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Messages - ArcticFerret

Pages: 1 2 [3] 4 5 ... 14
Entertainment / Re: Tim Burton
« on: March 02, 2008, 06:50:51 pm »
I'm surprised no one's brought up his first film yet. Pee-Wee's Big Adventure. Yeah we all know that Pee-Wee Herman is a whackjob now, but that happened because of Pee-Wee's Playhouse. Pee-Wee was awesome in Big Adventure, with the going across country for his bike, and all the zany adventures he gets into in the movie (the Hollywood Chase scene through all the various movie sets is the best part :P).


Come on. Who wouldnt want to be a Spice Girl? :P

Entertainment / Re: Guitar Hero: Aerosmith to launch in June
« on: February 17, 2008, 05:14:41 am »
Its not random and out of the blue if you follow GameFaqs userboards. There was talk about Aerosmith working closely with the GH developers on a new GH game a few months back. As an Aerosmith fan, this makes me happy and only goes to show that something I was joking about may actually become a reality in the future: Guitar Hero: KISS My Ass. :P

Entertainment / Re: Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney
« on: February 11, 2008, 06:06:52 pm »
I LOVE the Ace Attorney games, and can't wait until February 19th to play Apollo Justice. A friend of mine asked me what the game series was all about last month and I showed him the demo of which you speak and it totally turned him away. He was basically turned off by the gameplay and the constant text. I'm one of those people that LOVE a story-rich video game. Im not in it for graphics or whatnot, a good game to me is a game with memorable story and good written dialogue, all which are present in the AA games. In the first Phoenix Wright game, the moment Frank Sahwit threw his toupee at Phoenix, I was hooked.

Entertainment / Re: So, Starcraft 2. Your thoughts?
« on: February 11, 2008, 05:29:25 pm »
My brothers introduced me to the original Starcraft game late last year, and I've been a fan since. SC2 looks exciting. I hope it has Hero units like what were introduced in Warcraft 3.

Entertainment / Re: Live action DBZ movie
« on: November 21, 2007, 12:51:55 am »
they keep saying Dragon Ball and not DBZ on these sites reporting the casted roles of Goku and Piccolo. Therefore, the movie's not going to suck because it'll be mostly martial arts oriented and not so much all those beams and going Super Saiyan. This is a good thing because of they did all that DBZ stuff, the movie would be WAY too weird and probably make the DBZ fans upset. Bring on a movie loosely based on the King Piccolo saga!

Entertainment / Tabletop RPGs
« on: November 19, 2007, 05:45:54 am »
I'm just curious how many people here like to play tabletop Role Playing Games?

A little about my RPG history (or lack thereof?) [feel free to talk about yours too]

Back before I moved out to the middle of nowhere out in the country, i'd always hang out at a hobby shop playing tcgs and saw all the guys at the RPG tables having loads of fun acting out their characters, rolling dice, you name it. I wanted to play but never got the chance before I moved out to where I live now. Anywho, so I got some friends online who were interested in doing a AIM chat Star Wars RPG session, so I bought the new Saga Edition Core Rulebook. Well, it never went through. Then my step sister came into town who I'd just met (long story) and turned out she and her boyfriend were BIG into RPGs, and they got me interested in Exalted: Second Edition while she was out here. We even got as far as to setting up a night after I moved into my own appartment that we cracked open the books and played a game. Well, she and her bf went back to where he lived in Chicago, and they promised we'd continue the game over MSN Messenger, then !@#$% happened and that didnt go well. Couple months later, a friend on AIM got me interested in trying out WoW RPG, so i got the book, and That too didnt go well. Plus its rumored the game might be discontinued. I have bad luck with RPGs so much, yet I still am fond of them and never wanna give up on trying em out.

Any of u RPGers might know of any good sites I might wanna check out or any IRC channels devoted to RPing by the book? Anywho, I wanna hear some of your stories too!  :)

Entertainment / Re: Phantom Hourglass Special Nintendo Freebie
« on: November 12, 2007, 01:39:13 am »
Its just a reference picture. I'm probably going to keep the Featherpen in the display box and keep using my Castlevania Stylus. I love that thing.

Entertainment / Re: Phantom Hourglass Special Nintendo Freebie
« on: November 12, 2007, 12:51:52 am »
Here's two more pictures. The first being a comparison between a regular sized Stylus (yes I know the special Castlevania 20th Anniversery Stylus can get bigger, but ive got it in the standard size mode) and the Featherpen Stylus. The Second pic is the Featherpen Stylus sticking out of the DSLite.

