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Audio / Re: New soundtrack
« on: April 27, 2009, 10:06:26 pm »
Uhh yeah that would be something on Infini's end (or possibly his server). I'll see what's up with that. Anyways, I haven't had time to actually work on these in a while because I've had just, an insanely busy past 2 weeks, and it looks like this is going to be a busy one too. I'm probably not going to get any major work done on this until... the middle of May, ish...

Audio / Re: New soundtrack
« on: April 20, 2009, 09:55:29 pm »
So, the kuromori piece is about half done by now. I'll try and have the finished thing up tonight, but we'll see how that goes.

EDIT: Change in plans. Sometime middle of this week maybe? I don't have enough free time for writing music these days D:

Audio / Re: New soundtrack
« on: April 15, 2009, 08:51:56 pm »
Seems like the rain piece is pretty popular. Anyways, expect some updates this weekend. I have a load of schoolwork to get through, and a commercial song to finish up before then, but I'll try and get some of this done...soon.

Audio / Re: SFX Mic?
« on: April 12, 2009, 07:18:41 am »
Since I own the Zoom H2 I can vouch that it's very good at what it does, plus has the added benefit of surround sound in either 2 or 4 channel sound files, which is nice. There are 4 microphones within it, allowing you to record in either stereo capturing 90 degrees (good for isolating sound) or at 120 degrees for a bit more room ambiance. Anyways, I can say from experience that it's one of the better recorders for its price, and it has lots of neat features. I've used it for every sound you can find here: http://www.freesound.org/usersUploads.php?id=91374 Those should give you a general idea of what you can achieve with this. The Tascam would probably be my second choice, as they generally do a good job with their recording gear and it looks a little more fully featured than the Yamaha alternative. I can't say much about the Yamaha recorder but it does seem to be slightly lower quality overall.

Summary: Take your pick, but I would opt for the Zoom H2 recorder. It's the cheapest, most versatile, and in my experience works just fine.

Audio / Re: SFX Mic?
« on: April 11, 2009, 06:56:10 pm »
Depends what and where you're recording, and what you're recording WITH.
For example, are you recording things that can be easily transported or brought to your computer where your mic is? If you are, I can recommend a few mics, but then consider this...
What if you want to record something outdoors? Or something large like.. an acoustic piano in another part of the house, or if you want to travel somewhere to record, etc.
There's a lot of options, but it all depends on what you're trying to record.

1. A decent, battery powered microphone. This would be if you want to do things on a budget. For most microphones, they need phantom power to operate. Battery powered mics aren't the best quality, but they'll do the job without the need to buy a mixing board or phantom power supply. A word of caution: microphones generally need some kind of pre-amplification to raise their signal to a usable volume. Either you find a very cheap pre-amp ($60 minimum) or deal with some hissing. Either way, it's going to be difficult to get a good clean recording with a microphone alone. Which leads me to the 2nd option.

2. Portable audio recorder. A lot of audio companies make very decent portable recording solutions these days. Your cheapest options here will be about $200 for either a Zoom H2, Tascam DR07, or a Yamaha Pocketrak 2G. $200 seems like a bit much, but when you break it down, this could be good or bad.
- You'll spend a little more out of the box, but have a fully portable and ready to go recorder that will give fairly good quality.
Cost: $200
- You could go the other route, by buying an entry level mic ($60-80), and a cheap preamp ($60).
Cost: $150 (approx.)
The problem with choosing the cheaper option is that your quality levels won't be as high, and nowhere near as versatile as a portable recorder. On the other hand, if you plan on doing *lots* of recording, it might be wise to invest in a GOOD mic, a basic preamp and possibly even a mixing board. Buying good quality equipment with this route will actually end up costing you more in the long run (I spent approx. $800 on my current recording setup) but offer greater quality.

TLDR: It's not going to be cheap either way, but for the best bang for your buck I would start out with one of those $200 portable recorders. That's how I started, and they'll give you a very good, clean sound without virtually any hissing. When you start looking at physical microphones, there's a lot of gear that has to go with it, like mixing boards, pre-amps, and so on. It will cost a lot more for good quality equipment and you'll be limited to wherever your computer is, but at least you can always upgrade.

So, yeah. Sorry about the huge rant but I basically compiled all the things I wish I had known when I started with audio recording :p good luck...

