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Author Topic: Zelda:Lttp fangame!  (Read 13387 times)

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Zelda:Lttp fangame!
« on: October 24, 2016, 02:39:05 am »
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Hi guys! I'm currently working on another Lttp fangame. This is being made with Gamemaker:studio just like Horn of Balance.
I here to recruit some people to help work on it. Its not a serious recruit, but just to see if anyone can help rip sprites or give me gml tips. I am also planning to add new bosses, just like Horn of Balance. I can rip sprites as well, but if someone can help, it would be greatly appreciated. So far I have the HUD 95% finished, Link has a couple items, (boomerang, sword, bomb, Pegasus boots, bow and arrow). All of link's collisions and movement are completed. What needs working on is Link's sword input when moving diagonaly, boomerang to return to link if link walks away, Pegasus boots dust animation. Enemys are needed, and the Lttp font. I have tilesets and stuff done. If you can, I would greatly appreciate it if some one can make the "blueprints" of new dungeon designs. If you have something you want to give me, plz email me. Here is the video of what is currently done. See ya guys! Hope to make this a great fangame!  :)


pxl_moon (dotyue)

Team Dekunutz
Re: Zelda:Lttp fangame!
« Reply #1 on: October 24, 2016, 09:04:42 am »
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First of all: Why didn't you post this in the "Recruitment" Section, as you clearly look for people... but i don't think you'll find somone as this isn't "a serious recruit"

Then: Don't compare your Project so much with other Fangames and think about what "you" want to do! It sounds like you have plenty done, but don't know what you want to do yourself... many people here have to learn themselfs what to do about gamemaking.

I don't really know what kind of Link "diagonaly" Sword Animation you want, the only one i can think of is the Whirlwind attack, as for most Rips you can find are on "Spriters-Resouce.com"
If you want to learn Dungeon Design, you can look at the BOSS Keys Series on youtoube: BOSS Keys Playlist

If you want to make a great fangame, you need to make a plan what you want and learn what to do for it.

~Minish Cap Style~

Minish Cap Beta:Firerod Icon, Majoras Mask:ChuChu, Ocarina of Time:Gossip Stone, Oracle Series:Link plays the "Herpes of Ages", Impa, Wand Maker: HUD
~GB-Zelda Style~
Ocarina of Time: Deku Caca
Paper Mario Style Zelda&Link, Tetra Trackers HUD-Cleanups

Re: Zelda:Lttp fangame!
« Reply #2 on: October 24, 2016, 11:54:39 am »
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What you have so far looks great, looks very much like the original LTTP, as for having the boomerang return to link, just have it go towards the player in the step event instead of just back the way it came from:

Code: [Select]
if instance_exists(obj_player) {
    direction = point_direction(self.x,self.y,obj_player.x,obj_player.y);

Not sure exactly how your boomerang mechanic works but i hope this helps anyway, gonna keep an eye on this project.
Re: Zelda:Lttp fangame!
« Reply #3 on: October 24, 2016, 05:47:38 pm »
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Here is the default alttp font that I personally use.
Re: Zelda:Lttp fangame!
« Reply #4 on: October 24, 2016, 10:15:13 pm »
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Thanks for everything guys. Maybe I might do  a serious recruit!
Re: Zelda:Lttp fangame!
« Reply #5 on: October 24, 2016, 10:24:29 pm »
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What you have so far looks great, looks very much like the original LTTP, as for having the boomerang return to link, just have it go towards the player in the step event instead of just back the way it came from:

Code: [Select]
if instance_exists(obj_player) {
    direction = point_direction(self.x,self.y,obj_player.x,obj_player.y);

Not sure exactly how your boomerang mechanic works but i hope this helps anyway, gonna keep an eye on this project.

