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Topics - DeathTailsz

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Other Projects / EarthBound Online [Screens]
« on: November 16, 2009, 07:01:22 am »
Earthßound Online
By DeathTailsz, and Bloody M

Created with: BYOND

 - When grabbing/dropping items while the Inventory is on, it automatically refreshes instead of leaving "Ghost Text"
 - Equiping an item causes a "E" to appear on the top-right of the icon.
 - Equiping/Unequiping a Gun weapon causes the BASH verb to change to the SHOOT verb.
 - Double clicking an item will popup a bio for it.
 - Privacy and Music options have been added to the OPTIONS verb
 - Depending on which gun you hold influences the bullet type
 - Refined Bat and Broken Bat equipment added
 - Added some house tiles and created a house area.
 - Max XP (The experience you need to get before you level up) is now enduced by your stats, if you get 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 + stats, you'll have an easier time leveling up then getting 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3. (Balancing issues be gone!)

 - Added roads
 - Added costal islands
 - Added PSI Guns
 - Added Backpack animation for when the inventory is open.
 - Modified the island, adding hills and what not.
 - Mods cannot BAN, heck, GHOST, or SHUTDOWN the world.

 - Sketched out the main island
 - Added so that you attack those right INFRONT of you, instead of AROUND you
 - Added a WHOLE WACK OF OUTSIDE tiles
 - Added the Island
 - Earthßound font. (Orange Kid font)
 - ADMIN commands for Administrators
 - Promote Moderator verb and Dismiss Moderator verb to the ADMIN tab.
[spoiler=Previous Updates]v0.4ß
 - Added PK Fire α
 - AI now moves around mindlessly and attacks if you in it's view.
 - Level up protocol
 - Added PK Fire sprite
 - Added "Favourite Thing?", "Food?" and "Which Character?" to the character creation protocol
 - Creates an external file for characters, deleting this file outside of the game will enable people to use that same character name. (Host side only)
 - Creating a new character now searches the external character folder for that same name, (Not case sensitive)
 - Choosing the class now pops up a little information upon the class.
 - Depending on class type, some stats will be negated 1, or plus 1.  (HP is +4 and PP is +2, these are the only exceptations.)
 - Custom layout

 - Two classes
 - Two character sprites
 - A ßeta area.
 - Bash verb.[/spoiler]

 - Tailsz (Myself) for being the main coder and founder of EßO, also the animator, iconist and sub-spriter.
 - Bloody Hell Masquerade for the PSI Gun sprites (Glocks and Shotgun), and for his premission to modify them and adding shade to them, some PSI requests, and my super-debugger. (He misses NOTHING)

Since this is a [Screens], I'll post 2 screenshots per month of progress, maybe some inbetween.  I might add "11/16/09" or whatever date to the 4 screenshots then "11~12/16/09 Screenshots" to the spoiler caption if the screenshots exceed a row. (So, 2 ~ 5 per spoiler caption.)

Gallery (Updated: 11/16/09)

Other Projects / [Completed] Enter the Gauntlet
« on: November 16, 2009, 06:37:29 am »
Enter the Gauntlet by Deathtailsz
Created in Qbasic

Basically two fights, one without items, one with items.
All this code is made from the ground up by me as a school project

It may be open source, but please give credit if you actually use this code for your own "Gauntlet" or "Turnbased" games.

WARNING: Use DOSBox if your using Vista, it perfectly works on XP on it's own.

Instructions to load the game:
1. Drag the TAILSZAD.bas onto Qbasic.exe
2. Press F5 when everything is loaded
3. Make sure CAPS are on
4. Easteregg at the begining song
(Screw uploading somewhere else, when there's a upload option here. xD)
Download: http://www.zfgc.com/index.php?action=games&sa=getdownload&id=477

Entertainment / Star Fox...ish MMO clones.
« on: April 02, 2009, 04:24:49 am »
Has anyone else, other than me of course, seen Star Fox-like games as MMORPG's?
Such as EVE or Air-Rivals. (Air Rivals seems closer, imo.)

Anyone else see these types of games? xD

Oh, and while we ARE on the topic of Star Fox, what do you think if Star Fox came to the Wii?

Entertainment / Wow, I somehow got a great deal...
« on: November 27, 2008, 11:08:26 pm »
Since this laptop uses ATi Radeon graphic card, Steam gave me Half-Life 2: DeathMatch and Half-Life 2: Lost Coast for free.  :o

Now, I have 2 out of 6 games that are on my Wishlists.


*Plays DeathMatch.*

Anyways, Discuss, is it lucky how I got these games for free? o.o

Entertainment / Team Fortress 2
« on: November 26, 2008, 04:33:28 am »
I think it looks pretty good from the screenshots, but I want everyones opinuion before I get it, is it a good game, is it face-paced, is it a recommendation...  So on, is it better on the 360 or PC, (I plan on getting the PC version, regardless. xD)

So, is it a good game, and should I get it for my Steam account (When I get the money. xD)?

