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Topics - Hyperhal

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Updates / z3 Pre-Registration open
« on: February 23, 2007, 12:03:02 pm »
Go to http://www.zfgc.com/forum/index.php?topic=14102.0 to apply.

There is to be no discussion in the topic. We only require that you post:

1)Company Name
2)Game Title
4)Zelda or Misc

Like I said, please only limit the topic to posting your pre-registration and nothing else. If you want to talk about z3, do it in Development Talk.

Entertainment / Diddy Kong Ricing DS - I'm luvin' It.
« on: February 01, 2007, 06:59:47 pm »
So like, on tuesday, we the Gamestop employees had to stay until a good 2:30am in order to fix up the store in order to have it spic & span for when the regional director came to visit. It was pretty kickash being there ith the crew, but whats even more kickash is that I recieved a copy of DDKRDS.

Mind you, this game comes out the fifth. I wasn't really paying attention to the release date until today, when I was conversing with Majora64 in the chatroom. I thought "Why not make a topic on zfgc, for me to gloat and for the members to find out info on it before it releases."

Well first off, this game is TOO good. Its like playing the original N64 copy, except better in a way. They added new challenges that require you to pop ballons with the stylus while controlling your car ala Kirby Canvas Curse, and nifty little puzzles that require you to draw onto the screen. But all of this isn't why I love this game so much. They maintained the original game, which was a game I played 24/7 whenever I had it in my possesion.

The only thing I could get mad about is the hoverboat controls, which is still as hard an annoying to drive as ever. Right now I'm trying WiFi to see if anyone actually has the game besides me >_____>.

Updates / Holiday Event: Creativity Contest
« on: December 23, 2006, 06:19:13 am »
ZFGC is trying something new, a different competition thats capable of being pretty popular, if everything goes right. We hope that this competition will help give everyone a chance to participate in a competiton that allows flexibility, while keeping the competitive edge that other comps offer.

This event is a contest to see who at zfgc can create the best holiday-themed material. The material will be judged by the staff of zfgc, and the final three pieces will be available for voting by the member-base. Here are the guidelines:

1) You may write, draw, or sing something that is zfgc and holiday related. This means you can do a poem on how the grinch stole demo 4, or draw zfgc getting raided by father time and new years baby. The possibilities are endless, and its up to you how you want your piece to come out.

a. Songs must be at least 2 minutes long, and must contain a hook.

b. Writing includes stories, poems, plays, and anything else you may inquire me about.

c. Drawings can be done by hand and on the computer.

2) You have until Wednesday to complete your piece and post it in your own topic under events. We will open up the events board to members soon, so you won't have any problems getting your work out.

3) I ask that you not include any curses or anything sexually explicit in your creation. We're trying to keep it suitable for all ages here.

These are the rules, and I hope that everyone will have fun participating in the event.

Updates / Holiday Event: Spriting Competition
« on: December 20, 2006, 01:25:42 pm »
Seeing as how the holidays are near, we the staff at zfgc feel we should supply the user-base with some nice, fun activities to keep you occupied while your waiting for the holiday headache to go away.

This event is indeed a spriting competition, but one like none other.

Your task, if you choose to enter, is to make a sprite sheet of your favorite LoZ character, in something festive. This could be Santa Link, Jesus Goron, or even Zelda as one of santa's elfs. Its all up to you, the creator of your sheet. Any style is fine, and you can get as creative as you want. There are a couple guidelines you need to follow though, so please read them over before you start.

1) The sheet must contain a walking animation for up, down, left, right, and one attacking animation. Any extra animations will be considered bonus points.
2) Must be a festive/holiday theme to the character.
3) Any style is fine.
4) Must not have been entered in any competitions besides this one.
5) You have until christmas to finish your character.

We are accepting applications now, and will start the competition when we recieve at least 10 entrants. Newbies and pros are all welcome, for we don't take your level of expertise as an immediate winner. We crave creativity in this contest, and thats what we want to get!

Discussion / Legend of Ganon: Return From Darkness
« on: October 06, 2006, 03:31:36 pm »
Before anybody asks, I am still working on HM: SD. This is a project that will be worked on whenever I get bored with working on SD.


