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Based on the current demo, how would you rate the game? (For the Wind Chapter)

5 Stars! Tetiro's worthy of the Triforce!
- 4 (36.4%)
4 Stars! This is worth a Piece of Heart!
- 3 (27.3%)
3 Stars. Have a few rupees for your work
- 3 (27.3%)
2 Stars. I should probably give feedback
- 0 (0%)
1 Stars... I need to tell Tetiro why
- 1 (9.1%)

Total Members Voted: 11

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Author Topic: [DEMO] The Legend of Zelda : Chiming Bells  (Read 51779 times)

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King Tetiro

Leader of Phoenix Heart
[DEMO] The Legend of Zelda : Chiming Bells
« on: September 04, 2011, 01:47:52 pm »
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The Legend of Zelda : Chiming Bells

Celebrating 25 years of the Legend of Zelda, The Legend of Zelda : Chiming Bells is back in progress! And we're going to try and bring the Zelda crown back to ZFGC from NCFC 2011!

Chiming Bells is set after Spirit Tracks and follows the story of how the next hero became the Hero of Bells and who he and Chia, protector of the Chiming Bell rose up to fight Rodrick, Hyrule's greatest swordsman as he attempts to use the Chiming Bell to his will to bring himself great glory. Although Rodrick knows the legend of the boy in Green Clothes and has hidden the bell whilst he deals with Link and Chia. Will they be able to stop Rodrick before the bell strikes three times?

Unlike previous attempts on this fan game, the content in terms of the story and dungeons has been cut down but the lost dungeons have been replaced with many sidequests and things to do.

Point of the Project
To celebrate the 25 wonderful years of Nintendo's fantastic franchise, The Legend of Zelda! To create a fan game as a tribute to Miyamoto and the The Legend of Zelda series. To show Miyamoto how much the fans of Zelda adore the franchise. And wish for another 25 glorious years of the The Legend of Zelda franchise!

(A note to Nintendo, this project is in no way claiming any ownership to The Legend of Zelda series or anything within it. This project is purely in regards to celebrating the 25 wonderful years of The Legend of Zelda and nothing more. It will be forever freeware to the entire community. Should Nintendo wish for this project to be ceased, I will have no quarrels with such and thus end the project. We hope Nintendo will never choose this option and let us celebrate the 25 years with a fan game based on tributing the franchise.)

Wind Chapter : The Legend begins! When Link explores the Festival of Spirits, he has no idea that he'll run into the passage of fate and must save Zelda and the Chiming Bell from Rodrick, greatest Knight of Hyrule. He later meets the rude Chia who becomes his companion as they set out to the Howling Woods. [Current demo contains this chapter]

Water Chapter : After acquiring the Wind Crystal, Chia and Link head off to the Frozen Peaks to acquire the Water Crystal. However they must scale the blizzards and shatter the ice blockages. But during their efforts to gain the Water Crystal, they meet two new allies. The gerudo warrior Rodri who knew the Royal Family and Kiehs, a mysterious Shiekah.

Fire Chapter : With the Wind and Water Crystals at their disposal, Link and Chia swiftly head to the Magma Cliff to collect the Fire Crystal. However with the knowledge that Rodrick knows their plan, they move with caution as Rodrick will no doubt try to stop them. What's more concerning is that Chia thinks Link is going mad. For he says he keeps hearing someone sing.

Earth Chapter : With only one Crystal left, Chia and Link head to it's known location. However Rodrick seems uninterested in their endevours to grab the Earth Crystal. Perhaps he knows something they do not? For in this chapter of their mission, things are not what they seem. For Chia realises Link was hearing someone sing. And Chia may have figured out who it is.

Knight Chapter : Acquiring all four Crystals was no simple task, for now they must confront Rodrick to save Zelda. When they travel to the Sky, they are met by the person who was singing to Link and confirms Chia's theory on who was singing it. Chia realised only one person had the knowledge to perform such a song lost to time. For the singer was the oldest companion.

