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Author Topic: My newest idea...  (Read 6642 times)

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Re: My newest idea...
« Reply #20 on: September 16, 2006, 06:52:54 am »
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The idea about all the multimedia, is good, but if you change the site to become another DSR im outta here :o.
So what! I wanna get out! 'Cos there's so much out there! So many different people, living different lives! Incredibly good guys, bad guys... Folks completely different from us! It's one huge melting pot! See, it's not about success, dying in the streets, who's better, who's not! I just want to be a part of it! I realized that even if I've no connections, no talent, even if I'm one big loser, I want to use my hands and feet to think and move, to shape my own life! We can just die here or we can try, see what we've got!
Re: My newest idea...
« Reply #21 on: September 16, 2006, 07:14:25 am »
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I havn't read the topic, but just to reply to pedlya's message.. i think the goal of any changes for ZFGC will be expanding the area of content, and making the 'community' have a purpose. Which would be the addition of resources.. and development tools. (again i havn't read the topic, i'll read it tomorrow when i hurt less).
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Re: My newest idea...
« Reply #22 on: September 16, 2006, 08:29:35 am »
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Well this is funny, because just like z3, I've been talking about the exact same idea with Vash on chat, and I have maaaaaaaany ideas of how the website would co-operate with the forums in terms of updating fan games etc. I'd like to contribute to this as I did in z3, if it's possible, since I always felt a website for ZFGC was what we needed more.
Re: My newest idea...
« Reply #23 on: September 16, 2006, 06:07:12 pm »
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That is an awesome Idea ^_^
Re: My newest idea...
« Reply #24 on: September 17, 2006, 03:15:04 am »
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I don't have the time to read all the responses and stuff at the moment, but this sounds like a great idea. It's always kind of been in the back of our heads. I think we should finally take action and do something. Right now we are at a stand still.

If this gets taken seriously and has promise I will most certanly be active again here. Sometime this year I am going ot be working with my dad and brother and then if this actually does take off and suceed I would gladly contribute financially.
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Re: My newest idea...
« Reply #25 on: September 17, 2006, 04:46:20 pm »
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There we have it!  I think we have more than enough support for this.  Now let's just hope we don't have an admin-veto on this 2 part community project!
Re: My newest idea...
« Reply #26 on: September 17, 2006, 05:49:09 pm »
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i didnt read all of this,but are you saying we should make a website with lists of resources,fangames,etc?id like to see that
be done.infact im in(even if the idea isnt a website)
Re: My newest idea...
« Reply #27 on: September 17, 2006, 09:09:12 pm »
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Alright now i have slightly more time to make a better response. First of all, when I read you're idea I think it is great, to get a website up and what not. But on top of that. We need to change more then just that. I started thinking once I saw another one of those topics "zfgc is not zfgc anymore"
I started thinking of reasons why. Many people made comments like "Change comes and goes, get used to it", "It will never be the same". Ive even made comments like those myself many times in the past.
But is it the truth? Can we really never be anything like we used to be? I think we can, and it isn't so out of reach either. One of the main points that came to me is the fact that ever since we first began to divorce ourselves from the concept of a common goal (OoT2d) or a purpose, we've been trying hard to make ourselves "well rounded" We've tried so hard to make ourselves look and sound professional and "proper" that it becomes to tight around here. Anybody who was around in even the early days of InvisionFree, or better yet, EzBord knows how loose we used to be.
Was it ever a problem? Of course not! We still had mature staff, and they screwed around lots, and made stupid funny posts. But they could be serious when they needed to. Community speak used to be a cool well rounded hangout. But now we've made it so you can only post important personal issues there, forcing us to make other bord slike off topic, and then we just got trigger happy, and made a whole bunch of other forums that we never needed back in the day. Ask yourself, if making these new bords were supposed to benefit us, why are we still nothing compared to how we used to be in the older days?

