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Topics - DugOLas

Pages: [1] 2
Entertainment / Cave Story on Wiiware
« on: October 04, 2008, 01:53:03 am »
Quote from: Nintendo Press Release

Cave Story: This title is an action-adventure game with new, exclusive content and features created only for the WiiWare version.

Graphics / Draw ourselves
« on: March 24, 2007, 11:40:23 am »
ITT we draw ourselves in what we're wearing at the moment
(and yes thats what I'm wearing right now)

Graphics / marquee i made for my friend's MAME arcade (OOPS... FIX'D)
« on: March 17, 2007, 12:26:59 pm »

he likes pigs
i'm gonna do some side art for it too
EDIT: i accidentally posted a ms pacman marquee >.<;;;;;;;;;;;

Entertainment / 3 hits mirite?
« on: December 05, 2006, 11:40:44 pm »
nintendo needs to have a downloadable patch for TP making the bosses and enemies harder... i mean come on, that just annoyed the hell out of me...... anyone else kind of T-O'd by this?

Entertainment / Midna is just so HAWT
« on: November 22, 2006, 06:54:12 am »
Does anyone else agree? She's like my new favorite zelda character ;D

Entertainment / third party WIIMOTE DOCKING STATION!
« on: November 18, 2006, 03:24:42 am »

frikkin' great ;D this thing is made by Joytech, and it'll be out this winter :jellytime:
definetely getting this one
(there making more accessories too: http://gonintendo.com/?p=8781#comments )

Graphics / mmm... pi.....
« on: November 18, 2006, 02:58:51 am »
its alot like my old avatar only completely different. I'm sure yall' have noticed it by now though ^^;

Entertainment / I'M CAMPING!
« on: November 18, 2006, 12:31:11 am »
Starting either tomorrow or tonight (depending on how many campers there will be) i'm going to start camping outside my local target to get the WII!
I'm gunna bring a sleepin bag, a drawing pad to doodle on, some munchies and red bull (so i can stay up)bse
First time i've ever camped for a game system XD
Wish me luck!

Graphics / Rat Fink (pixeled and drawn)
« on: November 16, 2006, 03:30:09 am »
My dad has a cool Rat Fink poster on his wall, so i thought i'd draw him...
heres a quick sketche (which i fixed up on the computer a bit)
and heres a little pixeled version
not two of my best works but does yall' like it? ^-^;
(If you have no idea who this is just do a google image search for "rat fink")

Entertainment / DAMNIT GAMECRAZY!
« on: November 13, 2006, 06:20:23 am »
The GameCrazy's in my area suck. A few weeks ago (around the time of the EB/Gamestop fiasco) I called GameCrazy regarding Wii preorders- and they told me very specifically "No we won't be taking Wii preorders" So i call today and i get the EXACT OPPISITE ANSWER. I calle dtoday and asked if they would have wii's on launch day and they said "Yeah but they're all preordered..." UGH!!!!!
No i have no idea what im going to do on launch day. My best chance is probably BestBuy or Walmart... I'ts going to be one hell of a day

Graphics / Can someone make this gif faster for me plz
« on: November 09, 2006, 06:33:34 am »

faster plz thx

Other Discussion / ascii
« on: November 04, 2006, 05:26:10 am »
I found an ascii generator and thought i'd post this........ im just bored ^_^
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<- this one looks best if you higlight it

Entertainment / Wii: Virtual console information
« on: November 04, 2006, 01:52:55 am »
for those of you that live in a cardboard box, heres some info on the Wii's VC games...
Quote from: computerandvideogames.com
Can games be stored on external media such as SD cards, and what happens if you run out of storage space?

Nintendo: Games that are downloaded can be stored either to the Wii's internal memory (512MB) or onto SD cards, which plug into the SD slot on the front of the Wii. In addition the console also stores a history of all of your downloads so that if you have to delete any VC games for any reason you could re-download them for free at a later date.[/b]

Will you be able to take your VC games to a mate's house, say, on an SD card?

