Hello again, everyone. It's been a spell since we last got together. Today I bring to you:
The Legend of Zelda: Tri Force Heroes - Purple Link restoration projectA
working 3DS game patch that brings our beloved
Vio back into the fold!
Using this patch requires:
1) A 3DS with Custom Firmware and the ability to install .CIA files
2) A decrypted .CIA copy of the Tri Force Heroes V2.1.0 update (US version only), a
free update which can easily be dumped if you have Custom Firmware, or found on a warez site.
Download: TFH_Purple_RomFS_v0.8.65.rar (27.4 MB)
This archive contains the files and instructions to decompile, modify, rebuild, and reinstall the V2.1.0 update with Purple Link taking Green Link's place.
Current patch version: 0.8.65
There are still some remnants of Green Link, which will eventually (hopefully) be patched out. See the included README.txt for more info. Requests for
custom Miiverse stamps are also being taken.
Additional screenshots:Show content
Important Note!In late May, Nintendo dropped a worldwide banhammer on modified 3DS systems, preventing them from playing online. After some community sleuthing, the theory is that Nintendo checked their server records for systems that had used software with unauthorised Title IDs (16-digit hexadecimal numbers) while connected to the Nintendo Network. So, a future ban can be avoided by always turning off wireless communications while using unauthorised software and clearing your Activity Log before signing in. See
https://gbatemp.net/threads/regarding-the-recent-3ds-banwave.471781/this GBATemp thread for more info.
This patch can safely be used online,
provided that you erase any traces of actually installing it. It uses the normal Title ID and doesn't modify any code that affects gameplay. The modified textures/colours are only seen on the user's side, so anybody you meet online will see Green Link as usual.