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Messages - Bearer

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Graphics / Re: TarkarisZX returns, With LTTP style sheets!
« on: May 31, 2008, 12:35:22 am »
wait a minute...YOU'RE not OSM himself are you?  Cause, that'd be all kinds of cool...Just saying.

Nice sprites I guess though, haha

Discussion / Re: Hidden *.RAR Archives
« on: May 20, 2008, 10:26:08 pm »
Haha, yeah, I bet it is, but I just figured out how to do it and thought a tutorial would be cool

Discussion / Hidden *.RAR Archives
« on: May 20, 2008, 09:10:23 pm »
Hello everyone, long time no see...again.  I come bearing not a sacred ocarina, but the fruits of my labor, that being my discovery of the joys of the command prompt!  I've just made something rather cool.  I programed a little batch file (like a command shortcut if you didn't know) that will store the contents of a folder into a Winrar archive, then hide that archive inside a viewable, editable picture!  This way if you've got some kind of files you want to hide from prying eyes, this is a way to make it hidden without being verry noticeable (it'll have a higher than normal file size though).

First things first, you're going to need the program Winrar.  Winrar, as most of you should know, is a compression tool much like Winzip or 7Zip.  Find it on Google and install it if you don't have it.  REMEMBER THE INSTALL PATH!  If you installed it into
Code: [Select]
C:\program files\Winrar\than that's easy.  just make sure you write it down.  Alright, next we need to create a few folders.  I'm going to put it into the Z:\ drive.  My new folder will be called "Copier."  Inside this folder, we need to create two more folders.  I'm going to call them "Files" and "Image."  So now we have these three folders:
Code: [Select]
In the "Copier" folder, right-click somewhere and create a new text document called "Copier.bat"  Congratulations!  You just created your first batch file!  If you like, you can make a "Hello World test by copying and pasteing the following code into the text editor (right-click and click edit)
Code: [Select]
@echo off
Echo Hello World!

So, once you've done the "My first bit of code dance" (or if you've used the command prompt before and don't want to act like a newb), delete the code from the text editor, and put in what I have.  I'm going to explain it line by line by using comments (don't put the comments into the batch file!):

Code: [Select]
@echo off                                                  //makes the screen legible, but not needed
set path="C:\Program Files\winrar\";%path%                 //Imports commands from Winrar
rar a Z:\Copier\Backup.rar Z:\Copier\Files\                //creates a new Rar archive with the "Files" folder
echo Mergeing files...                                     //Prints text to the screen.  Not needed
copy /b Z:\Copier\Image\ + Backup.rar Hidden_Backup.png    //The magic code, copies two files (the picture in the image folder and backup.rar) into one new one (Hidden_backup.png)
echo Done                                                  //Prints text to the screen.  Not needed
echo Deleteing file Backup.rar                             //Prints text to the screen.  Not needed
del Z:\Copier\Backup.rar                                   //delete the old rar archive
echo Done                                                  //Prints text to the screen.  Not needed
pause                                                      //wait for user input to close window

Now, place the files you like to hide into the "Files" folder, an inconspicuous image in the "Image" folder, and run the batch file!  If everything worked properly, you'll see a new file entitled "Hidden_Backup.png".  Double click the new image, and it'll open in an image editing program, but if you right-click it and select open With and choose Winrar, you gain access to the hidden files!  You can use any picture file type, but just be sure to change the new file's type in the batch file.

There ya go!  But remember, as with anything regarding the command prompt, use it responsibly, it's a great and powerful tool

BTW: I wasn't sure how to put something like this in the new gallery format, so that's why I put it here...

Entertainment / Re: I got the Line 6 Flextone III XL amp!
« on: January 11, 2008, 03:32:23 am »
I've got this awesome Peavey Backstage Plus.  Not sure how old it is, but it's got some awesome features.  It's got reverb and an EQ as well as some Pre, Post and Sat knobs.


it rocks.

