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Author Topic: [Completed] Zelda: The Wheel of Fate (6 - 7 hours gameplay)  (Read 23386 times)

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Re: New completed fangame: Zelda the Wheel of Fa...
« Reply #20 on: August 15, 2009, 10:02:14 pm »
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Its a good game! Especially the story, which is very deep, and the mass of text and details (invisible tablets that are gossip-stone themed! NPCs galore!) I'll write a more detailed review when i'm finished with it.
However, I require some help, dear lierinwait !

Despite the fact that, as others have pointed out, the player get STUCK quite literally, in walls and stuff, one also gets stuck progress-wise. The amount of hints for the progress is far to few at times. I really want to finish this game so pretty please give me a hint! (Or well, spell it out for me...)


I'm in the desert after beating link and zelda, seeking a way to the town Ruto, Apparently I need to find a power/sword/thingamagig that kan break golden pillars in order to enter, or progress the story at least. But what DOES hinder my way is not golden pillars but:
(1) sandcolored skulls, (2) mounds of dirt and (3) the lack of hint to where that power/sword/thingamagig  CAN BE FOUND!

I went through hell battling Gilgamesh (yay, sumerian mythology!) for the "golden sword", which is strong and all, but it doesn't smash any of the things in my way.

Please. Help a girl out!
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Re: New completed fangame: Zelda the Wheel of Fa...
« Reply #21 on: August 15, 2009, 10:29:17 pm »
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Eleo: Happy to give a hint.

Not sure what you mean by "mounds of dirt" -- if those are the brownish rocks scattered all over the desert, you can't get through those without the treasure in the Desert Temple. The brown skulls are statues. You can move them with the red rod.

For the gold pillars, you actually need to go to the Gerudo village on the far west end of the desert. (you can see it on your map). You get into it through a field of spikes you can only see with the lens of truth. Once inside, talk to Nabooru and she should give you your solution.

Can you tell me more about this collision problem? I've been trying like crazy but can't get myself stuck inside blocks (except very rarely with the hookshot). How does it happen? How can I make it happen so I can find out what the problem is?

Thanks muchly. Glad you're enjoying it.
"I would do anything at all to gain back my youth, except get up early, take exercise, or be respectable" -- Lord Henry, The Picture of Dorian Grey.
Re: New completed fangame: Zelda the Wheel of Fa...
« Reply #22 on: August 15, 2009, 10:47:34 pm »
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Yay! Hint before I go to sleep! It's so weird, I'm so sure I tried that but now it works...
Ran like 2 laps around Hyrule for naught... ;><;

OKay! Yeah I've been there and got the female friends, I just assumed I would get that power on my own in some way. Hopefully I'll be able to break the seal on navi sooner or later.

The collision problem... its mostly hookshotrelated. Standing to close to an edge of sort and firing the hookshot freezes either the game or makes Din stuck in the middle of nowhere/the place she aimed for for 10-15 seconds. Scary and frustrating in the more monster infested places. Water temple was, in that aspect, a classic Zelda-esque nightmare, haha!

Seriously, except for the getting-stuck bugs and some minor unclarity on design (i'll get to that later) and progress directions this is one of the best zelda fangames. It's so frickin big, epic and detailed! And I'm enjoying the choice of music, no prob with gamemaker sounds on my computer. Did I hear.. "Chocobo" somewhere!?

No, THANK YOU! ^_^ It's sweet with fangames, being able to ask questions to the creator immeadiatly.
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Re: New completed fangame: Zelda the Wheel of Fa...
« Reply #23 on: August 15, 2009, 11:00:17 pm »
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Here is a screen of where i got stuck i used my sword facing the border
I am not new i just poke my head in from time to time
Re: New completed fangame: Zelda the Wheel of Fa...
« Reply #24 on: August 16, 2009, 12:33:46 am »
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Eleo: Thanks for the info. The Hookshot pause is actually something I programmed so the hookshot will unstick itself if you get jammed using it. Maybe I made the delay too long... And re: freeing Navi. If you're that far into the game, you probably already have the item you need. XD

GrayK: Thanks for the screenshot.
"I would do anything at all to gain back my youth, except get up early, take exercise, or be respectable" -- Lord Henry, The Picture of Dorian Grey.
Re: New completed fangame: Zelda the Wheel of Fa...
« Reply #25 on: August 16, 2009, 06:32:56 am »
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OKay, yeah it isn't so bad. It's when you get stuck with the hookshot in the middle of a block with no ability to move elsewhere that it's really bad.

