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Messages - PoeFacedKilla

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 13
Other Projects / Re: Looking for website feedback
« on: July 02, 2014, 10:35:41 pm »
has this place really died down so much I can't get replies anymore?
When I first joined years ago I would have had 10 replies by now, I have a Zelda Website and this One i'm trying to get feed back on but after 2 months nothing on the zelda one?

Other Projects / Looking for website feedback
« on: July 01, 2014, 03:16:17 pm »
i've been writing a website for awhile now, mostly just the backend php stuff but now that I finally have a stable release I wanna know everything thats wrong with it so that I know where to begin fixing. Please any critique on design or implementation or programming reply here, there, or email me.

The point of the website is to be a self creating forum, people's discussions create the forums not some admin so there is only threads the community wishes to discuss

All help and feedback greatly appreciated.


Zelda Projects / Re: The Original Zelda Shrine (v1.0 Final Beta)
« on: May 20, 2014, 01:04:46 am »
size=24pt]First Forum Rewrite Almost Complete![/size]
I've rewritten the entire forum in the latest PHP5 and now I just have to fix a DB glitch, for some reason posts with periods or commas aren't being inserted into the DB 1/3 of the time and it is rather annoying.  The search function got a mini rewrite as well as their was still some PHP4 in their and now i'm going to try and switch to text based forum/news system to allow for longer and stabler posts.

Zelda Projects / The Original Zelda Shrine (v1.0 Final Beta)
« on: May 18, 2014, 09:57:40 pm »

The Original Zelda Shrine
Current Release (1.0 BETA "Final")


In 1999, I began a news group called ZeldaFans383.  It grew rather rapidly and I was forced to move to tripod.com, there I began to use their site builder to make my first website.  While surfing the net one day in '01, I came across a website by a Swedish man named Link to the Past Shrine.  I sent him an email requesting affiliation and he sent me back a simple and polite no.

This was because my website was made by a site builder, and he looked down on this.  He turned my website down, despite getting as many hits as his and sent me a link to w3schools.com; 3 years later I refound this website I my zelda383.com became one their closest affiliates.  We began to correspond and over the next few years through the magic of PHP4 Zelda Shrine was born.  Zelda Shrine became one of the largest zelda fan website on the net; i remember at one time getting 100 unique hits an hour.

We build an image gallery, a forum, and a system designed to allow for the care and adoption of subrosians where you can feed them, give them tattoos, and change their color.  In 2006, Carl graduated from college and moved on.  I was only 17 at this time and just a year and a half later, after I rewrote the website with an even newer layout and completely new systems my server crashed and at that time I lacked the knowledge to rebuild the website.

Now days, 7 years later;  I have wrote many websites and moved to lower level linux programming and so I have quite a few servers and I came across a couple weeks ago an archive of the website from the the week Carl left.  I have been rewriting these systems and a have the image gallery complete, the subrosian system working and am working on a forum rewrite.  All old content (up to twilight princess) is up, and I am just trying to modernize the website now.

I've gone with what we called the "Final" layout design for this V1.0 (despite the fact that it is technically the 11th version of the website and their was one after it that I no longer have the source to) so that is what it will be called, I will be redesigning the layout over half a year or so and eventually reach a v2.0.  I'm going for a large repository of zelda information backed by a contributing community.  And the custom CMS I am now standardizing to a piece of software i'm calling zshrineCMS and it may one day be open source.


The Original Zelda Shrine - v1.0 Final (BETA) | ZeldaShrine.com

v1.0 Final BETA:

   Get old website ready for re-release as modern website.  Update PHP4 to PHP5 and bring all code up to modern standards.

1. Bring HTML/CSS up to latest HTML4 [60%]
2. Rewrite news system [80%]
4. Rewrite image gallery
5. Update user system
6. Layout Updates

v1.1 Final To Do List:
   Redo user and content systems to allow members to contribute to the website and allow room for growth with a more updated and DICKBUTT-style layout.

1. Forum Rewrite
2. Content System Overhall
3. Development of RSS Feed System
4. Rewrite of User System
5. Layout Updates

Coding / Small PHP bug with big error.
« on: February 27, 2014, 02:31:42 am »
Ok so i've got to websites running side by side and am trying to build a master login but its giving me a blank screen on one site (errors turned on) but works perfectly on the other.