If you've been around since the old SMF, you probably remember this idea I came up with one day. I DID post it back with a very early idea of what I wanted to do with the game, but it wasn't so great with ehere I was with it. But now, after thinking about my idea for a good long time, I feel that its now a good time to reveal this information for all to see.


      The year is 2009. Its been nearly 1000 years since the events of OoT occurred. The land is peaceful and thriving, technological advacement at its best. But our story is centered around a young boy by the name of Hal. Hal is a decendant of Link, the legendary hero that sealed Gannondorf once and for all, bt he does not know this. His parents have kept this fact from him since the day he was born, in order to avoid any unneeded attention to him and his family. In fact, the family has gone so far as to change their name and all, completely erasing the link between them and those times.

      "....Of course, Ganon couldn't stand up to the combined powers of the Triforce of Wisdom and Courage in the end, could he?" questioned the history teacher as he paced around the room. Hal let out a loud grunt and replied with "Link just got lucky, I'm pretty sure Ganon would have kicked his ass if Zelda weren't there." Hal didn't really have a liking for Link. In fact, he hated him. The only thing they'd discuss in history was how he stabbed some black guy in the face. The only thing that perked his interests was Zelda. The way she looked and how they talked about her, he'd be ready for anything if he met her in real life.

     Before the history teacher could assign any extra homework to Hal, the bell rang and all the students flodded out of the room. Hal caught up with his usual group of friends, and proceeded to catch the trai home. As the four sat on the train, the only girl in the group, Pechi, had suddenly been hit with a massive headache. She started screaming, and Yoshi, another one of Hal's friends, grabbed her and started chanting something before pushing his hand onto her head. "Had another premonition?" questioned Yoshi, letting go of her. "We need to get off the train now" said the now okay Pechi. Hal turned around and started to ask her why, but before the words could come out, he was struck in the head with a large piece of metal.

     Shortly after, Hal regained concious, and then got up and looked out the front of the train, which was completely destroyed. What he saw was utter chaos. Monsters flying everywhere, buildings blowing up, people being murdered on the streets, utter disarray. Completely speachless, Jed walked up to Hal and put his hand on his shoulder.

     "Ganondorf was freed 10 minutes ago."


     The mission of the game is to travel to the three poles of the world to obtain the spiritual treasures needed to create the Legendary Sword of Time in order to slay Gannondorf. While doing this, you'll need to kill 9 of Gannondorf 's Generals. The three poles of the world are located in Antartica, Brazil, and Africa.


     The gameplay will be a mix between Tales of Phantasia and LoZNES2. I haven't entirely worked out the details yet, but the way the game is  going, your going to have a overworld where you'll get into random battles. Within each battle, you'll have the opportunity to hold two weapons. Anything on the battlefield can be used as a weapon. The weapons you currently are holding can be switched between one and another on the fly, without the use of a menu. You can even dual wield if your character can handle two weapons. This game is mean't to be very menu minimalistic during battles, so mostly everything you'd need a menu for can be done during a battle. Battles are real time, and nothing pauses the battles, except for the pause button. Example: Theres a metal stop sign on the sidewalk. You can pull the sign out of the sidewalk and use the pole as a weapon to beat the enemies. Example2: You can smash the concrete and use the pieces to beat a monster. There are no stat points or anything like that. Your effectiveness you use a weapon will be based around your strength. It is also possible to wield an enemy's weapon, just so long as the enemy is dead or not holding it. Basically, the possibilities are endless. You can even use a car as your weapon if you have the correct strength.

As a new feature thats only been in this game (As far as I know), in order you use a weapon effectively, you'll need to have a certain strength rating. For example, if your strength rating is 15, you'll be able to hold a regular sword just fine. But if you wanted to hold a giant slab of concrete, your character will strain continuoly to try and use the weapon. Your character will drag the slab on the ground, and will fail when trying to swing the slab. In order to wield the slab correctly, you'll need to increase your strength by either a) Using a weapon slightly heavier than what you can effectively use, or b) work out. When you use a weapon heavier than what you can wield, your stamina will go down. When your stamina drains to zero, your character will either black out, or be unable to use any weapons. The lower your stamina, the more likely it is for you to hit lower than what your supposed to. Example: Your stamina is at 40%, so you'll be more prone to hitting 40% of what you should be hitting. Stamina can be replenished with magic or by resting at a hotel. You also have the option of allowing one of your teammates to sleep during a battle, but they'll wake up abruptly if attacked, with a possibility of a one kit KO.

