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Messages - FrozenFire

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Other Projects / Re: Alttp - Horn of Balance
« on: October 05, 2021, 07:15:06 am »
Martijn knows I've been lurking ZFGC on occasion to keep an eye on this game, but I figured I should make a post so my interest is on record. I think I've said it once or twice before, but I hold the same sentiment as Aero88's last post above. I am both amazed and inspired by this project.

I recently started playing the newest build. It had been a while since I played a demo and I had remembered the game fondly, especially the dungeons. The first dungeon is just like I remembered, and my appreciation for the dungeon design is even greater now. I'm really enjoying the new demo, so much that I'm having to force myself not to play it so I can get other important things done, ahaha. XD

Discussion / Re: "MiZM" Zeltroid Game
« on: September 16, 2019, 09:45:32 am »
  • Reworked the player state machine so it's clean and consistent.
    It wasn't 'terrible' before, but it definitely needed reworking to ensure I'll avoid future headaches and lost time.
  • Reworked the game state machine and added a lot of new game states.
    For e.g. a state for scenes where the character is controlled by a sort of timeline, movies (planning to do a little rotoscoping for key moments of the game, like when you get your sword), menu, etc. - even some dev stuff, like a world editing state.
  • Converted an "impact freeze" effect to a game state.
  • Improved on some fluidity and game feel in player mechanics by allowing some jump and attack buffering in certain states.
  • Various code and asset cleanup, mostly to give more sensible grouping and organization to remain manageable as the project grows.

The huge thing this weekend was not the basic textboxes, actually (that took very little time), but it was properly reworking the player state machine without totally ruining it (I honestly lost all of Friday and nearly half of Saturday because my first attempt did totally ruin it...), and it also took a bit of time planning the game states to allow for complex scenes, for properly pausing in each state, and setting up for everything the game will need in the future.

Next weekend, the plan is to continue work on the text engine, implementing "item get" stuff and to add a possibility for some textboxes to show an image above it, which would be used for showing pictures of the item that the text below says you've obtained. I may also use the picture for character busts later, though I only really have a shopkeeper and a secret Easter egg character, so it's not like this game will have many characters. It's largely a story about a lone character and his spirit sword. Any other characters wouldn't play much of a role.


EDIT 2021, October 2nd:

Wow, it's been just over 2 years since I did anything notable on the game, but I have done small updates on it to keep the code up to date with the latest version of GameMaker, and I've written the code cleanly enough and documented my progress and marked my place in my to-do list so I can come back to it and continue it without getting lost in the code, not wondering what in the world I was in the middle of doing and what was I going to do next.

So I see no issue picking up where I left off. That said, I'm still not sure when I'll pick up development again, which is why I'm not making a new post, just this sneaky edit. The best I can say at this time is that I still do not plan on giving up on this project and I've purposefully been holding off on starting any new bigger non-paid projects until I get back to this and complete it.

Discussion / Re: "MiZM" Zeltroid Game
« on: September 11, 2019, 09:22:18 am »
The black sprites used for dodging and recharging stand out somehow. Maybe it's because most of your spritework feels smooth and is without other pure blackness. Using a few frames of a fully white link / tunic instead might be a simple way to get some softer visual indicators. (Check the hair recharge in "Celeste" for an example).
Thanks. I've felt the same ever since I added it, but it's great to get another person's feedback to confirm that it's not just me being strangely picky. You observations and advice should prove helpful. I guess I'll have to reference Celeste (again, lol), but for now I'm leaving it as is, in favor of tackling more of the bigger stuff. So it's going on my "TO FIX" list. ;)

Other Projects / Re: Alttp - Horn of Balance
« on: September 08, 2019, 08:46:44 am »
Looks like some nice progress has been made, as always, but it sounds like things have been pretty troublesome for you lately with GameMaker. Sorry to hear that.

