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Author Topic: Dark Knight Rises  (Read 3144 times)

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Dark Knight Rises
« on: August 05, 2012, 08:19:08 pm »
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Okay, I went to see The Dark Knight Rises this weekend. But I have no clue what to think of it. This movie confuses me. One moment it is exilerating and awesome, while the next can be boring or leaves you wondering what the !@#$% is happening. Especially the beginning of the movie is one big WTF moment. It seems 8 years have past since the end of The Dark Knight and I have no idea what is going on. It is like I missed one movie between The Dark Knight and The Dark Knight Rises. One thing I know for sure is that Anne Hathaway puts a great Catwoman (including being incredibly hot) and the entire character is executed really well, not forced and believable.

Is anyone else just as confused by this movie as I am?
Re: Dark Knight Rises
« Reply #1 on: August 05, 2012, 09:53:23 pm »
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I thought it sucked. Things went way too fast, were too forced and unrealistic.
Around the middle I just sat in the theater, and literally did not give a !@#$% about the movie anymore. I thought it was boring! The ending was a bit better...but the whole thing was just a mess. I was not satisfied.
Re: Dark Knight Rises
« Reply #2 on: August 05, 2012, 10:42:40 pm »
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I felt it was two movies in one, one after the stadium explote and one before, first the hecking the stock was awesome! but just to make bruce wayne poor? wtf? I was expecting to see all gotham run through the malls and 7 elevens buying the last food because it all got so expensive, I mean you do all that to make batman poor? and for what he doesn't lose his awesome gadgets. They don't have money to pay the poor orphans kids? no problemo let's make a flying batmobile that no one uses for 8 years. The batbike stronger than the flying batmobile? wtf?, batman suddenly escapes from the police and suddenly meets catwoman in the roof how did he found her? Bane destroying Harvey's picture saying corruption and shitz while you see a perfect stable society?

And I can go on and on and on.
spolers alert this i the ending of batman the dark knight rises:
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<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G4v1hAnfy1I" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G4v1hAnfy1I</a>
Re: Dark Knight Rises
« Reply #3 on: August 06, 2012, 01:21:41 am »
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So many thoughts about this movie...  First of all, I really liked it while I was watching it, but less than an hour after leaving the theatre was ripping it to shreds.

Like most of Nolan's films it works better on an emotional level than a logical one.  There are tons of plot holes...  but at the time of viewing they didn't really bother me.  Most movies have a plot hole somewhere in them, and I don't think it's always a big deal.  For this movie...  It's pretty sloppy because there are just so many of them, but at the same time the characters are pretty solid and that makes up for a lot of it, unless you're the type to just nitpick movies to death while watching.

My big major, no excuse problem of the film is that the villains have no real motivation.  Spoilers and whatnot.  So Bane is part of the League of Shadows and ostensibly his goal is to continue the work of Ra'as al Ghul.  My question is: WHY?  Ra'as wanted to destroy Gotham because it was a city "beyond saving".  But...  Batman SAVED it.  It's been 8 years since The Dark Knight and the crime rate has dropped dramatically.  Organized crime is completely gone.  Gotham is no longer a diseased arm that must be cut off for the good of the body.  Of course...  there's the really obvious twist concerning Ra'as's daughter, Talia.  Turns out she's actually the main villain...  But the motivation doesn't change.  It's still, ostensibly, continuing her father's work.  Well, that, and revenge.  Revenge is, in my opinion, generally pretty weak motivation.  Especially when the stakes get raised as high as they do in this movie.  The actions of the villains don't seem justified by their own logic.

So that was my beef with the film (while watching it).  I kept waiting for the twist about why the bad guys were actually doing all of this...  But it never comes.  I also feel like the backtracked on the whole theme of the trilogy.  If you look at them, they're less about Batman's character and more about the state of Gotham itself.  Joker calls it a battle for Gotham's soul.  I really like that about the movies.  So...  why didn't they save the Joker story for last?  The first movie works fine.  It's about Wayne becoming Batman and choosing to save the city.  But the second movie...  This is where it should have been a movie about Batman's actual struggle to save Gotham.  Technically The Dark Knight does this, but my problem with it is that the villain, Joker, is set up as a destroyer of the pure and doesn't actually represent the "evil" of Gotham.  Another bad guy (there are so many good ones to choose from) would have fit the theme better.  Then, the last of the trilogy...  Joker.  Batman has seemingly saved the city, but here comes Joker to say, "What, you think these are good people?  I'll show you they're not."

That's just my take on it...  I'm sure people don't see it that way or think it's stupid but whatever.


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Re: Dark Knight Rises
« Reply #4 on: August 06, 2012, 02:45:49 am »
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So many thoughts about this movie...  First of all, I really liked it while I was watching it, but less than an hour after leaving the theatre was ripping it to shreds.