Here are the two files that are all that is on one site that errors out, but when put atop the code of another works perfectly:

Code: [Select]


$res mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `user_logged` WHERE `ip` = '".$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']."' LIMIT 1");
$que mysql_fetch_array($res);

if( ( !( isset( $_COOKIE['id'] ) ) ) && ( mysql_num_rows$res ) < ) )

$user_logged 'N';
$user 1;

} else if( ( !( isset( $_COOKIE['id'] ) ) ) && ( mysql_num_rows$res ) > ) )

   setcookie("id"$que['id'], time()+3600);
   header("Location: /index.php");

} else if( isset( $_COOKIE['id'] ) && ( mysql_num_rows$res ) > ) )

$user_logged $_COOKIE['id'];
$result[0] = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `indy_users` WHERE `id` = '" $_COOKIE['id'] . "' LIMIT 1");
$row[0] = mysql_fetch_array$result[0] );
$user = array(

"name" => $row[0]['name'],
"email" => $row[0]['email'],
"class" => $row[0]['class']


} else if( isset( $_COOKIE['id'] ) && ( mysql_num_rows$res ) < ) && ( $que['logout'] == FALSE ) ) // Logout Bug, Fixed

   $user_logged 'N';
$user 1;

} else if( isset( $_COOKIE['id'] ) && ( mysql_num_rows$res ) < ) && ( $que['logout'] == TRUE ) )

   mysql_query("INSERT INTO `user_logged` (`id` ,`ip` ,`user_id`) VALUES (NULL , '".$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']."', '".$row['id']."')");
   header("Location: /index.php");


function getUserData($arg1,$arg2)

$result[0] = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `indy_users` WHERE `id` = '" $arg1 "' LIMIT 1");
$row[0] = mysql_fetch_array$result[0] );
return $row[0][$arg2];


// Make Sure Their is No God Damned Cache Storing my !@#$%
header("Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate");
header("Expires: Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT");


Code: [Select]
<div id="user_log" align="left">

if( $user_logged == 'N')

print "<form action=\"http://board.indyprogramming.co/user.login.php\" method=\"post\">\n";

print "Username: <input type=\"text\" name=\"name\" /> \n";

print "Password: <input type=\"password\" name=\"pass\" /> \n";

print "<input type=\"submit\" value=\"Go!\" />\n";

print " .:. <a href=\"main.register.php\">Register</a></form>\n";

} else

print $user['name'] . "\n";

print " .:. <a href=\"http://".$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']."/main.logout.php\">Logout</a>\n";



No errors at all, so i'm guessing a theory error but i'm so tired right now I can't see it.  I figured i'd post it up and hope someone can help.

Oh and on the error site the only page is like this:
Code: [Select]


include ".../connect.php";




Recruitment / Trying to Put Together an Open Source Dev Team
« on: February 14, 2014, 11:50:12 pm »
Ok, so first i have to start by saying this: its been awhile ZFGC...

I came to this site as a child and from it and its users replying to my (often simple) programming questions i went from a small time html developer to a paid programmer; thanks  ;)

Now to the point, I am looking to start a team to develop open source software at the moment the current project is this -> http://litebbs.indyprogramming.co

Its still about 1/3 through development but with a styler and maybe another programmer it could be done in a week;  The thing is im just really in to open source and i want to put my knowledge to use designing stuff for people to use but its hard for one man in this world.

if your interested, the development forum is just going up (its not done, but its stable) http://www.indyprogramming.co
im looking for anyone wanting to gain programming experience or just criticize us that do.