Royal Chapter : (The details of this chapter contain spoilers. Until the Knight Chapter's completion, this chapter is left blank)

Sacred Chapter : (The details of this chapter contain spoilers. Until the Royal Chapter's completion, this chapter is left blank)

Allusions : To celebrate 25 years of Zelda, there are many allusions to the previous Zelda games. See if you can spot them all.
The Days of Hyrule : The Day of Din,Nayru and Farore always have different things going on. From collectables being available to a sidequest beginning.


The Hero of Bells and Princess Zelda meet for the first time.
(Allusion #1. Look at the decorations. The objects hanging from the string are only coloured with 6 colours. The colours of the six sages)

Rodrick deals with Link for the first time. But of course dealing with the residents of Hyrule Market beforehand.
(Allusion #2. The stage Link and Zelda are standing on is used by one of the Composer Brothers to tell the story of the Spirit Tracks)

Link meets a rude Chia for the first time.
(Allusion #3. Chia speaks using Midna's sound effects and her design is slightly inspired by Phi)

A demonstration of the Days of the Goddess.
Top 2 images. On the Day of Din, a goron merchant will appear in Hyrule Town to sell you bombs.
Bottom 2 images. On the Day of Nayru in the Hyrule Sewers, a Piece of Heart will appear.

Already Available Upon Demo Release
Pretty much everything before and after the Forest Shrine dungeon without going into the Frozen Shrine dungeon storyline.

On the To Do List
Kick the musical composers up the backside for being late

Demo 1

Screenshots and Art
To the Deviantart!

Best Zelda of NCFC 2009


Show your support to the tribute to 25 years of Zelda

Code: [Select]
Credit and Copyright
Nintendo retains full copyright of the Zelda concept, art, etc. Pretty much everything!
Z.R.E.O own the music you will hear ingame so please visit them at www.zreomusic.com
Dayjo owns the sound effects. So visit his website at http://noproblo.dayjo.org/ZeldaSounds/
And I got the sprites I didn't sprite from Spriters Resource. Please visit them at http://www.spriters-resource.com/
Also got a Ganon sprite from Master Yoshi. Kudos to him for making an epic sprite.
Not to mention game4ce for ripping the Skyward Sword trailer music and making the lyrics to the Song of Bells
And who could forget Martijn for designing the Frozen Shrine, helping me with programming and generally being awesome! A true Goron Brother
Then there's Sir masterpaul, the architect of making things prettier

« Last Edit: December 23, 2011, 07:56:36 pm by King Tetiro »
  • Phoenix Heart
Re: The Legend of Zelda : Chiming Bells
« Reply #1 on: September 04, 2011, 02:04:49 pm »
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Nice! Looks promising.

Is this supposed to be a mix of ALTTP and GB sprites?  ;)

King Tetiro

Leader of Phoenix Heart
Re: The Legend of Zelda : Chiming Bells
« Reply #2 on: September 04, 2011, 02:07:53 pm »
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Nice! Looks promising.

Is this supposed to be a mix of ALTTP and GB sprites?  ;)

Nope it's a mix of ALTTP and custom sprite

And thanks! I will try not to let you down!

EDIT: Currently working on the nit bits. Then we're off to the Howling Woods! Home of the Koroks!
« Last Edit: September 04, 2011, 04:49:23 pm by King Tetiro »
  • Phoenix Heart
Re: The Legend of Zelda : Chiming Bells
« Reply #3 on: September 04, 2011, 08:43:42 pm »
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oh wow this does look promising! I must congratz in making a great graphic style!

King Tetiro

Leader of Phoenix Heart
Re: The Legend of Zelda : Chiming Bells
« Reply #4 on: September 04, 2011, 11:16:35 pm »
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Thanks everyone for the positive feedback!
I'm heading to bed tomorrow but tomorrow morning, Link will be entering the Korok Village and by the end of this week another minigame will be on the list.

EDIT: Change of plans, looks like Link will be taking on the Forest Shrine dungeon.
« Last Edit: September 06, 2011, 02:43:33 pm by King Tetiro »
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King Tetiro

Leader of Phoenix Heart
Re: The Legend of Zelda : Chiming Bells
« Reply #5 on: September 08, 2011, 03:39:31 pm »
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I bring epic news, I've got the dungeon 90% done. Just got another scene left to program and 2 parts of the HUD to update.