Entertainment / Re: Phantom Hourglass Special Nintendo Freebie
« on: November 11, 2007, 05:51:32 am »
Its similar to the DS lite styluses in thickness and is taller than a ds lite stylus.

Entertainment / Re: Phantom Hourglass Special Nintendo Freebie
« on: November 11, 2007, 02:29:49 am »
Thats right, i forgot to mention that taking the survey after registering is how u obtain the stylus.

Entertainment / Re: Phantom Hourglass Special Nintendo Freebie
« on: November 11, 2007, 01:46:00 am »
I'd think its a "while supplies last" kind of thing. It's probably still going on since the game's been out what, 2 months or so?

Entertainment / Phantom Hourglass Special Nintendo Freebie
« on: November 11, 2007, 01:21:48 am »
Those of you who bought LoZ: PH in the US and have a My Nintendo account on Nintendo.com probably registered your game right? So you'll probably know about the freebie Nintendo is giving out for the zelda game, a Featherpen Stylus. Well I just wanted to let u guys know they've been shipped out and I got mine today. I have to say Nintendo sure knows how to treat their fans right.

here's some pics:

Discussion / Ideas for an RPG
« on: October 27, 2007, 03:53:13 am »
    And considering the section's description says "Discuss different aspects of project development and game design."  and doesnt specify video gaming or fan gaming, etc, I figure this is fair game. Tabletop RPGs have recently caught my eye and I always have these crazy cool ideas for games to make (mostly been fan games since Im into spriting). I have to say, its pretty hard when having these ideas and being the only person working on the project. It never gets done. Seriously, 99% of the projects here start out okay, then drop off the face of the earth.

  Anywho, I'm rambling. Basically what Im getting at is, how many others have had some cool ideas about starting your own tabletop (pen and paper) RPG? How'd you go about working on the game, was it just you or others helping? I'm just curious because I had a cool idea, but I'm not sure if its worth it to pursue the idea or not. Thanks.

Graphics / Re: Dracula
« on: October 21, 2007, 07:08:21 am »
One eye can be slightly higher than the other. It shows character and uniqueness (this coming from some who actually DOES have one eye slightly higher than the other). Good job on the picture.

Graphics / Re: Son Goku Artwork
« on: May 17, 2007, 03:27:43 am »
About the only thing i dont like about it was my hand was kinda shaking and my hand was resting on the edge of the DVD package that was wrapped inside this wrapping paper, so the Power Pole looks too pudgy and not as straight.

Graphics / Son Goku Artwork
« on: May 17, 2007, 01:54:14 am »
I nowhere near consider this a masterpiece. I just drew it up in about 30 minutes on my brother's graduation gift so that the wrapping paper wouldn't be blank white. So yeah, I know its not perfect, but I just wanted to show it off anyways. Also, the quality is a bit off because it was taken with a cellphone camera. Enjoy.

Link's Quest / Re: Episode 102
« on: May 15, 2007, 05:05:27 am »
Sorry folks, we've been shorthanded at work and my brothers are a few days away from graduating from high school. I hope to be able to work on the next episode tomorrow or Wednesday.

Link's Quest / Re: Episode 102
« on: May 10, 2007, 12:43:30 am »
Thats right. the Frozen Skeletons have blueish tint to them if u look carefully. :P I didn't realize there were many other EarthBound fans out there. I hope this doesnt ruin the surprise storyline I've got planned :P

ZFGC Sprite Competition 2007 / Re: FINALS MATCH
« on: May 09, 2007, 12:07:17 am »

The Results are in.

imfletcher Wins the Competition at First Place.

Kevin-1990 wins Second Place.

Devy wins Third Place.

shadow-of-a-hero wins Fourth Place.

BBoy94 wins Fifth Place.

Ricky wins Sixth Place.

*imfletcher, PM me with what Wii Game you want and your address. If you dont have a Wii, I can give you $50 Cash.
*Kevin-1990 PM me with what DS Game you want and your address. If you dont have a DS, I can give you $35 Cash.
*Devy PM me with your address for the $20 (or even a Wii Points Card if u have a Wii and want one).
*shadow-of-a-hero PM me with your address.
*Ricky PM me with your address.

Congrats to everyone who participated. I hope to see a better turn out at the next competition. To those receiving prizes, I dont get paid until End of May, so the first week of June I'll send out the prizes.

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