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Author Topic: Revamping ZFGC  (Read 36520 times)

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Re: Revamping ZFGC
« Reply #40 on: March 06, 2011, 05:39:23 am »
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But then we're just gamedev.net without the coding aspect D:

i love big weenies and i cannot lie


Re: Revamping ZFGC
« Reply #41 on: March 06, 2011, 05:42:09 am »
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That's one reason we haven't changed. Anything we remove makes us another forum, but not as good.
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Re: Revamping ZFGC
« Reply #42 on: March 06, 2011, 05:54:03 am »
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:\ Eventually somebody's gotta take responsibility though.

Seriously, reading through all of these posts all I see are a bunch of things proposed and tried before. Hate to be the dickhole that says it, but this forum needs new management. Management that will actually concern themselves with not just their own personal whims and internal struggles with the forum, but rather bringing new people in and building a community. There's no point in having management if it doesn't actually manage the forum. Even more so, it needs management that isn't afraid of what a few people think.

So here's the thing... We can be stuck with ZFGC; a place riddled with repetition (this has been going on for years) that's doomed to the same fate that it's had since 2004, or someone (who is responsible and reliable enough) can take the reins and make a new forum that actually focuses on things that people want. I mean think about it. This is (read: was) a fangaming community, but tell me exactly what it has to offer fangaming? Absolutely nothing. People don't want to come here because of that, and indie's don't want to come here because it's fangaming. You could revive it and make ~drastic changes~, but we can save you some time by telling you to shoot your own foot.

A merger isn't going to fix it. Adding a youtube account isn't going to fix it. A community project isn't going to fix it. 4Sword isn't going to fix it. I'm not going to fix it. You're not going to fix it.

Just make something new. It's already been shown that there's nobody in staff who can make this work. The time's run out, and credibility is gone for everyone involved in what it is now (myself included). Just let this place die. There are too many people here who are more than capable of making something way better than this. Don't chain yourself back for it's sake. Lunar; I'll help you get a foothold into indie dev if you want, or at least point you in the right direction. I understand you want this place to be the thing that gets you there, but it's just not that place anymore.



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Re: Revamping ZFGC
« Reply #43 on: March 06, 2011, 06:22:21 am »
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I'm not sure what point you're trying to make here. In the first two paragraphs you seem to be supporting the notion of a change in the management. But in your later text, you seem to be saying "It's not worth it, just give up". So what exactly are you trying to say?

Yeah, it would be simpler to just make a new forum. But the community and culture is already well established here. I'm not throwing these ideas out there because I'm trying to get into Indie game dev. I'm trying to reinvigorate the old community that I remember, while drawing in new members to strengthen our ranks and keep the forum alive.

The reason I'm interested in game dev, at least in relation to this forum, is that I want to be able to give something back to the community. I'm kind of a hypocrite if I'm saying "We need more active users making content!" while giving nothing in return myself. I want to contribute.

You're right, there's nobody in staff who can make this work. But there are people who are pushing these ideas (not necessarily saying myself) who can make it work, and who want to make it work. The amount of apathy in management is astounding. The attitude seems to be that of "the captain(s) must go down with the ship". Well, you can sit there and drown, but I'm going to be bailing the water out until we go down.

(Note: I don't specifically mean YOU, Mammy, just the management in general)



Re: Revamping ZFGC
« Reply #44 on: March 06, 2011, 06:33:21 am »
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I'm not sure what point you're trying to make here. In the first two paragraphs you seem to be supporting the notion of a change in the management. But in your later text, you seem to be saying "It's not worth it, just give up". So what exactly are you trying to say?

Yeah, it would be simpler to just make a new forum. But the community and culture is already well established here. I'm not throwing these ideas out there because I'm trying to get into Indie game dev. I'm trying to reinvigorate the old community that I remember, while drawing in new members to strengthen our ranks and keep the forum alive.

The reason I'm interested in game dev, at least in relation to this forum, is that I want to be able to give something back to the community. I'm kind of a hypocrite if I'm saying "We need more active users making content!" while giving nothing in return myself. I want to contribute.

