "Australia is located in Northwest of Europe.", all the students who haven't seen the world map in details would have in their minds that Australia is in the Northwest of Europe for a long time. Because for them, everything that they learn in school is truth. They'd say "Why would the teacher be lying?" - That's brainwashing, isn't it?

^ Now replace "Australia is located in Northwest of Europe." with "God created the universe.", "school" with "church" and "teacher" with "priest".

Or they could be sensible, take some things their teacher says with a pinch of salt, look Australia up on a map, and come into class the next day saying "!@#$% you, it's in the southern hemisphere for starters."
Re: Evolution being 100% true?
« Reply #41 on: December 13, 2007, 11:13:10 pm »
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Or they could be sensible, take some things their teacher says with a pinch of salt, look Australia up on a map, and come into class the next day saying "!@#$% you, it's in the southern hemisphere for starters."
Yeah, Australia was just an example, you can simply see it in the map; but what about God? You can't prove if he exists or not.


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Re: Evolution being 100% true?
« Reply #42 on: December 13, 2007, 11:16:14 pm »
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but what about God? You can't prove if he exists or not.

This is why Thomas Henry Huxley invented the term "agnostic."
The very existence of flamethrowers proves that sometime, somewhere, someone thought to themselves "You know, I really want to set those people over there on fire." - George Carlin


Hear the haunting words (They'll find you alone)
lost children with no heart are crying (Turning their hearts into stone)
and you're the lost mother they're calling
Go now, run and hide (seek more than vengeance)
I hear them crying at night (your pain is their satisfaction)
outside when the planets are falling (for the rest of time)
They want to feel and know you hear them (Go now, run and hide)

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Re: Evolution being 100% true?
« Reply #43 on: December 14, 2007, 02:03:23 am »
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Look, this topic shouldn't be about if evolution is real, it is a widely believed theory that may proven 95%, but that other 5% shows that it can never be 100% true, nothing really can be 100% true. Evolution is believed widely, and it is considered quite... different to believe otherwise, which is unfortunate, because it makes people think in linear ways, and make everything in a science-topic (Things that deal with exact things, i.e. maths, geography, science (except theories)) 100% real, which is why we don't get many real revolutionary disputes these days...

And Pyru, who says Australia isn't in the north-west of Europe? Science? Pah.

Oh, and that site, IMO, is much like this site: http://theflatearthsociety.org/forum/index.php?topic=11211.0

Y'see, that can't be disproved either. But the fact that the Earth is round is supported by facts and photos, etc.
Re: Evolution being 100% true?
« Reply #44 on: December 14, 2007, 06:33:01 am »
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Well, I'm an atheist, but I was wondering... if God exists/existed, why did he want to create a universe? Why did he want to create a universe where he can do whatever he wants to and where all intelligent life being has to believe in him otherwise they will go to hell and stay in there until eternity? This way he sounds the opposite of what the Church says - he sounds selfish, arrogant and abuses of his power. Even if he had interest in creating a universe, why would he have interest in protecting the "good" people and sending "bad" people to hell?

Hmmn.. maybe you're atheist because you're completely oblivious to what Christianity actually is? Maybe not, but somewhat partially obviously.

First off, every person has the ability to get to Heaven. No one is predestined to Hell, and God doesn't want anyone to go to Hell. Without Hell, divine justice is obsolete.

People go to Hell because of not repented, unforgiven sin. God will forgive anyone of any sin if they are truly sorry for it and ask forgiveness.

I find it much more plausible to think that this world, which is considerably adequete for life, with its incredibly complex human inhabitants capable of reason, free will, and consciousness was created by a creator and not just an accident of a bunch of cells and organisms that just existed for no reason.

Until you can prove God made everything in the span of 6 days and all fossils ever are fake, then it might as well be fact.

So even though you can't prove your side, I have to prove mine or else yours is fact?

Oh, and the creation story in the Bible is said by many theologians not to be taken literally, though it could have been 6 days. If you understand the concept of what a god is, you can understand how something infinite wouldn't be bound by time or by the physical boundaries created by himself.

Obviously, this is going in the direction of religious debate and away from evolution.
« Last Edit: December 14, 2007, 06:39:18 am by CelestialEsper »
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Re: Evolution being 100% true?
« Reply #45 on: December 14, 2007, 06:35:55 am »
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Didnt they already disprove evolution, what with the whole speel of "You cant turn a squirrel into a monkey, and you cant turn a monkey into a human. Its not genetically possible" stuff from a couple years back, turning into some huge flying spaghetti intelligent design bullcrap? lol
Re: Evolution being 100% true?
« Reply #46 on: December 14, 2007, 06:42:54 am »
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Didnt they already disprove evolution, what with the whole speel of "You cant turn a squirrel into a monkey, and you cant turn a monkey into a human. Its not genetically possible" stuff from a couple years back, turning into some huge flying spaghetti intelligent design bullcrap? lol

