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[Game] TLOZ: Chaos Rising
« Reply #120 on: February 26, 2014, 07:35:21 pm »
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After all these years the time has finally come: TLOZ Chaos Rising has been completed.

The Legend of Zelda: Chaos Rising

The Story

This game does not start where one of the existing games end, it takes place a great time after any known time of Hyrule. Its story is like none before. Its not about good and evil, not about who will rule. This time you have to save existence itself.

Ages ago the Triforce weakened from granting all contradictive wishes, a golden world, a dark world, to rule over all, to rule for all. This weakened the triforces main function.
A function unknown to the Hylians and other races. The Triforce was not only there to grant the wishes of those that touched it or to counsel them in difficult times.
It had to protect the creation of the goddesses from that what had been before, the Chaos inside.

It twisted the lands and the minds of great man. War came not only to Hyrule but also to other regions. At the end of this war a hero emerged, but this time he did not fight alone. Together with seven powerful warriors they managed to banish the Chaos Forces back to where they came from. However at great cost.
The world was dying and the Triforce of Power missing after it had granted one last wish to reshape the world.
Now a great many ages later the new seal that was meant to protect the new worlds for as long as possible is about to fail.

The Worlds

Existing out of some islands floating in an endless air environment the Air World is the home of those of the Hylian race that survived. They founded a small village on one of the southern islands.

One of the Worlds was made out of the mountains and the core of the old world. A place of both great heat is the home of both the Goron and the Subrosian tribes.

Out of the Oceans and a few isles the aquatic world was born. Home to several kinds of creatures, including Zora's and Fairies.

In the image of the Sacred Forest a new world was created , home to the animal kingdom.

Sacred Realm
Created from the Temple of Seasons after the seasons were undone by chaos and the remainders of the old Sacred Realm the core of the combined worlds was formed. Allowing Travel to all other worlds a small trading outpost was build. Unfortunately the connection to the other wolds was lost in time.

In-game screenshots:


<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DuR8CVnfKRM" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DuR8CVnfKRM</a><a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CDpqsgf7Yh0" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CDpqsgf7Yh0</a><a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iUKfVLtpBtU" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iUKfVLtpBtU</a>


The Demo from NCFC 2013 is available at:

Download the game

And not to forget, a link to the game:
There are 2 .exe's in this file: One with all the room transitions active and one with less room transitions for pc's having trouble with the normal version.

Download the maps

To be considered a major spoiler, but available to those whom have a problem with playing a zelda game without a map.
There are 2 different versions: one with the full completed maps and one that shows the zones, but where the rooms are blanc. You can use it to draw your own map.



Game Controls:

movement: arrow keys
using item 1: Z
using item 2: X
open the menu window: Enter
switch between menu windows: Space
opening the save game menu: Esc
while swimming use Z to dive
while in a dungeon Shift can be used to hide the keys
usage of numpad 1 - 2 -3 scales the rooms from 100% - 150% - 200% of standard game scale.
use R to reset a room when link is stuck ( does not reset health / items )
use T to make a screenshot and save it into the screenshot directory


AtomicD1: gamedesign / programming / storyline / alpha-testing
Hawky: beta-testing
GoodNight: for the walking engine for Link
Nintendo: for the original Zelda Series, the sounds, original music and original Zelda sprites used.
Zelda Orchestrated: for several of the background music pieces used

No Copyright infringement has been intented.
All sprites / names / music from the Legend of Zelda Series are property of Nintendo.
Howevert the story, mapdesign and the game-engine for this fan-game do belong to the creator of this fangame.
This project is a fan-project and has never been / will never be about making profit.