More resources:

Audio / Re: New soundtrack
« on: April 11, 2009, 06:18:33 pm »
Haha, yeah, like I said a lot of this is recycled, with new titles and such. The title screen piece is basically just a short audio 'cue' or whatever that would play at the title screen.
What happened with hanging lanterns and rain is that basically at one point I wanted to make Rain a lot longer, so I thought that the lanterns piece could be added in at the end. I guess if used in a game soundtrack it would help a bit with the continuity of the music's atmosphere.
Also, I'm not quite sure about the Akamagaseki shore/temple song. I think at one point that used to be the 'shrine' song or something. To be honest I can't remember, I'll have to do some research lol.

Anyways, I'm going to try and finish the kuromori (literally 'dark forest') song soon, then try to figure out if I already finished Akamagaseki Shore/temple... if I haven't though, that's what I'll be starting on next :p.

EDIT: Ok, so it turns out that yes, Akamagaseki Shore was already completed. For some reason I didn't have a copy of it on my hard drive anymore, but luckily I had the FL Studio project file. I'll update the list with that track. Thanks for bringing that to my attention, sjegtp.

Audio / New soundtrack
« on: April 11, 2009, 04:16:27 am »
So, it's been a while since I've worked on any major audio projects. I kept busy mainly with the odd job here and there for games doing music or sound effects, some of which got published, others may not have..

Anyways, lately I've been lacking inspiration and motivation to work on music, so I thought I could make a topic like this to organize myself in. Topics like these tend to help, I've noticed, such as the CR soundtrack topic. Just gives me a place to organize my music and such, and gives me at least a bit of drive to finish it off.

Most of the songs here will be old tracks that you might have heard before, some of them under new names, but I'll be continuously trying to increase the amount of new material here. The theme will generally be the same - somewhat ambient, eerie, Japanese (or at least East-Asian) inspired music. Why?
I haven't been working on any games for a while, but I've had a few ideas in mind I *may* attempt at some point far in the future. Because of this, there won't be a strict layout for this "soundtrack" and I'll keep adding tracks as they come along. Without further ado:

1. <a href="http://binaryphoenix.com/itohdaichi/Title%20Screen.mp3>Title Screen[/url]
2. <a href="http://binaryphoenix.com/itohdaichi/Akamagaseki%20Shore.mp3>Akamagaseki Shore[/url]
3. Hoichi
4. <a href="http://www.binaryphoenix.com/itohdaichi/Chrysanthemum%20Palace.mp3>Chrysanthemum Palace[/url]
5. Enryaku-ji
6. <a href="http://www.binaryphoenix.com/itohdaichi/Courtyard.mp3>Shrine[/url]
7. <a href="http://www.binaryphoenix.com/itohdaichi/Hanging%20Lanterns.mp3>Hanging Lanterns[/url]
8. <a href="http://www.binaryphoenix.com/itohdaichi/Kuromori.mp3>Kuromori (WIP)[/url]
9. <a href="http://www.binaryphoenix.com/itohdaichi/Rainfall.mp3>Rain[/url]
10. The Cloud and Water Guest
11. <a href="http://www.binaryphoenix.com/itohdaichi/kai.mp3>Province of Kai (WIP)[/url]
12. Mountain Pass

TLDR: The tracks in blue are finished or at least a work in progress, and can be listened to or downloaded. I'll be releasing all the tracks here for you to listen to individually as I complete them. This list will probably grow over time. As usual, comments and criticism, although there isn't much new material as of yet, is appreciated. Hopefully this will keep me motivated to write more music.

Contests / Re: Contest #8: TOMC #1 09
« on: March 23, 2009, 09:57:27 pm »
Soooo basically...
I have a WIP song that needs to get ready for a project on OCRemix (a link's awakening remix)
and also, a job for some game music.
Between the two of them, it's not likely this will get finished since it's not really a priority as compared to these (I'll lose my spot on the project, and lose the job if I don't finish :p)
Sorry. We'll see. Maybe I'll pull out some ridiculous composing skills and do all 3 in what.. a week? :p not likely though.

Audio / Re: Need a VST for FL Studio..
« on: March 22, 2009, 09:27:18 pm »
Strange sounds? As in...?
If you're looking for synths and weird pads and stuff, check out Protoplasm. For a synth that can generate basically any synth sound, check out the Synth1 vst. Umm asides from that there's some really weird stuff like Sun Ra and Subtilior that can generate some weird sounds. Just search for them on kvr audio or google or something.