Even if they did, I assume it would be generally ignored. If evolution didn't happen, what the heck are the countless people who consider it undeniable fact supposed to do? I bet it'd cause mass freak outs. =O

I mean, microevolution has been observed and proven, but the whole 5 out of 6 other pieces of the puzzle.. not so much
« Last Edit: December 14, 2007, 06:44:29 am by CelestialEsper »
ZFGC Veteran since 2004
Re: Evolution being 100% true?
« Reply #47 on: December 14, 2007, 12:26:43 pm »
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Well, I'm an atheist, but I was wondering... if God exists/existed, why did he want to create a universe? Why did he want to create a universe where he can do whatever he wants to and where all intelligent life being has to believe in him otherwise they will go to hell and stay in there until eternity? This way he sounds the opposite of what the Church says - he sounds selfish, arrogant and abuses of his power. Even if he had interest in creating a universe, why would he have interest in protecting the "good" people and sending "bad" people to hell?

Hmmn.. maybe you're atheist because you're completely oblivious to what Christianity actually is? Maybe not, but somewhat partially obviously.

First off, every person has the ability to get to Heaven. No one is predestined to Hell, and God doesn't want anyone to go to Hell. Without Hell, divine justice is obsolete.

People go to Hell because of not repented, unforgiven sin. God will forgive anyone of any sin if they are truly sorry for it and ask forgiveness.

I find it much more plausible to think that this world, which is considerably adequete for life, with its incredibly complex human inhabitants capable of reason, free will, and consciousness was created by a creator and not just an accident of a bunch of cells and organisms that just existed for no reason.

Until you can prove God made everything in the span of 6 days and all fossils ever are fake, then it might as well be fact.

So even though you can't prove your side, I have to prove mine or else yours is fact?

Oh, and the creation story in the Bible is said by many theologians not to be taken literally, though it could have been 6 days. If you understand the concept of what a god is, you can understand how something infinite wouldn't be bound by time or by the physical boundaries created by himself.

Obviously, this is going in the direction of religious debate and away from evolution.

Because we all know Christianity is the only religion that has ever had a god, don't we? Funny thing is, a passionate atheist friend of mine knows the Christian bible more than most Christians do. If God is this perfect figure, why did he create the Universe? Answer me that.

Oh, and if you wish to see why we are here, just think of this, 10 to the power of 27, so ten with 27 zeros, multiply by nine, if our galaxy is an average galaxy, which judging by our sun's stage, it is likely, that's how many planets are out there, that's a lot. Then, thanks to liveable conditions on this planet thanks to the atmosphere, bacteria was able to forms, and evolve, to make us.

Oh, and 10 to the power of 27 is the estimated guess of how many grains of sand there are on all the beaches of the world, seems small, and it's supposedly more than that.

And what you said that's in bold, that's kind of what your saying, because we can't prove it 100%, which can never be done (therefore I do not cling to the evolution theory, no matter how much evidence it has) makes it so that religion is true and we just existed. However, human homo-sapien records only go back, give, 6000 years maybe? Maybe 7000. I'm not good at estimating dates, but I know fossils of possible earlier humans have been found long before any records showed up. Maybe for millions of years we just couldn't establish a language or anything, and so it took us time to make it... which is pretty much evolution by the way.

I understand the concept of god perfectly. God is an outgrown answer for people that made mankind stop for around 900 years while they believed that god was an almighty and perfect figure, but merciless. Who would accept everything as it was because of God. But then some people took away God from their minds, and made theories, most of which have now been accepted due to mass amounts of evidence instead of just people saying that some almighty but unprovable figure had done because he was almighty and perfect.

An example, 'How was the Universe made?" Well, seeing as when God was invented people didn't have the tools necessary to develop theories like the big bang, so they made an Answer, God, or Gods, who were responsible for everyone's unanswerable questions. See, Back in the Egyptians time, peasants would ask question about life, so the Pharaoh made god. Couple thousand years later, some people still cling to him and refuse to move on to find the, in some way, proven ways. There is more proof of evolution than that some high authority perfect figure placed us here for fun.



Re: Evolution being 100% true?
« Reply #48 on: December 14, 2007, 04:32:56 pm »
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Gannon-banned brother.

Re: Evolution being 100% true?
« Reply #49 on: December 14, 2007, 05:03:50 pm »
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An example, 'How was the Universe made?" Well, seeing as when God was invented people didn't have the tools necessary to develop theories like the big bang, so they made an Answer, God, or Gods, who were responsible for everyone's unanswerable questions. See, Back in the Egyptians time, peasants would ask question about life, so the Pharaoh made god. Couple thousand years later, some people still cling to him and refuse to move on to find the, in some way, proven ways. There is more proof of evolution than that some high authority perfect figure placed us here for fun.
BTW the main reason of why I'm atheist is because: Aren't there too many religions in the world? If a god created the universe, why would he want to make humans know that he exists/existed? And if he wanted, he would make it so that everyone knows that he exists. But no, there are many religions in the world, each one with their own characteristics, and each one with their reason for them to be the right one. Why would one be a correct religion and all the others wrong? It is more reasonable to think that all of them were invented by mankind and none of them is correct.