Haha, either I'm stooooopid (more like tired) or this game is VERY hard :P Not getting anywhere in desert temple or freeing Navi. Write a guide for the intrested? (Me, haha.)

EDIT: Woops, it was TIRED! I'm getting past the the first room in desert temple now, I just missed checking a path. ;>_<; But do you mean I can free Navi after desert temple or before? I've combed all of Hyrule with lens of truth and compass, and the two items I found (Freeze Rod and Healing Leaf) really doesn't help...

I have these items: Golden Sword, Whip, Morningstar/Crushing Ball, Sharp boomerang bought from forest lady, blue boomerang, candle, bombs, shovel, compass, hookshot, make-statues-come-alive-staff, Freeze Rod, Nayrus Ocarina, Lens of thuth, Magic Leaf, ring of staff empowerment, obsidian bracelet, bob-ombs. Three creatures, Gort the Goron and the Eloquent Rat upgraded.

Standing in Navis chamber, giving every item a wave. Nothing. :P

- When getting atop the "goddess mountain" above kakariko a tri-sister battle starts, related to my presumed possession of the complete triforce - despite the fact that only courage and wisdom is mine.
-When re-entering the dark forest the whole Eloquent Rat event resets, he is there, Din rescues and talks to him, receives the autumn seal... and have to upgrade him fighting the red rat again.
« Last Edit: August 16, 2009, 12:46:22 pm by Eleo »
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Re: New completed fangame: Zelda the Wheel of Fa...
« Reply #26 on: August 16, 2009, 10:27:42 am »
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Can you tell me more about this collision problem? I've been trying like crazy but can't get myself stuck inside blocks (except very rarely with the hookshot). How does it happen? How can I make it happen so I can find out what the problem is?

Okay at: http://home.student.utwente.nl/n.j.hoeijmakers/temp/ there are 8 screens that point out errors.

1) I stand in front of a stairway and I'm pressing down. Result: Nothing happens. I do not turn to face down, nor is there any animation considering that I press down. I noticed that if I go 1 pixel to the left I can get through. This is also a big problem when running from an enemy. It has resulted often in Din's demise.

2) I walked right through an NPC. It didn't even block me. This shouldn't happen.

3) I am getting a bomb after slaying an enemy or breaking a pot. This was in the first cave. I didn't even have the boomerang.

4) Din is pushing a block with her head. You only need to graze it by a few pixels and you get to push it anywhere, even diagonally. Also the user feedback in sprite animation does not reflect Din pushing the block.

5) Well due to the same pushing problem described at 4, I accidentally pushed the block over the key. Swinging the sword to grab the key didn't work. So I desperately get pushing against the block until it ended up there.

6) I threw a Boomerang from the position I was at the door to stun the white moblin. Instead of stunning the guy I got trapped. Well I couldn't go anywhere or do anything. So I needed to restart the game.

7) Those torches are props and not barriers to prevent me from going anywhere, so why did I get hurt by this thing.

8) I am playing Nayru's ocarina, but the sprite animation tells me I am swinging some weapon, but I don't know what. Nor do I see the ocarina. Once again this is just poor user feedback. The only thing that told me it was the ocarina, was the music playing.

Well those are the screens I captured before I got to the moblin camp. But there are some more things that were bad.

First of all the user feedback is bad. The player actually needs to pay as little attention to the HUD as possible. That is why in the regular Zelda games when Link is about to die and thus low on hearts an irritating beep is playing. Also hearing the sounds of flying boomerangs is not necessary when the player isn't even in the same room or near them. On the graphical department Din's animations need to reflect the things she does, like pushing, walking, standing still and using some items. This does not only apply to Din, but also enemies and other characters. My advice is: 1) get the needed sound bites and only play those that are immediately relevant to the player. 2) When your not good at spriting ask someone to sprite the animations for you. Seeing as you've already finished the game and want to improve it, people most likely more willing to help.

Second the game is not allowed not to react. Even when there is some in-game rule preventing Din from doing something. The user needs to see that the game is still running and/or it is reacting to the players input. So when pressing a key a walking animation in the direction of the key needs to play, or when pressing a different key a change of the facing needs to occur. For the movement my advice is: Take a good look at (or use) Goodnight's movement engine. If you can't find it, in ZFGC's Community Project is an adapted version. This movement should also be usable for your game.