Coding / Re: C++ Help
« on: January 21, 2014, 09:17:52 am »
final update, this is what I have; now it works perfectly when attacking the computer but my health doesn't go down half of the time

Code: [Select]
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <ctime>

int main()

srand(static_cast<unsigned int>(time(0)));
short int my_health = 100;
short int enemy_health = 100;
short int action;
short int turn = 1;
short int shield = 0;
short int enemy_shield = 0;
short int random_number = rand();
short int play;

while( ( my_health > 0 ) && ( enemy_health > 0 ) )

switch( turn )

case 1:
std::cout << "1. Attack | 2. Defend; Enter: " << std::endl;
std::cin >> action;
switch( action )

case 1:

if( enemy_shield == 1)
enemy_health = enemy_health - 10;
enemy_shield = 0;
} else
enemy_health = enemy_health - 25;

case 2:

shield = 1;



std::cout << "My Health: " << my_health << " " << "\t\t | \t\t Enemy Health: " << enemy_health << std::endl;

case 2:
play = (random_number % 2 ) + 1;
switch( play )

case 1:
if( shield == 1 )
my_health = my_health - 10;
shield = 0;
} else
my_health = my_health - 25;
std::cout << "My Health: " << my_health << " " << "\t\t | \t\t Enemy Health: " << enemy_health << std::endl;


case 2:
enemy_shield = 1;
std::cout << "My Health: " << my_health << " " << "\t\t | \t\t Enemy Health: " << enemy_health << std::endl;

std::cout << "My Health: " << my_health << " " << "\t\t | \t\t Enemy Health: " << enemy_health << std::endl;


std::cout << "My Health: " << my_health << " " << "\t\t | \t\t Enemy Health: " << enemy_health << std::endl;


if( turn == 1 )
turn = 2;
} else
turn = 1;


if( my_health > enemy_health )

std::cout << "You Win, Game Over!" << std::endl;

} else
std::cout << "You Lose, Game Over" << std::endl;

return 0;


Coding / Re: C++ Help
« on: January 21, 2014, 09:11:06 am »
fixed some basic problems but now it still is happening about every other time I compile and run

Code: [Select]
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <ctime>

int main()

srand(static_cast<unsigned int>(time(0)));
short int my_health = 100;
short int enemy_health = 100;
short int action;
short int turn = 1;
short int shield = 0;
short int enemy_shield = 0;
short int random_number = rand();
short int play;

while( ( my_health > 0 ) && ( enemy_health > 0 ) )

if( turn == 1 )
turn = 2;
} else
turn = 1;

switch( turn )

case 1:
std::cout << "1. Attack | 2. Defend; Enter: " << std::endl;
std::cin >> action;
switch( action )

case 1:

if( enemy_shield == 1)
enemy_health = enemy_health - 10;
enemy_shield = 0;
} else
enemy_health = enemy_health - 25;

case 2:

shield = 1;



std::cout << "My Health: " << my_health << " " << "\t\t | \t\t Enemy Health: " << enemy_health << std::endl;

case 2:
play = (random_number % 2 ) + 1;
switch( play )

case 1:
if( shield == 1 )
my_health = my_health - 10;
shield = 0;
} else
my_health = my_health - 25;
std::cout << "My Health: " << my_health << " " << "\t\t | \t\t Enemy Health: " << enemy_health << std::endl;


case 2:
enemy_shield = 1;
std::cout << "My Health: " << my_health << " " << "\t\t | \t\t Enemy Health: " << enemy_health << std::endl;

std::cout << "My Health: " << my_health << " " << "\t\t | \t\t Enemy Health: " << enemy_health << std::endl;




return 0;


Coding / C++ Help
« on: January 21, 2014, 09:03:25 am »
Ok, So I've got a simple txt game im building and what it does is rotate turns between two players (one being the computer) and they can either choose to deliver -25 points or take -10 if the computer (randomly decides) is using its shield.  Simple enough, but every time it compiles perfect yet no matter what I enter (1 or 2) it always takes 10 from the opponent and leaves me with full health.