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Re: Evolution being 100% true?
« Reply #50 on: December 14, 2007, 06:05:43 pm »
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Didnt they already disprove evolution, what with the whole speel of "You cant turn a squirrel into a monkey, and you cant turn a monkey into a human. Its not genetically possible" stuff from a couple years back, turning into some huge flying spaghetti intelligent design bullcrap? lol

Even if they did, I assume it would be generally ignored. If evolution didn't happen, what the heck are the countless people who consider it undeniable fact supposed to do? I bet it'd cause mass freak outs. =O

I mean, microevolution has been observed and proven, but the whole 5 out of 6 other pieces of the puzzle.. not so much



(that was sarcasm.)


Re: Evolution being 100% true?
« Reply #51 on: December 15, 2007, 10:52:20 am »
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o.0 IMO its not about "god" in the topic of evolution... Everyone knows that theres evolution on a minor scale... Things adapt, they grow to live in their surroundings... its just how things work o.0. Do I think that means a monkey turned into a man over a million or so years? Nah. Wheres the middle steps? We'd have half monkey half men wandering around, which we dont frankly; and thats been the biggest issue in proving evolution. The missing link(s. more than one stage there from the jump between ape and man).
Re: Evolution being 100% true?
« Reply #52 on: December 15, 2007, 11:29:48 am »
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o.0 IMO its not about "god" in the topic of evolution... Everyone knows that theres evolution on a minor scale... Things adapt, they grow to live in their surroundings... its just how things work o.0. Do I think that means a monkey turned into a man over a million or so years? Nah. Wheres the middle steps? We'd have half monkey half men wandering around, which we dont frankly; and thats been the biggest issue in proving evolution. The missing link(s. more than one stage there from the jump between ape and man).

The missing links die out, because, guess what, the newer models are better. That's what evolution is about. You still get through backs - genetic anomalies, people with more primitive characteristics, but the wholey more primitive ones die. It's all about adaptation.

There still are the "missing links" - we've found them. They're dead and fossilised.


Re: Evolution being 100% true?
« Reply #53 on: December 15, 2007, 11:37:12 am »
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o.0 IMO its not about "god" in the topic of evolution... Everyone knows that theres evolution on a minor scale... Things adapt, they grow to live in their surroundings... its just how things work o.0. Do I think that means a monkey turned into a man over a million or so years? Nah. Wheres the middle steps? We'd have half monkey half men wandering around, which we dont frankly; and thats been the biggest issue in proving evolution. The missing link(s. more than one stage there from the jump between ape and man).

The missing links die out, because, guess what, the newer models are better. That's what evolution is about. You still get through backs - genetic anomalies, people with more primitive characteristics, but the wholey more primitive ones die. It's all about adaptation.

There still are the "missing links" - we've found them. They're dead and fossilised.

That being said; why are apes still around? >_< That couldnt work, considering apes are supposedly the "better model" to squirrels, and we're the better models to apes. It doesnt make any sense that the link between ape and man would die, whereas the link between squirrel and man still lives.
Re: Evolution being 100% true?
« Reply #54 on: December 15, 2007, 11:40:26 am »
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We didn't evolve from those apes.

We branched off from the family tree, so did they. Two different species were formed.


Re: Evolution being 100% true?
« Reply #55 on: December 15, 2007, 11:42:17 am »
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my point is though; according to the philosophy that the "older models" die out, we'd be the only ones in our entire evolutionary chain left; which debunks the entire theory o.0
Re: Evolution being 100% true?
« Reply #56 on: December 15, 2007, 11:46:10 am »
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You assume Apes and Man's split-offs from the 'originals' evolved in the same area of the world :P


Re: Evolution being 100% true?
« Reply #57 on: December 15, 2007, 11:49:25 am »
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Eh mebbe, lol but it still doesnt explain why there arent half-evolutions and what not ;P not everyone/everything will evolve at the same rate
Re: Evolution being 100% true?
« Reply #58 on: December 15, 2007, 11:57:53 am »
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I think the Panda is a good example of a half-evolution, it is mostly a herbivore but it's stomach is still that of a carnivore, which is why it has to eat so much to survive.

Well, that's what I've been told at least.


Re: Evolution being 100% true?
« Reply #59 on: December 15, 2007, 11:58:43 am »
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:s but an outwardly appearance thats nothing like anything post evolution, assuming the pre-ev is a bear lol
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