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Topics - Zaeranos

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Entertainment / The Legend of Zelda manga series by Akira Himekawa
« on: May 11, 2013, 08:08:20 am »
I have been reading the Zelda mangas created by Akira Himekawa. I must admit that I have been liking these. That is why I decided to share my thoughts on these books with you. I will try to keep things as spoiler free as possible, but unfortunately that is not possible. So be warned my thoughts may contain minor and major spoilers. So be warned.

Quote from: From the Phantom Hourglass
Akira Himekawa is the collaboration of two women, A. Honda and S. Nagano. Together they have created ten manga adventures featuring Link and the popular video game world of The Legend of Zelda, including Ocarina of Time, Oracle of Seasons and Four Swords. Their most recent work, The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass, is serialized in Shogaku Rokunensei.

List of reviews:
Ocarina of Time part 1 & 2by Zaeranos.
Majora's Mask by Zaeranos.
Oracle Of Seasons by Zaeranos.
Oracle Of Ages by Zaeranos.
Four Swords part 1 & 2 by Zaeranos.
The Minish Cap by Zaeranos.
A Link to the Past by Zaeranos.
Phantom Hourglass by Zaeranos.
Skyward Sword (from Hyrule Hystoria) by Zaeranos.

How to get them:
For those who would like to get these books for themselves, I would advice to check and ask your local comic store. The books are published by VIZ Media, LLC and VizKids. If your local comic store does not have them, I am sure online shops such as Amazon.com do offer them.

Entertainment / RUN!!!! It terroizes your radiowaves!
« on: January 15, 2013, 08:54:34 pm »
Oh man, lately on the radio this song is played completely or for a part. It is so annoying and yet the tune is really catchy. With its maniacal rhythm it will pull you in, where it burrows into your skull. Here it will supplement everyone of your thoughts with itself. In the end you'll be nothing more then a brain dead monkey humming this song all day long. It is the "apocalypse" that the doomsayers foretold that would happen when the Mayan calendar would come to an end. Just a few weeks late.

I am warning you. DO NOT LISTEN TO THIS SONG!!!!!!!!

Are you still here?

Please run. Your life is in danger.

Oh god. If you value your life your sanity, than go and start running.

WTF? You are still HERE???



YOU SICK MASSOCHISTIC ASS!!!!!! Are you willing to go through with this?

Okay then, just be doomed. I don't care. Join the legion of the brain-dead monkeys, we welcome you  >:D

English version:
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mx8s6ZACZFU" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mx8s6ZACZFU</a>

Dutch version:
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HnWZnrkh3FI" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HnWZnrkh3FI</a>

All hail the Little Chick! PIEP!

Entertainment / Final Fantasy XIV Online: A Realm Reborn - End of an Era
« on: November 13, 2012, 05:48:50 pm »
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IFJzTIejJAE" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IFJzTIejJAE</a>

Well, of what I have read FF XIV seems to be a pretty crappy mmo. However you cannot deny that the guys at SquareEnix are capable of creating some epic cinematics. What I would like to know is what song is played throughout this trailer?

Friendly & Neutral / Overview Friendly & neutral on locations
« on: October 27, 2012, 06:29:54 pm »
Carbon Mines
- Gumbo

Deku Swamp
- Maple

Gerudo Desert
- Abigail
- Maple

Goron Mountain
- Maple

Hyrule Castle
- Daphnes Nohansen Hyrule

Hyrule Castle Town
- Ingo
- Juan
- Maple


- Eugene Marcus Collumbo Adelle van Justihoven the Fourth
- Hunters
- The Chemist

Hyrule Field
- Maple

Kokiri Forest
- Maple
- Syrup the Witch

Lake Hylia
- Maple

River Valley
- Boko
- Maple
- Takam

Valley Of Death
- Maple
- Seare

Zora's Domain

Forest Temple
- Maple

Lake Hylia Temple
- Maple

Earth Temple
- Maple

Sheikah Temple
- Maple

Celestial Clock
- Maple

- Boken the Slayer
- Dokoi
- Korko the Dreamer
- Noko

Enemy Units / Overview enemies per region
« on: October 27, 2012, 06:01:54 pm »
This post lists all the enemies per region. As far as I could figure things out. Sometimes I made a consession on where to place them, because the location did not mention any of the defined areas. Also 'Various' or 'Dungeons and caves' resulted in a mention in all the areas.

Carbon Mines
- Beamos
- Bokoblin
- Carbonite
- Darknut
- Fire Keese
- Keese
- Moldorm
- Overgrown Keese
- Red Chu Chu
- Stone Chu Chu

Deku Swamp
- Bokoblin
- Keese
- Lizalfos
- Mad Scrub
- Moldorm (caves only)
- Overgrown Keese
- Red Chu Chu
- Tail (caves only)

Gerudo Desert
- Bokoblin
- Keese
- Like Like
- Moblin
- Moldorm
- Rupee Like Like
- Sand Glider
- Stalfos
- Stalfos Elite
- Tail
- Thunder Keese

Goron Mountain
- Beamos
- Bokoblin
- Dodongo
- Fire Keese
- Kargaroc
- Keese
- Like Like
- Moldorm
- Overgrown Keese
- Red Chu Chu
- Rock Wasp
- Rupee Like Like
- Tail

Hyrule Castle Town
- Armored Crab
- Bokoblin
- Flying tiles
- Keese
- Moldorm
- Red Chu Chu
- Ropes
- Tail
- White Chu Chu

Hyrule Field
- Bokoblin
- Keese
- Mad Scrub
- Moldorm
- Overgrown Keese
- Red Chu Chu
- Ropes (Green)
- Tail

Kokiri Forest
- Bokoblin
- Green Chu Chu
- Keese
- Mad Scrub
- Moldorm
- Overgrown Keese
- Red Chu Chu
- Ropes (Green)
- Stalfos
- Stalfos Elite
- Tail

Lake Hylia
- Armored Crab
- Bokoblin
- Keese
- Like Like
- Octoroc
- Red Chu Chu
- Ropes (Green)
- Rupee Like Like

River Valley
- Armored Crab
- Bokoblin
- Keese
- Like Like
- Octoroc
- Overgrown Keese
- Red Chu Chu
- Ropes (Green)
- Rupee Like Like

Valley Of Death
- Bokoblin
- Fire Wizzrobe
- Gibdo
- Ice Wizzrobe
- Keese
- Like Like
- Moldorm
- Overgrown Keese
- Redead
- Rupee Like Like
- Stalfos
- Wizzrobe