Other Projects / Re: Excitebike Mario Something!
« on: January 03, 2008, 08:59:08 pm »
you know, maybe if it zoomed in and out automatically like in Super Smash Bros, then it could work pretty well.

Entertainment / Re: Virtual Reality on the Wii! O:
« on: December 24, 2007, 05:58:25 pm »
That guys rocks.  He's also the guy who designed the $14 steadycam [/video nerd]

But yeah, I want to see some shooters with that!

Coding / Re: [Request] Make a script read another scripts specific line
« on: November 13, 2007, 10:06:37 pm »
Easy, make sure that at the end of the script you're calling (the one inside the other script), you add a
Code: [Select]
return(value);where the value is what you want the script to return.

Coding / Re: Animating a section of sub-images within one sprite [GM]
« on: November 10, 2007, 08:32:39 pm »
Actually, I'm pretty sure it was ME that requested it in the first place, lol.

Coding / Animating a section of sub-images within one sprite [GM]
« on: November 10, 2007, 05:38:38 am »
well, I needed this for something a while back, and thought it might be useful to someone.  For those of you out there who don't want lots of different sprites for your running animations, you can put all of the frames of that .gif file into one sprite in GM (works in 6 and below, not sure about 7 yet, though it probably does) and then loop just a section of those subimages rather simply.  First, you'll need a script kind of like this one (I've named it "scr_anim_within(start,tot,time)"):
Code: [Select]
if((self.image_index>=(start))&&(self.image_index<(start+tot-1)))  //if the image_index is >= to the starting subimage and < the last
     self.image_speed=time;   //this starts the animation
     self.image_index=start;   //sets the animation back to the begining
start being the first subimage in your animation, tot being the number of subimages in your animation, and time is how fast you want it to loop.

Also, make sure that the sprite that contains all of the animations has them arranged in a way like this: down, right, up, left.  this just makes it easier.

Now, in your player object, you're going to want a variable that holds what direction you are going.  It's best to assign it a numeric value for the sake of easier mathematics.  I named mine, "dir", simple enough?  it can equal 0, 1, 2, or 3.  0=down, 1=right, 2=up, and 3=left.  In the "End Step" event, put some code like this (I've commented bits of it so it's easier to understand):

Code: [Select]
switch(state)      //the variable that holds whether or not I'm moving
    case(0):                               //if I am standing
    case(1):                               //if I am moving

ok, so the place where it says: scr_anim_within(8*dir,8,1/3) is a little confuseing.  See, my sprite has 8 subimages per animation.  By useing the dir variable, it can go to the start of any animation cleanly.  Example:  If dir=0 (If I'm facing down), it will start the animation at subimage 0, and run on until subimage 7, then loop.  However, if dir=1 (I'm facing right), the the animation will start at subimage 8 and run until subimage 15.

the other sprite I have is a seperate one for the standing frames (which have no animation).  I just set it up similarly to the one with the animations so that all I need to do is set the image_index to dir.
Now, I'm sure there are better ways to do this (I haven't used GM in a while), but this works for me just fine.  Hope it helps some of you guys out a bit.  It's quite useful for keeping the number of sprites down to a minimum.

Other Discussion / Re: Guitar plug to PC?
« on: November 08, 2007, 08:54:16 pm »
I've got a cable that I got at radio shack for about $5.00 that goes directly from my guitar into my computer's mic port.  Not the best quality, but It gets the job done.

Coding / Re: Scenery Help
« on: October 06, 2007, 03:18:26 am »
Actually, a much better way to do it would be to add the following to every object's step event:

Code: [Select]
depth=y;it might actually be -y though, so try both, I could be wrong...

Also, have an image mask (solid black square).  To do this effectively, make the canvas the same size as your character's sprite, then fill that box half way from the bottom with a solid color.  Make sure to leave a 1 pixel outline of the background color (so, the total image size should be 2 pixels wider and taller).  set the origin of the sprite (the mask) to [1,1] instead of [0,0].  use this sprite as your character's mask.