You're right, there's nobody in staff who can make this work. But there are people who are pushing these ideas (not necessarily saying myself) who can make it work, and who want to make it work. The amount of apathy in management is astounding. The attitude seems to be that of "the captain(s) must go down with the ship". Well, you can sit there and drown, but I'm going to be bailing the water out until we go down.

(Note: I don't specifically mean YOU, Mammy, just the management in general)

I was moreso pointing out that it needs a revamp in management, but it'll never happen :P... At least not the way people want it to. A bit of what I was trying to say got lost in inattentive posting XD ZFGC is still ZFGC in spirit no matter what you call it, but it's context mixed with horrid management is screwing us.
Re: Revamping ZFGC
« Reply #45 on: March 06, 2011, 07:06:28 am »
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I was going to say a whole bunch of crap but then I just decided to say that I think ZFGC is fine as is and I've started up my game again and I plan to contribute a ton of the GML code and ALL the graphics for anyone to use. It seems that Martijn is still working on his game and there are others that still seem to have life, like OoT2D (still going, right?). I'm sure other people have games sitting on their back burner just waiting to get started again. People probably just don't have the time or motivation right now (lots of people I know have finals right now or are getting married, getting a job, etc). I'm sure it will turn around, since it always has in the past (well, ish). I believe this is just another bump in the road.

Whatever, I think ZFGC is fine and the management seems fine to me. Maybe I just don't have super high expectations. I mean, yeah, it'd be nice to see it be a little livelier, but it's pretty obvious that a Zelda fan game community with practically no Zelda fan games is going to be pretty dead. Amright? Anyway, I'm going to get back to working on my game, because that seems to be the best thing I can do to help out ZFGC. But a revamp? Nah
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Re: Revamping ZFGC
« Reply #46 on: March 06, 2011, 07:14:31 am »
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Maybe that's the key, everyone should lower their expectations. XD

Or maybe, people who (much like myself) don't concern themselves with ZFGC except when exciting topics come up, should just let it go.
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Re: Revamping ZFGC
« Reply #47 on: March 06, 2011, 07:45:08 am »
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Maybe that's the key, everyone should lower their expectations. XD

Or maybe, people who (much like myself) don't concern themselves with ZFGC except when exciting topics come up, should just let it go.

That's essentially what I think. I've pointed out some issues with the forum but honestly I see no way to really "solve" them. I don't necessarily think ZFGC is doomed, but I do think that the forum is not really growing anymore. Perhaps the best thing to do here is just let things run their course, however that may be.

I am one of those people, unfortunately. As my interests have changed, so has my role in the community.
well i dont have that system and it is very hard to care about everything when you are single
Re: Revamping ZFGC
« Reply #48 on: March 06, 2011, 03:22:03 pm »
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Even playing devils advocate and thinking "I'd do it because it's a great idea", I realize that I would simply stop within a few weeks. Reason being I have other things that I feel are more important. IP related things to me take precedence over fangaming, and even ZFGC as a whole :p The hour it would take me to record a video reviewing something I could be spending working on something else more fulfilling :\

Hate to say it, ZFGC is a one-trick-pony. We've all witnessed the community grow around a singular project twice over. Once with OoT2d (abandonware) and then again with Shadowgazer (abandonware). The in-betweens have never been good. The forum only works when there's a big project for people to gawk at.

why not a Zelda Twilight Princess 2d? its worth a shot and NOBODY has attempted it (trust me i know) and an oot 2d wouldnt matter cause of the 3ds version coming. If about 5 people or more joined it. it would thrive. i would be a spriter.
Re: Revamping ZFGC
« Reply #49 on: March 06, 2011, 03:29:21 pm »
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(sorry double post)
but i may not have had an account in the 2006 era of the past. but i read it all through all 3 of the version forums. and sure oot2d was a major boost and back then spriting was getting popular but IT STILL IS. Some things u guys aren't seeing is this website IS THE BEST for putting up fan games. no other zelda forum or site has ever had as much successful (or nearly successful) games than ZFGC.

Hammer Bro. Mike

Hammer Bro. Mike
Re: Revamping ZFGC
« Reply #50 on: March 06, 2011, 07:45:24 pm »
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I have a mixed opinion on this as I think ZFGC is fine the way it is but I also think it could either be improved or it can just let itself die if nobody is going to take the initiative to try to improve it. When I came here in 2006, this place was alive and there were many interesting fan games to look at. Over four years later, that has changed as pretty much everyone who has stayed since then has changed and has pretty much lost interest in Zelda or doesn't even care about the franchise anymore but they stay because of the people they've met. It's pretty much the community that's keeping the site alive but some people and some new people are trying to keep the site alive as it means something to them.