One last note:

Please use the spoiler function when posting something about the content of this game.
Lets give everyone a chance to discover things on their own.
Re: [Game] TLOZ: Chaos Rising
« Reply #121 on: February 27, 2014, 09:03:40 pm »
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Dude! Congrats!  I'm sure with all the hard work this feels incredible for you!

i love big weenies and i cannot lie


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Re: [Game] TLOZ: Chaos Rising
« Reply #122 on: February 27, 2014, 09:04:54 pm »
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Mega grats!! This is a fantastic accomplishment and great to put on a resume for work! *applauds*!!!!
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Re: [Game] TLOZ: Chaos Rising
« Reply #123 on: February 27, 2014, 09:35:05 pm »
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Just wanted to say congrats on actually finishing this

You are the few and the proud
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Re: [Game] TLOZ: Chaos Rising
« Reply #124 on: March 02, 2014, 07:16:49 pm »
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Thanks all, it indeed does feel good having finished this fangame.
At the other side working on this has been a lot of fun for me.
Sure there were some moments I considered it less fun, but most of the time I really enjoyed it. and that is over now.

I will have to find me a new challenge soon. Most likely not a new Zelda fangame, as I have already made one it would be less a challenge now and it is challenging myself to do something for which I do not yet have the skills that I like the most. Perhaps I will create some other kind of game. Or do something completely else, I am not sure yet.
In either case I will be here watching the other projects.
Re: [Game] TLOZ: Chaos Rising
« Reply #125 on: April 06, 2014, 04:50:29 pm »
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I'm just gonna post in here because I don't know if anyone has noticed (somehow) BUT WE'VE FEATURED THE !@#$% OUT OF THIS GAME FOR THIS QUARTER. GO PLAY IT!!!

i love big weenies and i cannot lie


Re: [Game] TLOZ: Chaos Rising
« Reply #126 on: April 07, 2014, 11:35:51 am »
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And also read the stuff about it on the Wiki cause there's cool stuff there too.

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I like-like it :D
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Re: [Game] TLOZ: Chaos Rising
« Reply #127 on: April 07, 2014, 04:09:17 pm »
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and don't forget to comment here :D
I like comments. 
Re: [Game] TLOZ: Chaos Rising
« Reply #128 on: April 13, 2014, 01:07:10 am »
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This should be in the "Completed" Section
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Re: [Game] TLOZ: Chaos Rising
« Reply #129 on: May 02, 2014, 02:55:31 am »
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So I just spent maybe an hour or two playing this game. I enjoyed what I played of it so far. Made it to the end of the first dungeon but didn't beat it. I lost to the boss and decided to come here and make some comments on the game. I took some notes on some various things I ran into or noticed while playing. I have them split into three sections.

The first is the smallest, yet the hardest one to actually get people to notice so even though there are only a few they all mean a whole lot in terms of game design. These are the things that stood out and that I liked:
  • Auto-Scroll Text - I'm not a compulsive save-scummer and I also ran into a bug right near the beginning that made me go through the intro text multiple times. This was much appreciated.
  • Sound When Walking Over Tall Grass - Little extra things like this mean a whole lot in any game. Definitely makes it feel like a developer cared about the game they made.
  • Key Indicators - The small key indicator is something we're all used to in modern Zelda games, but the GameBoy interpretation of it you made felt very nice. Also liked that it showed the Big Key opposite of the small keys.
  • Dual Currency - I just thought this was an interesting concept to introduce.

This second list was the things I absolutely did not like about the game, along with a few bugs I seemed to run into.
  • Let's start with the first bug I ran into right at the beginning. For some reason whenever I bombed two or more objects at the same time and destroyed them the game crashed. I managed to set it off three times in a row which made me really appreciate the auto-scrolling text :P
  • Something else from the very beginning. Is it possible to run out of bombs before you are actually able to refill them at all? If so that is kind of a big problem. I didn't experiment with this at all though.
  • The health danger sound only plays in the left ear. I spend 90% of my time playing Zelda with about 1 heart because I am terrible at video games. While I hate the sounds the Zelda games make at me all the time this one was especially infuriating since it was only in one ear.
  • I didn't always continue moving after a screen transition if I was holding a direction button down so I had to let go of the button then press and hold it again after most screen transitions.
    • Further if I was holding down two directions at the same time only one of them stopped responding. Generally the one in the same direction as the screen transition.
  • The traps in the first dungeon move waaaay too fast and they don't seem to correctly detect Link being in their path. Half the time I was able to walk through and they either didn't respond at all, or responded too late.
  • I was able to "scout" rooms that had doors slam down to trap you by walking back the way I came. It kind of killed some of the tension you get in Zelda games from walking into a room and suddenly being trapped in it.
  • I got trapped between a dog and a house. We basically occupied the same tile. It moved out of my way after a bit. This was a bug that didn't really inconvenience me.