Zora's Domain
- Overgrown Keese

Forest Temple
- Bokoblin
- Door Mimic
- Floormaster
- Flying tiles
- Keese
- Lizalfos
- Mad Scrub
- Red Chu Chu
- Redead
- Ropes
- Stalfos
- Stalfos Elite
- Wizzrobe

Lake Hylia Temple
- Armored Crab
- Blue Chu Chu
- Bokoblin
- Darknut
- Floormaster
- Flying tiles
- Ice Keese
- Ice Wizzrobe
- Iron Knuckle
- Keese
- Octoroc
- Redead
- Ropes

Earth Temple
- Armored Dodongo
- Beamos
- Bokoblin
- Carbonite
- Dodongo
- Door Mimic
- Fire Keese
- Fire Wizzrobe
- Grey Chu Chu
- Keese
- Mighty Darknut
- Moldorm
- Ropes
- Tail
- Yellow Chu Chu

Sheikah Temple
- Mobile Beamos
- Black Chu Chu
- Demonic Dodongo
- Floormaster
- Gibdo
- Keese
- Moldorm
- Poe
- Redead
- Redead Knight
- Ropes
- Shadow Guards
- Shadow Keese
- Sheikah Warrior
- Stalfos
- Stalfos Elite
- Tail
- Thunder Wizzrobe

Celestial Clock
- Mobile Beamos
- Bokoblin
- Darknut
- Door Mimic
- Fire Wizzrobe
- Flying tiles
- Gibdo
- Iron Knuckle
- Keese
- Mighty Darknut
- Moblin
- Redead
- Redead Knight
- Ropes
- Shadow Keese
- Stalfos
- Stalfos Elite
- Thunder Wizzrobe
- Wizzrobe

King of Thieves / [Missing design] Day/Night and the Lunar cycle.
« on: October 22, 2012, 04:49:03 pm »
My proposal to get the discussion going again.

Day/Night and Lunar Cycle
In the game there is a passage of time. This passage is defined in 2 cycles. The first cycle is day and night. The second cycle is the Lunar cycle. There are no cycles based on the day of the week or on seasonal changes. These are the rules for the cycles.

1) The day/night cycle exist of 2 phases [day, night]. Each phase is 12 hours long and 1 Hyrule Hour equals 1 Realtime minute.
2) The Lunar cycle has 8 phases [first quarter, first half, first three-quarter, full moon, last three-quarter, last half, last quarter, new moon], Each phase is 1 full day/night cycle.
3) The item called the "Moon Pearl" allows the player to skip to the 12 o'clock midday or midnight phase. This also means a forward progression in the Lunar cycle.
4) Due to the lack of a sky dome in a 2D game the top of an hourglass will be displayed to show the progression of time.
5) Once in possesion of the Moon Pearl a moon icon will be displayed on top of the hourglass during the night phase.
6) Inside buildings and during mini-games time is halted.

With a couple of submission, the day/night and lunar cycle have been brought up. For example with MG's circus and Darlus. However to me it is still unclear how this will function. So before continuing this idea an accepting submission based on this idea, it would be better to solidify the concept. This to prevent conflicting concepts of various members accepted.

These are the first questions that I like to have answered:

1 ) How long in realtime minutes does a day/night cycle happen?
2 ) How many days are there in a single lunar cycle?
3 ) Are we also going to add seasons in the mix?
4 ) Will there be an item that allows you to manually change day and night?
5 ) Will there be an item that allows you to control the lunar cycle?
6 ) How is this visually going to be represented? A clock, a timer, an hourglass or something entirely different?
7 ) How is tracking of the lunar cycle represented?

King of Thieves / [Approved] Ability: teleporting
« on: October 13, 2012, 12:32:15 pm »
Awaiting approval to be transfered to the Wiki:

Item: Deku Nuts
Found on certain trees and sold in certain shops. Deku nuts are an item you may assign to one of your item buttons. Using a deku nut on the overworld will cause a flash and a cloud of smoke, and a map of Hyrule will pop up, showing the locations of Vaults you have activated. You may teleport to any of these, or press the cancel button to stay where you are. Using the deku nuts in a dungeon or cave will teleport you to the entrance you used to enter this dungeon or cave. You may cary a limited amount of Deku nuts, although this limit may be increased by upgrades through a side quest. Link gets the use of this item by clearing the Vault in Castle Town after the first dungeon.

Location/Building: Blind's Vaults
Scattered all over the overworld. There are several Vaults constructed by the thief Blind ages ago. They are identifiable on the outside by an emblem carved by their entrance, but are otherwise hidden. Inside each is a mini-dungeon. You must find a key in the dungeon, which will open the vault room, located at the dungeon's heart. Inside the Vault are treasure chests containing ruppees, and a switch. Activating the switch will teleport you outside the vault, and the emblem outside will glow blue.

"Long ago there was a mystical band of thieves, led by the most vicious, cutthroat thief of his day: Blind. They robbed every soul they encountered, down to their last ruppee. They seemed unstoppable. In the few instances when they were cornered, they disappeared in a flash of smoke, taking the loot with them. But as fast as their reign of terror began, it ended. No one ever knew who they were or where they came from. But it is said that whoever can discover Blind's vaults, their power as well as the treasure would belong to him."

Another staple on the Zelda series is Link's ability to teleport. In each game since ALttP there is an item (most often a musical instrument) that allows the player to skip large sections of walking to certain areas. The places that the player teleports to are fixed to certain coordinates in the overworld. This ability has two parts. The first part is the item that is used to teleport. The second are the beacons to teleport to.

This is my proposal:
Considering it is a thief's game and make the player disappear without being seen this seems like an interesting bit.

The item: Deku Nuts - They are limited in number, but the player can get more. When used in the overwold it will teleport the player to a beacon of his choosing in a bright flash. In a dungeon it will teleport you to the dungeon entrance and in caves it will teleport you to the door that you entered the room.

The beacon: Mini-dungeon entrances - In most games the beacons are really easy activated and obtained. I think these should be more difficult to get. So why not make it a type of minidungeon with a couple of rooms that you have to complete to activate the beacon. The entrance in the overworld then becomes the teleportation point.

Background story: Long ago there was a mystical band of thieves. They robbed every single sole from their last ruppee. They seemed unstoppable and the few instances they were cornered, they disappeared in a flash and smoke. Taking the loot with them. As fast as their reign of terror began it ended just as fast. No one ever knew who they were and where they came from. But it is said that he who can discover the thieves' vaults of treasure their power would belong to him.

