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Based on the current demo, how would you rate the game? (For the Wind Chapter)

5 Stars! Tetiro's worthy of the Triforce!
- 4 (36.4%)
4 Stars! This is worth a Piece of Heart!
- 3 (27.3%)
3 Stars. Have a few rupees for your work
- 3 (27.3%)
2 Stars. I should probably give feedback
- 0 (0%)
1 Stars... I need to tell Tetiro why
- 1 (9.1%)

Total Members Voted: 11

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Re: [DEMO] The Legend of Zelda : Chiming Bells
« Reply #40 on: October 25, 2011, 05:04:05 am »
  • AKA "Micah DS"
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... there is an error where the dark gray loading background does not go away to reveal the menu until you press a key or something. So you can't see what file you're choosing, though you can hear the sounds play when you press keys.

*Slams head on table*

Could you screenshot this problem please?

It's not much of a screenshot, it's just blank. I've attached it anyway.

I tested it multiple times and it only happened about 1 out of every 4 tries (tested it roughly 12 times). :/ I believe that the only problem you have is for it to somehow skip the fade process/animation, because the dark gray background just stays in place after the bell ringing intro fades out. I'm not sure if I just pressed keys to skip through it at the right time or what, but it seems hard to get it to happen, but it does sometimes. Not exactly sure what's going on, but I know that everything must be there in the background and I just can't see it because I can hear the music and I can hear sound effects when I move to select a file, etc. The blank screen doesn't stay like that though. The blank screen will disappear once I've blindly selected my save file. I'm pretty sure this is because you have the code tell the "dark gray blank" to do a fade out animation at that time.

I believe there is a way to skip past the "fade in" animation after the bell intro's fade out, which leaves the screen looking blank. But there is no need to slam your head. Though I haven't even seen your code, I'm pretty sure you'll see the problem if you just look in your code for a a key press that skips through the intro while also skipping the activation of the fade animation. No big deal.
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King Tetiro

Leader of Phoenix Heart
Re: [DEMO] The Legend of Zelda : Chiming Bells
« Reply #41 on: October 25, 2011, 07:12:18 am »
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Ok I've tried a fix for it but I'm unsure if it'll work. Only time will tell because I'm not uploading another demo fix until I feel better.
  • Phoenix Heart
Re: [DEMO] The Legend of Zelda : Chiming Bells
« Reply #42 on: October 27, 2011, 04:14:04 am »
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Tetiro! I had about an hour of free time today on a desktop and I got a chance to play chiming Bells, so I thought I'd tell you what I thought.

Warning readers, possible spoilers if you haven't played.

It was pretty fun, with a few frustrating parts. I got some of the way through the first dungeon, but got stuck because I used up my thirty cross bolt shots trying to hit those damn keese! I think you may already know that this is a major problem, because when you only have two items, you can't progress through the game and its puzzles without any ammo in one of them. So at that point I gave up.

I think the biggest problem, though, was the fact that you didn't include any directions. I had no idea what buttons to press to do stuff. I still never figured out which of the zxc buttons did what. I mean, z was sword, but sometimes it was also equivalent to the a button of Nintendo consoles? Also, I felt kinda lucky that I happened to notice that P was the menu button, otherwise I woulda been messed up, but it never explained which button was to SET items from the menu, so I just had to try them all a few times. Also, I didn't happen across the save menu until I'd given up on the game without crossbow ammo, and only accidentally discovered the full screen mode. Which was very important, because it was really hard for me to see the game because the graphics are very small.

I think that as far as priorities go, having a list of which button does what is above a list of allusions.

Also, Hyrule town has so many houses! It was frustrating when Zelda would be like, let's go to this bar! And run off, and I had to search through every building in town to find the bar. Also, when I was looking for the bombs, that was REALLY frusturating. I looked through every house in town twice, and couldn't find them. Eventually, I started doing the mail for that guy I guess I lived with, I didn't know if he was my uncle or my dad or my lover or what, and he sent me on these inane quests to deliver letters he could have himself, because he actually knew who and where these people were! Especially Marco, he was like, deliver a letter to Marco, and I'm like, who the hell is Marco!? After Marco, I gave up on that mail guy because I didn't like him anymore because I didn't know who Marco was, so I checked every building in town again, and I only happened across his house again because I forgot where he lived, and then he gave me the bombs and explained he was a mailman. Who was just too lazy to do his job!