This last list are just some things I thought felt weird. Basically they are things I don't really agree with yet I find to be perfectly valid design choices. Most of this comes from playing the Oracle games on my 3DS a lot lately.
  • There is a bit of a delay between cutting a bush and the items appearing. Like it just feels a tiny bit too long? I don't know.
  • The textbox seems to break lines at awkward spots.
  • Pressing space to open a locked door seems weird.
  • Hardhat Beetles taking damage instead of being pushed around just felt a little weird.
  • Link doesn't always hold an item over his head? I can't remember clearly but I think I received an item form the elder and it didn't do it? Might just be making it up, or the "got item" sound played without actually getting an item?
  • Enemies always come back when you go to a different screen then come back. Official games seem to have a buffer of something like a few rooms before that happens. Fighting the same enemies again because you chose the wrong direction it kind of tedious.
  • If you stand in the warp between mini-boss room and entrance you will constantly warp.
  • The boomerang causes damage, but also doesn't seem to be able to kill enemies. I kind of like it, but I also find it a little bit weird.
  • The way you can refill your bombs on the chain-chomp mini-boss is a nice way to trap the player but not make the fight excessively difficult. My only issues with it is it seems just a little bit too infrequent for my taste.

So, now that I've posted all these words about your game I definitely want to say Congratulations on finishing your game. It's nice to see someone have their hard work pay off for them.

I hope none of what I said discourages you in any way. Those are basically by exact thoughts at different points playing your game. Your first dungeon boss seemed to be fairly creative at least going by Zelda games. I don't think I've fought a boss with that kind of gimmick before. Though I do think the constraint of the room size due to being similar to the GameBoy games hurt a bit, but it isn't bad. If others are like that I'll definitely enjoy playing the game some more. I'm planning to do so at some point. If I ever manage to beat it I'm sure I'll have some more comments to give you.

Again, good job on finishing this. It's pretty exciting to see a finished game here.
Re: [Game] TLOZ: Chaos Rising
« Reply #130 on: June 13, 2014, 01:30:24 am »
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Hey Atom, I finally fired this game up and I gotta say, I tried 3 times and just gave up because I kept on accidentally bombing 2 or more objects at once and the game would crash. Not just on rocks, but also on enemies. I bombed an octorock and a bush at the same time and boom, crash. Very sad, because the game actually looks like it would be very fun and I was even planning on doing a let's play of it and put it on youtube and post it here as well to maybe help it get more attention. I can tell you put a lot of work into this so it's really sad that such a small problem can make all that work pretty much go to waste because it's too broken. Can you please fix it?? :'(

And the movement stopping problem (flagrama noted it in the above post) is not as big of an issue, but it is also pretty annoying and the game experience would be way better if it was fixed. The game probably just needs to check key presses differently. I don't know what your code is, but I do know that using the built in speed will give this kind of problem if you transition rooms. Not sure exactly how you are doing it, but it's always better to just have code constantly asking each step about key presses and use x and y for movement according to the keys being pressed, blah blah blah. If you're using drag and drop, you can still do it so it will work (though d&d is really horrible to work with; a big project will become very cluttered and tough to go through the code because it gets so large and confusing).