Kudos for actually finishing a game, you don't see that often. But that doesn't mean it has to look like a rush job (especially because it is the second finished game). Keep up the good work.
« Last Edit: August 16, 2009, 10:29:46 am by Niek »
Re: New completed fangame: Zelda the Wheel of Fa...
« Reply #27 on: August 16, 2009, 04:33:59 pm »
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Oh. I just saw your reply to Ganons question about the same issue I've had on Yoyogames,
Never mind me then.  Wups-de-dee-daisiy.  :-[
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Re: New completed fangame: Zelda the Wheel of Fa...
« Reply #28 on: August 17, 2009, 11:36:22 pm »
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Thanks everyone. I'm working up a new version, hopefully with better motion. The updated version will have more balanced music as well and fix some of the bugs people have been sending me (thanks again).

Also, here's something to try to get the sound balance better in the meantime. Sound effects are .wav and background music are midi files. In Windows you can actually adjust the volume of these separately by double-clicking on your speaker icon. Those of you who are having trouble can hopefully find a balance for now. :huh:
"I would do anything at all to gain back my youth, except get up early, take exercise, or be respectable" -- Lord Henry, The Picture of Dorian Grey.
Re: New completed fangame: Zelda the Wheel of Fa...
« Reply #29 on: August 18, 2009, 12:00:04 am »
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Wow i just beat the Gorons Temple
and i think that i beat the forest a little early
because i got the candle and beat the forest before speaking to nayru but ohwell
love it so far and I really enjoy the gameplay
good work really good work
I am not new i just poke my head in from time to time
Re: New completed fangame: Zelda the Wheel of Fa...
« Reply #30 on: August 18, 2009, 10:37:20 am »
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Glad to hear you are working on an updated version! I have not yet finished the game, have the last boss and the secret boss in the crystal place west of the graveyard left...
Questions: I don't think I've managed to find a way to the south east corner of dark forest. What is there, how do I get there?
How many heart/magic containers are max?

Anyway, here are all the things I've thought about in the game:

- The Sword sprite and the Whip sprite doesn't change when you find their upgraded versions, especially when finding the Scimitar (?) does this feel strange. Neither does the yellow boomerang when buying the upgrade from the sales-witch in dark forest.
- The black background of the item screen makes it difficult to see some of the items with darker colors. Maybe you could try different colors until you find one where all items are clear.
- The spaces between each item is to small, making the [SPC]/[ASD] letters being partly covered by the item below.

(Usage and general)
- The hookshot, as we've all discussed, tend to latch onto things where it isn't supposed to.
- As opposed to most Zelda games, the shovels capacity to dig up spots doesnt seem related to where they are placed (next to walls, stones etc.) but randomely just doesn't dig some spots in the middle of an otherwise open area.
-Already mentioned, but the ocarina doesn't show while playing it, as opposed to most of the other items.
- It seems as if some items, such as the Whip, the Autumn Seal and the Winter Seal can be taken again, and by doing so negates eventual upgrades found.
- It would be nice if the player could view the information about each item again while in the menu scren. I missed several of the descriptions on items when I picked them up, leading to a very confused conception of the lens of truth for a while there.
- If such a feature were added I'd also like the oppurtunity to check out the event items descriptions, the pieces of the triforce, the sigils of power, wisdom and courage and the heart/magic containers.
- I don't know if I have all items, there are emty spaces above the heart/magic containers and below the lens of truth.

- Considering the amout of space on the map screen, a map looking more like the ones in the zelda oracle games would be nice, with ability to move a marker around to visited areas to make them show a symbol and a text description of the area, such as "castle town" "lake hylia" or "forest temple". Finding the right way tends to be confusing otherwise, at least for some. Help the orientationally disabled! :D
- Likewise, if it isn't too much trouble, having maps in the dungeons would be nice (and more classical to Zelda games.)