We need to stop making ourselves think that in order to have a good time here we need to be serious. Some of the best forums ever have a comical tone to them, rather then professionalism. Who are we trying to appeal to? The president? The Royal family? We don't even need to accommodate general gaming crowds. As much as I love bords such as "debates, entertainment, general gaming, literature, techie talk, etc. What are they for? Sure it makes us more well-rounded. But the fact is, we are Zelda Fan Game Central, and all we need to accommodate is Zelda fans, and people interested in Zelda talk, and creating Zelda fan games, graphics, music, etc.

Don't tell me that removing a forum such as spam is going to hurt us. Because the fact is. it was never needed until we tried to mature the forum and take it too seriously. The forums used to be so much more relaxed int he old days, and you could joke around, with stupid comments all the time like Wallnut, Mammy, DJ, and others always did. Were we like a circus back then? Out of controll? No! We were a tighter unit then we have ever been since. Somehow we got it in our heads that we were being so childish, and we needed to act like Congress men at all times, and needed to mature. So what did we do? The staff suddenly got over-serious, and we slowly took the spirit out of zfgc. I think partially because of the move to gamers advanced, and dsr. We needed to sound professional, to the point where it wasn't even fun anymore. The whole time I was a mod, every time Ive been a mod, I Always felt pressured to put on this "face" as if I was about to have a meeting with the president. If i ever sent you a mod related PM for missbehaving you will know, I sounded like some kind of robot, programmed to say things a certain way, with certain punctuation and words. It was never like that in the old days of zfgc.

Really, we only needed retarded pointless forums like "spam" because we needed to balance out our forum, because without it we would be way too uptight. So what is the cure? Everyone needs to sit back in their chairs. Listen to something melodic. (I recomend one of the following:"Steve Vai - For the love of god", "John Petricci - Wishfull Thinking", "Steve Vai - Tender Surender", Or the song in my sig. Lean back. Unbuckle your belt. Put your hands on you're head. And take some nice relaxing deep breaths. Let  your mouth and lips and facial muscles go limp, and then shake your head back and forth a few times, and then take a deep breath in, then decompress. Let out a long, loud deep sigh of relief, projected into some kind of weird noise. Then take two fingers on each hand, put them to you're temples and rub in a clockwise motion a few times. Rub your eyes. Open your mouth and stick you tongue as far out as you can. Rub your hands vertically down across your face, and then shake it out like you do when you get those chills now and then. Now you are done.

Now that we have that out of the way. Everyone is feeling relaxed. Lets think about this idea possum proposed very seriously. First of all:
The Website: Think about how this could benefit us? Just picture it right now, with a nice green Zelda themed layout, and resources for pretty much anything you would ever need. Graphics, Engins, Music, etc. We could have sections on the forum, where the members could submit resources, and it would say "Submitted by:" on the site. Eventually as we grow, and fan gaming becomes more popular, we could have reviews of the games, and "top rated", "top downloaded", sections, and News sections, about up and comming games, and events like z3, big graphics competitions, or release dates. You could find user submitted tutorials on graphics, music, mapping, coding, etc. And if we ever got a big community project underway, it would be a huge benefit for the community, we would hold competitions for all t he graphics and music, and so forth.

The Forum: The forum should be re planned out. And we should get rid of all those bords we don't seriously need like off topic, spam, debates, entertainment, general gaming, etc. And replace them with bords we've never had that would benefit the whole thing, such as "community project sections, user submitted tutorials, sections, etc. That would basically be a frame for the website, and accommodate all t he stuff on it.

Eventually the site would be a big thing, and have tons of members, and recognition, and when we hold big events like z3, it got lots of attention from people all over the net.

We need to start putting time into making this place comfortable for zfgc members, not making it a general area for any random hanging out. We gotta give it a purpose again, a goal, and bring it back to its roots. We gotta stop being so uptight and have fun with it again. I think possums proposal is exactly the type of things we need to be considering right now because at the moment we are not going anywhere with this site, and we are just "floating along", and not going anywhere. Where will we be a year from now? Nowhere. If we are extremely lucky we would be exactly where we are currently. Which is a stand still.
We may be human. But we're still animals.
Re: My newest idea...
« Reply #28 on: September 18, 2006, 12:42:48 am »
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First of all, when I read you're idea I think it is great, to get a website up and what not. But on top of that. We need to change more then just that.
Absolutely.  That's why it's a 2-part project.  The first part is making ZFGC the ultimate web site we've always wanted it to be.  The second part is a "legacy of fan games" project.