If you need help and if you could possibly show the code somehow, I bet I could see the problems to suggest the solutions. I'd offer to fix it myself, but I only have Game Maker Studio now, and I expect you made this with 8.1 or earlier, and things probably changed too much between versions. Whatever the case, I really hope you can at least fix the bomb glitch, because it's really nasty. I'm actually really curious how you even got it to crash from that. It's like it's checking for a destroyed object, expecting it to be there, but it's not. But I don't know how one could write code to make something like that happen unless you get an object id, store it in memory, kill the object, then call on that id after killing the object. That's all I can come up with without seeing the code.
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Re: [Game] TLOZ: Chaos Rising
« Reply #131 on: June 13, 2014, 02:10:00 am »
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Hey Atom, I finally fired this game up and I gotta say, I tried 3 times and just gave up because I kept on accidentally bombing 2 or more objects at once and the game would crash. Not just on rocks, but also on enemies. I bombed an octorock and a bush at the same time and boom, crash. Very sad, because the game actually looks like it would be very fun and I was even planning on doing a let's play of it and put it on youtube and post it here as well to maybe help it get more attention. I can tell you put a lot of work into this so it's really sad that such a small problem can make all that work pretty much go to waste because it's too broken. Can you please fix it?? :'(
I made it all the way through the first dungeon then started playing through the second but I keep on hitting this bug partway through and it makes it pretty frustrating to try and play. If you could fix that I would love to give this game another shot.


Aimes Games: Zelda fan games.
Re: [Game] TLOZ: Chaos Rising
« Reply #132 on: June 20, 2014, 05:55:24 am »
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I like it.
Though, I do have a few issues that I hope that will be put in as an option.

The option to full screen.  No I do not mean full screen where it only shows the game...I want the game's screen to be full, not a tiny little block.  It really bugs me.

The name registration was a bit slow moving with the arrow keys.  It does not move right away when you press one of the arrow keys.  It'll lag.  It took too long to get to the 'OK' button.  I also didn't really like the music choice for the name registration...I don't care if it's not the traditional file select song, but I feel like it just does not fit.  And the scrolling text sound is very loud.

Anyways, those are my cons.

The pros, excellent Zelda engine.  It reminds me of the 'menu-engine' which I know you've didn't use because of the differences between them!  I love the Zelda transition screen effect, it's nice.  The mapping is decent.  The NPCs were great.  The game-play is like every traditional Zelda game, I like it.

4.5/5 --- There are a few things that I can't handle, but it doesn't make it near a bad game. ^_^ It's pretty good and solid on top of the cons.  :)
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Aimes Games: Zelda fan games.
Re: [Game] TLOZ: Chaos Rising
« Reply #133 on: June 25, 2014, 11:51:07 pm »
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I got stuck on one of the pits up in the sky land, place. ;/ :huh:
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Re: [Game] TLOZ: Chaos Rising
« Reply #134 on: June 29, 2014, 04:35:04 pm »
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good job man! no bugs so far, only one thing, could you add the option quit without saving, you know sometimes i'd like to look around and waste items, in search for hidden stuff and then quit without saving that "progress", so please add that feature, oh about the quit part could you make it leave the game and not return to the title screen, i mean the only way to end the game is through task manager
Re: [Game] TLOZ: Chaos Rising
« Reply #135 on: November 15, 2015, 08:56:02 pm »
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Its been over a year since my last visit, but life has been very busy for me. Still is actually, but I thought I'd say hi. Made a small change to the bombs, might fix the problems people had, though not sure as I never had the bug myself so its hard to test it. 

To exit the game one can use esc in the start screen of the game

to resize you can use keys 1 2 3 or 1 2 3 on the keypad



Re: [Game] TLOZ: Chaos Rising
« Reply #136 on: November 15, 2015, 09:37:45 pm »
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Its been over a year since my last visit, but life has been very busy for me. Still is actually, but I thought I'd say hi. Made a small change to the bombs, might fix the problems people had, though not sure as I never had the bug myself so its hard to test it. 

To exit the game one can use esc in the start screen of the game

to resize you can use keys 1 2 3 or 1 2 3 on the keypad


Welcome back. I'm sort of in the same boat too, but I at times get some good amount of free time to work on my game, I just never post bring it up on discussion board.

But good to see another great project back, other than the usual lttp/mc designs lol :D
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