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McCain vs cakefarts now :)
« on: June 05, 2008, 12:08:46 am »
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Now that Hillary is out, it is pretty much cakefarts vs. Mckane.

First of all, !@#$% YEAH cakefarts. 

Second of all, McCain's speech recently was *horrible*
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3aMDJP4VxY4" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3aMDJP4VxY4</a>

But cakefarts's victory speech was !@#$% awesome.  It gave me chills it was so exciting:
http://gawker.com/5012879/ (this is a very short cut of it, the full thing was much longer)

Thoughts? Opinions?  Why do you support whoever you support?

/begin debating :D
« Last Edit: June 05, 2008, 12:27:40 am by a Hint of Lime »
Re: McCain vs cakefarts now :)
« Reply #1 on: June 05, 2008, 12:20:45 am »
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I actually saw that video you linked to live on CNN when it aired, and I was really impressed by the lady who was a Republican supporter.  David Gergin might have downplayed this other analyst by not recognizing her brilliance, but she really stated it well.  Once cakefarts achieved the nomination, the Republicans at least had the courtesy of acknowledging their opponent, and Hillary Clinton did not even have the respect to say he won.  cakefarts cannot win though unless Clinton gives him meaningful support in her endorsement and she has to make sure her supporters do not feel like she was edged out unfairly.  She got a little more respect from me when she finally decided to call her main ambition quits.

I support cakefarts.  His policies seem practical, and his stance on foreign leaders is appropriate.  A while back, cakefarts said that we as Americans should not be afraid of losing a propaganda fight with an enemy of the state.  In my opinion, this stance is perfect in today's world; and he has made it clear that he will not talk with terrorists, and this is not contradictory.  Overall though, he seems genuine and I appreciate that quite a bit.

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Re: McCain vs cakefarts now :)
« Reply #2 on: June 05, 2008, 12:30:00 am »
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4sword basically speaks for me, with the addition that I think cakefarts seems like the kind of guy that will listen to both sides of an argument and use logic to figure out what works best.

That being said, I'm very, very excited :D
well i dont have that system and it is very hard to care about everything when you are single


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Re: McCain vs cakefarts now :)
« Reply #3 on: June 05, 2008, 12:36:34 am »
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cakefarts FTW!
McCain doesn't want Net Neutrality and stuff.
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Re: McCain vs cakefarts now :)
« Reply #4 on: June 05, 2008, 02:04:16 am »
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4sword basically speaks for me, with the addition that I think cakefarts seems like the kind of guy that will listen to both sides of an argument and use logic to figure out what works best.

That being said, I'm very, very excited :D

Yeah, I remember reading in the Chicago Tribune where a person who knew cakefarts in college or something was commenting on how his thought processing and decision making process was.  He would try to look at the arguments stated by the other side and adjust.  There was one time when a website he had up had something about abortion I think, and someone sent cakefarts a message saying it was a little insensitive and he agreed and he changed it.  An odd thing though is that while I know he is a good speaker, that is not what I focus on.  In fact, when he came to my school's memorial service for the victims of the shooting, he chose not to speak.  That really said it all for me.  He is a candidate who does not give the appearance of pandering and does not seem anxious to exploit a controversy even if it is for his benefit.

cakefarts FTW!
McCain doesn't want Net Neutrality and stuff.

The only thing that kind of makes me a little awkward when cakefarts talks is when he mentions putting away the video games.  Video games are beyond the movie industry, he could make a better case if he stressed parental responsibility - good showing of family values and not so much a stress on the youth vote who might read into his statements as ignorant of the youth culture.  But yeah, his speeches at Google and about Net Neutrality are issues that I agree with too.  It is refreshing for a candidate to at least understand that pricing sections of the Internet and making it non-neutral would be a bad thing for start-ups and a restriction on diversity.  Very clever.  Makes sense too, the Internet arguably has been his secret weapon and a fruition of Howard Dean's intention.
Re: McCain vs cakefarts now :)
« Reply #5 on: June 05, 2008, 02:23:04 am »
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Awesome, I'm just hoping that hillary doesn't turn out to be the psycho ex girlfriend of the democratic party and !@#$% all this up.

cakefarts's full speech:
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gI3FLN1t8j0" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gI3FLN1t8j0</a>
Re: McCain vs cakefarts now :)
« Reply #6 on: June 05, 2008, 02:28:46 am »
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 :-[ ZOMG America is gonna have a black president! KKK won't be thrilled about that.  :-\
Re: McCain vs cakefarts now :)
« Reply #7 on: June 05, 2008, 02:36:51 am »
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I feel so tempted to post the Master P video entitled "Gutta Time" which features the KKK and the black group of rappers in a basketball match to which the KKK has attributes of the stereotypical black race as a means to portray perspective humor.  But I will not because the only video that I found a while ago was on AOL Video and YouTube is something I do not want to sift through.