King of Thieves / [Proposal] Item: Bottle
« on: October 13, 2012, 12:29:47 pm »
A setup for the wiki, but it still needs some decisions for some potions about the maximum number that can be carried:

Items: Bottle
The bottle is a container that allows Link to carry various substances in. When using the bottle there are three actions. The bottle is empty Link will always make a scooping action and if it hits something scoopable it will fill the bottle with content. If the bottle contains something drinkable Link will perform a drinking action. The effect will be whatever effect the potion has. Other content will result in Link dropping the content before his feet, the effect is again dependable on the content. Link has the use of a maximum of 6 bottles in the game, however some contents have limitations.

Red Potion4 (along the Blue and Green potion)Restores full HP.
Green Potion4 (along the Blue and Red potion)Restores full MP.
Blue Potion4 (along the Red and Green potion)Restores full HP and MP.
Funky PotionUsing magic items won't drain your magic for a short time.
Colorless PotionCertain NPCs won't be able to see you for a short time. May be useful if the cloak for any reason can't be used.
Linguist PotionLets you talk to animals for a short time (yes, this is totally a reference to being stoned to the point to where you think animals can talk)
Shockers PotionElectrifies your sword for a brief moment.
Resistor PotionMakes you immune to electricity for a short time.
Knock off blue potionRestores HP and MP to full and keeps it full for a short time, but may have a random negative side effect after a while (small HP loss, poison, or small MP loss. The side effect becomes more likely each time you use this. The probability of it occurring however is lowered slightly each time you drink a normal blue potion)
Sexy potionMakes your sword 2x as strong and long and gives you 2x defense power (like the fairy fountain power up in OoT) for a short time.
Annoying PotionPlayer will constantly hear annoying music for a short time as opposed to the music of the area they're in. Has absolutely no use otherwise.
Fairy restores 10 hearts and automatic revival when game over.
WaterFor dowsing fire and watering stuff.
Milk2Restore 8 hearts, can be used twice.
Story Relevant ContentCan be used in sidequests and cannot be emptied before the specific point in the story is reached.

Okay, one thing every Zelda game has is bottles, which can store content to be used later or for transport. At this moment we don't have it yet. However it stands to reason that it will be in the game. This topic is about how many bottles there are in the game and what contents there will be for the bottles.

These are potions that MG submitted with his Takam character:
Red Potion - Restores full HP.
Green Potion - Restores full MP.
Blue Potion - Restores full MP and HP.
Funky Potion - Using magic items won't drain your magic for a short time.
Colorless Potion - Certain NPCs won't be able to see you for a short time. May be useful if the cloak for any reason can't be used.
Linguist Potion - Lets you talk to animals for a short time (yes, this is totally a reference to being stoned to the point to where you think animals can talk)
Shockers Potion - Electrifies your sword for a brief moment.
Resistor Potion - Makes you immune to electricity for a short time.
Knock off blue potion - Restores HP and MP to full and keeps it full for a short time, but may have a random negative side effect after a while (small HP loss, poison, or small MP loss. The side effect becomes more likely each time you use this. The probability of it occurring however is lowered slightly each time you drink a normal blue potion)
Sexy potion - Makes your sword 2x as strong and long and gives you 2x defense power (like the fairy fountain power up in OoT) for a short time.
Annoying Potion - Player will constantly hear annoying music for a short time as opposed to the music of the area they're in. Has absolutely no use otherwise.

I propose we add these contents:
Fairy - restores 10 hearts and automatic revival when game over.
Water- for dowsing fire and watering stuff.
Milk - restore 8 hearts, can be used twice.
Story Relevant Content - Can be used in sidequests and cannot be emptied before the specific point in the story is reached.

The number of bottles in the game:

Mini Games / [Submission] Gumbo's minecart coaster
« on: September 22, 2012, 01:26:25 pm »
This is a mini-game that is organized by Gumbo of the Gorons. In this mini-game the player has to ride the minecart track that Gumbo made specifically for this game in a separate cave. Link has to use his sword to hit switches to change the tracks. The minecart automatically follows the tracks. Link hits the switches to change the upcomming intersections and the ones after. By default each intersection continues to go forward or turn to the left if there is no forward to go to. Hitting the switch on the left side of the tracks (from Link's perspective) makes the intersection turn left, while the switch on the right makes the intersection turn right. Sometimes it appears as if there is an intersection, however the tracks go over and under each other.

During this game you use the left and right arrow keys to hit the switches, which makes the tracks turn. You do need to time the presses, because to early or to late will result in a miss and the track won't change. Remember that left an right coincide with Links perspective. From the direction Link is going to the perspective of the player:
Up - left is left and right is right.
Down - left is right and right is left.
Left - left is down and right is up.
Right - left is up and right is down.
An example layout of the maze is shown in the attachement.

The cart enters the cave on one side and the goal is to go to the exit of the cave. Depending on your time you get a reward. If you can beat Gumbo's fastest time than you get a special reward. 

This minigame does add two more abilities to the list of abilities that Link can do:

Minecart riding
Link jumps into a minicart and it will start moving at a high speed automatically. Link will follow a predetermined path set by the tracks, untill the mincart reaches an endpoint.

Minecart swordswipe
By pressing either left or right arrow keys during a minecart ride Link will make a sword slash left or right from Link's perspective. This allows him tohit enemies or switches within reach.

Management / KOT:Categories
« on: September 20, 2012, 06:28:57 pm »
Just a quick question I saw among the enemies list a page called KOT:Categories. The content looked like that of a dodongo or lizalfos. Is this an example page or something?

Entertainment / Dark Knight Rises
« on: August 05, 2012, 08:19:08 pm »
Okay, I went to see The Dark Knight Rises this weekend. But I have no clue what to think of it. This movie confuses me. One moment it is exilerating and awesome, while the next can be boring or leaves you wondering what the !@#$% is happening. Especially the beginning of the movie is one big WTF moment. It seems 8 years have past since the end of The Dark Knight and I have no idea what is going on. It is like I missed one movie between The Dark Knight and The Dark Knight Rises. One thing I know for sure is that Anne Hathaway puts a great Catwoman (including being incredibly hot) and the entire character is executed really well, not forced and believable.

Is anyone else just as confused by this movie as I am?

Side Quests / [SUBMISSION] From farm to village
« on: July 23, 2012, 08:42:29 pm »
This submission was inspired by a sidequest BlazeBigBang made. So partial credit goes to him.

