So I made a few additional changes to the mp/hp items this week. (In an effort to set my game slightly further apart from the original Zelda game). One thing let to another and it kinda sorta ended up taking the entire weeks development time to fully complete. I AM very happy with the results though. It feels polished and consistent now.
My journey down the rabbit hole went a little bit like this (for those interested):
I added the ability to fly to the small hp/mp items and in different ways to help colorblind players. Next I realized it would be inconsistent to let players only catch larger spirits, so I rewrote a good chunk of coding to also allow mp/hp items to get caught in your net. Which let me to having to update the saving system. But I also wanted to add in more larger sprites so that could be done together as both types where now handled the same. But to add those bigger elemental types I needed to update the item spawn rates to take them into account. And to do that I needed the game to tell which spirits would be suited for which cases. (To prevent a fire enemy to spawn an ice spirit down the line). And to do that I needed to add an element stat to enemies (and objects). And so on...
I love game development at times like this. To stumble down a hole like and crawl back out without loose ends feels great.
Anyway. Here's also the list again of what's left to do before the public demo:
- 5x enemy visual to replace
- 11x character actions visuals
New Hp/Mp items <-- Now fully done
Collectable fairies <-- Now fully done
- 8x effect visuals
60x 49x sound effect to replace <-- PROGRESS: Implemented the last batch and started detailing the next one
- Demo dungeon flow tweaking
- Text engine font update
- Update PC controls to better match industry standards
- Full playthrough for testing
Progress report:v0.26.163 (23 jan 2023)
* Implemented 11 more sound effects
v0.26.164 (27 jan 2023)
* Cleaned up coding behind common items more
* Finished implementing new common mp/hp items
* Small mp/hp items can now also be captured with net
* Small mp/hp items will no longer be picked up if you are already fully restored
* Added more (placeholder) fairy replacements
* Started implementing replacement items for bottles
v0.26.165 (28 jan 2023)
* Finished implementing new bottle replacement visuals (with sketches for demo excluded items – for now)
* Game now also tracks and saves # uses of new bottle replacement items
* Updated the credits end page to also show stats new bottle replacement items
* Updated shops to sell nests instead of bottles (=not in demo)
* Went through all text to rename rupees in gems
* Big magic bulbs have been removed. The fairy replacements will now offer you bigger mp or hp restoration than normal mp/hp items
* Random item generation (like from bushes/enemies/digging) can now also spawn sprites with a small change of occuring
* Updated the overall item spawn rates in the game to reflect these latest changes
* All enemies now have a stat for connected element(s) to determine what type of sprite could potentially get spawned upon defeat, if any
v0.26.166 (29 jan 2023)
* Switched up what type of sprites spawn in dungeons
* Tweaked allignments of text on credits page
* Prepared next batch of audio commissions