Haha, so those were my only problems with the game. A few minor things that didn't bother me are the long awkward pauses in some cutscenes, when I started pressing the x button or trying to move around, but really Zelda or Chia was just pausing or something. And it was weird at first when Chia was like, how the hell are you? Mostly because I think you meant to say, Who the hell are you? And second because that's the first swearing I've seen in a Zelda game. Bit odd, but I didn't mind.

Also, if you lay down a bomb and then go into a house, I dunno if it's everywhere, but it worked for the Kokorok guy's shop, the hissing of the fuse will continue indefinitely. Nd you'll walk around for a while with the sound of a bomb fuse and no bomb, and it'll only stop if you explode a different bomb.

Everything else was done really well though. You've picked you're own graphical style and stuck to it, and it goes very well, and it pretty consistent. Some of the water I didn't know was water, so I fell in, but I could swim! So it was cool. Except for Link can only swim in SOME water...?
The dungeon was VErY nice, it had a good Zelda feel to it. Somehow felt more like a 3d game layout... But I liked it. It was challenging enough for a first dungeon, but not in a WTF way, just in a, I think I know what to do, and it's a little difficult. It was good, is my point.

Also, the plot is turning out pretty nice. Also, Im really digging the sound effects!
Anyway, it's looking good. I hope you feel better!

King Tetiro

Leader of Phoenix Heart
Re: [DEMO] The Legend of Zelda : Chiming Bells
« Reply #43 on: October 27, 2011, 11:11:19 am »
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Tetiro! I had about an hour of free time today on a desktop and I got a chance to play chiming Bells, so I thought I'd tell you what I thought.

Warning readers, possible spoilers if you haven't played.

It was pretty fun, with a few frustrating parts. I got some of the way through the first dungeon, but got stuck because I used up my thirty cross bolt shots trying to hit those damn keese! I think you may already know that this is a major problem, because when you only have two items, you can't progress through the game and its puzzles without any ammo in one of them. So at that point I gave up.

I think the biggest problem, though, was the fact that you didn't include any directions. I had no idea what buttons to press to do stuff. I still never figured out which of the zxc buttons did what. I mean, z was sword, but sometimes it was also equivalent to the a button of Nintendo consoles? Also, I felt kinda lucky that I happened to notice that P was the menu button, otherwise I woulda been messed up, but it never explained which button was to SET items from the menu, so I just had to try them all a few times. Also, I didn't happen across the save menu until I'd given up on the game without crossbow ammo, and only accidentally discovered the full screen mode. Which was very important, because it was really hard for me to see the game because the graphics are very small.

I think that as far as priorities go, having a list of which button does what is above a list of allusions.

Also, Hyrule town has so many houses! It was frustrating when Zelda would be like, let's go to this bar! And run off, and I had to search through every building in town to find the bar. Also, when I was looking for the bombs, that was REALLY frusturating. I looked through every house in town twice, and couldn't find them. Eventually, I started doing the mail for that guy I guess I lived with, I didn't know if he was my uncle or my dad or my lover or what, and he sent me on these inane quests to deliver letters he could have himself, because he actually knew who and where these people were! Especially Marco, he was like, deliver a letter to Marco, and I'm like, who the hell is Marco!? After Marco, I gave up on that mail guy because I didn't like him anymore because I didn't know who Marco was, so I checked every building in town again, and I only happened across his house again because I forgot where he lived, and then he gave me the bombs and explained he was a mailman. Who was just too lazy to do his job!

Haha, so those were my only problems with the game. A few minor things that didn't bother me are the long awkward pauses in some cutscenes, when I started pressing the x button or trying to move around, but really Zelda or Chia was just pausing or something. And it was weird at first when Chia was like, how the hell are you? Mostly because I think you meant to say, Who the hell are you? And second because that's the first swearing I've seen in a Zelda game. Bit odd, but I didn't mind.

Also, if you lay down a bomb and then go into a house, I dunno if it's everywhere, but it worked for the Kokorok guy's shop, the hissing of the fuse will continue indefinitely. Nd you'll walk around for a while with the sound of a bomb fuse and no bomb, and it'll only stop if you explode a different bomb.

Everything else was done really well though. You've picked you're own graphical style and stuck to it, and it goes very well, and it pretty consistent. Some of the water I didn't know was water, so I fell in, but I could swim! So it was cool. Except for Link can only swim in SOME water...?
The dungeon was VErY nice, it had a good Zelda feel to it. Somehow felt more like a 3d game layout... But I liked it. It was challenging enough for a first dungeon, but not in a WTF way, just in a, I think I know what to do, and it's a little difficult. It was good, is my point.