Code: [Select]
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <ctime>

int main()

srand(static_cast<unsigned int>(time(0)));
short int my_health = 100;
short int enemy_health = 50;
short int action;
short int turn = 1;
short int shield = 0;
short int enemy_shield = 0;
short int random_number = rand();
short int play;

while( ( my_health > 0 ) && ( enemy_health > 0 ) )

if( turn == 1 )
turn = 2;
} else
turn = 1;

switch( turn )

case 1:
std::cout << "1. Attack | 2. Defend; Enter: " << std::endl;
std::cin >> action;
switch( action )

case 1:

if( enemy_shield == 1)
enemy_health -= 10;
enemy_shield = 0;
} else
enemy_health -= 25;

case 2:

shield = 1;



std::cout << "My Health: " << my_health << " " << "\t\t | \t\t Enemy Health: " << enemy_health << std::endl;

case 2:
play = (random_number % 2 ) + 1;
switch( play )

case 1:
if( shield == 1 )
my_health -= 10;
shield = 0;
} else
my_health -= 25;
std::cout << "My Health: " << my_health << " " << "\t\t | \t\t Enemy Health: " << enemy_health << std::endl;


case 2:
enemy_shield = 1;
std::cout << "My Health: " << my_health << " " << "\t\t | \t\t Enemy Health: " << enemy_health << std::endl;

std::cout << "My Health: " << my_health << " " << "\t\t | \t\t Enemy Health: " << enemy_health << std::endl;




return 0;


Coding / Re: Help With Walking Engine in Allegro
« on: April 27, 2013, 06:15:22 pm »
Thanks for the replys, i've updated the code but am still getting the same problem; it simply places a copy of the image next to the original position all the way across the screen giving me a line of links in the direction i press.

Code: [Select]

      The game is played through this file

#include <allegro.h>
#include "functions.h"

int main()
    int paused = 0;
    int x = 4; int y = 4;
    BITMAP *link = NULL;
    while( !(key[KEY_ESC]) )

    if (key[KEY_UP]) y-=10;
    else if (key[KEY_DOWN]) y+=10;
    else if (key[KEY_RIGHT]) x+=10;
    else if (key[KEY_LEFT]) x-=10;
    link = load_bitmap( "images/link.bmp", NULL );
    draw_sprite( screen, link, x, y );
    // blit( link, screen, 0, 0, x, y, 16, 22 );
    return 0;


Coding / Help With Walking Engine in Allegro
« on: April 25, 2013, 07:33:14 pm »
Im trying to teach myself allegro, but i am already getting stuck.  i've built a simple walking engine but when i press the arrow keys it just places a copy of the bmp file next to the original one, instead of moving it.  can anyone help me?

Code: [Select]
#include "basics/initFunctions.h"

void init();
void deinit();

int main() {

while (!key[KEY_ESC]) {
          int paused = 0;
          int x = 0; int y = 0;
          char* src = "images/link.bmp";
          if (key[KEY_UP]) y-=10;
          else if (key[KEY_DOWN]) y+=10;
          else if (key[KEY_RIGHT]) x+=10;
            else if (key[KEY_LEFT]) x-=10;

                    BITMAP *my_pic = NULL;
                    my_pic = load_bitmap(src, NULL);
            blit(my_pic, screen, 0,0,x,y,16,16);




return 0;

Code: [Select]
// initFunctions begins/ends game

void init();
void deinit();

Code: [Select]
#include <allegro.h>
#include "initFunctions.h"

void init() {
int depth, res;
depth = desktop_color_depth();
if (depth == 0) depth = 32;
res = set_gfx_mode(GFX_AUTODETECT_WINDOWED, 600, 563, 0, 0);
if (res != 0) {

/* add other initializations here */

void deinit() {
/* add other deinitializations here */

Graphics / Re: Feedback on Layout for my New Website
« on: September 03, 2012, 12:56:53 am »
thank you all, I have taken all your criticism to heart.  I supposed i'm just stuck in the good old days of webdesign, well i'm going to completely redo the layout and then post it here hopefully i can make it better.

And as for using wordpress, i made a promise to myself when I was about 13 that i would never use premade CMS, Forums, or anything regarding webdesign, especially since I can build my own and it be exactly how I want it to be.

I gotta say, I agree with you on that premade stuff. I find there's more glory to be found if you make it yourself ^_^. Good luck, and I can't wait to see the new design.
There is glory, but some times premade is better than custom-made. i.e. Security for example could be better, or how certain features can be implemented in a superior way than what <x> person could do. XD I guess it matters per person and per-case.

