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Messages - skully

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Entertainment / Re: Nightwish now
« on: August 04, 2007, 01:40:11 am »
I downloaded the promo album from a certain site. From what Ive heard it is !@#$% awesome. She sounds great with the rest of the band. It might not be Tarja but its still an amazing sound, just a little different. Who cares? It is all about the music isn't it? They are obviously still pumping out good material.

Most of the songs I got are really bad quality and only about 40-50s long. But a good 4 or 5 are full versions with good quality.

The song Eva reminds me so much of "Our Farewell" by Within Temptation. Anette has an amazing voice. I am really looking forward to this album.

Also I downloaded that one Alyson Avenue album you suggested Neo. It's pretty good man. A lot more upbeat then nightwish, or even WT but its a cool sound. I prefer her in nightwish personally. Her voice comes across better backed by heavy guitars and drums :P

Metal Gear Solid when...

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Meryl gets shot by Sniper Wolf

That was....an emotional rollercoaster.  I mean the MGS games bring emotions like no other game pretty much.

Also in FFVII when...

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the cutscene where Barret gets his arm shot off

I don't know why I can't get that part out of my head, probably cause I was little when I saw that part and I thought it was like the wrongest thing ever,
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how he lost his arm and a friend or something.
Damn, you are right man... Even though Ive beaten that game more times then anyone I know I kind of forgot about that. Barret was always playing the tough guy, and that was a really griping moment when he was dealing with Dyne, and what happened to them both and their village. He was trying to hang onto him, but he couldn't and they couldn't see eye to eye later when they were reunited. It was so realistic like it might be in real life. Real human emotions. You finally get to see why he hates shinra so bad.

Then, later on when you confront Dyne again, he was taking all those shots at Barret, and Barret wouldn't let anyone interfere and he just took them. Dyne was all like, "my hands are far too blood stained to carry marlene, and he jumped off that cliff, and Barret fell to his knees and he was all like "mine are too..." They both went through so much together, both had gunarms.

That was a really good side plot in the game.

Final Fantasy IX made me shed a tear, but everyone already knows how much I love that game.
!@#$% yeah man. FF9 was amazing. Ive played through it back to back so many times. It always has the same effect on me.
FF10 was great too, but I never felt anything even close during that game (suprisingly) that I did with FF9 and some other games. Most of these epic/emotional rpg titles I played when  I was younger. The only things Ive recently beaten were FF9 and 10. But I know there was a lot more. Suikoden 2, Grandia, and Lunar Eternal Blue were all great, and got me really involved. I seriously got to get hooked up with all those oldies I used to play. There are so many hidden gems that I just can't remember because they were never famous but I have faint memories of them and I miss it lol.

I haven't played any kingdom hearts games yet. I think I am going to have to now.

Entertainment / Re: Nightwish now
« on: August 02, 2007, 12:47:17 am »
She reminds me too much of Within Temptation, who ironically used to remind me of Nightwish...ironic...
Within temptation kicks ass. Actually I thought that exact same thing when I heard one of the new songs. I forget which one. I would browse around searching for all the songs out so far but ill just wait for the album. I am excited though. Lots of people are hating on Anette, just because she is not Tarja.

And Ive never heard of Alyson Avenue but I am going to download it right now.

Entertainment / Re: A FFVII petition from my coworker.
« on: July 28, 2007, 12:15:16 am »
I loved FF7. But I think if square-enix were to ever do a remake they would massacre the gem. They wouldn't just update the graphics, there are so many other angles to look at. Then they would try adding new "exciting" next gen aspects to the combat and exploring and !@#$%. They would probably totally ruin it and after that FF7 and the entire franchise would never again be the same.

Of course now when I play FF7 I think the graphics are horrible and it takes away from the experience a bit. But that wasn't the case when I first played it and I will always remember those times.

The only kind of FF7 remake I would like to see is one a little more appropriate to it's time. I don't think they were ready for the 3D jump quite yet, even though they did a great job. I think the game would, and still would have been potraid best in a style like breath of fire 4 was. As for cutscenes... I dunno how some fancey advent children style movies would suit the BoF4 graphics but even if it had no cutscenes...