- I wondered why you chose another sprite for Farore than her original from the Oracle games. The one you are using, it is a recolored Veran or Queen Ambi...?
- I had a hard time progressing, as each new move wasn't very clear, and some items that were crucial to the storys progress were neither easy to find nor obvious one should look for them. I don't mean you should seal of areas to limit the players exploration and make the game more linear, which of course COULD be a solution but not the best one. I'd advise you to introduce a NPC with more detailed guiding tips than Nayurus musical mysteries. For example you could make the player pay this NPC large sums of rupees in order to hear the useful tips, as to not make it too easy.
- The movie sequences in the beginning and almost end (I might add some opinions after finishing the game) feel as if the are esthetically clashing with the games graphics. I love Twilight Princess as much as anyone, however, the usage of the black-and-white pics felt sort of... well it suddenly reminded the player that this ISN'T a real zelda game! An illusion which you actually hold up perfectly all other parts of the game...!
- When entering an area the upper part of it flashes by quicly, often if there is a key or treasure hiding there. Is this programmed as a help, or os it just a bug?
- Would it be possible to let the sellers of the bottle and the compass in castle town move inside an open house to continue buissness after Zelda is dead and the town is emptied?

Otherwise, it's a lovely game. I see your first was made with Link to the past graphics (or is it ?), and I'll try that game when I've finished Wheel of Fate. You are a really, really good game designer. I can't help but to hope your third game will use minish cap graphics...
« Last Edit: August 19, 2009, 10:29:19 am by Eleo »
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Re: New completed fangame: Zelda the Wheel of Fa...
« Reply #31 on: August 19, 2009, 02:47:22 pm »
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I've posted an update to yoyo -- new version with more balanced sound, better movement and many little things fixed. I couldn't accomodate every suggestion, but thanks for all the input, guys.  ;)

"I would do anything at all to gain back my youth, except get up early, take exercise, or be respectable" -- Lord Henry, The Picture of Dorian Grey.
Re: New completed fangame: Zelda the Wheel of Fa...
« Reply #32 on: September 03, 2009, 10:52:33 pm »
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This game looks amazing, and is definitely promising from the screenshots and the information. My issue is that I have tried to run i 3 times now, all three runs and crashed my machine so hard its required a reboot.

My machine has a quad core 3.2ghz processor in it and 4gb ddr3 ram... its not a power issue. I have no idea what is causing this, but since my operating system is freshly installed this week, I must ask if anyone else has this problem?
  • Elliott Parkinson
Re: New completed fangame: Zelda the Wheel of Fa...
« Reply #33 on: September 04, 2009, 07:40:28 pm »
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Good game.

I do want to not that the annoying beebing sound continues when there is a cutscreen. It happened when I met the first sister. Should be an easy fix.

The collision could do with some more work. It´s pretty good in comparison to plenty of other games, but personally i feel this is a mayor point for these kind of games. Also since you come across a lot of narrow pathways. This collision system doesn´t do the game enough justice. I posted my take on a movement system here: http://www.zfgc.com/forum/index.php?topic=1513.0 Maybe it can help.


Re: New completed fangame: Zelda the Wheel of Fa...
« Reply #34 on: February 22, 2010, 05:11:43 pm »
EDIT: Never mind, sorry.
« Last Edit: February 22, 2010, 05:13:32 pm by Kiloku »
Re: New completed fangame: Zelda the Wheel of Fa...
« Reply #35 on: February 25, 2010, 02:58:33 am »
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Does yo yo games offer sponsorship or anything like that? Or is it just a place to upload the game?

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Re: New completed fangame: Zelda the Wheel of Fa...
« Reply #36 on: February 25, 2010, 07:57:34 am »
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I think it is just a place to upload a game.
Re: New completed fangame: Zelda the Wheel of Fa...
« Reply #37 on: March 15, 2010, 07:15:06 pm »
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I'm trying it out so far, I dislike how the screen scrolls with Din while moving around, and I dont like how the sword is sometimes off by a pixel when trying to kill stuff. Beyond that, Im liking it so far. I'll post more as I get further.
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Re: New completed fangame: Zelda the Wheel of Fa...
« Reply #38 on: February 27, 2015, 05:13:54 pm »
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Just beat Catfish Maw/Jabu-Jabu's belly and Nayru is informing me to go back to her because shadows are attacking her again. When I do go back there are no shadows and I can't talk to her when I am next to her (she is on the pedestal where you 1st found her). I can go around and do other things, which I'll do in the mean time till something else can happen.


Pixelated Tree
Re: New completed fangame: Zelda the Wheel of Fa...
« Reply #39 on: March 02, 2015, 03:36:44 am »
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Just beat Catfish Maw/Jabu-Jabu's belly and Nayru is informing me to go back to her because shadows are attacking her again. When I do go back there are no shadows and I can't talk to her when I am next to her (she is on the pedestal where you 1st found her). I can go around and do other things, which I'll do in the mean time till something else can happen.
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