Also, the plot is turning out pretty nice. Also, Im really digging the sound effects!
Anyway, it's looking good. I hope you feel better!

I appreciate the long report, I will consider all possible improvements in Chapter 2

Yes I admit the running out of crossbow bolts is a pain. I will be trying to make bolts appear more often.

Again, I admit the directions thing I could improve. It shall be solved. Same for the buttons

The long awkward pauses were done on purpose. Trust me, I had this debate with TDWP during the NCFC zelda fight night

I have a plan to fix this problem. Trust me, if the plan works, finding a specific house will be made much less painful

And the mailman is Link's father. His name is Arn. (Taken from the Valiant comics where Link has a father named Arn). And the mailman being lazy was my little joke in comparrison to the standard Zelda postman

Chia says How? I'll fix that. And yes, Chia swears. Chia isn't your typical companion. She's not a fan of Link at the beginning. She has a temper and she isn't afraid to show it. By the end of Frozen Shrine however she becomes your typical positive companion. You see I wanted Chia to be unique. Rather than being Link's friend at the beginning, I wanted to show their friendship grow.

I am fully aware of this bomb glitch and I shall be seeing into this.

The rule for water is the light blue is a puddle depth. The medium blue you can swim in. The dark blue you will drown in. I thought the layout of the Forest Shrine was well done. The next dungeon will be more advanced in terms of it's puzzles

I am glad to hear you enjoy the plot. It will be a great feat once done.
  • Phoenix Heart

King Tetiro

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Re: [DEMO] The Legend of Zelda : Chiming Bells
« Reply #44 on: October 29, 2011, 09:26:44 pm »
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Okay peeps, here's how Chapter 2's bug fix is gonna go down. TDWP and Martijn, I'm banning you from giving feedback for now as with the fight night script and martijn's review on Chiming Bells, I know what you didn't like about the game and what needs to be improved from you guys so there's no need for you to take part in this.

I'd like everyone to try out the NCFC Chiming Bells demo if they haven't done so already and tell me what they didn't like about the game and what bugs they spotted?

This way, I can produce a refined list of the quirks and bugs to fix them by the Chapter 2 demo.

EDIT: Today I bring you a screenshot. Of Frozen Peaks

EDIT: I'm going to publish the current To Do list before I resume work on the Frozen Peaks and the Creation of the Triforce story

-Improve the Bell Chamber's visuals (Not exactly high on my priority list as I designed the chamber that way) - Floor depth has been implemented. Case Closed
-Redesign the HUD (I shall be working on this today) - I've altered the HUD to show the button controls. Case Closed
-Add smoke from chimneys (This isn't a glitch or bug. I feel like it would make the game more realistic :) )
-Stop the characters making noise every box of text (I shall be asking someone to aid me in this. Stay tuned)
-Make the shooting game harder by limiting number of Bolts? - Reduced the time limit by 20 seconds. You will now have to be alot faster. Case Closed
-Highlight times the houses are open
-Provide a readme file on the controls
-Replace Splash and Grass Sound Effects?
-Create Puddle and Grass Visual Effects? (I haven't forgotten about this TDWP :P I'm still trying to find the sprites and work out how to do this)
-Prioritise the Movement (Martijn expect a PM soon)
-Implement knockback on enemies (I SHALL NOT BE DOING THIS to Link as well. As in future dungeons you will be fighting enemies on small bridges, knockback would be VERY annoying)
-Provide the NPC's names. What will happen is when you move close to a NPC, their name will appear so you know who is who
-Possibly provide a guidance system? (Expect a discussion topic soon)
-Implement the X button's visual effects - You can now tell what can be interacted with. Case Closed

If anyone knows of anymore quirks or bugs, please post here or PM me

(The Highlighted quirk/bug is the one I'm fixing)
« Last Edit: November 02, 2011, 05:41:18 pm by King Tetiro »
  • Phoenix Heart

King Tetiro

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Re: [DEMO] The Legend of Zelda : Chiming Bells
« Reply #45 on: November 02, 2011, 10:09:57 am »
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I bring glorious news, last week I sent a message to game4ce on youtube due to his talents as writing lyrics (Dont get the wrong idea here. I needed a poem like thing for the Chiming Bell) and he got back! Looks like the Chiming Bell will have a poem like thing for it!