But is it the truth? Can we really never be anything like we used to be? I think we can, and it isn't so out of reach either. One of the main points that came to me is the fact that ever since we first began to divorce ourselves from the concept of a common goal (OoT2d) or a purpose, we've been trying hard to make ourselves "well rounded" We've tried so hard to make ourselves look and sound professional and "proper" that it becomes to tight around here. Anybody who was around in even the early days of InvisionFree, or better yet, EzBord knows how loose we used to be.
Was it ever a problem? Of course not! We still had mature staff, and they screwed around lots, and made stupid funny posts. But they could be serious when they needed to.

Community speak used to be a cool well rounded hangout. But now we've made it so you can only post important personal issues there, forcing us to make other bord slike off topic, and then we just got trigger happy, and made a whole bunch of other forums that we never needed back in the day.
A-freaking-men.  They are absolutely unneccessary.  And this is a very valid point in arguing against that stupid 'rom discussion' board idea.

Ask yourself, if making these new bords were supposed to benefit us, why are we still nothing compared to how we used to be in the older days?
you. win. :)

We need to stop making ourselves think that in order to have a good time here we need to be serious. Some of the best forums ever have a comical tone to them, rather then professionalism.
Yep.  Albeit, absurd and 'comical tone' are different things.  While DSR-X was comical, it was borderline absurd, and didn't last long (although it was freaking fun while it lasted).

As much as I love bords such as "debates, entertainment, general gaming, literature, techie talk, etc. What are they for? Sure it makes us more well-rounded. But the fact is, we are Zelda Fan Game Central, and all we need to accommodate is Zelda fans, and people interested in Zelda talk, and creating Zelda fan games, graphics, music, etc.
Agreed.  We all know that I love debates... but this is ZELDA fan game central, and we ought to focus on that.  It's not like we need to abolish everything else, let's just throw it all into one board.

Don't tell me that removing a forum such as spam is going to hurt us. Because the fact is. it was never needed until we tried to mature the forum and take it too seriously. The forums used to be so much more relaxed int he old days, and you could joke around, with stupid comments all the time like Wallnut, Mammy, DJ, and others always did.
Well, I don't want spam removed, because I'll get in trouble (lose warning points) for posting 'relaxed' comments outside of spam.

I think partially because of the move to gamers advanced, and dsr. We needed to sound professional, to the point where it wasn't even fun anymore.
Aye.  Justin and I had countless discussions about that very topic.  I never understood the need for sounding professional.  No matter what we did, we'd always be a heck of a lot better than the IGN message boards.  And having fun was what it should have been all about.

Then GA died. ;)

The Forum: The forum should be re planned out. And we should get rid of all those bords we don't seriously need like off topic, spam, debates, entertainment, general gaming, etc. And replace them with bords we've never had that would benefit the whole thing, such as "community project sections, user submitted tutorials, sections, etc. That would basically be a frame for the website, and accommodate all t he stuff on it.
I want to give you a big hug.  Unfortunately with all this chit-chatter that's going on from people who are serious about this: we still have to deal with admins that don't think as we do.

I am 100% convinced, that unless someone who thinks like you and I becomes an admin, that we will never have the ZFGC we all want.

And we all know I'm never gonna be an admin.  We all know that you're not in the position to be an admin.

My influence can only go so far, and it stops when the admins say so.

We need to start putting time into making this place comfortable for zfgc members, not making it a general area for any random hanging out. We gotta give it a purpose again, a goal, and bring it back to its roots. We gotta stop being so uptight and have fun with it again. I think possums proposal is exactly the type of things we need to be considering right now because at the moment we are not going anywhere with this site, and we are just "floating along", and not going anywhere. Where will we be a year from now? Nowhere. If we are extremely lucky we would be exactly where we are currently. Which is a stand still.
And I hearby declare this your thesis statement.