Being a website owner myself, you're going to have to give in to some things and try something new. I don't think merging with another site is a good idea as you'll basically lose your identity and then you'll regret your decision or miss your old site. If this site were young and small, I could see a merge working out as that is pretty much how my site started out, two small sites that merged and became one. Even though you might not have much of a desire to improve things, you have to try something. You'd have to start small though obviously and work your way up. Sure, you'll need one big aspect to get new members but you can't rush into it. Back to my site for a moment. This past August, my site held a 96-Hour marathon for charity. Before the marathon, my site was seeing barely any activity and we were a year and a half old. After that marathon, we got a lot more visitors and opening a message board really helped out as well. Even though my site and this site are completely different, you need to find something that can spark interest in working or developing here.

If anything, try playing some Zelda again as that is probably one of the factors that brought you here in the first place as it was one of mine. I think at this point, you'd have to look back on the mistakes you've made and look back and see how you can improve them. I think the Community Project was a good and bad idea because it was too big to handle with the size of them team yet it had some interest aspects that even today I still think are cool. The thing with fan games I've realized over the years is that people want to make a full game out of it. If anything they should try to start small just to see if they want to keep continuing with fan gaming. I mean, you could start off with a puzzle game and work your way to something like Bomberman or Pac-Man, then work your way to something like Mario and then Zelda. Basically start off with something simple that's unique and has people interested. Even though you'd want to make your own full Zelda game or Indie game, you need to think about it clearly before you go ahead with it. I know I haven't been here as long as some of you but I think we can all agree that we've seen many fan projects die due to losing interest and real life mumbo jumbo.

Back to the whole issue with revamping the site (even if I may repeat myself), I think ZFGC just needs to try to rework itself. Even in the normal Zelda community, I've seen quite a few sites that were on the verge of death but they came back alive, with one of them being one of the most popular Zelda sites on the interwebs (talking about Zelda Dungeon here). Even with a different aspect, this site can still make a comeback as well but it's just a matter of doing it right and having the right people to do it. Some people don't like change but you have to live with it. Things change all the time and it's just apart of life. All I can say is, try giving an effort to do something. If you have an idea, try it out.

Some things u guys aren't seeing is this website IS THE BEST for putting up fan games. no other zelda forum or site has ever had as much successful (or nearly successful) games than ZFGC.
No other Zelda forum wants to focus on fan games at all as they don't really care about them or don't even know a thing about Zelda fan games in general. I have no desire to add a board for fan games on my own forums as I think that role has been filled by ZFGC, even in its current state. However, there are a few people on my forums interested in fan gaming except I don't really want to lead them here as they are in their early teens and will most likely lose interest in fan gaming because of how critical everybody is here.

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Re: Revamping ZFGC
« Reply #51 on: March 06, 2011, 08:33:37 pm »
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Hello everyone.

Its been a while hasn't it? The site's administration has been gracious enough to let me back on the forums, and I'd like to take a moment to comment on this whole revamping ZFGC fiasco.

First off, where I've been since I've been banned. I've spent a bulk of my college career now banned from ZFGC, and when it comes to the internet, I've shifted gears towards working on my own site (Many of you know it; Its GDU) and working on my game (For anyone who remembers Pwn Squad, I'm making a sidescrolling beat em up using those characters and its art style) I also have been studying Marketing at (What's somehow) a pretty damn prestigious business program, so hopefully I can give you all some insight that you haven't thought of previously, even if a lot of its already been said in here . I'm going to take this post by post and give my thoughts; its the best way I can think of approaching this topic when I'm coming into it so late.

why dont we revamp the site in a whole new way and if the community could bring in some money (maybe advirtising)