I'm also working on the bug fixes. Expect a sparkly screenshot soon!
  • Phoenix Heart
Re: [DEMO] The Legend of Zelda : Chiming Bells
« Reply #46 on: November 02, 2011, 11:54:39 pm »
  • AKA "Micah DS"
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EDIT: Today I bring you a screenshot. Of Frozen Peaks

There's something about snow in the 2d Zelda games; I just love it. The 3D ones, not so much. Don't know why. Anyway, looks pretty good, though it feels a bit plain. Perhaps snowed on bushes or rocks? I don't know how you've got the world mapped out, but I also think it would be awesome to have a frozen lake and some frozen water falls as a part of the Frozen Peaks.

EDIT: I'm going to publish the current To Do list before I resume work on the Frozen Peaks and the Creation of the Triforce story

-Improve the Bell Chamber's visuals (Not exactly high on my priority list as I designed the chamber that way) - Floor depth has been implemented. Case Closed
-Redesign the HUD (I shall be working on this today) - I've altered the HUD to show the button controls. Case Closed
-Add smoke from chimneys (This isn't a glitch or bug. I feel like it would make the game more realistic :) )
-Stop the characters making noise every box of text (I shall be asking someone to aid me in this. Stay tuned)
-Make the shooting game harder by limiting number of Bolts? - Reduced the time limit by 20 seconds. You will now have to be alot faster. Case Closed
-Highlight times the houses are open
-Provide a readme file on the controls
-Replace Splash and Grass Sound Effects?
-Create Puddle and Grass Visual Effects? (I haven't forgotten about this TDWP :P I'm still trying to find the sprites and work out how to do this)
-Prioritise the Movement (Martijn expect a PM soon)
-Implement knockback on enemies (I SHALL NOT BE DOING THIS to Link as well. As in future dungeons you will be fighting enemies on small bridges, knockback would be VERY annoying)
-Provide the NPC's names. What will happen is when you move close to a NPC, their name will appear so you know who is who
-Possibly provide a guidance system? (Expect a discussion topic soon)
-Implement the X button's visual effects - You can now tell what can be interacted with. Case Closed

If anyone knows of anymore quirks or bugs, please post here or PM me

(The Highlighted quirk/bug is the one I'm fixing)

Main things I like:
Smoke from chimneys is a very good idea. Details like that can make all the difference between an engaging game and a boring lifeless one.
NPC names when approached?! In my opinion, that's something a lot of past Zelda games could've used. I'm not sure if SS will do that or not. Anyway, imo, VERY cool and useful addition to the game. I like that a lot.

Good stuff King T, good stuff. ;3
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Re: [DEMO] The Legend of Zelda : Chiming Bells
« Reply #47 on: November 03, 2011, 12:09:11 am »
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EDIT: Today I bring you a screenshot. Of Frozen Peaks

There's something about snow in the 2d Zelda games; I just love it. The 3D ones, not so much. Don't know why. Anyway, looks pretty good, though it feels a bit plain. Perhaps snowed on bushes or rocks? I don't know how you've got the world mapped out, but I also think it would be awesome to have a frozen lake and some frozen water falls as a part of the Frozen Peaks.

EDIT: I'm going to publish the current To Do list before I resume work on the Frozen Peaks and the Creation of the Triforce story

-Improve the Bell Chamber's visuals (Not exactly high on my priority list as I designed the chamber that way) - Floor depth has been implemented. Case Closed
-Redesign the HUD (I shall be working on this today) - I've altered the HUD to show the button controls. Case Closed
-Add smoke from chimneys (This isn't a glitch or bug. I feel like it would make the game more realistic :) )
-Stop the characters making noise every box of text (I shall be asking someone to aid me in this. Stay tuned)
-Make the shooting game harder by limiting number of Bolts? - Reduced the time limit by 20 seconds. You will now have to be alot faster. Case Closed
-Highlight times the houses are open
-Provide a readme file on the controls
-Replace Splash and Grass Sound Effects?
-Create Puddle and Grass Visual Effects? (I haven't forgotten about this TDWP :P I'm still trying to find the sprites and work out how to do this)
-Prioritise the Movement (Martijn expect a PM soon)
-Implement knockback on enemies (I SHALL NOT BE DOING THIS to Link as well. As in future dungeons you will be fighting enemies on small bridges, knockback would be VERY annoying)
-Provide the NPC's names. What will happen is when you move close to a NPC, their name will appear so you know who is who
-Possibly provide a guidance system? (Expect a discussion topic soon)
-Implement the X button's visual effects - You can now tell what can be interacted with. Case Closed