Other Projects / [WiP] Project Zentra
« on: November 10, 2008, 02:37:51 am »
"Insert Title Here"
I was bored and started doing some coding and came up with a Megaman mod. (Using Game Maker of course..) I came up with the name "Zentra", but, I might change it.
But, the 8bit part won't change, because I like it. =)

Moving [||||||||||] - 100%
Shooting [||||||||||] - 100%
Climbing [|||||||:00] - 75% - Need to add Shooting poses.
Health [||||||||||] - 100% - I still haven't added Dieing yet, but, this is for Beta testing purposes.
Sub-Weapon bar [||||||||||] - 100%
Enemies [:000000000] - 5% - Still haven't finished anything

HP Charge
Sub-Weapon Charge

ScreenShots (20kb warning?)
8-bit MADNESS!!

Other Discussion / Bad luck strikes!
« on: October 02, 2008, 02:52:47 am »
As you know, I use my old, crappy, slow, can't play games with high memory usage...
Well, I was bringing a glass of water into my room, and I placed it on the tower/computer, (No, not the monitor) and I plunked in a movie to watch, when I went to grab my water, my dogs pushed me over, and water leaked into it...

I guess you know what that means, folks!  No more dumb computer!  Even though most of my stuff has been "gone", I always write things to my Portable Driver, so, my essential files were saved, (Such as, Pictures, Artwork, some writing, and my Dream Files. (Don't ask)) So, the other things that weren't saved, where, "Zelda Fan Game(s)", and some "Short stories".  Although, to me this isn't much of a loss. (Unless you were looking forward to my unpolished, noobishly written Zelda game, I'm greatfully sorry.)

On the bright side, I now have a better computer, faster, higher RAM capabilities with me.
Downside: It's Vista, so, my Gamemaker 6.1 key won't work. (Sad lost) No, it doesn't seem to work with the "Change your GM6 key, into a GM7 key"-thing.. All the cracks seem to either have Trojan_Generic, or Cry_Mangled... (Haha, I feel stupid resorting to cracks...  They probably don't work anyways...  Time to save money for a new license!  ...yay...)

Anyways, here's my question, have you ever broken your computer before?

Other Discussion / What programming language to YOU use?
« on: September 04, 2008, 06:11:00 am »
I'm just curious to know, I use several different program languages.
Like BYOND, GML, and Action Script. (Still learning the basics of Action Script. (2.0 and 3.0))

So.. yeah, what type of programming languages do you guys use?  (If any)

Discussion / WIP Tips!
« on: August 18, 2008, 09:20:59 pm »
Well, I didn't know where to put them, so here should be a good place.

Ahem, here are my tips with your project, once you get bored easily with it.

Deathtailsz' Tips
1. Don't work on the project constantly, it'll get you bored MUCH faster
2. Getting bored?  Walk away and do something else for awhile, it should help.
3. If you get bored just by working on it (After you tried 2), working on two projects also helps you alternate between two things. (That's what I did with my two games Fatal Frame and my current Zelda Game)
4. If your on the edge of canceling your project, have a open source, just in case someone will continue your project.

Other ZFGCer's tips:
Anyone got idea's for more Work in Progress tips?

Other Projects / [Completed] Fatal Frame Himarou Mansion
« on: August 08, 2008, 11:45:01 pm »
This project was started WAY before my Legend of Zelda game, and for this reason, I had to finish it up, BEFORE I completely get into my Zelda Fan Game.

It's created with BYOND, it's not multiplayer, it's Single Player only, even designed to stop Multiplayer communications.

You need to install BYOND before you actually play it. (You also don't require to register a key.)

Controlls can be found in the Commands tab under HELP

Other Discussion / I hate YoYoGames for this reason:
« on: July 26, 2008, 02:12:20 am »
*Reverts eyes from the machine gun to Yoyogames, temptation.*

This has been happening since GM7 came out, it, just makes me mad ticked off.

The fact that I tryed to submit my GM6.1 (Yes, I did buy it.) serial code, it showed me a error, so I kept trying, same thing came up. >_<  and I don't wanna waste another 20$ just to get it, i'd rather spend it on something other then repaying "YoyoWe don't accept some GM6.1 serials" for a GM7 serial, it, it just ticks you off.  I used that error send message thing, I told them it was a valid GM6.1 code, and they didn't reply to me or anything.  (I sent a-l-o-t of them)

I just have nothing else to say about YoyoWe don't accept some GM6.1 serials, just the fact that they don't accept some GM6.1 codes, WHY, MAN, WHY!!!!  :'(  I was looking forward to getting GM7, too.  It looks alittle better, and extended then GM6.1.   YoYoGames must not like me for some odd reason.

I wish it worked. :(

Other Discussion / My "Worse condition" house.
« on: July 16, 2008, 06:27:58 am »
Well, when we moved out of our old house, the landlord said he was moving in, I was like, "Okay, he just got married, so he might want a place to his parents or something."