My boomerang mechanic is when the you press "x", if spawns the boomerang and changes its speed depending on the direction link is facing. The boomerang has an alarm that turns its own speed into -speed, so it comes back. When it hits link, it destroys itself.

edit: It worked! It now returns back to link, however, if you manage to quickly turn around a wall, the boomerang will hit the wall and get stuck until link moves. Thanks a lot anyways!
« Last Edit: October 24, 2016, 11:25:01 pm by Tonydaderp »
Re: Zelda:Lttp fangame!
« Reply #6 on: October 24, 2016, 11:56:21 pm »
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Probably would make sense to stop detecting collisions on walls with the boomerang when it's coming back to you

i love big weenies and i cannot lie
Re: Zelda:Lttp fangame!
« Reply #7 on: October 25, 2016, 08:20:30 pm »
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Probably would make sense to stop detecting collisions on walls with the boomerang when it's coming back to you

Pretty much this, just have it ignore certain collisions on return.

Also if you need the actual font without it being a picture: http://www.dafont.com/return-of-ganon.font
Re: Zelda:Lttp fangame!
« Reply #8 on: October 25, 2016, 08:29:32 pm »
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Thank you! I looked at return of the font return of ganon before, but it is in black. The font in lttp is blue and white. Thanks tho.
Re: Zelda:Lttp fangame!
« Reply #9 on: October 26, 2016, 02:35:47 pm »
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Using scrips in game maker you can draw the text as white with a blue outline, it isnt too hard to do, just google drawing text with outline in game maker, you should be able to find info on it, if not i can probably post it here later when i have more time.
Re: Zelda:Lttp fangame!
« Reply #10 on: October 26, 2016, 02:51:52 pm »
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Just use the sprite I posted if you want to create a front

Check out:
font_add_sprite(sprite,  ord(" "), true,  0);

if you don't need any custom coloring I mean.
« Last Edit: October 26, 2016, 03:24:59 pm by Martijn dh »
Re: Zelda:Lttp fangame!
« Reply #11 on: October 26, 2016, 10:21:45 pm »
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Hmm, I already know how to use font_add_sprite, but i don't know how some letters work. What i mean is that some letters, are slightly sticking into the next letter. How did you manage to do it? :D
Re: Zelda:Lttp fangame!
« Reply #12 on: October 27, 2016, 06:13:02 am »
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font_add_sprite(spr, first, prop, sep);

spr = The sprite to add a font based on.
first = The index of the first available character.
prop = Set as proportional font or not.
sep = The space to leave between each letter.

Tinker around with the last two arguments of the function to effect the space between letters.
Re: Zelda:Lttp fangame!
« Reply #13 on: October 28, 2016, 11:23:03 pm »
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Thanks, I will look into it. Now, a new problem: Collisions changing sometimes. Don't blah blah blah blah me for not doing careful collision checking, it has nothing to do with the code. The collisions sometimes change by its own. I do not know what is wrong. Plz help as if the collisions are normal, the slide_wall will work(explain later). Here are some photos:
first one is how the collision should be. (80% chance)
second is wrong.(30% chance)
third is wrong.(10% chance)
Re: Zelda:Lttp fangame!
« Reply #14 on: October 29, 2016, 03:06:30 am »
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Nevermind. I just decided it wasn't a huge deal. Good news: I programmed the corner-sliding in Lttp!
Heres the vid! Sorry for messy background! I don't know how to video edit and I don't have right software.

Edit: whoops, video didn't upload...
Re: Zelda:Lttp fangame!
« Reply #15 on: October 31, 2016, 04:52:20 pm »
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The collision problem is most likely because the collision mask changes depending on the animation frame, go into your sprite and modify the collision and make it a square around where you want it to collide.

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Re: Zelda:Lttp fangame!
« Reply #16 on: October 31, 2016, 10:47:48 pm »
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Yes. I Already knew, but I think it is not the mask's problem, it is the diagonal input because there are some diagonal collision code, and maybe that's what messes up the collision. Also, the bug only happens when you move diagonally, so I will check it out. Thanks!
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