The first thing you all have to realize is that to make money you have to spend money. Advertising is an effective marketing tool when you have a product or brand image you want to expand, but ZFGC isn't anything like that. First off, you have to identify your goals for the forum, find your mission statement. What is it that ZFGC does? ZFGC is a place to help others develop Zelda fan games. How do you help somebody do something like that? You share resources, code, and so on to aid in development, along with providing a friendly community that will help new users when they get stuck. Does ZFGC fit those needs? Sorta. You have a dedicated resource section, but its clunky and hard to navigate. You have resources that don't pertain to Zelda which adds clutter. Your tutorial section has absolutely no tutorials even pertaining to Zelda, but rather how to skin Linux and how to encrypt pornography. The community is there but its pretty tight-knit and nobody new is coming in. Long story short, ZFGC is failing to live up to its own mission statement. Either that or the mission statement isn't clear enough. Either way its a recipe for disaster. But back to advertising. How do you monetarily gain from a place that has no growth in the indie game marketplace? You can't expect advertisers to pay off much of anything when you have a group of 10 to 20 unique active users, because there's no way they'll be able to sell enough product to cover costs associated with advertising. And if you want to promote the forums on other forums, what's your hook? Hi, we're ZFGC, and we don't know what our mission statement is? You have to have a clear plan for ANY organization to succeed, whether its a business or a non-profit organization like this. And spending $500 to grab ZFGC.net won't help the site grow, there's no reason to try to diversify the site's portfolio when its this small. Everyone can use the .com address and it'd be fine, no reason to grab .net and have it redirect back here. The other thing is that people aren't randomly typing any URL into their address bar. Its a waste of money to buy multiple domain names for this site, simple as that.

(although a upgrade to SMF 2.0 might be nice)

In my opinion, ZFGC does need real forum software. SMF is abandonware (last I heard) and 2.0 never quite got all its security vulnerabilities patched up, not to mention all the incompatibilities with mods and whatever else that will break the site. But then you have to consider that running on SMF1 is like having a ticking time bomb. Eventually a HUGE exploit could surface that could leave the site in shambles, possibly even everything else hosted on the server (Since ZFGC doesn't have a dedicated box)

I suggest the community pooling together some money so that Vash or somebody can purchase an Invision Power Board (Throwback to 2004 right! :P) or vBulletin license, or something similar. Those products have great support, are stable, and are overall the best software packages on the internet in my opinion. I run IPB 3.1.4 on GDU and besides a few quirks its pretty awesome. SMF could've been a better software package but its kind of fallen behind the curve.

I'd still like to see a merge with GDU, which I think would be nice, no matter who's running it. >_>

I'm gonna make this clear right here for everyone, I don't think a merge with GDU is a good idea. Horizontal mergers with message boards typically run into huge growing pains. I've witnessed three horizontal message board mergers, GameFAQs and GameSpot, GA and DSR, GDU and The World BBS. GameFAQs users picked on GameSpot users, calling them Spotheads, and the Gamespot users felt a false sense of superiority over the GameFAQs users because they could post images on their boards even though they couldn't spell. The features never really came together fully, and to this day its still a bit of a mess, although the userbase has finally settled down. GA and DSR we all remember what happened there. DSR users picked on GA users for no real reason, and GA users just wanted to have ZFGC back since GA had been an abysmal failure at achieving its goals. (There's that mission statement stuff again. Stick to your guns!) GDU and The World BBS mostly went ok, but thats because at the time GDU didn't have a userbase to speak of. It was almost more like taking BBS' community and introducing them to a more general concept, like pulling GA from ZFGC and getting a few new users in the process. The hiccup we had there was demographics; a lot of the younger users didn't understand that the forums weren't soley dedicated to Hawthorneluke's game anymore, and it took a few months before we stopped getting posts in the wrong forums about The World.

I don't feel that a horizontal merge does anything beneficial for either of us. GDU would get a few extra users, ZFGC would get some extra features and a slight speed increase on the site's load time. Nothing substantial on either end. And if anything, ZFGC has a lot to lose by merging with GDU since you lose all the history, short of me merging the database with GDU's. (Too much of a hassle, not worth it at all)

