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Author Topic: ZFGC Weekly  (Read 1889 times)

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ZFGC Weekly
« on: December 14, 2008, 07:43:18 am »
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Volume 6, Issue 2 - December 14, 2008
irc.windfyre.net #zfgc
This week's banner courtesy of Yubel and icon courtesy of 4Sword

1. Community Announcements  (Ctrl+F CA2)
2. Best of the Forum  (Ctrl+F BF2)
3. Weekly Awards  (Ctrl+F WA2)
4. The Big Question  (Ctrl+F BQ2)
5. Featured Project: Legend of Zelda: A New World by Theforeshadower (Ctrl+F FP2)

Community Announcements (CA2)

-- The Character Contest 2008 will likely happen this week. 

-- Zidane and bertfallen are no longer moderators.  Shefali and Theforeshadower have been brought in to fill their vacancy.

Best of the Forum (BF2)

Forum Ideas.
Quote from: Pyrazor
I was taking a look through the forum the other day and was talking with Vash about some of the policy around ZFGC and he felt I should share my observations and ideas with the members.


I understand this is a lot stuff to process so questions, comments, criticisms, and suggestions are all welcome.  However, please keep it as constructive as possible.

Personally, I Fear the Cavity Creeps.
Quote from: Vash
Wow! I'm about to go get a tooth yanked out of my jaw.. that should be pretty fun. I'm terribly scared of the dentist.. well the Novocain injection more or less. Not the needle but the !@#$% itself. >.> I'm weird

Anyway... feels like an impaction with my last wisdom tooth coming in, wish me luck... in getting it yanked out. :(

Any scary dentist stories? To further the discussion?

Rock In, Rock Out.
Quote from: ZonZon9000
Hello, everyone!
I just sort-of dropped in to see what's new, what's up, and what's going down in ZFGC.

What's new with me?
Absolutely nothing, except:


Check it out, it's my new band.
We just finished up some recording, and put one of the songs on there yesterday. It's pretty good !@#$%, since we had 2,100 plays at the end of the day yesterday.


Complexities of Fantasy.
Quote from: Dracon
What a silly little fantasy. Everyone knows that most guys have to put in extra effort to make sure that both he and the girl get off. What the hell are you going to do with two? You wont have enough !@#$% power to get them both off, and you'll either end up disappointing two women. The only other option is to make sure they are bisexual, and if you go down that route, you'll surely end up becoming a forgettable side dish.
Group sex is more logical when the men out number the women.

Weekly Awards (WA2)

Vector Art of the Week
Windy's Boredom Vector
Quote from: Windy

Photography of the Week
Q.K.'s Food Photos
Quote from: Q.K.

Audio of the Week
Kingknight's Music Creations
Quote from: Kingknight

Peaceful Sanctuary:

Big Question (BQ2)

Last week's question: For students with finals, does being here conflict with the studying you should be doing?
Summary of answers: Everyone but the writer of this issue manages their time wisely.

This week's question: If they were real and you were really hungry, could/would you eat an Octorok?
Join the discussion at: http://www.zfgc.com/index.php#?action=news&sa=read&id=32634

Featured Project (FP2)

Legend of Zelda: A New World

Developer: Theforeshadower
Release Date: December 8, 2008
Genre: RPG
Language: Game Maker
Player(s): 1


Authors of this week's issue: 4Sword
« Last Edit: December 14, 2008, 07:50:50 am by 4Sword »
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