Anyways when I mentioned WordPress, I was referring to their overall design, not to switch over to them.

well i am sort of using a wordpress like design, at least for news and posting my writing.
but i have around 6000+ zelda screenshots that i also have to make a system to display them.

As for layout, i'm currently working on my zelda game atm.  I'm going 2 days on one and 2 days on the other. But I have already drawn up ideas for the new layout and i' going with a red style this time (and at least a little DICKBUTT programmed in.)

Graphics / Re: Feedback on Layout for my New Website
« on: September 01, 2012, 09:28:29 pm »
thank you all, I have taken all your criticism to heart.  I supposed i'm just stuck in the good old days of webdesign, well i'm going to completely redo the layout and then post it here hopefully i can make it better.

And as for using wordpress, i made a promise to myself when I was about 13 that i would never use premade CMS, Forums, or anything regarding webdesign, especially since I can build my own and it be exactly how I want it to be.

Graphics / Re: Feedback on Layout for my New Website
« on: September 01, 2012, 09:17:43 am »
Hey Linkthemaster, just came here to say welcome to the forum.
I looked at your website, how to put this...
...It has:
News/Home Page
Image Gallery
Dark Faces: Volume I
Community Forum

thats good, but when I clic on them it takes me nowhere.

hey, well i used to come here when i was younger but after failing to complete a zelda game i sort of went into exile.

But anyway, I haven't started the PHP programming yet so thats why no links work;
 was merely asking for feedback on the layout.

Recruitment / Re: Looking for FREE Team for Shadow of Termina
« on: September 01, 2012, 07:03:27 am »
I can code, haven't used the MC engine but i've taken a look at it and I can work with it.
So if you want me to help you, just email me at lighter.thieve138@gmail.com

Graphics / Feedback on Layout for my New Website
« on: September 01, 2012, 06:39:15 am »
After nearly 10 years, last year I closed my website Zelda Shrine.  This was a hard decision because i love the Zelda community and I put 10 years of coding into the site (and ten years of screenshots, walkthroughs, and just game guides in general.)

I've recently began to write a zelda book, and my drive to become a part of the community has led me to build a new site specifically for my Zelda writing (and my future zelda game which is coming along quite nice :))

Any way (sort of went on a rant there), before I begin to build my CMS and start posting my writings, i wanted to get constructive criticism on my new layout.

Please view my website and tear it to pieces for me, so i can improve it.
(sorry its on a free server, once i regain my fan base i will be moving to a paid or dedicated server.)

Recruitment / Re: Looking for Photoshop Artist [Zelda Website]
« on: July 29, 2011, 06:08:50 am »
I just need a standard layout that I can include into every page.  I can code it myself, I just need the image(s).

Recruitment / Looking for Photoshop Artist [Zelda Website]
« on: July 29, 2011, 03:22:48 am »
I am looking to redesign my old website, but the thing is i've never been that good of an artist.  So I am looking for someone to design a layout for me.  I don't need it to be to complicated, just to be a red colored layout with some zelda official art within it.  If someone could help me I would greatly appreciate it.

I'm looking to retitle it The Dark Faces of Hyrule, and I need a red/black layout.

Coding / [C++}
« on: March 20, 2011, 08:01:54 pm »
Ok, so i've written a small program to test my knowledge of file i/o. The source code compiles, and creates an excutable. But when I run the program, after I input the first variable a window pops up (im using vista) and says the program stopped running. Can anyone compile this and see if they get the same error, or can you tell me how to fix it?

Code: [Select]
   #include <iostream>
    #include <fstream>
    using namespace std;
    char* write_to_file( char* file_src, char* file_txt )
          ofstream myFile;
          myFile.open( file_src );
          myFile << file_txt;
    int main()
        char* input_src; char* input_txt;
        cout << "Please Enter The File Name: ";
        cin >> input_src;
        cout << "Enter Text to be Displayed in File: ";
        cin >> input_txt;
        write_to_file( input_src, input_txt );
        cout << input_txt; cout << " - Written to File";
        return 0;

any help is greatly appreciated.

Graphics / Re: I need a new layout.
« on: October 23, 2010, 09:14:30 pm »
all of it.  Just a super website full of walkthroughs, pictures, cheats all the works.

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