Location: Hyrule Field
Description: The idea is that in a part of Hyrule field there is a Farmer working the fields and managing some cattle. He supplies Castle Town with his harvest. However he is alone and cannot manage to grow all the harvest and cattle that is needed for Castle Town. So all of it goes to the rich part of town. If he had more workers he could grow a larger harvest. He is willing to pay the workers, provide some food and a place to sleep. He will ask Link over the game a few things to do. The farmer would do it himself, but he is far too busy. The area starts out as a small farm, but it later ends up as a small village.

Step 1: After Link leaves Hyrule Castle Town when he sets out for the cogs
The first step is to create adequate lodging house. Link has to ask carpenters in Castle Town to build the lodging house for the future workers. The carpenters accept the assignment and they set out to the farm to create the lodging house. No escort needed. The carpenters get there on their own power.

If Link visits before step 2 he will see the carpenters working.

Step 2: After completing the first dungeon in Kokiri Forest.
Once the housing is solved, the farmer will ask Link to recruite 5 willing workers. He tells Link that he now has the housing and is willing to pay for their work. They however must be willing to work hard on the fields. Link goes to Castle Town poor side where he finds homeless beggars spread over the area. They are all wanting a decent paying job however the town has nothing to offer. The five people are gathering outside the nearest gate from the poor side to the farm. Here Link will escort them to the farm. They will follow Link and Link has to protect them from enemies in the field. When they arrive at the farm the Townspeople are introduced to the farmer and the farmer says he will take good care of them.

When Link returns before step 3 he will see that the field of crops has expanded and all the five workers are working under supervision of the farmer. The workers are also much better dressed. If Link returns to the poor side of castle town he sees that the families left behind are also happier, because the workers send them money to buy food and shelter.

Step 3: After completing the second dungeon in Lake Hylia.
When Link meets up with the farmer again he tells him that the workers desire to bring over family and loved ones. He also mentions that he has quite grown fond of the managing role and doesn't mind becoming a mayor of a small village. Giving the workers their own farms to grow some crops on, manage cattle and such. The farmer has send many requests for new buildings, but all of them have gone unanswered but one. The only answer is that they would love to do the job but cannot due to the problem.

The farmer subtly asks Link to find out what the problem is and help them. Link returns to Castle Town where he asks the carpenters about the problem. After a bit of probing Link finds out that the favorite tool box of one of the carpenters was stolen. And because they are such buddies when one carpenter is down and depressed all of them are (Yeah, who would have know men are so sentimental :P ). They just sit around and sulk all day. The carpenter last saw it when he had to take a short cut through the poor side of town, which he usually would never do. Link sets out to find out who stole the toolbox in the poor side of town.

It turns out that one of the gang members, <INSERT NAME>, had lifted the toolbox from the carpenter by 'accidentally' tripping him. The gang member sold the toolbox to Ingo at the pawn shop. Link can either buy the toolbox back from Ingo for an amount of <X> ruppees, or steal it from the back room in the rich side of town. Each time it becomes more difficult to break into the pawnshops and steal stuff.

Once Link returns the toolbox, the carpenters are rejuvinated and really motivated to get back to work. They tell Link about this awesome job they had been offered by some farmer in Hyrule Field. They storm out of the building, leaving Link behind.

If Link returns before step 4 the workers are working the fields and hurding the cattle. All the while the carpenters are working on 5 houses at the time.

Step 4: After completing the third dungeon at Goron Mountain.
The houses are now complete, hower the families are still not here. The farmer wanted to pick up the families in town with his carts, however they were raided by a group of Bokoblins and all carts were taken. They hide out in a cave with a large entrance somewhere in Hyrule Field. The farmer knows that Link is a warrior and asks him to bring back the carts.

Link sets out and when he enters the cave there are 3 carts with horses tied to the ground. They are surrounded by 3 bokoblins. Link will have to defeat the bokoblins, 2 more will appear. Once all 5 are destroyed 3 bokoblins come walking in from doors at the top of the room on a higher area. They will throw their bomb at the carts. Each cart can take 2 bomb hits before destruction and 2 of the 3 carts have to survive. If not Link will automatically die and go gameover (don't ask how this happens, it just does :P). Link wil have to pick up the bombs and throw them at a safe spot or throw it at a damaged wall to the sid. This wall takes three bomb hits before breaking. Once broken it will reveal a bomb flower. Ignite the bomb flower and a chain of explosions is set off destroying the back room. Any bokoblin outside of the room when the explosion occurs will jump down and attack Link head on.

Once all bokoblins are gone, the farmer will enter with one or two of his workers and they release the horses. The farmer tells Link that it will take some time to repair the carts and calm down the horses. He asks Link to go ahead to Castle Town to pick up the families and that he will meet Link at the entrance to Castle Town. Link accepts and he goes to collect the families of the workers in Castle Town. They go to the entrance where the farmer is waiting, although for one of the wifes you need to find her child first who is hiding somewhere in Castle Town. When all are collected and in the cart the farmer thanks Link and goes back to the farm.

When Link returns before step 5. The farmer is now a mayor. The families are cleanly dressed. The fields have grown and there are more cattle. The workers and their families are now working hard on the farms. And one of the wifes is teaching the children in the field. The lodging house is now empty.

Step 5: After completing fourth dungeon.
The farmer tells Link that there have been some travelers from Castle Town that just wanted to escape to the simple live for a while, but he had no decent place to put them. So he had already asked the carpenters to remodel the old lodging house into a inn. However the farmer doesn't know anyone who is willing to run the inn. He is thinking about asking one of the wifes of the workers. The farmer's father (and retired farmer), who resides in the farmers house, keeps muttering about that he would want to meet the "beautiful young woman" that his son has fallen in love with, but she cannot come because she is a part of the very rich in Hyrule.

In one part of Castle Town there is a very big mansion. Link can enter the room of the daugther of the owner of the mansion. At this point when Link talks to her she will tell Link that she wants to go to her boyfriend who lives in a small village in Hyrule Field. However her father has arranged for her to get married to some stuck up prince from a far away land, but she doesn't want to. She wishes that someone would help her. Link asks if he is a farmer. He then tells her that he knows him and has often gone to the village. At that moment her father enters her room. Startled by Link's presence he calls the guards to throw the riff raff out of his house.

As Link is kicked to the curb, he has to once more sneak into the girls room in the Mansion. She then notices that Link is serious about helping her. She tells Link to wait for her at the edge of town. She has to pack and, unlike Link, can move freely through Castle Town. However beyond the Town walls she would be lost. As Link arrives at the edge of town he hears someone calling for him. As he looks around the girl approaches him. She then asks Link to guide her to the farmer's village.