That's not to say that I'm against ZFGCers coming over to GDU and helping build the community there. I am all for it. ZFGC gave me a gift a long time ago--the ability to create indie games. I skipped the Zelda fan game stage and went straight towards making my own stuff, but I used the resources available on the site to do it and did it with the community's support. ZFGC was a perfect storm that nurtured creativity, but once TRM proved to not be skilled enough to finish OoT2D, everyone's drive fizzled out and people started leaving, and you all know the rest of the story. What I want to do with GDU is give something back to the indie community, so that other people can learn our craft. The first step is to provide resources for indie developers to learn how to get into game design, the next step is to build a community that's supportive and will help people learn, and then the last step is to put up resources that will help established developers sharpen their skills and learn to do things they didn't know how to before. My first step for GDU is to fill a niche that the death of ZiggyWare left behind for those of you familiar with the XNA community. I want to rehost as many of those old tutorials as possible on GDU, then have a system in place where people can submit new content and just have a constantly growing XNA/C# resource geared towards getting people's games onto the XBOX Live Indie Game marketplace. Once I have the infastructure in place (Which I'm working on now) I'm going to email the tutorial authors asking for permission to rehost their stuff and for copies of their code samples if they could provide them for me. Once we have a bunch of tutorials on GDU, I'll try to get the word out the best I can through official channels and then we'll have helped strengthen the indie community as a whole. (Not to mention Microsoft's product... :P) Eventually I'd like to put up information on how to get people's games onto other marketplaces like PSN, WiiWare, and Steam. So its like a website sort of like GameDev, only with less of a focus on professional development and more of a focus on indie development. It retains ZFGC's original spirit, and its something I really want to give back to the community.

If anyone's interested in helping me with this, sign up for GDU's forums at http://forum.gd-u.com . I'll send out a mass-email to everyone who's signed up once I'm ready to start contacting ZiggyWare tutorial authors, and hopefully together we can get it done very quickly!

Indeed.. I think we'll always be a Zelda forum in spirit, since that seems to be the one single, unifying interest that all members of this board share, to some degree. We'll also need to retain the (Fan)Game-development aspect, otherwise we would just become another Zelda forum and new members would be even less interested.

Its my opinion that the only real unifying interest this forum has is video games and to a smaller degree game development. There are lots of people here who don't know how to develop games but would love to play other people's original games, and that's an important demographic to consider when you have a forum like this. Its why I named GDU the way I did, Gamers & Developers. The emphasis is on both of them because you need both, even on a development forum. If we did banking software it'd be Bankers & Developers :P

How about starting to report on News across the gaming community

Mission statement. You have to either pick, do I want to make a new site, or do I want to focus on Zelda Fan Games. There's no reason you all can't keep the community and do both though, its not like you have to limit yourself to one website.

It also appears to me that our forum is greatly overstaffed. 50% of the active members are Mods or Admins.

Yup. There's no point in having everyone who's active a moderator. An admin's duty imo is to upkeep the site and add new features to it, and a mod's duty is to police the boards so that it stays within legal boundaries. Admins grow the market, mods prevent lawsuits. Without those needs there wouldn't be any reason to have them.

In the past more it seemed like a system of local moderation allowed for development boards to be more easily represented by someone who knew what they were doing in them.

IMO, local moderators are only useful on boards where the knowledgebase is so spread out that you couldn't possibly expect somebody to fairly moderate everything.

Hate to say it, ZFGC is a one-trick-pony. We've all witnessed the community grow around a singular project twice over

I wouldn't even say that Shadowgazer grew the community :P More like a boost if anything lol

As bad as it may sound; fangaming is more of an introductory/hobby thing... Most people who started developing here have moved on to their own IP's. It's a lot more satisfying to make something that's truly your own. It's because of this that I agree with Porkchop on just removing "Zelda" from the equation. Frankly, Zelda has kinda sucked for the past 10 years anyway.

I agree. I agree. I agree. I agree so much with this that it isn't even funny. Fangaming is intro to the hobby of making games. That's what you have to focus on if you do a new site, sans Zelda. You have to keep the end marker clear or else you'll never get to it.

Making ZFGC active isn't something we can just "do." We're going to have to do something very big that will attract a lot of attention, and until someone can pick up the torch and do it, we won't get very many new members or get a lot of exposure. I think the community project is a great idea, but I do see a problem of the older members on this forum simply having moved onto other things. Most of the newer members, I think, do not have the talent or organizational skills in order to head up something that huge.