If anyone knows of anymore quirks or bugs, please post here or PM me

(The Highlighted quirk/bug is the one I'm fixing)

Main things I like:
Smoke from chimneys is a very good idea. Details like that can make all the difference between an engaging game and a boring lifeless one.
NPC names when approached?! In my opinion, that's something a lot of past Zelda games could've used. I'm not sure if SS will do that or not. Anyway, imo, VERY cool and useful addition to the game. I like that a lot.

Good stuff King T, good stuff. ;3

You can incudle their name in text(colored), for example, what I did was put So and So: then what he/she is going to say, but what was suggested above is good too.

Another nice thing to do is make the water transparent, so the player can see what is under water, if you can dive in game, you can pick-up or press swtiches under water. :p

-Implement knockback on enemies (I SHALL NOT BE DOING THIS to Link as well. As in future dungeons you will be fighting enemies on small bridges, knockback would be VERY annoying)

Add knockback but it will only take affect if the player is hit really really hard or up to a certain amount of times.  For example, if an armored gurard hits Link 3-4 times, Link will get knocked back a bit. something like that xD.
« Last Edit: November 03, 2011, 01:33:40 am by Linkwolf48 »
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King Tetiro

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Re: [DEMO] The Legend of Zelda : Chiming Bells
« Reply #48 on: November 03, 2011, 09:13:07 am »
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EDIT: Today I bring you a screenshot. Of Frozen Peaks

There's something about snow in the 2d Zelda games; I just love it. The 3D ones, not so much. Don't know why. Anyway, looks pretty good, though it feels a bit plain. Perhaps snowed on bushes or rocks? I don't know how you've got the world mapped out, but I also think it would be awesome to have a frozen lake and some frozen water falls as a part of the Frozen Peaks.

EDIT: I'm going to publish the current To Do list before I resume work on the Frozen Peaks and the Creation of the Triforce story

-Improve the Bell Chamber's visuals (Not exactly high on my priority list as I designed the chamber that way) - Floor depth has been implemented. Case Closed
-Redesign the HUD (I shall be working on this today) - I've altered the HUD to show the button controls. Case Closed
-Add smoke from chimneys (This isn't a glitch or bug. I feel like it would make the game more realistic :) )
-Stop the characters making noise every box of text (I shall be asking someone to aid me in this. Stay tuned)
-Make the shooting game harder by limiting number of Bolts? - Reduced the time limit by 20 seconds. You will now have to be alot faster. Case Closed
-Highlight times the houses are open
-Provide a readme file on the controls
-Replace Splash and Grass Sound Effects?
-Create Puddle and Grass Visual Effects? (I haven't forgotten about this TDWP :P I'm still trying to find the sprites and work out how to do this)
-Prioritise the Movement (Martijn expect a PM soon)
-Implement knockback on enemies (I SHALL NOT BE DOING THIS to Link as well. As in future dungeons you will be fighting enemies on small bridges, knockback would be VERY annoying)
-Provide the NPC's names. What will happen is when you move close to a NPC, their name will appear so you know who is who
-Possibly provide a guidance system? (Expect a discussion topic soon)
-Implement the X button's visual effects - You can now tell what can be interacted with. Case Closed

If anyone knows of anymore quirks or bugs, please post here or PM me

(The Highlighted quirk/bug is the one I'm fixing)

Main things I like:
Smoke from chimneys is a very good idea. Details like that can make all the difference between an engaging game and a boring lifeless one.
NPC names when approached?! In my opinion, that's something a lot of past Zelda games could've used. I'm not sure if SS will do that or not. Anyway, imo, VERY cool and useful addition to the game. I like that a lot.

Good stuff King T, good stuff. ;3

You can incudle their name in text(colored), for example, what I did was put So and So: then what he/she is going to say, but what was suggested above is good too.