Like most of Nolan's films it works better on an emotional level than a logical one.  There are tons of plot holes...  but at the time of viewing they didn't really bother me.  Most movies have a plot hole somewhere in them, and I don't think it's always a big deal.  For this movie...  It's pretty sloppy because there are just so many of them, but at the same time the characters are pretty solid and that makes up for a lot of it, unless you're the type to just nitpick movies to death while watching.

My big major, no excuse problem of the film is that the villains have no real motivation.  Spoilers and whatnot.  So Bane is part of the League of Shadows and ostensibly his goal is to continue the work of Ra'as al Ghul.  My question is: WHY?  Ra'as wanted to destroy Gotham because it was a city "beyond saving".  But...  Batman SAVED it.  It's been 8 years since The Dark Knight and the crime rate has dropped dramatically.  Organized crime is completely gone.  Gotham is no longer a diseased arm that must be cut off for the good of the body.  Of course...  there's the really obvious twist concerning Ra'as's daughter, Talia.  Turns out she's actually the main villain...  But the motivation doesn't change.  It's still, ostensibly, continuing her father's work.  Well, that, and revenge.  Revenge is, in my opinion, generally pretty weak motivation.  Especially when the stakes get raised as high as they do in this movie.  The actions of the villains don't seem justified by their own logic.

So that was my beef with the film (while watching it).  I kept waiting for the twist about why the bad guys were actually doing all of this...  But it never comes.  I also feel like the backtracked on the whole theme of the trilogy.  If you look at them, they're less about Batman's character and more about the state of Gotham itself.  Joker calls it a battle for Gotham's soul.  I really like that about the movies.  So...  why didn't they save the Joker story for last?  The first movie works fine.  It's about Wayne becoming Batman and choosing to save the city.  But the second movie...  This is where it should have been a movie about Batman's actual struggle to save Gotham.  Technically The Dark Knight does this, but my problem with it is that the villain, Joker, is set up as a destroyer of the pure and doesn't actually represent the "evil" of Gotham.  Another bad guy (there are so many good ones to choose from) would have fit the theme better.  Then, the last of the trilogy...  Joker.  Batman has seemingly saved the city, but here comes Joker to say, "What, you think these are good people?  I'll show you they're not."

That's just my take on it...  I'm sure people don't see it that way or think it's stupid but whatever.

Quite frankly, I agree with the last part of what you said Mitsu, like a lot. However, this is my theory: I have a feeling the last movie was not intended to be Bane and whanot. Seeing as how Heath Ledger died...they probably had to rework the third? I don't know.

I really enjoyed the movie! Yes, there were plotholes. Yes, it was unrealistic. But ffs, it's Batman. It's a movie. I was stressed the entire movie and I loved it.
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Re: Dark Knight Rises
« Reply #5 on: August 06, 2012, 03:30:46 am »
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Quite frankly, I agree with the last part of what you said Mitsu, like a lot. However, this is my theory: I have a feeling the last movie was not intended to be Bane and whanot. Seeing as how Heath Ledger died...they probably had to rework the third? I don't know.

That's exactly right.  The third movie was supposed to be a continuation of the Joker plot.  Nolan's heart wasn't in this movie.  From what I heard, he really didn't want to make it.  The studio had to bribe him by giving him a crapload of money and letting him make Inception first.
Re: Dark Knight Rises
« Reply #6 on: August 06, 2012, 03:33:49 am »
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Yeah, it's pretty obvious that Joker was meant to be there...  The fact that he's missing is a plot hole in and of itself (because he'd never let their lie stand for 8 years).

It's still a good movie though.  I don't really plan on seeing it again...  ever...  But I did enjoy it a lot as a theatre going experience.
Re: Dark Knight Rises
« Reply #7 on: August 06, 2012, 11:28:00 am »
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Still better than the Joel Schumacher Batmans :D

Things in TDKR just kind of happened, without really any point. The whole 'shutting down Gotham City' was way too sudden and hard to believe. Also Dr. Crane being brought in for no reason to act as some weird judge, the lack of motivation from the antagonist, Bruce Wayne being stuck in some prison. Definitely the low point of the movie. Maybe I do have to see it again to give it another chance. But after watching The Dark Knight I was like "OMG that was a good movie". The lack of Joker really hurt this movie.
Re: Dark Knight Rises
« Reply #8 on: August 06, 2012, 02:22:11 pm »
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I didn't think much of the movie, actually fell asleep through about the middle quarter. I didn't think it was very well paced.
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Re: Dark Knight Rises
« Reply #9 on: August 09, 2012, 05:01:59 am »
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I never realised this was supposed to be a batman film for the longest time (from commercials)

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