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Topics - Garoth Moulinoski

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Other Projects / [Completed] Sinfest: Slick Fights for Peace
« on: May 19, 2009, 08:57:22 pm »
I made a Sinfest fangame. It's cheesy and hopefully it has a good ol' arcade feel to it. It's based off of this particular comic.

Quote from: Original Post on the Sinfest Forums
This comic inspired me to make a shooter game (which I've been meaning to do with the Legend of Zelda series). I finally got down and did it today- started at 7 am and finished around 1 pm so don't expect too much.

Game's called Slick Fights for Peace and you basically just move around shooting stuff until you get to the Big Bad (which really happens to be an enemy from Earthbound, just because I'm lazy and the thought of Slick fighting THAT enemy was just hilarious).

Anyhow, download here from Mediafire (Sinfest Shooter.zip) and be sure to read the README.txt for controls and credits. There's no installation required, just unzip and click on the exe file (Slick's head). Only for Windows XP and Vistas users (on Vistas, you might get that "Unlicensed/Registered Program" message, that's just Vistas being stupid-secure).

Titlescreen (Again, don't expect too much)
In-Game, shows you a Israelite soldier (I hope you can tell)
Another In-Game screenshot, shows you the other soldier and the Airplane which shoots the white/red missle like in the comic
Small teaser for your after-game reward

Anyhow, let me take advantage that I finally decided to join by saying that I only discovered Sinfest a few weeks back and have since then been passing the time reading every strip. Awesome stuff. Hope this first post here goes well.

Whaddaya guys think?

Edit: Fixed the link, screenshot still has Mercedes-Benz logo

OoA/S & LA / [SOLVED] GB style Epona
« on: April 13, 2009, 04:22:48 pm »
I'd like a GB style Epona moving up. I already found Sprite Collector's GB Epona from like 2006 (O_O) but not only is that one not for use, but it also doesn't have any animations for moving up.

So, yeah, anyone up for the challenge (and willing to let me use the sprite)?

Coding / Wrap around map in GM?
« on: April 07, 2009, 01:21:31 am »
Just out of curiosity, I'd like to know if it is possible to make a wrap-around map (like the Final Fantasy's overworld maps) in GM?

Entertainment / Wall*E
« on: June 29, 2008, 02:28:20 am »
Wall*E is Pixar's best movie yet... That's how I'm gonna start this off... Well, actually, I don't have enough time b/cuz I gotta do homework...

Either way, good movie. Just watched it. Lotsa messages everywhere, animation's superb, there's not much talking, and... Just watch it!

Now, to do Bio homework.

Entertainment / Final Fantasy Dissidia
« on: June 27, 2008, 02:17:01 am »
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=27U6KAOXFYs" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=27U6KAOXFYs</a>

I so want this game. Fortunately, the best character ever is in there: Zidane. :D </FFIX fanboyism>

So yeah, anyone else waiting for this game to come out? I know I am...

...And to add further content to this topic, a list of confirmed characters!

Warrior of Light (FFI)
Firion (FFII)
Squall (FFVIII)
Zidane (FFIX)
Tidus (FFX)

Garland (FFI)
Emperor (FFII)
Sephiroth (FFVII)
Ultimecia (FFVIII)
Kuja (FFIX)

I do hope they add characters from FFIII to FFVI and perhaps two races from FFXI and two characters from FFXII. And maybe some from the Tactics games... I mean, really, this is supposed to be a Final Fantasy free-for-all, right? Only fair each Final Fantasy gets a piece of the pie...

But then again, I'm happy Zidane's in it. >:D

Topic title. Any way to fix that? I replace the popsloader plugins with the new ones included with GEN 3.95-2... I've deleted CWcheat :(... Nothing works! D:

Entertainment / Trying to open up my PSP but...
« on: June 12, 2008, 11:14:07 pm »
..the stupid screws are on too tight and my screwdriver's a piece of horse poo. Is there anyone on here that knows of a way to maybe "easify" the screws? (eh... Okay, that sounds awkward... but I really dunno how else to say it...)

And in case you're wondering, I just got a broken PSP today. The problem with it is that it only the green light turns on and when it does it stays on for about 10 seconds before turning off. Supposedly, this happened to the kid once it fell to the ground (unlikely to have caused the PSP this amount of damage imo).