Another nice thing to do is make the water transparent, so the player can see what is under water, if you can dive in game, you can pick-up or press swtiches under water. :p

-Implement knockback on enemies (I SHALL NOT BE DOING THIS to Link as well. As in future dungeons you will be fighting enemies on small bridges, knockback would be VERY annoying)

Add knockback but it will only take affect if the player is hit really really hard or up to a certain amount of times.  For example, if an armored gurard hits Link 3-4 times, Link will get knocked back a bit. something like that xD.

Yes, the Frozen Peaks aren't finished just yet. There's going to be pretty stuff happening during the night. Plus regarding the Frozen Lake, you'll see it soon enough. It's actually relevant to the second dungeon.

I've almost finished the NPC Name engine. It's working almost perfectly! Just got a few tiny kinks left to get out of the armour so to speak.
I'll be working on the Chimney Steam after the NPC Name Engine. Then you'll get a lovely screenshot of the improved HUD, NPC Name Engine and the Chimney Steam.

I will be using the underwater goodies idea in the Frozen Shrine. Not all of the shrine is frozen you know...

Based on the fact that the harder enemies don't appear until at least Chapter 3, that's not a problem.

-Improve the Bell Chamber's visuals - Floor depth has been implemented. Case Closed
-Redesign the HUD - I've altered the HUD to show the button controls. Case Closed
-Add smoke from chimneys - Hyrule Market and Hyrule Town now have smoke from chimneys at night. Case Close
-Stop the characters making noise every box of text
-Make the shooting game harder by limiting number of Bolts? - Reduced the time limit by 20 seconds. You will now have to be alot faster. Case Closed
-Highlight times the houses are open - You now tell what day and when during the day the house is unlocked. Case Closed
-Provide a readme file on the controls
-Replace Splash and Grass Sound Effects?
-Create Puddle and Grass Visual Effects?
-Prioritise the Movement - Thanks to martijn, we now have Prioritised Movement. Case Closed.
-Implement knockback on enemies - You can now knockback enemies and even into pits and water. Case Closed
-Provide the NPC's names. What will happen is when you move close to a NPC, their name will appear so you know who is who - You will now be able to know who is who when you walk near them. Case Closed
-Possibly provide a guidance system? - Upon reflection, a guidance system would make the game far too easy. So such a system won't be implemented. Case Closed
-Implement the X button's visual effects - You can now tell what can be interacted with. Case Closed
-Create a clock to show the time - With the clock you can now memorise what happens when. Case Closed
« Last Edit: November 04, 2011, 10:23:08 am by King Tetiro »
  • Phoenix Heart
Re: [DEMO] The Legend of Zelda : Chiming Bells
« Reply #49 on: November 04, 2011, 11:04:22 am »
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Here you go. As per request the grass and water visuals that sometimes overlap Link.

King Tetiro

Leader of Phoenix Heart
Re: [DEMO] The Legend of Zelda : Chiming Bells
« Reply #50 on: November 04, 2011, 11:09:34 am »
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Here you go. As per request the grass and water visuals that sometimes overlap Link.

Thanks alot martijn. Query though. What's with the gmspr?

I'm soaring through all the bugs and quirks people! Expect a new screenshot soon!
  • Phoenix Heart
Re: [DEMO] The Legend of Zelda : Chiming Bells
« Reply #51 on: November 04, 2011, 11:12:07 am »
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You're making your game in gamemaker right?
These are gamemaker sprites so you can create new sprites in your program and load them in directly. You'll probably want to edit the anchoring though.

King Tetiro

Leader of Phoenix Heart
Re: [DEMO] The Legend of Zelda : Chiming Bells
« Reply #52 on: November 04, 2011, 12:44:31 pm »
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Cheer begears Martijn! You've been doing me a great service. Credit shall be given!

Update on the checklist

-Improve the Bell Chamber's visuals - Floor depth has been implemented. Case Closed
-Redesign the HUD - I've altered the HUD to show the button controls. Case Closed
-Add smoke from chimneys - Hyrule Market and Hyrule Town now have smoke from chimneys at night. Case Close
-Stop the characters making noise every box of text
-Make the shooting game harder by limiting number of Bolts? - Reduced the time limit by 20 seconds. You will now have to be alot faster. Case Closed
-Highlight times the houses are open - You now tell what day and when during the day the house is unlocked. Case Closed
-Provide a readme file on the controls
-Replace Splash and Grass Sound Effects? - Unless Dayjo provides new sound effects, this problem will never be fixed. Case Closed
-Create Puddle and Grass Visual Effects? - Thanks to martijn, this has now been finally done. Case Closed.
-Prioritise the Movement - Thanks to martijn, we now have Prioritised Movement. Case Closed.
-Implement knockback on enemies - You can now knockback enemies and even into pits and water. Case Closed
-Provide the NPC's names. What will happen is when you move close to a NPC, their name will appear so you know who is who - You will now be able to know who is who when you walk near them. Case Closed
-Possibly provide a guidance system? - Upon reflection, a guidance system would make the game far too easy. So such a system won't be implemented. Case Closed
-Implement the X button's visual effects - You can now tell what can be interacted with. Case Closed
-Create a clock to show the time - With the clock you can now memorise what happens when. Case Closed