The only problem with community projects is that you can't organize a group of people that large and keep them task-focused. The fact that Sonic 2 HD is still being worked on is a miracle in that respect. But when you really look at Sonic 2 HD, its a group of four or five guys working on the thing with the community giving feedback, more than the decentralized community putting the game together themselves. Its more like a sponsored project than a community project. Something like that could be good for ZFGC but you'd have to have a group willing to do it.

I agree, which is why I suggest we widen our scope by changing our name to something along the lines of Nintendo Fan Game Central. We'd  be including all Nintendo IPs: Pokemon, Mario, Zelda, Metroid, Kirby Donkey Kong, the whole package. The combined fanbase for all those games (and fan games) adds up to a lot more than just the limited Zelda games that we've set for ourselves.

The overhead for a NFGC is also massive. You can't do any one thing well so you don't really do anything at all. Its better to stay focused and start small than it is to try to broaden yourself like that. Jump to a different market if you can't survive in the fangame market, ya dig?

Our biggest market in terms of a potential userbase are those who use Game Maker and those who like Nintendo games.

Not as large as indie developers with all sorts of tools. You can teach somebody to program and sponsor a tool like GameMaker or XNA, but you're still teaching them Computer Science principles, and that needs to be the focus. If that makes sense.

I was going to say a whole bunch of crap but then I just decided to say that I think ZFGC is fine as is and I've started up my game again and I plan to contribute a ton of the GML code and ALL the graphics for anyone to use.

ZFGC needs a lot more people like you onboard. Props dude. Keep on keepin' on.

And finally, I was talking to MG earlier, and ZFGC has a few avenues it could take. It could stay like it is but get focused and improve the resource section, becoming the premier place on the internet to make Zelda fan games but have no community growth. It could also do something similar to Sonic Retro:


And document information on every Zelda game, thorough information on Zelda prototypes, and host information on romhacks and fangames. Changing the market to more of a Zelda Fan Central than a Zelda Fan Game Central. You wouldn't have to change the name but you would have to change your mission statement to adapt. And finally you could create a new site with a different focus altogether and let the community move to it. You could even combine some of those, like keep ZFGC around as a Zelda resource AND create a new site, or keep ZFGC and help me build up GDU, or keep ZFGC and create a sister site ZFC, you get the idea.

I hope that this brings some fresh insight to the conversation, and if not, at least I got to listen to some good music while I typed this out :P
ROLL TIDE WHAT? **** YOU!!! Geaux Tiga

~The Gaurdians of ZFGC~
Kirby, metallica48423, Max, Vash, walnut100
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Re: Revamping ZFGC
« Reply #52 on: March 06, 2011, 09:09:13 pm »
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Let me just say my feelings toward the community, and what I think about it. It's best to gather everyones opinion before doing anything right?

Back when ZFGC was booming with multiple projects being developed at the same time (LotP era) I felt really anxious to come onto ZFGC everyday and check for updates. It even inspired me to start and attempt to develop my own fangame. That was when everyone was younger, when we didn't move onto college, or start living by ourselves for the most part. Things have changed from then, and I feel that the whole community aged, and went on with their lives. Once everyone went on with their lives, I felt that this place just emptied up... served as a place for memories, and thats about it.

Now, this can't be anyone's fault as its only natural for everyone to grow up and move on, and it should eventually happen to each one of us.

I feel that one of the major problems with our activity (something that is out of our reach) is the recent focus on gaming. I hate it when I say that this current generation of gaming sucks, but it sorta does. It's being dominated by the FPS genre, and other genres have their own little community following it (much like ours). I feel that kids (just as we were back in the days) don't have the urge to look up fan gaming for Zelda because it isn't popular among them...

We may occasionally get a new member who has interest in Zelda fan gaming but I feel that they quickly leave because of either the lack of completed projects (no enticement) or the inactivity.

The solution? Community project.

I feel that if the whole community contributes to a single game, we can complete it. I love how our members have a variety of talents (see "Your ideal "ZFGC" dev team") and I think its enough for a fan game.