Coding / Re: Question about music
« on: March 22, 2009, 08:43:09 am »
I've always kind of wondered about this myself.
There's 3 possible options I've thought of, though I'm not sure which is generally used, or if I'm way off track...

1) "MIDI". Console systems such as the SNES or N64 had their own soundcard in the system which generated sounds to be played on something similar to midi tracks. What probably happened is these signals are simply repeated at set points, allowing for an infinitely long loop of music.

2) The audio is cut and timed with extreme precision so that the original audio file is precisely long enough that when coded to perform a simple "loop" by playing the song again after finishing, it sounds like there is no gap in the music. I've always thought this to be a terrible way to do things, and I don't know if it's used, but it has too many flaws. If the song loads again too slow it won't be on time, and if it's not cut at the precise millisecond AND at a point where there won't cause any strange audio side effects, the beat of the song won't carry through. Lastly, most songs tend to have a short intro, and then a looping part of a song. Seems like more work than necessary to create 2 separate sections (ie. intro and looped segment)

3) The song is kept in memory constantly until it needs to stop. Then when the song is nearing the end, it is played again while the other instance of it finishes playing. This would also be hard to time, and it just seems inefficient.

So basically, I don't know how it's done in professional games. Audio glitches in regards to looped music in those is almost nonexistent or very subtle.

Entertainment / Re: What are you reading?
« on: March 21, 2009, 06:42:15 am »
Just finished "Kwaidan" by Lafcadio Hearn and "The Narrow Road to the Interior" by Matsuo Basho :p

Contests / Re: Contest #8: TOMC #1 09
« on: March 21, 2009, 06:39:58 am »
Haha so YEAH. great. I only realized much earlier this week, but I haven't even been in the city for most of this week, meaning my piece is still at the 'somewhat' WIP stage and totally not finished :F

If entries are still being taken I miiiight have to do a cop out and write some piano song >__> sorry. I'll try finishing what I was working on for sometime this/next week though lol.

Contests / Re: Contest #8: TOMC #1 09
« on: March 14, 2009, 06:56:04 am »
I'm about halfway doooone...
There's a good chance I'll finish sometime this weekend :3

Entertainment / Re: Drunk Japanese Guy Explains Super Mario Land
« on: March 03, 2009, 05:43:32 am »
Has anyone figured out what the guy was talking about when he talked about "breaking house window" and "eating mother's pizza"?

He was talking about how bad those goombas were :3
He said one was stealing panties, and the other broke someone's window.
I can understand breaking someone's window, but stealing panties... haha. I laughed. Seems like something that only a Japanese person would make reference to.

Contests / Re: Contest #8: TOMC #1 09
« on: February 28, 2009, 06:39:56 pm »
Rush in hi-fi ;3

Graphics / Re: Yokai
« on: February 16, 2009, 06:59:15 am »
I didn't use anything special really, just a regular old HB 2 pencil on some canvass type paper (or sketchbook paper, it's a bit thicker/grainier than most). I took a picture with my camera, tweaked some of the colours in photoshop (the lighting in this room gave it a blue tint).

I should have been a bit clearer in the intro paragraph, sorry. When I said "Yokai/japanese ghosts/monsters" that was just me listing synonyms. So basically yokai are japanese demons or ghosts, however you want to think of it. "Gazu Hyakki Yakou" is basically a listing and illustration by Toriyama Sekien of a hundred of these 'yokai'.

Graphics / Yokai
« on: February 16, 2009, 06:26:44 am »
This is the result of a couple hours of boredom...
It's a combination of several yokai/japanese ghosts/monsters with inspiration for the art style taken heavily from masters such as Hokusai, Sekien, etc. The kanji and hiragana both say "Yokai". The quality is pretty blurry/rough because it was kind of a quick shot with my camera. I'll see if I can get a version that retains the clarity of the paper version later.


Entertainment / Re: Fantastic Contraption
« on: February 16, 2009, 02:02:21 am »

Feedback / Re: Weird Guests
« on: February 11, 2009, 02:34:33 am »
There's a slight lag in the Who's Online lists, essentially what 4Sword was saying. When switching between two pages fairly quickly, especially with the use of the back/forward buttons the list can't show the same user twice being in two different places at once so it shows the other as being a Guest... at least that's how I think it works...

Graphics / Re: Tsuruya
« on: January 31, 2009, 02:02:26 am »


Other than that, nice vector lol. Tsuruya needs the green hair though ;__;

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