Other Discussion / Running DX10 on Windows XP?
« on: October 02, 2007, 01:30:46 am »
Now, the bigwigs at MS say that it's impossible, requiring you to upgrade expensively to Vista for what is essentially an XP upgrade.  Nonsense!  There must be a way to run Direct X 10 on XP!  Seriously, does anyone have any thoughts on the matter?

In my search, anyway, I came across this gem:  http://www.fallingleafsystems.com/

I'm going to try and see if it's anything useful, but I want a discusson.  What do you guys think about it?

Other Discussion / Re: I just bought two pair of girl's pants
« on: September 26, 2007, 03:18:51 am »
I'm glad you didn't say you were a nerd.
Oh, I am, haha, but my friend does a better job portraying it on screen than I do.

Other Discussion / Re: I just bought two pair of girl's pants
« on: September 26, 2007, 03:15:30 am »
Your name is Andrew hoffman?
Are you in the mock-u-merical?
I am, I'm the guy in the "Kilt Montage" (hiking, golfing, etc...)

Other Discussion / Re: I just bought two pair of girl's pants
« on: September 26, 2007, 03:01:36 am »
Yeah, I regularly wear a kilt, so I guess I'm at the total opposite end of the spectrum here, lol

Kilts are the comfiest, and totally the best thing for the balls too..

..Well, i suppose, you don't wear it true do you? (don't answer that)

Where'd you get the kilt and how much was it? (unless you have more than one, but jesus their expensive crafted things)

Well, I wear a Utility Kilt (one because I'm not sure if there is any Scot/Irish/Welsh/what have you in me, and cause it's damn comfortable.  Also, MUCH less expensive than a "real" traditional 6 yard wool kilt.  Still pricey though.  Mine was about a $200 dollar investment (which was a good one since I went on to win 2 more through the company's Mock-U-Mercial contest; Mine's "William Wallace").  Name of the company is Utilikilts.  American Made Utility Kilts for Everyday Wear!

And BTW, I wear it true when I can, however our school hand book has a position of wearing things under skirts.  Also, I don't want to flash everyone going up and down stairs all day (or maybe I do  :P)

Anyway, if you are looking for a more traditional model, check out Sport Kilts Breathable, light weight, less pricey.  I'm actually thinking about getting one.

Other Discussion / Re: I just bought two pair of girl's pants
« on: September 16, 2007, 08:18:23 pm »
Yeah, I regularly wear a kilt, so I guess I'm at the total opposite end of the spectrum here, lol

Like I've been saying in the Bioshock topic, go pick up System Shock 2 (though if your running XP it might take a bit of force to get it to work.  Also, it is a hard game to find, even as a download...).

Entertainment / Re: Elder Scrolls V.... In Skyrim?
« on: August 27, 2007, 04:25:32 am »
You know what would be awesome?  If they actually did a game that encompassed the ENTIRE freaking map.  Common, you know that would rock.  There was a Morrowind mod a while ago that was trying to create this, but it never got finished, and if Bethesda actually made the entire world of Tamriel into one game, that would be amazing!

Audio / [request]:Bud Light real Men of Genius BAcking Music
« on: August 26, 2007, 10:14:50 pm »
Hey, does anyone have the backing music to the Bud Light "Real men of Genius" radio commercials?  I need it for a project I'm doing.  If you have one, or something close, could you send it my way?  I'd be eternally gratefull!

Entertainment / Re: ITT: Bioshock Discussion
« on: August 25, 2007, 09:32:07 pm »
So Beaverconoe has become a graphics !@#$%?
Anyway, Graphics will only have a short effect on the gamer. When you're used to better graphics, an uglier game will feel awkward, and after being used to more primitive graphics, seeing good ones feel really good. The thing is though, that no matter what, you get used to it after just a few minutes. That's what gave me the power to go back to OoT after beating Twilight Princess.

A perfect analogy btw.  System Shock 2 is the OOT to Bioshock's Twilight Princess!    :P

But yeah, some games are amazing regardless of graphics.  OoT being one of them, SS2, Goldeneye, Super Mario Brothers 3, pong, etc...

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