Resources > Graphics
LA Sprites MC Style
İ DİD İT! i remaded bow wow's sprites using FSAE!
i put some things i thought that would fit, first of all the stake with the giant chain ring in it, i think chaining him to a stake with chain would fit the cartoony style of MC.
second of all; the rock with chains, this is for the scene where bow wow is kidnapped and tightend to a rock, so ii maded a rock witk chains! i put the end of the chain under the rock so it looks better, but i wanna put somethings aswell as bow wow waiting for link, i am thinking something like sleeping next to the door waiting link or eating flowers, something cartoony ya know?
the chains are 5 as groups, so put 5 of em beetwen link and bow wow or the stake or the rock, i modified the sprites(the shadows) so the out line and his self shadow are different and have different collors, and that is it i guess!! here are the sprites; please give credits and stuff, i am gonna put it in VG as soon as i finish the other bow wow sprites, such as photos and scenes,
sea ya!
took me long enough but i maded ONE frame of arm mimic, and can i ask why hasnt anyone done it before? or the bow wow? i am guessing people just forgot they wanted a LA MC game; i sure hell didn't!
i used SpritingBrad's slime sprites to make this base, looked at the NS remake as well and i think did come pretty close;
its the only frame i did for now but i have a question: is it just me or does it looks chunky? to make base i used og sprites and resized them to link MC then used SpritingBrad's slime to make the rest, and it looks unusual to me.
did i maded it too big? here is the sprite:
sea ya!
So my older brother took the pc and the art with him to somewhere: so the sprites arent gonna come anytime soon :( srry guys
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