Nintendo: No. All VC games will be locked to the console they are downloaded on so even if they are on an SD card they can't be used on other machines. You will have to take your Wii with you.

Does that mean that if your console breaks you lose your VC games forever?

Nintendo: No. Nintendo will offer support to help Wii owners with problems to recover their games.

GameCube games are played with GameCube pads. Can they be played with the Classic controller too, for those who don't actually have any GC pads?

Nintendo: Nintendo GameCube games can only be played using Nintendo GameCube controllers. The Classic Controller will not work on these games.

Can you specify which controllers it will be possible to use for each of the VC games types (NES, SNES, PC Engine, N64)?

Nintendo: All virtual console games can be played using the Classic Controller or Nintendo GameCube pads. The Wii Remote can also be turned on its side and used as a traditional controller to play NES games. However, a game will only be playable with the control mechanism it was designed for. So, for example, you will play NES games with the D-pad, not an analogue stick or motion-sensitive functionality.

When using a mixture of Wii and GameCube controllers, the Wii Remote or Classic Controller will take priority. So if you have two Classic Controllers plugged in they instantly become player one and two regardless of how many GameCube pads are inserted.

What about game manuals?

Nintendo: Each Virtual Console game downloaded will come with a digital instruction manual.

We are already aware that you won't be able to gain access to the Japanese or American VC in UK with a UK console. But if you import a US or Japanese Wii into UK, will that machine be capable of accessing the UK VC servers to download and play games made available to us Brits?

Nintendo: No. The European Virtual Console will be available only to European machines. If you import an American machine they would have to connect to the American service and use American Wii Points cards to buy content. Their warranty would also be void so this is not recommended.

Will there be a range of Wii Points cards available? How much will they cost?

Nintendo: At first, only 2000-point cards will be available. These will retail for ??14.99.

Will you be able to buy VC Points via the internet through Wii using a credit card, like you can with Xbox 360's Marketplace?

Nintendo: Yes. Wii points can also be bought online via the Wii Shop using all major credit cards and will be credited to your account. A total of 10,000 points can be stored on your Wii account at any one time.

Sucks that you cant take the games to ur friends house via SD card... sucks for importers too ;)

Entertainment / (Spoiler Warning) 15 NEW TWILIGHT PRINCESS SCREENS :D
« on: November 04, 2006, 01:38:28 am »
I care about da 56kr's, so i thumb'd em' all up 'n stuff ;D (click to view full size)

Sol edit: lol penis

Entertainment / Wii in southpark!
« on: November 02, 2006, 03:57:21 am »
Its not 10 here yet, but im definetly going to watch this! :tek:

Other Discussion / Hay guys look at dis AMV my friend made
« on: October 28, 2006, 03:46:57 am »

« on: October 26, 2006, 02:31:30 am »
this has been driving me crazy for a while, im tired of them being incomplete. i dont wanna switch to the other style, i prefer this one :S
i dont get why shocked wasn't added, Zora made one in his set:
and as for the crying one, here i made one:
now for the love of pete get to this as it should've been done ages ago....

Other Discussion / ATTENTION ZFGC MEMBERS!!!
« on: October 21, 2006, 07:03:31 am »

I am looking for a tall snazzy victorian top hat much like the one this old chap is wearing.
I cant find an old raggedy looking one online so i was wondering if any of you fine sports here had any laying around ;D

I am willing to pay top dollar! (around 20-30)

Entertainment / Who here reserved the Wii?
« on: October 14, 2006, 02:24:51 am »
today EBGames and Gamestop started accepting reserves for the Wii, but those of you who didnt do it dont get your hopes up for finding a place. Its a known fact that no EBGames anywhere has any more reserves left. When i got home from school today (which was stupid because i shouldve been fuckin campin outside ebgames) i called them up and they said that every wii was sole out at around 9AM... i ended up preordering it off lik-sang.com :P im pretty much sure to get my wii before any of my friends that way 8)
How about any of you? Didja get your wii just in time?  :ganon:

Graphics / HUDug ;D
« on: October 08, 2006, 08:13:49 am »
pretty simple zelda HUD, no?

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