The only problem I see cropping up is the programming. Most of our community is able to use Game Maker, but the few programmers here who are very talented want to use a language.
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Re: Revamping ZFGC
« Reply #53 on: March 07, 2011, 03:18:07 am »
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That's one reason we haven't changed. Anything we remove makes us another forum, but not as good.

thats not right and you know it, the people make the forum what it is not the forum make us, people change forum can too, I beleive that if people don't want to change zfgc, it feels like people are afraid of something different because they beleive they will lose people or something but thats not the case, we all as a community will still be here and support each other like we do now.
Re: Revamping ZFGC
« Reply #54 on: March 07, 2011, 03:52:13 am »
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This is going to see weird, but I am going to move this topic and those recently made like it to Feedback, in order to better emphasize that Community Speak is for our lives outside of ZFGC and that ZFGC is not the sum total of our lives. Also Community Projects are neat if people would be more willing to work together. And assuming that in the future the Zelda Coding organizes itself better so that there are topics of things that people frequently ask about and that Other Coding has something similar involving common Game Maker stuff, overall I think that both boards would grow - Zelda in terms of attempting to do different things, and Other in that games different from the Zelda focus might see more work attempted on them. I see a realistic goal of being able to do Mario and Pokemon projects here that outsiders who specialize in that stuff could find respectable.

But yeah, the point I have also been trying to emphasize in terms of board organization is to maintain what has previously been done here so that we can grow, rather than repeating the work and struggles of the past. This wouldn't be to say that new users won't be having questions and issues that we've had in the past, just that we'd be better and more quickly able to handle them.

Your statement about local moderation and how they might not have a knowledge-base enough to monitor the boards they are in makes sense, and I do think it would be perfect in that respect, just that it would be better based on current activity levels and that some greater effort would go to restoring those boards to a more efficient order. Because the current system has it to where no one really, including the global moderation, has the inclination to help make those boards better. I also get how people might say I could be seeing too big of a problem when it might not be so bad, but either way the boards could use some improvement.
Re: Revamping ZFGC
« Reply #55 on: March 09, 2011, 12:38:11 pm »
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well why dont we make a project in the forum and let anyone who will. join up. I'm working on my custom zelda sprites in OoT style (looks like N64 but still sprites, kinda confusing) we can use those


Re: Revamping ZFGC
« Reply #56 on: March 09, 2011, 12:44:58 pm »
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well why dont we make a project in the forum and let anyone who will. join up. I'm working on my custom zelda sprites in OoT style (looks like N64 but still sprites, kinda confusing) we can use those

Funny you should say that. It won't work.

If you don't believe me, take a look at: http://www.zfgc.com/forum/index.php?board=305.0

2 contributors :P it's been in existence for... years.
Re: Revamping ZFGC
« Reply #57 on: March 09, 2011, 01:23:58 pm »
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It doesn't work because there's no sense of management or responsibility in the project.

i love big weenies and i cannot lie
Re: Revamping ZFGC
« Reply #58 on: March 09, 2011, 01:35:19 pm »
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It doesn't work because there's no sense of management or responsibility in the project.

So in your opinion what would better facilitate the management and coordination of a project? (I'm not looking to offend anyone here, I'm looking at lessons learned and what can we done to actually make a successful community project).
~The Gaurdians of ZFGC~
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Re: Revamping ZFGC
« Reply #59 on: March 09, 2011, 03:07:24 pm »
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It doesn't work because there's no sense of management or responsibility in the project.

So in your opinion what would better facilitate the management and coordination of a project? (I'm not looking to offend anyone here, I'm looking at lessons learned and what can we done to actually make a successful community project).
I'd say the easiest way to look at it is to look at it from a contributer's point of view and see what kind of things would make you less likely to contribute.

For example, if I'm a spriter, I'm probably going to be interested in what sprites are already being worked on, what's left be sprited, what animations need doing, animation quality (ie. number of frames), what's the current quality of the work, overall project schedule or work already done (ie. am I wasting my time as this project will probably fail anyway?)

If I were to think of reasons as to why no one else is contributing code wise in regards to the minish cap engine (apart from I haven't used Game maker for ages), probably the biggest reasons would be:

a) Can't find the latest revision
b) Having a single file makes things confusing, only one person can work on the code at once, otherwise it ends up getting confusing when you have to merge code together
c) It sounds complicated
d) No centralised code direction / information on what needs to be done, eg. if I were to do such and such, how do you want me to go about it
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