So yeah... At least I know Swiftu opened up his PSP to change the faceplate... Any tips?

Entertainment / I FINALLY beat Super Robot Wars MX Portable
« on: June 09, 2008, 01:01:39 am »
Finally... I finally beat Super Robot Wars MX Portable. I ended up cheating to boost up my characters' states on the second to last scenario because I was too lazy to legitimately boost them up via playing and losing (and having to beat up things with friggin' AT fields that can pretty deflect your weaker, free attacks was not good and couple that with no healing spots on the map...!)

I think I've been playing SRWMXP for almost a year now. O_O Longest enjoyment I've ever had and I couldn't even read any of it (but somehow, I got the main gist of everything, I think.)

My best units were God Gundam, Eva 01, Eva 02, Kein's robot, Maiyo's robot, Grendizer, Mazinger Z, and Great Mazinger. Getter Robo Dragon, for some reason was not as good as Mazinger Z and the other Go Nagai characters despite my spamming of that super quadruple attack that uses it and the other super robots. O_o

All in all, the game was really fun. I'm sure I'll give it another spin later on in the future. :3 </copy&paste from my post in the Victoly! thread at Romhacking.net>

Now to go watch the rest of RahXephon with my sister.

Feedback / More events/competitions?
« on: May 30, 2008, 05:51:55 pm »
I'm sorry if this is the wrong board or if this has been answered before...

Are there any plans for future competitions? Maybe more mini-game making competitions or whatever?

Entertainment / Is FF:CC My Life as King any good?
« on: May 22, 2008, 06:57:59 pm »
Is Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: My Life as King any good? Is it worth paying 15 dollars for?

Feedback / Errrrrrr? WTF?
« on: May 16, 2008, 12:58:49 pm »

This also happened when she double posted... The Celebi took up the space at the top of her second post.

Entertainment / OMGOMGOMGOMG!!! Gundam Battle Universe
« on: May 16, 2008, 01:52:06 am »
Link Here

The first three Gundam Battle ____ games were pure awesome win. Seeing a fourth iteration of this after seeing weird Gundam turn-based strategy games comes out since after Gundam Battle Chronicles came out makes me smile with joy.

I know most of you don't care too much about Gundam, but the Gundam Battle ____ games are awesome for just about anyone.

Entertainment / Gundam: Char's Counterattack
« on: May 11, 2008, 03:28:38 am »
Y'know, I like Gundam alot. I watched Mobile Suit Gundam, Z Gundam, ZZ Gundam, 8th Team Gundam, War in the Pocket, Stardust Memory, Endless Waltz, G.Gundam, and little tid-bits of Seed.

Today, I watched Gundam: Char's Counterattack. It is a Gundam movie. I saw alot of hype over it in some of the SD Gundam shorts (parodies of Gundam) and I saw nu Gundam in Super Robot Wars, so I was sure this movie was going to be awesome.

... I only watched ten minutes and already I had the dreadful feeling that this movie was just a drawn-out 30-minute episode turned, and bloated, into a 2 hour mess. I seriously yawned throughout the whole thing and thought it to be the dumbest moment in all of Gundam, next to Rasara's death in ZZGundam. BTW, Sunrise, sound waves can't move through space- you can't talk to other people in space unless you use a radio or whatever.

So yeah, Char's Counterattack is basically a drawn out episode. Everything moves slowly, and in the rush to develop every character, you're left with the burning desire to see that girl die for how annoying she is. Fortunately, she gets blown up, so the last 20 minutes of the movie were actually better than the entire movie and even then, my eyes couldn't help but want to close.

Like I said before, I like Gundam... But this movie... This movie was just bad. </rant>

Entertainment / It's A Wonderful World- BEAT
« on: May 10, 2008, 02:17:25 am »
I beat it today at work (lulz).

The game starts off all emo and icky, but after the first couple of hours or so, the story really picks up and the characters really start to become far more like-able. As for the music... Well, I think there's something for everyone in this game, just that you can't ask the game to play just the songs you want it to play. I also think Tin Pin Slammer is a pretty nice mini-game.