The main reason I'm posting though is because waaaay back in the middle of May I said I was going to try to record a play through of the blue underwater prison dungeon. Sadly, that didn't happen. But now that I'm 'back', I was wanting to try for it again. However, now it sounds like you're close to releasing a new demo (?), so maybe I should wait a bit more for that. In any case, it's going on my to-do list this time. :P

Discussion / Re: "MiZM" Zeltroid Game
« on: September 08, 2019, 08:11:32 am »
How's the project coming along?
:o I've only recently come back to this project, but I totally spaced on this topic and should've posted much earlier to explain. Sorry about the long silence.

- What Happened -
My grandmother passed away June 9th, so I ended up taking a break from my game and from most of the internet and spent time with family and reassessed my priorities, etc. But a lot of other things came into play shortly after that, so I was only finally able to come back to the project after nearly 3 months had passed. Oof, yeah, that's a MUCH longer break than I had anticipated, but hey, at least I'm back on it now.


I 'think' the ground-based tactical dodge is the only thing I added in between my last post and now, so here's a GIF of that. It's performed by holding left/right and pressing down:

But that was done months ago, before I took a break. This weekend, the only visible thing I've done is implement healing at save points:

( Sorry for slightly choppy GIF. Also, ignore when the player character turns red. That's just me inflicting damage so the save point will trigger the heal. )

I could've gotten much more done, but a lot of my free time was taken up because I had to get familiar with my code again, and - while I was doing so - I realized some inconsistent things in my project that I needed to change to ensure things would stay nice and manageable as I move forward. I just have a little more of that to do, then I'll be good to move on to the next thing, which is planned to be text boxes for dialogue, item pickups, etc.

Other Projects / Re: Alttp - Horn of Balance
« on: May 15, 2019, 06:14:43 am »
If I cut corners then I should be able to produce an unpolished private version in about 5 weeks from now. But honestly, I'd rather not rush it. Maybe you can first record a playthrough of the last demo (= the blue underwater prison dungeon). Seeing gameplay and reactions for just that area is already invaluable (!) to me.
While I can produce a testing build in about 5 weeks, it'll likely be around 3 more months till it's been properly finished and tested.

Alright, sounds like I should try for that blue underwater prison dungeon then. XD

I'd like to make a true first play video of that dungeon, since I haven't played it yet (I don't think?), but it might end up being in bits and pieces, since I'll probably only get to play for a little bit each time.
I have to focus on my own game for now, since I'm a bit behind where I wanted to be this week on game dev, due to some unforeseen hindrances (I totally did not spend hours overlooking a simple lack of updating an x position value in my particle system array which in turn made various bugs occur... nope), so I'll probably play a bit in between work this weekend, if I have energy, lol. If not, hopefully next week.

Discussion / Re: "MiZM" Zeltroid Game
« on: May 15, 2019, 05:27:08 am »
Looking forward to the update, looks proper nice. Also I like the sound of the "80s roller rink arcade room" thing. I'm into that idea of a very particular and specific set of vibes conveyed in video game form.
Thanks! Yeah, it might not really have that feel just yet, and it could be a while before it gets there, but I'll definitely be working toward that end.


<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VgnFjFqybVQ" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VgnFjFqybVQ</a>
( Annnd, today I was reminded that I'm bad at commentary. Hopefully it's not too terrible. )

Here's a list of new stuff, since I didn't cover everything in the video, and you might not want to listen to me speaking but still want to know what's new:
  • HP and damage system was added and is fully functional (you just don't die yet)
  • Menu/Inventory/Map screen added. The map only reveals visited screens and shows player position, etc.
    This is all pretty much complete, but the map has to be updated as I create new content, so it's not complete yet, and the options menu does not yet exist.
  • Starter enemy 'Scrubble', was added.
    It's mostly finished, but still in need of some small tweaks and fixes.
  • Sword slash arc was updated to make attacking in the air play better, and to enhance combat in general.
  • Sword LV3 now has shock properties, both visually and functionally.
    It shocks and stuns enemies, though the starter enemies are too weak, so they die too quick to be stunned.
  • Enemy death (explosion) particle system.
    Uses a 2D array and interacts with the environment, bouncing off walls and such.
  • Various smaller yet important tweaks, like a sword attack buffer and probably more stuff I'm forgetting.