I think that 2D-3D cartoonish style would have been a much better way to go about taking final fantasy to the next level (before 3D) and it would have been perfect for that game...

For those who don't really know what I am talking about, here is a little random video clip of the game I found on youtube.
I think it would work really great for FF7... Picture Ryu with a little different hair, and cloths. Fou-Lou kind of resembles sephiroth with that silver hair... You can kind of picture it can't you?

Match Archive / Re: Goroneater vs FISSURE (Inferno: July, 25th)
« on: July 26, 2007, 01:12:55 am »
Goroneater all the way!

Entertainment / Re: Human Weapon: Muay Thai
« on: July 25, 2007, 01:31:40 am »
If you'd really like something to rival or even overtake the power of Muay Thai, you should check out "극진공수단", known as Kyokushin Karate.

With this style, a man named Choi Bae-Dal (Oyama in Japanese) defeated the strongest man in Japan, and he's been known to take down bulls with his bare hands.

Look him up!
Style can only ever be as good as the practitioner. It's not the style that makes a fight but the person applying it. Bruce lee had a quote that went something like that. It's true. Styles are never the way to go. You need to do whatever works for you. That might have worked well for him, and really well against his opponent, but its different with every single person and every single opponent. But on that note. In my opinion the best way to train would be in Jeet Kun do (JKD) which was developed by Bruce lee after he realized merely training in one style, and conforming to it, rather then the opposite of that (wing chun at the time) was worthless. It's just a mix of different key methods from some of the best martial arts, without being full on MMA. It's straight and to the point, see and react/intercept. Flow like water. No fancy kungfu show like he used to do in his movies. Jeet Kune Do is the style that is not a style. One that is infinitely flexible and adaptable to the individual and the situation.

Every style has its weaknesses too. Being the strongest and biggest guy around wouldn't helm that much in a fight with a well rounded BJJ fighter. They could snake around you and choke you or break limbs and necks and whatever in seconds if you are off guard, and even if you were they could constrict around you slowly like a boa and trap you. Ever seen the UFC fight between Royce Gracie  and Kimo? But even that isn't the be all end all. to truly overcome any obstacle you have to completely master yourself rather then a particular form or style, and train in every style possible and absorb all of the key elements and remove the useless ones.

Entertainment / Re: Human Weapon: Muay Thai
« on: July 24, 2007, 03:32:23 am »
Thanks man this show looks pretty cool I just checked up on youtube. I will watch out for it. I am really into martial arts. Joining a kungfu class in a couple weeks.

Graphics / Re: Photography
« on: July 20, 2007, 05:13:36 pm »
Those are sweet man. You never showed me all those earlier... Your gettin pretty good, even with jsut an average camera. Can't wait to see more with an expensive one lol.

I should get one and take pictures of my town, its beautiful.

Entertainment / Re: Which album's release are you looking forward to?
« on: July 17, 2007, 03:30:40 am »
Steve vai's "Sound Theories" Just released recently. Hes on tour now.


I didn't know nightwish was pumping out a new record though. I will pick that one up.

Entertainment / Re: My Guitar Skills - On Youtube.
« on: July 17, 2007, 02:02:55 am »
1. My sweeping picking failed horribly in this video.
2. I'll get a new video soon that doesn't suck as much
3. Thanks for the constructive criticism.
4. ?????

Hehe, sounds good. In the next one you should try and play some Arch Enemy or Children of Bodom. They have great songs

Entertainment / Re: My Guitar Skills - On Youtube.
« on: July 16, 2007, 03:00:38 am »
Not bad man, some of those riffs were pretty cool sounding, I think above all what you should work on is your phrasing, even when improvising, try and make things flow a little better instead of jumping all over the place, just try jamming in a certain key for a while with a metronome and you come up with some really cool !@#$%. To be honest I didn't like the sweeping parts too much. I think you are rushing them a bit too fast for your skills or something so it sounds really mashed together and there isn't a lot of melodic value to them. But you are still making them stick, try doing them slower and combining a few together. But then your style is probably more thrashy aggressive metal anyways.