Skully's officially my hero of the month.  You'll be getting your high-five award, buddy ;)
Re: My newest idea...
« Reply #29 on: September 18, 2006, 01:00:51 am »
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I'd love to help, I can program very well in HTML and CSS so if you need someone to program the site I could do that.  I can also do all the boring work like uploading the sprites and telling people about updates and things.  XD  Anyways I can help.

Re: My newest idea...
« Reply #30 on: September 18, 2006, 01:42:48 am »
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I like the idea possum.

.....But it needs to be set up properly with easy to search archives.....

I suggest using Joomla! Joomla would work really well for this type of project and would make it a hell of a lot easier to maintain. Joomla can be bridged with SMF for a site/forum log in with one user name/password. You can also set it up to allow users to submit content to the site. So imho I think if you want this project to become a reality Joomla would be the way to go(I have a lot of experience with it btw).

good luck.
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Re: My newest idea...
« Reply #31 on: September 18, 2006, 01:57:10 am »
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I find that it works best if you create your own content management system, rather than using a prebuilt one (unfortunately, unless you have people willing to build something that will work it will take forever).

SMF actually has one now, i've yet to use it yet...

Anyway, this sounds basicly what 'project-x' stated out to be. If my outline didn't have such bad spelling and grammer in it i'd upload it. The original outline is.. on some disc somewhere, i'd have to find it anyway.

Hopefuly, if I ever see hal kicking around, we can create some sort of an outline for what we want, and see what becomes of it.
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Re: My newest idea...
« Reply #32 on: September 18, 2006, 02:13:22 pm »
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That's what brings the enthusiasm to the forums back... Very good. But you know, I think we should have an own website (other than a forum. A WEBSITE) featuring news and fan-games. Judging from how promising it is, it will be featured on the front and then in the navi-bar.

That would probably help a lot.
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Re: My newest idea...
« Reply #33 on: September 18, 2006, 03:23:11 pm »
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Although I agree that a resource archive would be awesome, we need to be careful that we don't turn it into a gigantic general gaming news site.  What would be the point of reopening ZFGC and "rebelling" against DSR if we're going to turn around and do the exact same thing they do?

But yes, a resource archive would be the best thing this site coud ever do.  I personally have sprites collected from the very beginnings of ZFGC, and I know others do as well.  We need to archive them somewhere so that they aren't lost.  ZeldaResources was awesome while it existed, although it's successor never really took off. 

We've discussed the idea of an archive before, although we never did anything with it.  If we can actually get something going here, then I'm all for it.  Keep in mind though that it would need to be very well managed.  There would need to be a tag system in place so that each resource could go under a number of categories.  There would also be a way to sort by title, creator, date added, date created, etc.

Crap, class is almost over, gotta log out.  Will finish later.
What do you mean I need a life?  =P  Hm... Lives... Isn't that something that you get in Super Mario Bros?  You know, those green mushrooms?  That's a life, right?

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Re: My newest idea...
« Reply #34 on: September 18, 2006, 03:32:54 pm »
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I'm all for it, as long as it doesn't destory what we already have.

I suggest a main site as part of zfgc, with all the pages as topics, almost. Something like what they did with http://www.thedesignworld.com/. Notice how the forum is very smoothly fitted into the main site.

I really would love to help but I simply haven't got the time...   :'(
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Re: My newest idea...
« Reply #35 on: September 18, 2006, 03:49:06 pm »
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I'm all for a fresh start here. Sure, back up some posts such as some of the larger WIP games, but in terms of the forum, we could use a lot less spam and a lot stricter rules against idiocy <_<
There's such a double standard about religion in the modern world. Catholics can gather, wear white robes, and say "In nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti" and be considered normal.

But if my friends and I gather, wear black robes, and say  "Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn", we're considered cultists.
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