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Author Topic: Ron Paul Cons?  (Read 2324 times)

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Ron Paul Cons?
« on: February 21, 2008, 02:56:19 pm »
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I've been constantly hearing about how Ron Paul is one of the worst candidates, so I decided to finally do a little research on him.

Seriously, what the hell!?
I haven't found out anything bad about him so far, and holy !@#$%, he's a republican!?
I must have missed something, does he speak in opposites or something?

So seriously, is there something I missed, or is he really as great as he seems?
Re: Ron Paul Cons?
« Reply #1 on: February 21, 2008, 10:54:23 pm »
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I'd think that it's obvious he's a conservative-Republican (not a Bushie, that's for sure).  More conservative than the current party-leadership anyhow.  He would have been a great candidate pre-Reagan era.

I like the neocon intellectual ideology, but I do find 80% of Ron Paul's positions desirable.  The only thing that sucks about him is his electibility and his inability to get things done.  His experience consists of legislature duties.  Not too impressive, either.

But were Ron Paul electable, I would certainly have voted for him.  Second best choice is Rudy, third best choice (and the only one of the three I liked that still has a chance) is Hillary Rodham Clinton, but it's looking like the press is working against her so much that Barack Hussein cakefarts can't be stopped.  I think that's a bit unfortunate.  As much as I hated Bill, I think his wife's fantastic.  Besides, Bill wasn't all bad.  He had quite a few centrist redeeming qualities.

Trivia: In the 2000 elections, who ran as an isolationist?

Answer: George W. Bush

Trivia: In the 2000 elections, who claimed we should be more involved and have America be a leader in the world? (And who supported nation-building when his party was in power?)

Answer: Al Gore.

What changed the dynamic?  9/11

Granted, while I disagree with the conservative ideology on the point of "we should only be involved with foreign countries when our interests are at stake", I do think that liberals are being rather hypocritical with their own ideology when they oppose "nation building".  Would I love to go to Darfur?  Sure.  It's not possible right now, but assuming it's our troops and assuming they're allowed to shoot a gun if they need to, I'm all for it.

Point in case: Ron Paul's a true conservative, what you're seeing "liberals" do with the democrat party is what Nader was afraid of all along.  And it's why I now support Hillary for president.
Re: Ron Paul Cons?
« Reply #2 on: April 08, 2008, 09:53:16 am »
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Wanting to get get our troops home to protect our own borders and stop dicking around in all these foreign countries does NOT equal an isolationist. The idea that Ron Paul is unelectable originated from the mainstream media, I really doubt any of you just decided that on your own after listening to him. If half the people in this country didn't just vote based on looks/personality and actually knew something about the candidate's plans or background then we might have actually gotten something out of this election.
Re: Ron Paul Cons?
« Reply #3 on: April 09, 2008, 09:27:36 pm »
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Wanting to get get our troops home to protect our own borders and stop dicking around in all these foreign countries does NOT equal an isolationist.
But that's a non sequitar argument.  That doesn't address the idea I present.

The idea that Ron Paul is unelectable originated from the mainstream media, I really doubt any of you just decided that on your own after listening to him.
Your assumption in that is more ignorant than us listening to the mainstream media about Ron Paul, because at least that has a basis.

And for the record... that wasn't the case for me.  I decided he was unelectable after viewing his web site.  The mainstream media never *talked* about Ron Paul.  I don't see how you can say that when they never even talked about him (except sometimes on Fox News).  This is coming from someone who watches and reads the news 24/7.
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