To think, I spent less than a month on it and I've already got a dungeon almost done
  • Phoenix Heart
Re: The Legend of Zelda : Chiming Bells
« Reply #6 on: September 08, 2011, 03:55:20 pm »
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I got my eye on this. I hope this doesn't let down.
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King Tetiro

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Re: The Legend of Zelda : Chiming Bells
« Reply #7 on: September 08, 2011, 06:58:10 pm »
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Looks like Chiming Bell will be in the NCFC for sure now.

The Great Fairy of Wind. It also marks the completion of the Forest Shrine dungeon.

(Allusion #4. The Great Fairy of Wind is a descendant of the Great Dragonfly Fairy from Minish Cap)
(Allusion #5. The character to the left of Link is Sarina. A tribute to Saria. Both of whom are friends to Link)
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King Tetiro

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Re: The Legend of Zelda : Chiming Bells
« Reply #8 on: September 10, 2011, 10:32:18 am »
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Quite alot of the Demo 1 is done now. I have a few rooms left to make, a few sidequests left to update. Few items here and there. But enough about progress. Screenshot time!

Today's screenshot shows the Shooting Gallery mini game. With a twist! Not only do you have to shoot the target, you have to deal with the raised walls.

My composer is now making all the ZREO tracks loopable. Get ready for some orchestra zelda goodness!
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Re: The Legend of Zelda : Chiming Bells
« Reply #9 on: September 10, 2011, 01:24:16 pm »
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Wow, this has gone through some pretty major changes since I last visited. Looks pretty awesome man!

(guess you won't be needing that midi of the Spirit Tracks final boss theme now... :P )

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I like-like it :D
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King Tetiro

Leader of Phoenix Heart
Re: The Legend of Zelda : Chiming Bells
« Reply #10 on: September 10, 2011, 05:49:38 pm »
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Wow, this has gone through some pretty major changes since I last visited. Looks pretty awesome man!

(guess you won't be needing that midi of the Spirit Tracks final boss theme now... :P )

Thanks once again for the positive feedback.

Below is a list of what's left to finish in the demo
-Add the Wall Shatter Effect - DONE
-Add the Target Break Effect - May have to make a graphical request. Hmm.
-Add the Dead Man Volley trail Effect
-Update the Compass Engine - DONE
-Create the Korok Palace - DONE
-Update the Sarina programming - DONE
-Update the Trading Sidequests - DONE
-Program the Composer Mini Game - DONE
-Finish implementing the Collection placing - DONE

-Create the title screen, saving and loading engine
« Last Edit: September 12, 2011, 02:01:55 pm by King Tetiro »
  • Phoenix Heart

King Tetiro

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Re: The Legend of Zelda : Chiming Bells
« Reply #11 on: September 12, 2011, 02:05:43 pm »
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Today marks the last gameplay screenshot as of right now. The next ones will be of the saving, loading and titlescreen.

The Composer Minigame

(Allusion #6 - The music they are playing is Linebeck's Theme. From Phantom Hourglass)
(Allusion #7 - The house the game is in is called the Symphony House. A reference to Nintendo's Zelda Symphony to celebrate 25 years)

EDIT: Here's the final checklist

-Saving Engine - DONE
-Loading Engine - DONE
-Titlescreen - DONE
-Graphical Glitch - DONE
-DMV Trail
-Finalise scenes 7-20 - DONE

EDIT: How about a prologue screenshot? (You'll recognise Master Yoshi's Ganon. Credits is given of course)

The prologue of Link.

(Allusions #8,9 and 10 - References to the Hero of Time, Winds and Twilight. Aka, Link from Ocarina of Time, Wind Waker and Twilight Princess)"

EDIT 2: This is the last few things left to do.

-Update the music tracks
-DMV Trail

I've counted how many Allusions there are in the game right now. We have up to 40 now.
« Last Edit: September 13, 2011, 10:22:56 am by King Tetiro »
  • Phoenix Heart

King Tetiro

Leader of Phoenix Heart
Re: The Legend of Zelda : Chiming Bells
« Reply #12 on: September 23, 2011, 12:15:37 pm »
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Over 10 days have passed and the progress has ground to a halt. I really need to kick my composer up the ass.