Link has to walk with the girl to the village, protecting her from all the enemies. As they near the edge of the village, they see the farmer coming towards them from the other direction. As the farmer and the girl see each other they run up towards each other in an embrace. At that moment the father also comes in with a couple of guards. He becomes enraged by seeing his little girl in the arms of a commoner. He accuses Link and the farmer of kidnapping, but as the girl tries to tell that it isn't true, the father calls for his pet monster that someone had given to him. The farmer wanting to protect the girl first charges towards the monster, but gets brushed aside instantly. [Link has to fight the monster in a (mini)boss battle.]

As Link defeats the monster, the father is astonished and comes to his senses. The father asks if this is really what the girl wants and makes her happy. He then tells that he always wanted to see her happy and that is why he arranged a marriage for her into a life of luxury, where she could get anything her heart desires. However he never imagined that this is what makes her happy. He wishes her and his new son in law good luck and he then goes with his guards back to Castle Town. The farmer and the girl thank Link for his help and go back to the village as well.

When Link returns to the village he will see a nice farming village with hard working people. The girl is now running inn as she wants to give others also a chance to sample the village life. She already has some guests, who are enjoying the quiet village. The farms have now enough production capacity to supply the entire Castle Town with food. And some farmers occasionally go to the poor side to hand out some food. However the village has no name yet. The farmer says that Link has to decide on a name. And this is where the player is allowed to put his own name in front of the word 'village'.

King of Thieves / [Submission] Default actions of Link
« on: July 13, 2012, 09:31:35 pm »
Okay, I didn't know where to put this, because there is no board for miscellaneous content. I saw this was missing from the GDD. It is something everyone expects it to be in a Zelda game and takes it for granted. However the exact details are fuzzy, which became apparant to me while reviewing. However this does not mention any abilities mentioned in the GDD but not described, such as the underwater world traveling.

As the game is in MC style I have made the descriptions also based on the MC version.

Availability: From the start
Description: This is the default action of Link and the player does not provide any input. And Link is not attacked. All other states always return back to this. After a period  of time Link will blink with his eyes.
Movement: None
Facing: In the direction that Link was facing in the previous action.

Availability: From the start
Description: The player uses the direction keys to move Link in a specific direction. In addition no other input is given (with a maximum of two keys) and no object in the world is interacted with.
Movement: In the direction that the player is pressing. Which is one of 8 directions (cardinal and diagonal). If the player presses the keys for opposite directions they cancel each other out and the action will result in "Standing". Movement is obtructed by objects in the world.
Facing: In the direction of the key pressed. When the player is holding two keys down it is the direction of the first key pressed.

Availability: From the start
Description: Link rolls for a short period time. It makes Link a little bit smaller and go a bit faster than walking. Link needs to be walking and the player is pressing the R button to start it. Link leaves little dust clouds in his path.
Movement: Is fixed in the direction that the player was facing when the action started. It cannot be changed untill the action ends. Movement is obstructed by objects in the world.
Facing: Is fixed in the direction that Link was facing when the action started. It cannot be changed until the action ends.

Availability: From the start
Description: When there is an object in front of Link that Link can grab and the player presses the R button, then Link will grab the object. THis action ends when the player releases the R button or the object disappears.
Movement: In principle no movement, however the game will line up the center of Link and the object, when the object is smaller than Link.
Facing: Fixed. It cannot be changed during a grabbing action.

Availability: From the start
Description: When Link collides with an object that can be pushed in the direction that Link is facing or is grabbing an object that can be pushed and the player moves Link in the direction Link is facing, then the pushing action is started. The object can only move when it is not blocked at the other side. If moving is impossible than Link's face will turn red after a period of time.
Movement: Starts after a time period of the initial start of the pushing action. It is fixed in the direction that Link is facing. The pushing ends when the player no longer presses the R button in case of initial grabbing, the player stops moving or moves in a different direction (in case of a collision). The object will always move a distance of 16 pixels to keep it fixed to the tilegrid.
Facing: In case of grabing the facing cannot be changed. In case of collision the facing can be changed, but it immediately negates the pushing action.

Availability: From the start
Description: When Link has grabbed an object and the player pushes the directional key opposite to Link's Facing, then Link will start to pull. If the object can be pulled, then the object and Link will move in the opposite direction of his facing. If the object cannot be pulled there is no movement and after a period of time Link's face will turn red.
Movement: The movementstarts after a period of time and is fixed in the direction opposite of Link's facing. The distance traveled is always in intervals of 16 pixels, after which it returns to the grabbing action. Movement is blocked if behind Link is a solid object.
Facing: The facing cannot be changed during this action.

Availability: From the start
Description: When Link is facing and standing in front of an object that can be lifted and the player presses the R button, Link will pick up the object above his head and can walk around with it.
Movement: In the first part when Link is picking up the object there is no movement possible, but the game will line the centers of Link and the object when the object is smaller than Link. When Link is holding the object above his head the movement is the same as walking and standing.
Facing: During the picking up the facing cannot be changed, but when walking with the object the facing changes in the direction of the movement.

Availability: From the start
Description: When Link is lifting an object above his head, Link is not moving and the player presses the R button again, Link will put down the object in front him in the direction that Link is facing and keeping the object in tact.
Movement:Durring the dropping action there is no movement, except for lining Link up to the nearest multiple of 16 pixels to fix the object to the grid.
Facing: The facing is not changed during this action.

Availability: From the start
Description: When Link is lifting an object above his head, Link is moving and the player presses the R button again, Link wil throw the object in the direction he is facing at that moment. The object will move independent from Link in an arc motion until it hits something or the ground. If the object is breakable it will break. Otherwise it will stay in the place of landing intact.
Movement: During the throwing action there is no movement.
Facing: The facing cannot be changed during this action.

Availability: From the moment that Link obtains the flippers
Description: When Link moves on the surface designated as swimming water, and he is not jumping or floating, he will drop in the water and starts the swimming action. This action is the default as long as Link is on the surface swimming water. Link will move as the player presses a directional key. Without input Link will remain in position.
Movement: Without input there is no movement. Otherwise the movement is in the direction of the input similar to walking (and opposite direction input is canceled). When the player is no longer providing directional input it wil take a short time period for actual movement to stop.
Facing: The facing is changed to the direction of (last) movement.