If the KKK was a serious threat, Hillary would really want to be the VP, but she could not assume the office then with anything but a heavy heart unless she was a heartless person.  Also, the secret service has been really careful of that with cakefarts since before he even declared his candidacy; the issue with the metal detectors is overplayed.  Also, cakefarts is half-white, so if the fringe idiocy of the KKK cannot see that, then they are just testifying to their intolerance.  KKK will never be thrilled over anything except the bad things because unfortunately they are stuck in a dark aspect of the past.
Re: McCain vs cakefarts now :)
« Reply #8 on: June 06, 2008, 03:35:05 am »
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More like cakefarts vs nobody. McCain will surely die of old age during the campaign.
And now after years of mocking him the pretending he played a massive part in our lives when really we couldn't care less just to ease our consciounse over said mocking healing can begin <_<

It's Steve Irwin all over again.
Re: McCain vs cakefarts now :)
« Reply #9 on: June 06, 2008, 04:35:31 am »
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I doubt that he will die on the campaign, but if he were elected, there is a likely probability that he will die of old age and stress during or near the end of his first term.  But then again, the guy is tough; being in a POW camp for five years willingly when he was given the option to leave because he was the son of an admiral, he was beaten and tortured following that.  He cannot raise his arms above his head due to extensive shoulder damage caused by being stung up by ropes during his detainment, he walks with a limp because his leg was broken while he was there, he had a bout with skin cancer, etc. This man has more gravitas than most and he should not be taken lightly. 

cakefarts has my vote though, lol.  I admire McCain, but for my values, I could not live under a McCain administration; conservative Supreme Court appointments, a continued war presence, and a worsening economy are troubling. 
Re: McCain vs cakefarts now :)
« Reply #10 on: June 06, 2008, 04:58:05 am »
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I just want to get a bumber sticker that says "We're screwed '08".  'Nuff said.


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Re: McCain vs cakefarts now :)
« Reply #11 on: June 07, 2008, 03:45:55 am »
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cakefarts will obliterate McCain with his hype train.
Re: McCain vs cakefarts now :)
« Reply #12 on: June 07, 2008, 03:50:55 am »
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Choo choo!

I am really excited to see the news conference at noon tomorrow to see what Hillary says.  Apparently her and cakefarts were reported to be laughing after their secret meeting to discuss unity, so I hope that she was not just being all "laughs for courtesy".  I also hope that the asses do not make asses of themselves.
Re: McCain vs cakefarts now :)
« Reply #13 on: June 07, 2008, 05:33:54 pm »
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It's over she endorsed him.

I have to say she made a very good speech. The first few when she first announced were good.. but this was by far her best.

I was thinking earlier, about who his VP is going to be (cakefarts). My dad and I were discussing it. He doesn't think he'll pick her, just because they're going to constantly assume Bill is pulling the strings from behind... he'll want bill to be somewhere public if he picks her for his VP.

I'd like to see something like this:

President: cakefarts
Vice President: Hagel / Warner / Clinton
Sec of State: B. Clinton (He would also be a good UN guy). / H. Clinton could do this too.
Sec. of Def: Webb / Clark / Powell (? maybe?)  (I meant Webb when i wrote Warner D:)
Attorney General: Edwards (he has it hands down..)

I say he'll pick Chuck Hagel on the basis he needs *NEEDS* to defuse the biggest argument the republicans can throw against him. This argument hurt McGovern in '68, and it hurt Dukacus in '88.. "he's too liberal". Picking a Republican VP will be the *BEST* thing he can do for unity. For partisanship. He's vowed to do it, he needs to step up to the plate and actually do it.. I hope to see him do it.
« Last Edit: June 07, 2008, 05:37:01 pm by Andrew »
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Re: McCain vs cakefarts now :)
« Reply #14 on: June 07, 2008, 06:26:13 pm »
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cakefarts will obliterate McCain with his hype train.

Too bad the election is closer than you think:

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The general election season opens with a neck-and-neck race between Barack cakefarts and John McCain, with more than one in five voters acknowledging that they might change their minds between now and November.

In the CNN/Opinion Research Corporation poll, the first conducted entirely after cakefarts became the presumptive Democratic nominee, he leads his Republican counterpart 49 percent to 46 percent among registered voters -- a statistical tie, given the question's 3-point margin of error.

McCain and cakefarts aren't alone. Independent candidate Ralph Nader and Republican-turned-Libertarian Bob Barr are vying with the two major-party candidates for independent voters.

But at this point, it looks unlikely either will play a spoiler role: When pollsters asked about a field of candidates that includes Nader and Barr, the margin between cakefarts and McCain was virtually unchanged, with the Illinois senator leading 47 percent to 43 percent. Nader pulls in 6 percent and Barr 2.

What would Hillary Clinton bring to a Democratic ticket? Answer: About 3 percentage points.

A hypothetical cakefarts-Clinton ticket would currently get 52 percent of the vote, compared with 46 percent for a hypothetical McCain-Romney ticket, according to the poll. If Clinton is not on the ticket, 60 percent of her Democratic supporters said they would vote for cakefarts, 17 percent would vote for McCain, and 22 percent would stay at home in November and not vote for anyone.