Apart from the music, the demo is raring to go!
  • Phoenix Heart
Re: The Legend of Zelda : Chiming Bells
« Reply #13 on: September 23, 2011, 10:29:17 pm »
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Over 10 days have passed and the progress has ground to a halt. I really need to kick my composer up the ass.

Apart from the music, the demo is raring to go!
Don't kick him, please. Show patience and have mercy.
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King Tetiro

Leader of Phoenix Heart
Re: The Legend of Zelda : Chiming Bells
« Reply #14 on: October 11, 2011, 09:03:15 am »
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Hey just letting everyone know the project is far from dead. I've had alot on my plate. Family matters, my own matters and even friend matters. Don't worry there's only 1 bug left to fix and I'll be fixing it on thursday and then hold on tight because Link's coming out to play
  • Phoenix Heart
Re: The Legend of Zelda : Chiming Bells
« Reply #15 on: October 11, 2011, 01:43:32 pm »
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Re: The Legend of Zelda : Chiming Bells
« Reply #16 on: October 11, 2011, 08:22:38 pm »
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Dang, King T, this is looking a lot better than I remembered! Nice work, I look forward to trying out a demo.
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King Tetiro

Leader of Phoenix Heart
Re: [DEMO] The Legend of Zelda : Chiming Bells
« Reply #17 on: October 15, 2011, 10:12:25 am »
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Ladies and gentlemen, it is here. Demo 1 has finally arrived!

Demo 1

Hopefully everyone will enjoy the game. I'd appreciate feedback!
  • Phoenix Heart
Re: [DEMO] The Legend of Zelda : Chiming Bells
« Reply #18 on: October 15, 2011, 04:22:15 pm »
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I liked the game but I do have a couple of (small) issues. Maybe you can fix them before the contest.

1. The blue letters at the intro- and deathscreen are a little hard to read. Maybe you could change the colors to green or yellow.
2. The suicide button. Is that a testerfunction left in by accident?
3. In Hyrule town the lady in the house in the upper right corner (with the four holes) is possessed or something. At first she seemed fine, but when I enter some time later her soundeffect appeared to loop endlessly which resembled some kind of monster roaring. Some after that, when I entered again, she flickering between normal and transparant. That's once messed up woman.
4. When I reached the boss in the Forest Temple I kept running out of arrows to hurt him. 30 arrows did not appear to be enough and I could not get any additional arrows from the bushes surrounding me.

King Tetiro

Leader of Phoenix Heart
Re: [DEMO] The Legend of Zelda : Chiming Bells
« Reply #19 on: October 15, 2011, 04:43:45 pm »
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I liked the game but I do have a couple of (small) issues. Maybe you can fix them before the contest.

1. The blue letters at the intro- and deathscreen are a little hard to read. Maybe you could change the colors to green or yellow.
2. The suicide button. Is that a testerfunction left in by accident?
3. In Hyrule town the lady in the house in the upper right corner (with the four holes) is possessed or something. At first she seemed fine, but when I enter some time later her soundeffect appeared to loop endlessly which resembled some kind of monster roaring. Some after that, when I entered again, she flickering between normal and transparant. That's once messed up woman.
4. When I reached the boss in the Forest Temple I kept running out of arrows to hurt him. 30 arrows did not appear to be enough and I could not get any additional arrows from the bushes surrounding me.

1. It shall be done. I have a free day tomorrow
2. Ah. I knew I had forgotten something. Well spotted LOL
3. Weird. I shall investigate. Is it the left side of the town or the right part?
4. I shall fix these before the contest if it's such a problem. Though bear in mind I did this on purpose to reflect a fault in Link to the Past regarding Trinex. If you ran out of magic, you were screwed. Perhaps this was 1 allusion too much.

Martijn, I shall tell you how to beat the boss. Also I have realised another small error. Save before the boss people! Not during as I forgot to set a few variables which resets the bosses when you save. Which will make it hard to use that save file again. I will have these errors fixed asap

I was expecting a few errors. That's why I released the demo here and at Zreo so I can get them out before the contest
« Last Edit: October 15, 2011, 04:53:14 pm by King Tetiro »
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