- Ground Dodge -
After a few tweaks to various things, I'm planning to add a ground-based dodge which will be performed by holding down + right/left and jump.
Long story short is that I was testing a moving ground-based damage type entity and realized I just naturally wanted to dodge roll. Having the aerial dash ability only amplified this desire.
I did actually try to modify the existing aerial dash to accommodate the ground dodge, but I realized the ground dodge needed to act too differently, such as stopping short at ledges, having a special cooldown 'halt' on the player character following the dodge, etc. So it's better to be added as a totally different type of dash/dodge.

- Developer Editor -
After finishing the ground-based dodge, the plan is to implement a developers editor.
Basically, I'm laying down all the tiles in GameMaker's room editor and letting GameMaker handle those via whatever underlying stuff is going on to render only what is needed of tiles, etc., but instances are another story. I could put everything in the room and just use the deactivate/activate functions, but that room startup lag spike would suck, and the activation functions don't cover a lot of other needs I have either, such as spawn timers that count down on dead enemies with each screen transition.
So I've decided I want an editor that I can switch on/off during runtime, adding entities to arrays in a way which assigns groups of things to each 'screen', allowing me to load and unload them and control various aspects of them.

- Future -
Once the editor is in place, I can focus on adding more enemies, making the various items obtainable in the world with the whole 'item get' goodness (can't wait to make my own 'item get' jingle), and I can start really planning out all the mapping in detail, with puzzles, new tiles, etc. Yeah, there's still a lot to do. Not to mention the cut scenes and rotoscoping stuff I want to do.
It's funny. This was supposed to be a small project.  :o  I mean, it is, but the work it requires doesn't make it feel so small, ahaha.

Other Projects / Re: Alttp - Horn of Balance
« on: May 12, 2019, 12:26:16 pm »
How's your own game progressing? That's looking quite promising as well.
It's been going well. I've been working on it pretty consistently each week, but every time I thought to post a new update on here, I was always too worn out from the extra hours at work or something else. I should be posting an update within the next few days though, hopefully.

Back on the topic of your game:
Do you have any idea when you might roll out a new demo? I'm thinking I might want to do a new play through video. If not that, at the very least, I'd like to do some more testing. XD

Other Projects / Re: Alttp - Horn of Balance
« on: May 11, 2019, 01:19:46 pm »
Just another reply praising your progress.  XD
Your tiling is looking quite nice.

Discussion / Re: "MiZM" Zeltroid Game
« on: April 18, 2019, 08:35:51 am »
This looks great so far man! Looking forward to playing this!
Thanks! Hopefully the game shapes up to be something you'll like.


( The framerate suffered a bit more than I'd like.. I need to experiment a bit more with gif captures )
Please ignore the weird tile stuff going on. It's a test room and it's currently like that because of my strange way of testing out my tiles and experimenting.

New stuff:
  • Developer menu.
    Not really a part of the game, but it's going to make things far nicer for me, moving forward.
  • Chargeable attack for greater range and damage.
  • Leveled up charge attack which shoots a ball of magical destruction.
    Of course, it's got some force behind it, so who's to say it couldn't also be used to flip an otherwise out of range switch or something?
  • Blue and red rings which cut the damage taken.
    An 'as obvious as I can make it' reference to the original Zelda.
As far as the shock sword attribute goes, I've decided it'll be a leveled up version of the original sword. That's actually one of the reasons why I changed the sword color to purple instead of red, because the cyan lightning type stuff should look better over purple. Also, the blade is a kind of spirit/soul energy, so purple seems more fitting.

Lastly, I'm experimenting with some 80's 'retro wave' (no better word for it comes to mind) elements. I don't want to make it cyberpunk though. I have a certain vision that's a bit hard to explain because it's largely influenced by experiences years ago at arcade rooms and a roller rink, having to do with colors, dim lighting which increases the contrast between the room and the arcade machines, contributing a special atmosphere, and Sweet Tarts and stuff.
So that all probably sounds a bit weird, but my hope is that those influences will make for a nice otherworldly design and atmosphere. I am trying for something alien, much like Metroid, but also magical, so that's kind of why I'm thinking this should work, if I can pull it off.