You will have a constant party of four characters, each with their own specialization. Hal, the main character, will be based around sword-type attacks, although you CAN build him to be another class. Yoshi, one of the supporters, specializes in ninjitsu. He will be extremely fast and very able to do long combos, with the ability to throw stars and other skills. Pechi, another supporter, will be based around the magic class. She will be able to cast real-time, but if hit while casting, the skill will completely stop. The last supporting character, Jed, will specialize in being a archer. High accuracy and armor piercing attacks is this guy's specialty. Remember, your characters don't HAVE to be what I set them to be. They can be whatever they want, and special skills are unlocked it you hybrid between classes. Everyone has their own special skills that go with EVERY class, so it'd be good to experiment to see what happens.

There will be team skills, however they are all completely custom. The effectiveness of a team skill depends on your relationship between your party. If you were to choose four high level skills as your team skill, your relationship would have to be pretty close for the skill to succeed.

Other craps

     The way the game is going, its most likely going to be ported to Linux and Windoez only. If there are any development teams that would like to assist in getting it onto other consoles, feel free to tell me. You'll get complete credit of being the ones to port it.

The game is expected to have online and LAN capabilities, as its a very team oriented game.

Also, your character has the opportunity to listen to the radio while in a batlle/mission.

And uh, I think thats it for now. I'll update whenever I can think of what I wanted to post >_>

Other Discussion / Lastest Project: Making an Arcade Stick.
« on: July 25, 2006, 01:53:38 pm »
Yeah, now that I have a job, I can be more open about buying things, as I'm not on such a tight budget anymore. After looking around for a good arcade stick to use on my Xbox for Guilty Gear, a friend referred me to a topic on another forum that tells you how to MAKE one. The sweet thing about it is that it costs a little less than buying a preassembled one, and you get to customize it the way you want.

Knowing me, I love doing things myself, so this was like a call from heaven. I just HAD to do it. I needed the stick and wanted one that I could actually call "mines"

I've already sent in the order to the guy at the site, and my stuff is gonna get sent out on friday. I'm getting everything straight from Japan, and the box that'll be the stick's body, I'll make myself.

I bought all the parts from http://www.akihabarashop.com. The guy who runs it is really nice and makes custom sticks himself. I'll link a couple of his here to show you how high-quality it is.

The forum that I get all my information from, is http://www.shoryuken.com/forum/. Great stuff here aswell. Its a giant fighting game forum where everyone here BREATHES fighting games. It has an average of 500 users on at a time. Lots of great guys that'll help you if you ever want to build your own.

The entire process of making a stick'll cost you $100, but its well worth it, as a well made stick can be sold for a good $250. I'm so freaking syched for this, and I can't wait until I get my parts in. I'll update as I go, and if anybody is interested in making one aswell, I'll point you in the right directions to get you started.

As you can see, this is some pretty high-quality stuff. Hes helping me as I go, so mines'll come out just as good. He lives in Sweden btw <_<

Well, seeing as how all this crap is going down, lets see what the community has to say :/

Discussion / The Development Referral Thread
« on: June 01, 2006, 12:14:49 am »
This is a topic with craploads to things you may want/need to make your games. Rather they be tools or programs, or coughproncough, they're pretty good things you may want to use later. >_>;


Fruity Loops - This is a BASIC for music creations. Takes a while to get used to, but when you do, it becomes a powerful machine capable of making astonishing music. Unfortunatly, you'll have to pay for the full version (There IS a demo version, but with only four sounds D:), which could set you back $200+(Unless you know of ohers ways of obtaining it, like me >_>;;). Overall, a great program. The main site also has over 20 gigs of sounds for you to download, in order to enhance your music.