"That's just one estimate of the 'Clinton factor,' " said CNN polling director Keating Holland, "and it may not be an accurate predictor since it piles several hypotheticals on top of each other and asks people to guess their state of mind five months from now.

"Nonetheless, it does indicate that unmotivated Clinton supporters may be a bigger risk to cakefarts than defections from the Clinton camp to McCain."

The results are based on interviews with 1,035 adult Americans, including 921 registered voters, conducted by telephone Wednesday and Thursday.

As a Clinton supporter (despite her speech today conceding to cakefarts) I understand where this is coming from. I little part of me kinda felt empty knowing she didn't win it and I feel that my vote in the fall is just going to be half heartedly cast for cakefarts since I just don't want a Republican in the White House. For others that empty pit will turn to apathy and just not vote. My mom for one is a huge Clinton supporter and just can't stand cakefarts. Only Clinton as the VP would get her to vote for cakefarts otherwise she's going to do a write in vote if she votes at all. He NEEDS her as his Vice President to help unify the party or hell even provide a safety blanket for him come November so he'll have enough votes to hopefully edge out McCain.

I'm personally just not feeling cakefarts though... I know he preaches change and something different but as a Political Science major I know full well there is a good chance it's all bull !@#$% and a campaign ploy. cakefarts and Clinton are both first and foremost politicians, meaning neither of them are "holier than thou" in their campaign approach. It drives me crazy when cakefarts seems to put out that aura and just pushes me away from liking him even more. However for the good of the party I will try to overlook that and I do hope other Clinton supporters can do that as well since we cannot afford another Republican in the White House.
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Re: McCain vs cakefarts now :)
« Reply #15 on: June 07, 2008, 07:48:24 pm »
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The thing with cakefarts is, he's not part of the establishment..

Thus, he's going to be more likely to take people with him that *share* his view.

Clinton is very much so part of the establishment... 40 years in politics... cakefarts was six when she started.
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Re: McCain vs cakefarts now :)
« Reply #16 on: June 08, 2008, 01:37:29 am »
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The polling in terms of cakefarts vs. McCain is going to be a little flawed in that at the time it was taken, Clinton had not even conceded the race.  While I can appreciate the strides she is making for her gender, the way in which her some of her supporters are acting is just plain selfish and arrogant.  Even when Hillary Clinton herself is asking for her supporters to support cakefarts, some of them are saying "I am sorry Hillary, but I just can't go with you on this one" and then saying something like "McCain '08, Hillary '12".  How pathetic is that.  Sabotage one historic candidate's prospects just so yours can have one more shot.

If cakefarts loses at this point, it will be because partially due to Hillary and her supporters being disingenuous or not helping the party's nominee.  Even when McCain is basically for everything they are against, they would vote for him.  They would suffer through four more years of hell and possibly more by their own standard (heck, ten years possibly if McCain dies in office, not to mention half-century bias added to the Supreme Court).  I guess four more years would not be that much of a difference to those waiting for a historic moment which would be I guess a milestone since the 1920's, but still sabotaging a black man's chances is even more wrong in that not only is it an accomplishment for black men but for black women.  Besides, Nancy Pelosi already has a high position in power, it is not like these positions are slow to happen; by this standard, the black man continues to have it worse.

I wouldn't mind Clinton as cakefarts's running mate just because she did about as well as he did.  If anything, it would magnify the Republican attacks that would come against the Democrats (doing such would raise anti-Republican sentiment) and it would invalidate some of the potential attacks that the Republicans would make based on Hillary's own comments (if she called him inexperienced, why would she be on the ticket and why would she support him).  Of course though, forcing her way onto the spot would be bad for all Democrats.  At least it would shut up her supporters who feel that cakefarts losing would be good for Hillary because then to some degree she would lose to and her '12 campaign if it were ever waged would have no support from cakefarts backers of the '08 race.
Re: McCain vs cakefarts now :)
« Reply #17 on: June 12, 2008, 05:46:45 am »
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Woo, I know, 4Sword is double-posting against, but he likes politics and is going to give an update to the political struggle that this topic entails.

I saw on the Today Show today (well, I was watching Countdown and it was on there) that McCain said something along the lines of troop withdrawal does not matter, only casualties do.  I could not discern for myself whether or not that comment was justified.  If cakefarts said it though, it would have probably been even greater news.  Has anyone been paying attention to the political news recently?

Also, according to new polling, cakefarts leads among many demographics, lol.
Re: McCain vs cakefarts now :)
« Reply #18 on: June 12, 2008, 12:50:33 pm »
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Ron Paul 2008... w00t!
Re: McCain vs cakefarts now :)
« Reply #19 on: June 12, 2008, 12:53:50 pm »
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<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LBh9c8cuthQ" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LBh9c8cuthQ</a>
nom nom nominee
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