Almost been a month since I last gave an update on here..? Oops. I've actually done quite a bit since the last update, making pretty consistent progress each week, so it's moving right along.
I plan to give a new update in the near future, touching on the big things that I've added and what's next.

Discussion / Re: "MiZM" Zeltroid Game
« on: April 13, 2019, 09:41:55 am »
Well, the dash ability and stuff turned out to be worth a new post, imo, so here we go!
First, the new vid featuring the aerial dash ( and the Spirit Block chain destruction, which I plan to use as a timed action puzzle once or twice ):

<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tdjLE_9De1Q" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tdjLE_9De1Q</a>

The movement is 4.2x more fun with the dashing ability and it feels pretty fluid, so I'm happy with it. The dash can be leveled up to allow three dashes before landing. In the video I had it maxed, though I think I only ever used two dashes consecutively. It's possible two dashes will be the max in the end, if I feel three is too OP.

I almost went with dashing being restricted to left and right only, because at first I had 4-directional dashing, but no matter what I did with the x momentum, it felt weird when dashing up or down, so I cut out the up and down dashing, but then it just felt limiting, and not a good kind of limiting - like a frustrating "I can't control this how I want to" kind of limit.
So I fired up Celeste - the queen of dashing mechanics - and realized 'oh yeah' that game has 8-directional dashes, so I figured I should put in the extra effort and try 8 directions, and I'm very glad I did.

It probably doesn't look all that special in the video, but it feels great, and I'll improve the animation aspect more later, so it'll look better too.

I've been focusing on programming all of the abilities so that's why I haven't done more work on the map and thus the scenery has remained the same across these updates. I want to lay down all the abilities first, so I can playtest them a bit to know if I really want them or not, then - when I have all the abilities set - I can design the map based on those. It just makes sense to do it this way, since I'm shooting for a Metroid-like progression.

As far as the next ability goes: I'm currently trying to decide on something about the sword, because I have another sword concept that I really liked, being the 'shock' type.
Here's a pic showing the concept for my current sword and the shock sword below it:

I like the idea of shocking things to stun them, using electricity to power stuff, etc., but then that leaves me thinking about how many types should the sword have, if any, and what would the current sword be. I'm playing with an idea, calling the current sword type the Rose Blood, perhaps making it siphon HP, but I can't help but think that maybe I just need to change the normal sword color and particles and just make it a basic starting sword. I just really like how it looks, so I wanted to keep it.

All that said, it's possible I'm going too far and I just need to prevent myself from giving in to the feature creep. I am still planning on making this a pretty small scale game. So I'll be thinking on it.

Discussion / Re: lttp demake
« on: April 12, 2019, 02:20:55 am »
i really need to know a good easy to use game making program thats completely free :(
Hmm, the best thing I can think to recommend then is Scratch:

But, instead of it being the thing you'd make your Zelda game in, it'd be more of a thing to help ease you into getting the hang of how games are made, then maybe something like Godot wouldn't be so difficult, and you could then move on to making the game.
Adding to what Jacob said, the unfortunate truth is that most games do take a bit of knowledge and effort to create, and 2D overhead Zelda-style games are certainly not among the easiest and least complex. So, at the very least, it will take a somewhat complicated game creating program to make what you want, as a simpler one - such as Scratch - won't have all the features needed to create it.

But I do urge you to move forward; few good things in this life come easy. If you have passion, don't let it go to waste. Don't miss the opportunity to make something you love. It'll be worth it all in the end if you don't give up.  :)

Oh wow, yeah, this is looking fantastic!
And, man, that animated title gif is so good. :o

I like the vision, concepts, story - everything.

Discussion / Re: "MiZM" Zeltroid Game
« on: April 10, 2019, 12:09:48 pm »
Made it rain:

All the rain is held in a 2d array and is run by a single instance. I probably could've done better with a shader, but due to the interactivity with tiles and some objects, it seemed overkill and over-complicated to do so, and T B H, shaders are still a limited area for me. The array method has proven to be quite CPU-efficient, so I'm good with it.

I also made Spirit Blocks chain react when destroyed and I squashed a few bugs.