Anvil Studio - If your not into making all that complicated mp3 music, you could always go for the MIDI format. Its a whole lot cheaper than Fruity Loops, too. At the great price of free, Anvil Studio is a great program for making game music aswell. Of course, it won't sound as crisp as Fruity Loops, but that doesn't mean you can't make music just as beautiful. This is a great program thats easy, affordable, and reliable for a good long time.

Audacity - Audacity is a great thing. Sure, you can't make music with it, but its an essential item when you want to edit your sound bytes. This is a great tool to have around, as it allows you to toy around with the sounds you already have, to make them even better. This is good for cutting off unwanted parts of a song, or other sound bytes you may have. Plus it allows you to record using it. Pretty free too. :D



Allegro - A programming language for games. I don't have experience with it, so read up on it and see what it can do :D

Guichan - This is said to make some SWEET GUIs. Capable of replicating other GUIs down to the last pixel. Give it a try. >_>

SDL - This is what your using if your planning on making your game open source. Its a multi-platform library, so its pretty good if you want to port your game to Linux or something. >_>

Dev  C++ - If you don't have access to Linux, then this is your other alternative to programming in C++. A full C++ enviroment, it meets the standards of what a C++ enviroment should be >_>

-:=Other Languages=:-

Perl - A simple scripting language capable of creating graphics, but beacause it has to compile everytime the program runs, it can become slow. A pretty good language to use for smaller things though.

GameMaker - If you haven't heard of this by now, then go fall in a well and die. But seriously, a exellent program for making complicated games easily. Not much to say about it >_>

RPG Maker XP - Yeah, it costs money, but you can aquire it other ways >_>. I don't have any experience in RPG Maker, but its said to be a very good program to make RPGs similar to Final Fantasy and such.

Visual BASIC - Its okay in the creations of games and such, and said to be pretty easy. Most people frown upon it because it teaches bad programming habits, so its recommended you learn something else first.

Python - Its sorta like Perl. Actually, its pretty identicle, aside from a few differences. Also a good language for creating small things. VERY easy to use.


The GIMP - A great alternative to Photoshop if you don't have the cash. Its a free program that'll help develope your sprites and such. I highly recommend it.

Photoshop - The big daddy of photo editing software. This thing can do EVERYTHING you'd need to do. It DOES cost a pretty penny, unless you know other ways of aquiring it >_>. I HIGHLY recommend this one.

..::Other Programs::..

Winamp - Dude, your gonna be sitting at your computer for a LONG time. Listening to music helps keep you going with your "Fun" game >_>;. Free too, and one of the best players.

In order to expand this list, I'm asking people to post other programs or things they know that could help expand upon this list, mainly 3D programs and crap. >_>;

Entertainment / Snowlit Dreams [Chapter one up]
« on: April 07, 2006, 02:32:42 am »
In order to make a game that was mostly planned out, and so that I wouldn't be maing up crap as I programmed, I decided to start this topic to not only give myself a sense of direction regarding the story of my project, but as to let people know what to expect out of my game. This is written novel-style, and I may make changes every now and then. When the Snowlit Dreams website comes up, which is sometime before never, I'll move it there, or find another space and close this one.

Chapter 1 - Page 1
Chapter 2 - N/A
Chapter 3 - N/A
Chapter 4 - N/A

Discussion / Porting games to GBA
« on: April 07, 2006, 02:24:29 am »
I wanted to know how hard it would be to port something from PC to GBA. Could you just write a C++/C program, then use a GBA compiler? Is there a certain language you need to work with?

Obviously you couldn't use things like DirectX for a GBA game, but are there replacements that give effects similar to that of DX? Or is it that when your working with the GBA, there are more commands at your fingertips.

I also know that It'd be pretty useless to do this if your game was 500MB+, so you don't need to explain that part >_>

Discussion / What do you think I should use?
« on: April 06, 2006, 06:02:32 pm »
Well, in order to make my game, I'd need to figure out which programming language I'll be using.

I have no experience with any except Python and Perl.

Vote based on how easy It'll be for me to learn and use the language, and on how powerful the language is. I'm leaning towards C, as it can be ported to mostly all platforms, and thats is a major goal of mines.