With the last bits on the checklist as low priority, I can finally resume work on the game. Below is a screenshot of the improved game

EDIT: Upon reflecting today, I decided to alter the Creation of the Triforce told by Chia to reflect the fact it's been countless centuries since the Deku Tree Sprout told Chia the story
« Last Edit: November 04, 2011, 02:40:24 pm by King Tetiro »
  • Phoenix Heart

King Tetiro

Leader of Phoenix Heart
Re: [DEMO] The Legend of Zelda : Chiming Bells -...
« Reply #53 on: November 05, 2011, 05:19:08 pm »
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Apologies for a double post, but this screenshot deserves it's own post. May I preset 3 Allusions and the Creation of the Triforce!

Allusion #41 - The story about the Creation of the Triforce is told by Chia who learnt the story from the Deku Tree Sprout Link and Saria saved in Ocarina of Time
Allusion #42-43 - The Sacred Realm is based off the Sacred Realm in Ocarina of Time and Link to the Past combined
  • Phoenix Heart
Re: [DEMO] The Legend of Zelda : Chiming Bells
« Reply #54 on: November 08, 2011, 01:36:50 am »
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You are celebrating the anniversary in style, my man!
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King Tetiro

Leader of Phoenix Heart
Re: [DEMO] The Legend of Zelda : Chiming Bells
« Reply #55 on: November 08, 2011, 08:51:21 am »
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You are celebrating the anniversary in style, my man!
Yes sir I am! This whole game will celebrate and boy do I have plans for this!

I'm currently working on the storyline as unlike the previous chapter, I go straight into the story as you leave the Howling Woods. I'm currently working on the scene where Link and Arn talk about what could chip away Ice.

Then it's off to the Blacksmith to make the Legendary Megaton Hammer! But the hammer doesn't just chip away ice! Rather than having a push engine, Link will be using the Hammer to whack the blocks all over the place!

But I do have an announcement. I will be looking for dungeon designers for this project. Now the first dungeon is done, it's time make stronger and tougher dungeons!

EDIT: I'm currently looking for Allusion/Reference suggestions for Chiming Bells. Please contribute anyone who can

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« Last Edit: November 08, 2011, 02:24:55 pm by King Tetiro »
  • Phoenix Heart

King Tetiro

Leader of Phoenix Heart
Re: [DEMO] The Legend of Zelda : Chiming Bells
« Reply #56 on: November 12, 2011, 06:41:50 pm »
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Ok everyone, I'm taking a little break from Chiming Bells. I need some time to reflect and gather ideas. Plus I need to learn how to design dungeons that are more challenging.

Don't worry there will still be a flow of updates. But more towards the concept art of the 7 main characters.

  • Phoenix Heart
Re: [DEMO] The Legend of Zelda : Chiming Bells
« Reply #57 on: November 13, 2011, 01:51:00 am »
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If you are helped with just dungeon design in the form of scetches and rough descriptions then I could take a look at the designing for you. That would be something I could do in the train so it shouldn't take any time away from anything else.

King Tetiro

Leader of Phoenix Heart
Re: [DEMO] The Legend of Zelda : Chiming Bells
« Reply #58 on: November 13, 2011, 08:12:19 am »
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If you are helped with just dungeon design in the form of scetches and rough descriptions then I could take a look at the designing for you. That would be something I could do in the train so it shouldn't take any time away from anything else.

Actually it's more towards the puzzle designing. Designing the layout is easy. Just not the puzzles
  • Phoenix Heart
Re: [DEMO] The Legend of Zelda : Chiming Bells
« Reply #59 on: November 13, 2011, 08:54:38 am »
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Let me know exactly what you want and I'll see what I can come up with. What I meant with my earlier comment was that I will not be going as far as to tile the actual rooms.
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