The battle system is sometimes horrid and sometimes awesome. It's awesome because a person can truly fight any which way they want, according to their style and strategy. It's horrid, however, because of the stylus movement. Moving around can be tricky since sometimes, the game will confuse itself and think you're using one of the pins or whatever (if you have a pin that activates itself by touching empty space).

The art is very Kingdom Hearts-ish except that now, you have alot of a graffiti and street-like art coming in your way. In fact, to me, it felt as if the game was meant to be a comic book.

Also, an interesting note: Shibuya seems to be a real place in Japan. Of course, this is only according to Wikipedia, but hey, some things may be useful, y'know? I find it interesting how It's a Wonderful World even has things such as the Hachiko statue in there (and even used it in the story!). Really nice... Kinda makes me feel as if I went to Japan already! :P

All in all, the game's really good, despite Swiftu's dislike of it (I mean, to each their own, and I understand his reason for not liking it) Still, I think the game's good and worthy of attention. It may seem emo at first, but after a while, you can see how the characters mature and blossom.

I give It's A Wonderful World (a.k.a. The World Ends With You) a 9/10.

(Also, I considered putting this in the topic Swiftu made, but the last post was by me and was also already on the second page. On top of that, I feel this new topic has plenty of information not inside Swiftu's topic... I hope this justifies the creation of this topic. If not, then please forgive me.)

Entertainment / I just bought Metal Gear Solid stuff...
« on: April 21, 2008, 01:23:07 am »
I just bought the collector's box set for $29.99 and got Portable Ops for $17.99.

I had no MGS before this. Good buy? I feel good for being poor back in the days...

I also bought Mobile Suit Gundam: Journey to Jaburo for 4 bucks! :D I FEEL GOOD!!!

Zelda Projects / Zelda Concert Instrument thing
« on: April 19, 2008, 01:47:34 am »
Its pretty much finished except for some little cosmetic parts. I kinda don't like the button setting anymore, though...

Anyhow, here you go. You use every letter key except L and every number key to play a different note and you can change the pitch for most instruments by holding down left or right.

Enjoy. There's not much to take a screenshot of. Its not a game, its like... a musical something.

mgzedit: made the link more obvious =)

Entertainment / Chrono Trigger Remake?!
« on: April 02, 2008, 01:59:25 am »
Article here, but its mostly about FFIV
Tokita also toys with our emotions, speaking to the possibility of a remake of SNES RPG classic Chrono Trigger provided "the demand is great enough." Though like coming down hard off a caffeine high, he sends us crashing back down to earth by adding that he really wants to "create new titles and not just series installments and remakes." Yours is a cruel love, mon cher.

Tokita you numbnut- give us our Chrono Trigger Remake, no matter what platform you decide it should go on (but do it on a portable, plz).

Entertainment / Final Fantasy VII-Crisis Core Voice Acting
« on: March 23, 2008, 07:12:26 pm »
Well, I played a little bit of FFVII-CC (but only for like an hour or two- friend's) and I was surprised at how BAD the voice acting is. >_>

If they were going to come out with voice acting that was that bad, they should've just left the Japanese in and subtitled the stuff! Or at least give us the option of switching it back to Japanese (I don't think there's an option for this).

The game is still awesome- I beat it in Japanese- but the English voice acting is bad. Of course- its not bad bad, but its pretty bad. :(

Err... Discuss.

Other Discussion / Gender Discrimination on XBL
« on: March 02, 2008, 04:50:57 pm »
Even though this is about video games, I feel this topic belongs here: Girls getting discriminated against for playing video games.

Ms. Boyer's article here. In her article, she writes how every time she plays on X-Box Live, she has boys either hitting on her, fragging her exclusively, or trying to "defend" her (in a video game environment: Lame).

Now, look at the responds she got! Here's a few examples:

Quote from: #jack bauer on 02.03.2008 at 00:06

Quote from: #kalma on 01.03.2008 at 23:42
there are no girls on the internet

Quote from: Yo on 01.03.2008 at 17:59
Get back to the kitchen

Just what kind of world do we live in that there are still people who think women are only playthings and housekeepers?

Graphics / An edit I made
« on: October 28, 2007, 02:08:59 am »


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