Next up to add is an aerial dash attack which will be performed by pressing jump and a direction in the air.
I want to focus mostly on adding in all the abilities you can get throughout the game, then I will design the world based on those abilities, so the scenery might not change much for a bit and things might feel like they're progressing slower than they really are.

I just realized, I might want to give updates on my game less frequently, to help match the low activity on here.
I'll probably just edit this post again when I give another update.

Discussion / Re: lttp demake
« on: April 06, 2019, 10:28:34 am »
do you recommend any free programs?
Godot is a really great choice for a solid, free game engine, imo:

It'd be really cool to see that demake come to life. Best of luck to you!
I hope you're able to find ways to limit the scale at first and to take things step by step, letting little bits of successful work motivate you all the way to the finish. :)

Discussion / "MiZM" Zeltroid Game
« on: April 06, 2019, 09:37:36 am »
Updates! I changed the thread subject/title because I've decided to make this an original game, not a Zelda fan game, but even so, it's likely to have a good amount of content that's intended to show blatant inspiration from Zelda, and with the way the game is planned to play out, the main character's identity is really never explained because it all works out better that way, so - as I said before - you could assume he's Link and I'd just say, "Sure! Why not?".

If anyone is wondering what "MiZM" stands for, it's "Mini Zelda Metroid" (I literally almost forgot that's what it stood for though.. lol, oof). It's just the working title; I'll change it once I know what to call the game.


• Ya boi got his trusty sword
• Ledge grabbing
• Spirit Blocks can be removed with the sword, as shown in the video below ( I have yet to finish this; they lack death fx, and they will later chain react in their destruction )
• Various changes to make the code and game feel better

Here's a little video which mainly shows off the sword as of now:
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zBKRzJlI2GU" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zBKRzJlI2GU</a>
I've got the sword art and code to the point where I have a working attack that feels and looks 'good enough' for now. I plan to touch it up and expand on it later.
Oh man though, I've programmed platformer shooter mechanics before, but this is the first time I did platformer melee mechanics, and I've found that it's SO MUCH MORE... just MORE.  :o :'(
So it took me a lot of playtesting to get things feeling and working well enough. It was a bit of a grind, so I'm happy to move on.

As far as ledge grabbing goes:
I plan to make it an acquirable item, as opposed to something you can do from the beginning. The item will probably be some kind of gloves with grip.
It's funny, because I wasn't planning on having a ledge grab mechanic at all, and I only ended up adding it because there was a point where I was feeling drained and disheartened from the grind on that sword (i.e. failing at making the animation look okay enough, continually realizing there's another thing to add or change, etc.), so I wanted to work on something else and come back to it, to give myself a sort of a break, yet not a break.
I didn't think it'd be all that important or usable of an ability at that time, but later I realized there are some good action-puzzle challenges I can make with it, and I have some ideas for making it useful to deal with some enemies. It also extends the player's reach. For e.g. in the video, I climb on top of the mast, but you can't get up there without the ledge grab ability.

I updated the OP.

EDIT x2:
Removed previously attached pics because it cluttered the thread. I put them in spoilers at the end of each corresponding post.

Discussion / Re: [REVIVED] I Guess I'm Creating a Zelda Fan Game
« on: March 25, 2019, 06:31:15 am »
Thanks for the praise and the offer to test. I bet I'll take you up on that later. :)

I figure I should also mention that I've been making music for someone else's game off and on over the past few months and it's back to 'on' again, plus I picked up some more hours at work this week, so that's got me a bit behind on where I wanted to be with my game, but I might be able to catch up on progress tomorrow.

Actually, the game that I'm making music for is what the developer referred to as a "ZelTroidVania" when he pitched it to me a few months back when asking me to do music for it, which seems fitting, though possibly slightly redundant, :P so I'll likely post about the game in the Entertainment section later, since it's a game other Zelda fans might enjoy. Of course, I'll wait until I get the okay to share more about the game, since I'm just the music guy. Well, I did work on the music looping and fade handling code, so I guess I'm a 'music guy+' or something, but whatever.


I wasn't able to get much done because I took an extra shift at work + I worked on some music and a preview trailer for that Zeltroidvania game this week ( BTW, I got the go-ahead to make a topic here for that game, but the public demo isn't ready just yet, so later ).