Discussion / Harvest Moon: Snowlit Dreams (Pre-Overview added.)
« on: April 03, 2006, 08:34:57 pm »
Harvest Moon: Snowlit Dreams

Why I Wanted to Make This Game

It started as a joke between me and my friend rogueyoshi(Al in real life :p). I was saying that there weren't any more good HM games coming out, just a bunch of sub-par 3D games that didn't give the "feel" of that old school HM goodness. But after a while, I began doodling/writing during class(BORING) about how my game would be if I were to make it. Soon I had a whole book of information regarding the game, and I then made the decision that I should actually make it. I loved HM too much NOT to do it, I guess :p

The Main Plot

This game centers around a person whos father and grandfather were killed in a car crash. This person recieves this news coming back from a late shift at work, where he was fired the same day. After going to the funeral, his mother, which is very fragile thanks to the events that followed up to the funeral, gives him one request.

Take the land that your two lost ones have worked so hard to buy, and make it worthy of being called "ours".

What You Should Expect

This game will be a remake of this first HM game to come out, which was for the SNES. Some people ask me why I wanted to remake this one, and not a newer HM game. This is because the first was the purest HM game, with nothing but pure fun implemented. When the others came out, they strayed away from the main purpose/engine, thus making the game boring in some areas. This is also my favorite HM game, so tough :3

Gameplay Modifications

This is a basic list of what I'm putting in the game. If you want to add to this list, then post with suggestions :p

  • Hand-drawn portraits
  • 24-hour gameplay(This doesnt mean real time, but you can play and not ever go to sleep o.o)
  • Updated Music
  • Added townspeople
  • New crops
  • More animals
  • Updated sprites
  • Dynamic story
  • Record Player
  • Two new areas
  • New tool system
  • Multiplayer (?)
  • Auto-updating (?)
  • Playable Girl (?)
  • Clothing system
  • Adjustable Furniture
  • Voices
  • Anime Opening (?)
  • Greenhouse
  • New weather system
  • Added Mine
  • Pacer
  • Goddess is eligable
  • Photo Album
  • Added Events
  • Easy & Hard Modes
  • Special Cameos
  • New Inventory System
  • Alarm Clock
  • New TV Stations
  • Cooking System
  • Fireplace
  • Pets

Cast and Characters

Along with the default characters that were originally in the game, I am also adding characters that I have asked to be in it. Unfortunatly, there are no more spots open, but if you'd like a walk-on appearance, then you can post with your character. I don't guarantee I'll use you though >_<

Jack (Main Character)
Age: 20
Orginated: The City
5 out of 5 profile pictures done

Hal (Me :D!)
Age: 20
Originated: The City
5 out of 5 profile pictures done

Daniel (Easy_D)
Age: 21
Originated: The City
5 out of 5 profile pictures done

Age: 25
Originated: The City

Spence (MegaworM)
Age: 22
Originated: The Town
5 out of 5 profile pictures done

Chris (cppchris)
Age: 22
Originated: The City

Kyle (Torchicfirepants)
Age: 18
Originated: The City
5 out of 5 profile pictures done

Minh (Vampuske)
Age: 19
Originated: The Town

Justin (Stabbeth)
Age: 24
Originated: The City

Andrew (Vash)
Age: 22
Originated: The Town
5 out of 5 profile pictures done

Jesse (JesseTyler)
Age: 21
Originated: The City
5 out of 5 profile pictures done

Age: 19
Originated: The Town

Marion* (angelwolf)
Age: 22
Originated: The Town
5 out of 5 profile pictures done

Age: 21
Originated: The Town
5 out of 5 profile pictures done

Age: 17 (Really 87)
Originated: Heaven
5 out of 5 profile pictures done

Age: 3 in wolf years, 24 in human years
Originated: The Town

* These characters are eligable for marriage

As you can see, all of the characters are from the original zfgc. These are good friends of mines through TCP/IP, and thats why they are in it. <_<

Other Minor Info

  • 27 New seeds
  • Redrawn BGs
  • Online Stats Tracker (?)
  • Three New Animals (So far)

This is what I've got. Comment freely on it, and before anyone asks for any spots, It is a solo project :[

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