Swim boost
Availability: From the moment that Link obtains the flippers
Description: Link will temporarily swim a lot faster than normal and will come gradually come to a halt in the direction he was facing when he started the boost. This action will last for a period of time.
Movement: The movement is fixed in the direction Link was facing when the boost was started. The speed of the movement gradually drops to a halt, however the direction of the movement cannot be changed until the alotted time passes.
Facing: The facing can be change with the directional keys.

Availability: From the moment that Link obtains the flippers
Description: When the player presses the correct button Link will go from the swimming action that is above the water's surface to the diving that is below the water's surface. Only a shadow will be visible and Link will surface again after a time period as passed. Not sooner or later.
Movement: Is the same as with swimming.
Facing: Is the same as with swimming, however this is not graphically visible.

Ledge jumping
Availability: From the start
Description: When Link is colliding with a ledge he can jump of it. The requirements are that Link is facing and moving in the direction of the ledge going down.
Movement: The ledgejumping starts after period of time when facing and moving into the ledge. During the ledge jumping the movement's direction and speed is fixed until Link reaches a landing spot.
Facing: The facing cannot be changed during this action.

Availability: From the start
Description: When Link is facing and in the vicinity of a friendly NPC, Link is in the correct spot relative to the NPC's facing and the player presses the R button, then Link wil go in speak mode. All enemies in the vicinity freeze, Link's movement is halted and on screen a text box appears with the information that the friendly has to say. When the information does not fit in the textbox, the player can continue scrolling and reading the rest by the press of the button. The action ends when all the information has been displayed and the player presses the button.
Sometimes during speaking the player is provided with a choice. The directional keys can be used to highlight a choice and another button confirms the choice. And the consequences of the choice happen. Examples are buying, selling and participating in a mini-game.
Movement: There is no movement possible during such an action. (Unless a cutscene event happens)
Facing: The facing cannot be changed during this action. (Unless a cutscene even happens)

Availability: From the start
Description: When Link is in the vicinity of a sign he can read the information on it. This the same type of textbox as with speaking, but there is no possibility of a selection during the reading. There are some requirements that need to be uphold: 1) Link has to be in the vicinity of the sign, 2) Link has to be south of the sign, and 3) Link is facing north towards the sign.
Movement: There is no movement during reading.
Facing: The facing cannot be changed during reading.

Opening chests
Availability: From the start
Description: When Link is in the vicinity of a chest he can open it to obtain the contents. There are some requirements that need to be upheld: 1) Link has to be in the vicinity of the chest, 2) Link has to be south of the chest, and 3) Link is facing north towards the chest. When the chest is opened Link will hold the obtained item above his head, a fanfare plays and a text box with the information about the content appears. At the end Link's inventory changes.
Movement: There is no movement during opening.
Facing: The facing is first to the north, but at the end of the action Link is facing south.

Availability: From the start
Description: When Link's position is on a surface designated as a pit and he is not floating or jumping, then Link will fall into the pit. At the end of this action Link will sustain minimum damage and be put back to the last free and safe position that Link was not jumping or floating. (In MC's case tall grass, shallow water, ice and trigger tiles are not free positions) After it Link is temporarily invincible.
Movement: There is no movement, except when Link is put back to the last free position, which happens in an instance.
Facing: The facing cannot be changed during pit falling.

Availability: From the start until the moment that Link obtains the flippers
Description: When Link's position is on a surface designated as swimming water and he is not jumping or floating, he will drop in. But if he has not yet obtained the flippers he will drown instead of swim. After drowning Link is put back to the last free and safe position he was not jumping or floating, without sustaining damage. Drowning also happens in lava. After it Link is temporarily invincible.
Movement: There is no movement during this action and putting Link back is instantanious.
Facing: The facing cannot be change during drowning.

Availability: From the start
Description: As soon as Link touches a flame or something that burns Link, he will get burned. In this state Link will move frantically, cannot do anything else and has his ass on fire. The burning state has damage at its initial point and it leaves Link open to be attacked or bump into enemies. The burning last for a period of time. Changing directions often shortens the time period. After it Link is temporarily invincible.
Movement: Link cannot stop moving and will continue to move at a higher than normal speed in the direction he is facing. The direction of movement can be changed.
Facing: The facing can be changed at any moment.

Availability: From the start
Description: When Link is attacked with a freeze attack or touches something freezing, Link will go in a freezing state. Damage happens at the initiazation of the freezing. It will leave Link open to other attacks and it keeps Link in the same spot. Freezing lasts a period of time, but taking other attacks and button bashing by the player shortens this period. After it Link is temporarily invincible.
Movement: There is no movement during freezing.
Facing: The facing cannot be changed during freezing.

Availability: From the start
Description: When Link touches something electrifying or takes an electric attack, then he gets electricuted. In this state Link has an electric aura and flashes from normal Link to an "X-ray bone-viewing" Link. Link takes damage from this and it last a specific time period. During this time Link cannot take more damage.
Movement: There is no movement during this state. After it Link is temporarily invincible.
Facing: The facing cannot be changed during this state.

Damage knockback
Availability: From the start
Description: When Link takes damage from a trap or a regular attack he moves a short distance away from the point of attack. During this short period Link cannot do anything.  After it Link is temporarily invincible. 
Movement: Link moves in the direction opposite of where the attack came from.
Facing: The facing cannot be changed during this short period.

Sprites/Tiles / [Submission] Link and Boomerang
« on: July 13, 2012, 06:36:27 pm »
I ripped these a long while ago. Almost thought I had lost them, but I found them again. The cells of Link are 32x32 pixels, with no separation though. The cells of the Boomerang are 16x16 pixels. The projectile has only one frame and is 16x16 pixels. This is how you get it from a regular VBA. It is rotated around the 8x8 pixel.

I didn't know if you wanted the background to be transparent (bottom) or a color (top). But I uploaded both versions.

I can also add MC's regular red colored boomerang if you guys want to have an boomerang upgrade.

EDIT: Separated Link and the Boomerang in separate sheets.

Dungeons / [Work in progress] Ancient Manor (Sheikiah Temple)
« on: June 10, 2012, 07:46:59 pm »
June 17th, 2012

Here is a first bit of dungeon to show. It is only small and pretty linear so far. It is only part of the first floor in the mansion. I used the Sanctuary and Hyrule Castle tiles to form this, because it is the closest I could get to mystic and dark. But the tiles need to be swapped with the propper ones later.