Since I didn't get enough to warrant a new post within a week like I wanted to, I'll just leave this initial sword slash animation here:

Animation is a facet of game dev that I desperately need to build more skill in, so this took me a few hours to do because I had to research and mess around with motion blur and other things. It still might need more work as well. I dunno. As I said, animation is something I really need to work on, so I probably don't even know of various issues with it that a more experienced animator could point out.

Of course, it's lacking some glow and particle effects I have planned and designed, but I'll save all that for a new post, when it's not just words. XD

Discussion / Re: [REVIVED] I Guess I'm Creating a Zelda Fan Game
« on: March 22, 2019, 08:56:46 pm »
Hey! XD Good to see you around, and thanks for the comment.

BTW, I'm expecting to be updating this thread with progress about once a week. Hoping I can keep up the momentum.

Discussion / Re: [REVIVED] I Guess I'm Creating a Zelda Fan Game
« on: March 22, 2019, 02:17:33 pm »
Wow, it's been 3 years.... 3 Y E A R S... and this topic was still on the first page in the discussion sub-forum. The activity here truly is no joke. XD
So anyway, I'm reviving this because I decided I needed to make something smaller scale before continuing on my far bigger game project, and this is one of the game projects that I always felt a little more passion for than all my other small scale ideas and doodles.


I don't know if this game will belong in the "Zelda" or "Other" projects section just yet, as I'm still not sure if I'm truly making this a Zelda fan game or if I'm just going to make it open for the player to see him as Link or not. Secondly, it's still very early in development (spent 2-3 weeks of my free time on it so far), so it might not warrant a project topic just yet. I could give a demo, but it's literally just 3 playable screens where you can do nothing but jump around.


[ NOTE that the gif timing makes the gameplay look a little sped up from the real thing ]

I obviously ditched the Pico-8 palette. I also updated the main character a little to give him a tad bit more height and to be more readable.
And of course, my previous mock-up is now actual in-game stuff ("I'm a real bo-.. er, game!"), etc. etc.


Still the same, but a more fleshed out concept; now I have a good idea of where I want to go with this. The plan is to make a very tiny love letter to Zelda and Metroid.
The world is currently planned to be 7x7, so just 49 screens. The only item planned is a sword made of spirit/phantom energy, but there are some upgrades for it. For e.g., a "dash slash" which can be used on enemies, to bridge gaps, and to maneuver around better. I want all upgrades to be very usable, not just something to use on an obstacle and to set aside until you come across another obstacle again.

So you'll pretty much get a sword, explore, fight stuff, get upgrades to reach new places, etc. - very typical Metroid-like, except with a sword. Other people have done this kind of game many times before, I know, but I haven't, and I really want to make my own. Plus, I think it'll end up unique enough to stand on its own as a tiny-yet-enjoyable experience. That's the hope, anyway.


I'm coding the game in GML, using GameMaker Studio 2. I programmed a movement engine which properly handles sub-pixel movements and also avoids staircasing movements via an alternating ratio-based x y movement loop. I've also got things like a jumping grace period, etc. - technical and UX stuff like that. Aside from those things, I've really only done a bit of graphics and animation work, implemented screen transitioning, and I've tweaked the various variables with physics to get it feeling mostly good, and I'll be tweaking that further soon™.

The next step is to work on the player character's sword, starting with the basic attack. I haven't done anything in this area yet, so I'll have to draw the sword and the attacking animations, figure out a good sword reach, etc.

I'll leave it at that for now. Any thoughts are certainly welcome. :)

Entertainment / Re: Cadence of Hyrule
« on: March 22, 2019, 12:56:16 pm »
Woah. Was not expecting this at all. Looks awesome, visually speaking, but the gameplay is really different for Zelda, so I feel a bit weird about it. So, basically the same feels as you guys, I guess. I'm pretty sure I'll pick it up some day though.
Funny. I haven't played my Switch since I beat BotW waaaay back when, and now I'm only thinking about picking my Switch up again with the remake of Link's Awakening and this. :P

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