You listen to Arch Enemy at all? michael amott is !@#$% brilliant the way he mixes beauty with brutality (as he says). If you don't already you should check them out on youtube, or just search michael amott. Nice guitar btw ^^

Entertainment / Re: Your Top Favorite Youtube Music videos
« on: July 14, 2007, 05:11:02 am »
W00t that's JerryC! I love his songs and compositions, he wrong awesome songs like "Canon Rock" and "Rock on".
Agreed! Except, that is actually Neil Zaza Composition, only slightly modified in certain parts. Neil Zaza is a true guitar hero. I was actually going to post Jerry's version of  I'm Alright but it has already been done hehe.

Well, I'll just post a few musical videos I have in my youtube favorites. Mostly guitar though, because I love it the most. As some of you probably know. I am a hardcore Steve Vai fan. In my opinion he is the greatest guitarist/composer in the world that has ever been. He is a living legend in every right, and his understanding of musical theory and technical skills are beyond any others.

First of all... John Petrucci - Glasgow Kiss
This is an amazing song, great melody, great composition, John Petrucci (from Dream Theater) kicks ass
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eSdDWdAIAAE" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eSdDWdAIAAE</a>

Joe Satriani - Always with me, Always with you (live extended version)
Satch is one of the best guitarists out there. I love this song, so I had to include it in my list.
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b1DzRb4DHGw" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b1DzRb4DHGw</a>

Isabella - Oziel Zinho
This is a song by a not so well known guitarist Oziel from Brasil. He wrote this song for his girlfriend. It's not super fast or anything like that but its a nice composition.
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=95QlJy0OD8g" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=95QlJy0OD8g</a>

While My Guitar Gently Weeps - George Harrison (covered by Jake Shimabukuro on Ukulele)
Need I say more?
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yNdsv08JWnc" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yNdsv08JWnc</a>

Andy McKee - Drifting
This song is amazing, I haven't seen too many people play an acoustic like that. Of course there is far better out there but in his own right, he is amazing and what he does is astounding.
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ddn4MGaS3N4" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ddn4MGaS3N4</a>

Steve Vai - For the Love of God (official music Video)
This is one of my all time favorite songs. Yes the music video is quite old, but the song was written many years ago. There are probably some better live versions of this but I kind of like the video.
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VoT7hW7B8JE" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VoT7hW7B8JE</a>

Steve Vai - Bad Horsie
!@#$% awesome song! All I gotta say. Listen to the notes...
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x3yZ1mB8cjc" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x3yZ1mB8cjc</a>

Steve Vai (and band) - Run the Hell Out of Here! (live)
This performance is !@#$% unreal, Steve Vai's band is amazing. Billy Sheehan is easily the best bassist in the world (imo) Mike Mangini owns the drums like no other, Dave Weiner and Mike Keneally on backup guitars/keybord are amazing (they can keep up to Vai)
This is one of my favorite live performances, they all really know how to put on a show, playing eachothers instruments, etc.

<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i94hIJvPsbM" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i94hIJvPsbM</a>

Steve Vai & Bassist, Billy Sheehan - Jibboom
Some of the best live guitar and bass you will ever see. Can't say much else. The first minute or so is just the tail end of the previous song that got cut into this rip from the DVD "Live at the Astoria London"
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=15m3wV1JRtk" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=15m3wV1JRtk</a>

Steve Vai & Billy Sheehan - Shyboy (Live @ The Astoria London)
Another amazing live performance you gotta watch. It's over the top lol. (this was the opening song on that concert.)
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=URqXo9XDvkk" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=URqXo9XDvkk</a>

Steve Vai - Lotus Feet ~ Featuring the Metrpole Orchestra
This is a piece Steve composed along side the Metropole Orchestra, as any other orchestral piece its quite lengthy and progressive. It gets best around 4 min. A lot of guitarists have done this "playing with an orchestra" but Yngwie or any of those shredders busting out huge sweeping patterns and arpeggios over top cannot compare to what Steve does, and his emotion.
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l7wRUxBM3io" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l7wRUxBM3io</a>

Steve Vai - Tender Surrender (live from the 80's)
Great song. Kind of slow at first, but hopefully you can appreciate it. I like it through and through. It's not all about shredding  ;)
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f1VjwciFLAg" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f1VjwciFLAg</a>

Now for a cool drum solo..