When we moved into our new house...  It could give a grown man a heart attack, first of all, there were A LOT of staples to the walls, and there was holes in them, too.  The living room was Red, the 3rd bedroom was 'Hot Pink', with a bunch of stables and screws in there, my bedroom, (Which was very gay-lighted color of blue.) had screws that you could nail out with the hammer, we vacuumed the other day, and a thread of the carpet came out without warning, and the other bedroom was completely unharmed, the bathroom was Lime Green, the Toilet was lime green, the shelves and other !@#$% was Lime Green, and today, me and my Mother smelled something rotting and moldy, it turns out that the sink pipes were leaking, and was rotting the wooden bottom, it was GROSS, I could barely handle the smell, and the fact that there are plastic glow in the dark stars in a shape of an inappropriate thing in my bedroom. (I took the hammer and scratched it off.)

That's probably the reason to my headaches, because of that MOSS, I mean, who DOES THAT TO THEMSELVES!  LIKE GOD, WHO IN THE WORLD WOULD LET THERE SINK CUBOARD ROT LIKE THAT!  That's not the worse part, he backstabbed us into buying the place, too, he said that there would be NOTHING wrong with it, but, we found something wrong with it, and it was that SINK, the HOLES, the SCREWS, the stupid fudgy STABLES THAT WERE NAILED INTO THE WALLS >:( , he is an IDIOT, a MORON, a *I could go on, so, I'm cutting it here*, so now, we're forced to move, AGAIN, due to the fact that we can't stay there anymore, we coulda gotten TERRIBLY sick from this house, he should be in Jail for health warrant, and lieing!!!

Well, you've heard me rant on my "Dump of a House", please comment if you like, but I had to tell everyone about this, just, who does that to other people?  God damn. ><  But, yeah, now I feel better letting it out.  :(  Hopefully we move out before we get into September, because we can't live here, and it can spread during the fall and winter.  So, yeah, we're moving ASAP out of this crap-hole and blowing this popsicle stand. D:<

Zelda Projects / LoZ: Twin Moons (R-I-P)
« on: July 13, 2008, 08:14:20 am »

 When Link was a baby, he lived in Hyrule Town, but, on that one day, a war broke out with Hyrule Town, and lesser  Hyrule Town. (Which is home to the finest bombs)  The Women and children fled from Hyrule Castle gates, Link's Mother was heavily wounded on her leg, as she rode her husbands (May he Rest in Piece, since he died) horse to the east, over the long bridge the bordered Kakariko, and Hyrule Town, (Sorta like Twilight Princess.) once they made it into the village, the horse stepped slowly to the Inn, (Like the Kakariko in LTTP, just different) as she walked in, the Inn keeper saw her wounded on her right leg, and helped her to her room, free of charge.
 Link's Mom was bedded for awhile, the Inn Keeper would check up on her frequently, to help her out with Baby Link.  Weeks later passed by, months flew in the wind, and years hastened since that unfaithful day.
 Taking place years later in Kakariko Village, Link walks around town, looking for stuff to do while his Mother prepares something for his 14th birthday, when suddenly, Link was jacked from his Rupee's, that he got from the Inn Keeper's wife for his birthday, without thinking, Link made quick and fast pace, and chased after the fleeing thief.

Right, Left, Up, Down: Moves Link.
Z: Sword
Enter: Action Button
Space: Speeds/Exits/Continues text.
X: Item. (When equipt)
C: Nothing Yet.

Demo (V.0.3): (Currently dead, may be resumed sometime.)

Vista User notice:
Since YoYogames is being stupid and not excepting my serial number for my GM6, i'm forced to stick with it, other then that, I will convert the game to make it Vista compatible.  So, no need to go all :( or something.

Screenshots: (Very old)

Link's Thinking on where to go!

You really need that sword, do yeah, Link?  Uh oh, spelling error!  Gottah fix it!

I think that's obvious, due to the broken stairs to the right of you...

Omg, he stole my Rupee's!  RAID!

Discussion / [Pre] Legend of Zelda -Title Pending-
« on: October 30, 2007, 05:20:21 am »
The Story Line:   Once in the land called Hyrule, a warrior named Link came and saved Hyrule from evil, and saved the Princess Zelda.  But, once again, Ganon comes back, with the power of Zelda and Link, they will smite Ganon once again. 
Most of the land is decaying from the power of Ganon, and already reached most of hyrule, will Link and Zelda save the day?  Or will Hyrule turn into dirt and lost hopes?

-still thinking on a Gamemaker to make a standalone on.  Leaning on Gamemaker, or RPGMakerXP-

(*Note: I will add more if I get home tomorrow.)

You'll get Items, Swords, and Shields
- Maybe a bonus dongeon
- 4-5 Dongeons, depending.
- Perhapes 5 diffrent spells.
- Up to the first dongeon.

GameMaker/RPGMakerXP -still pending-
- Sword, Shield, and another item
- Up to the first dongeon.
- Maybe a few NPC's
- 2 diffrent Enemies

Please, this game is in Pre-development, I don't expect it to flood.  Also, the original one is created Dreamexe (Furcadia).

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