Okay, I will be starting work on the 4th temple in the game. Here are some initial notes:

Name: Ancient Manor
Background: This is the home of one of the 4 noble men who created the cogs to lock the triforce away. He didn't trust anyone with the protection of the cog, but himself. He even took the cog with him in the grave. When he died the Mansion was sealed and everyone in it was put in hibernation. Through time and the roughness of the valley has deteriorated the Mansion. Although the cogs had to be sealed he did devise a way for one of pure heart, who needed to get to the triforce to save Hyrule, to retrieve it. He had placed 3 crystals, each activated with the power of cogs, in order to unseal the back door and enter the garden and crypt.
   Mansion part: 1 basement floor and 4 floors (4th floor is the roof)
   Garden part: 1 floor
   Crypt part: 1 floor and 3 basement floors
    - Sword
    - Shield
    - Boomerang
    - Hookshot
    - Bomb Cannon
    - Bow & (Normal/Fire/Ice) arrows
    - Magnetic Gloves
    - Shadow Cloak (later on)
    - Walking
    - Pushing and pulling
    - Ledge jumping
    - Lifting, throwing and dropping
    - Rolling
    - Climbing
    - Edge Hanging
    - Jumping
    - Vaulting
    - Tightrope walking
    - Wall Running
Major Characteristics:
    Boss Fight: Lowest floor of the Crypt
    Mini-Boss Fight: Garden
    Cog place: Vault north of the boss fight on the lowest floor of the Crypt
    Shadow cloack: Entrance of the Crypt part on the 1st floor
    Map: 3F of the mansion part
    Compass: Basement floor of the mansion
    Boss Key: Somewhere in the Crypt
    First Cog crystal: Highest floor of the Mansion (forest/wind cog)
    Second Cog Crystal: Floor 2 of the Mansion (Sea cog)
    Third Cog crystal: Basement floor of the Mansion (Earth cog)
Most likely threats and puzzels:
    1) To enter the dungeon light the torches of fire and ice.
    2) Torches can be lit with fire arrows and ice arrows. Fire arrows cause normal light, ice arrows cause spirit light. Normal light for fighting enemies en spirit light to see unseen paths and doors. Lit torches can be changed with the correct arrow.
    3) Holes drop you down a floor, unless it is the bottom floor then you will get hurt.
    4) Shoot torches with the correct light (in the correct pattern) to solve a puzzle.
    5) Climbing walls and ladders to get to higher areas, besides the regular stairs.
    6) Unhook the chandelier in the entrance with the curve of a boomerang to unlock the basement and putting a big hole in the floor.
    7) Swinging beams. you can't jump over them, you can't walk under them. You can't destroy them. And you can't walk through them. Time your roll at the right time to avoid the beams and cross to the other side.
    8 ) Use ledgehanging, wall running, hookshot, tightropewalking to cross the gaps.
    9) Use the magnetic gloves and twisting magnetic columns to cross gaps. Use a swinging beam to cross a gap
    10) Before the Boss you have to go up a floor to unchain a big ball that contains monsters. If it hits the floor it will crack the support columns in the room below. Go down a room. Shoot the support columns and the ceiling crashes down along with the big ball. Ball will roll down the room crashing through a giant cracked wall that you can't open with any weapon. Allowing Link entry to the next room where the ball is lodged in the wall and it unleashes it final monsters.
    11) Use Shadow clones to push down switches. Push down a Shadow clone from a ledge down on a switch before a giant gap.
    12) Pull chains to open doors.
    13) In front of one wall is a puddle of water. Shoot it with the ice arrow and the puddle and wall freeze. Blast it with the Bomb Canon next to open a hole.
    14) Use keys, hit switches or defeat enemies to open doors.
    15) Activate the three Cog crystals to get access to the garden.

Friendly & Neutral / [Submission] Farin
« on: June 09, 2012, 07:23:31 am »
Okay we have been making a lot of NPC's  already, but the main characters are a bit left out. This is also a bother as there can be conflicts or confusion surrounding them. So  with I create a few topics, where everyone can pitch in to help and the KoT staff will alter the first post to reflect the current setup of the character.

Name: Farin (Real Gerudo King)
Age: 37 years old
Race: Gerudo Male
Location: Hyrule Castle Town poor side

Friendly & Neutral / [Submission] Ganondorf (NPC part)
« on: June 09, 2012, 07:22:35 am »
Okay we have been making a lot of NPC's  already, but the main characters are a bit left out. This is also a bother as there can be conflicts or confusion surrounding them. So  with I create a few topics, where everyone can pitch in to help and the KoT staff will alter the first post to reflect the current setup of the character.

Name: Ganondorf (Fake Gerudo King)
Age: ?? years old
Race: Gerudo Male
Location: Hyrule Castle and Castle Town

Friendly & Neutral / [Submission] Princess Zelda
« on: June 09, 2012, 07:21:27 am »
Okay we have been making a lot of NPC's  already, but the main characters are a bit left out. This is also a bother as there can be conflicts or confusion surrounding them. So  with I create a few topics, where everyone can pitch in to help and the KoT staff will alter the first post to reflect the current setup of the character.

Name: Princess Zelda
Age: 12 years old
Race: Hylian girl
Location: Hyrule Castle and Castle Town
Description: Zelda is adored by the rich but unpopular with the poor. She is ignorant of the suffering of the poor, because she has led a sheltered and pampered life in the Castle. But deep inside she is wise beyond her years and a good and kind-hearted person.
Zelda is flattered by the arrival of the Gerudo King and is genuinely compassionate in helping to restore good relations between the Gerudo and Hyrule. It is her wish that the Gerudo King becomes a friend and trusted confidant of the royal family.
At first Zelda is naive of Ganondorf's motives, but throughout the game she is more and more haunted by visions and she realizes the truth.

- At the beginning of the game Zelda is missing and the guards are looking for her. She has donned a disguise to explore the town.
- She is horrified by the existance of the poor side of town. She wants to help the poor people of Hyrule as well as help the Gerudo.
- In a back alley she bumps into Link and gets into a conversation with him. They are interrupted by guards and the nanny of Zelda.
- Zelda protests Link's arrest.

- During the adventure she crosses path with Link and she confides in him her visions.
- She knows about the legend of the Triforce and gets fast suspicious about the Gerudo King.

- Once all 4 cogs are collected Zelda comes in with Farin and the gang to help Link.
- After Ganondorf takes the cogs, Zelda realises that Ganondorf can go anywhere in the Castle, all thanks to her. She tells Link where the entrance to the Celestial Clock is.
- She and Link find the entrance already opened. She then takes Link to the chamber with the master sword.

- In the epilogue Zelda works with Farin to reunite the Gerudo with Hyrule and the rich and poor parts of the town.