Mike Mangini Drum Solo
If you don't know who he is you don' know your drummers!
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=31c-FL0ZlZ0" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=31c-FL0ZlZ0</a>

Thats all I am going to post for now. I would post a lot more indie/ameture players but I kind of filled up my post with Vai. I might post some others later from other people.

Entertainment / Re: Guitar players, what kind of setup do you use?
« on: July 13, 2007, 01:51:05 am »
Ibanez RG350ex with locking tremlo (love this !@#$% guitar), PODxt Live pedal studio, no extra pedals, don't need them. My POD has everything I ever need for any kind of sound.

I used to just use POD as a pre-amp until i ruined my main amp, so now I just plug it into a crappy radioshack amp (works fine) or else directly into brothers computer.

Other Projects / Re: Twinsen
« on: July 02, 2007, 03:47:35 am »
This looks amazing Takam, even better then before. I love the way you did the graphics, and how everything reacts in the background. It looks really pretty and professional. Ill definitely keep track of this project.

It's probably the best thing to be on these forums.

Entertainment / Re: The Legend Of Zelda Retrospective
« on: June 25, 2007, 11:19:49 pm »
That was pretty awesome. Ive actually never watched all of these (or any of them) until now. It was pretty interesting, and fun. Ive pretty much grown out of the whole Zelda thing over the years, and having only played through most of the games up to majoras mask (including majoras mask) I still haven't played anything after that. I got the windwaker for my wii recently though, and it's really awesome. Now I just need to get TP...

This definitely was a nice walk down memory lane though, and gave me a new appreciation and respect for the series. I just wish this wasn't made until after they have played through TP. I was waiting the whole time to get to the TP section and here how it lines up and the description of the game and it's new elements. But then I realized that it was made a while ago.

Entertainment / Re: Made in Canada.
« on: June 21, 2007, 01:28:05 am »
What the hell is with Bran's constant shirtlessness O.o its SCARY

*Waits for Kleaver to enter topic and say it's sexy*

Entertainment / Re: Made in Canada.
« on: June 20, 2007, 04:54:54 am »
That was !@#$% halarious lol!

Best part was at the end... <Are you ready....?>  "BLAAAHHH!!!!"

Graphics / Re: Spritecraft (Sprites made in perler beads)
« on: June 17, 2007, 01:10:31 am »
Haha nice man! Those are sweet! Where do you get that stuff? I need to buy some... Maybe online. You're pretty good with those.

Make something huge... Queen Ghoma! :P

Entertainment / Re: 300
« on: May 04, 2007, 02:11:29 am »
this had quite possibly the worst ending I have ever seen. He could have at least killed Xerxes....
I actually liked the way that played out. At one point in the movie when h is talking to Xerxes he says "when this is all over everyone will see that even a god can bleed" or something like that. He was so full of himself, he didn't even think he could bleed himself. He convinced himself he was indeed immortal. He was so high on his pedestal. By the end he was cowering  and broken. Leading him to get worked by Greece later. Sure it woulda been a kick ass moment if he just speared him between the eyes but then what? The ending just wouldn't be the same. And they had to kinda keep to what happened. They died, and didn't defete him there. Plus wasn't he later killed by Alexander or something? The ending was one of the best parts too. Just to kinda sum it all up. If a measly 300 men strong can completely devour his army and break them down, and even make him bleed, make him human. Imagine those 10,000 soldiers of Greece at the end? It kinda leaves you with the final thought "wow".

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