Friendly & Neutral / [Submission] Link
« on: June 09, 2012, 07:19:50 am »
Okay we have been making a lot of NPC's  already, but the main characters are a bit left out. This is also a bother as there can be conflicts or confusion surrounding them. So  with I create a few topics, where everyone can pitch in to help and the KoT staff will alter the first post to reflect the current setup of the character.

Name: Link
Age: 12 years old
Race: Hylian boy
Location: Hyrule
Description: Link's History is explained through dialog with the other gang members and will not really be shown anywhere. His backstory is that he is a young orphan boy taken under the wing of Farin. Link was young when he was orphaned and has only vague memories of his parents. He lives in the hideout at the poor side of Castle Town with the rest of the orphaned gang members.
When Link first meets Ganondorf he thinks that Ganondorf is the Gerudo King. Only later he will learn the truth.

- Link starts in the poor side of town, where he is instructed in basic thieving techniques by Anton (an older gangmember).
- As Link and Anton return home they come across Sykes who is Links's rival.
- Link accepts Sykes challenge to race across the rooftops. Where they end up in the town square.
- Link accepts a challenge for pickpocketing from Sykes, while he has trouble with it. But Link gets noticed by his target.
- Link and Sykes flee, but overhear at one point during the race home that the streets are crowded with guards due to Zelda. But the guards still block their way home.
- In a back alley Link meets a disguised Zelda, where they talk for a while. Only to be stopped by the guards and the victim of Link's crime.
- Link is also accused of kidnapping Zelda by Zelda's nanny. And he gets thrown in jail.
- The Gerudo King turns up at the jail house and negotiates Link's freedom. Although confused, Link goes with the Gerudo King.
- Link hears the background story of the King and his goals.
- Link is offered an apprenticeship with the King, but turns it down because he already belongs to the gang and is loyal to them.
- Back at the hideout, Link finds out from Sykes that Farin is arrested. Sykes accuses Link for causing Farin to be arrested and the other gangmembers gang up on him.
- Hurt, angry and rejected, Link returns to the Gerudo King to accept his apprenticeship.
- In the morning Link is sent to the tailor to get some new clothes (his green tunic) and the thief's bracers.
- Upon his return the Gerudo King tells Link his worries and an abreviated Triforce myth. Link accepts the Gerudo King's request and goes out to find the 4 cogs.
- Link gets his first sword and shield. He leaves Castle Town and sets out for the Forest dungeon.

- As Link returns each time with a new cog the darkness in the Gerudo King becomes more and more apparent.
- He occasionally crosses with Zelda and confides in her his adventures.

- Once all 4 cogs are collected the Gerudo King shows his true intentions to Link. Zelda comes in with the gang and Farin to help Link.
- Link hears from Farin that the Gerudo King is actually Ganondorf. And Link learns that Farin is the actual Gerudo King.
- Ganondorf asks Link who he believes and sides with. (Okay this is actually stupid)
- Link sides with Farin and the gang. (Well duh, he is most loyal to Farin)
- Ganondorf takes the cogs from Link and blasts him away.
- Link hears from Zelda where the entrance to the Celestial Clock is.
- Link sneaks to the entrance in pursuit of Ganondorf. Only to find the entrance already opened.
- Zelda Leads Link to the Master Sword and he pulls it out. Link then resumes his pursuit of Ganondorf.
- In the Celestial Clock Link meets up with Sykes and battle ensues.
- Link takes the Lightning Rod from Sykes and uses it to open the door to the Triforce. Ganondorf steps from the shadow while mocking Link for doing his work. (New item here, that either is new or was forgotten to be scrapped. Oh yeah major stupidity on Link's part to open the door with the cogs, after being told the cogs are the keys to the Triforce.)
- Epic fight: Link vs. Ganondorf. Big shocker: "Link defeats Ganondorf."

Overworld/Locations / [REVISE] Overworld concept layout
« on: June 03, 2012, 06:57:44 pm »
Version 4.2

Okay, this a new version. 1) I have added names/indicators to areas which had no name before. 2)  I added an arrow between Kokiri Forest and Hyrule Field #2 and made a 2-way arrow between Lake Hylia and Kakariko Village. This is more meant that there are small parts of that area you can't reach from the main part of the area. Think about the Fairy Fountain of the Minish Woods in MC.

Now the Main question is what dimensions do we give each area:

Goron Mountain:
Carbon Mines:
Valley of Death:
Gerudo Desert:
Zora's Domain:
River Valley #1:
River Valley #2:
River Valley #3:
Lake Hylia:
Kokiri Forest:
Deku Swamp:
Hyrule Castle:
Castle Town:
Kakariko Village:
Hyrule Field #1:
Hyrule Field #2:
Hyrule Field #3:

Version 4.1

Questions to ask:
1) How do we divide Castle town in poor and rich? North and south? Or West and East?

2) What are interesting parts for Hyrule field? <insert name> Farm? <insert name> highlands/lowlands?

3) What will the dimensions (in tiles) of each area be?

(MC tiles are 16x16 pixels).

Okay another two versions to discuss.

1)The arrows indicate if an area has one or more doors to the adjecent area and in which way travel is possible.
2)The red circles indicate where the actual dungeon entrances are. But it is possible that you need to take a special path in another area to reach that entrance. I know the Earth Temple is in the Carbon Mines, but I think it suits better to be in the Goron Mountains, while you have to take such special path.

Note that even though River Valley is now larger, there are still streams of water, going to other areas, such as Hyrule Field, Hyrule Castle and Castle Town.

Okay, these are 2 options of my overworld layout that I have worked on today. They are the first concepts and personally I think they can be a lot better. However I need some input and especially because somethings in the GDD do not make much sense. These layouts are more to get a feeling about where each are needs to be, the sizes and final positions are not correct yet and need some work.

1) Why is there a Sheikiah dungeon and cog in the Gerudo desert. Especially because the Sheikiah and Gerudo have a rival/enemy relationship. Also Ganondorf was the Gerudo king during the war. Thus why would you keep a cog for safekeeping in enemy teritory.

2) Valley of Death, what is up with that name. I know what it says in the GDD that it is tectonic and vulcanic activity. But the Sheikiah live there and they ar friendly to the Hylians. If they were monsters I could understand, but they are not. Something like the Valley of Shadows would sound a lot better, then the Valley of Death. It sounds so morbid. 

3) River passage, runs all the way from Zora's domain to Lake Hylia? That is pretty far.

Okay those are a few. I am probably forgetting some, but that is maybe for later.

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