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Messages - Moon_child

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Noh, what i mean is that it would look like a actaul game that once have been sold in stores if you fix the graphics :P With real games i mean games that is NOT fan games and such...

Zomg! New record! =D
14120 Points ;)
Beat that if you can :P
LOL, I could never sell this even if it had fancy graphics. Simply because Frogger is a creation from Konami. They own all the rights and stuff. And this was never intended to be sold. I wouldn't even want to sell it even if I could. Because although I like my own Frogger clone, there are better versions out there! And I'm not gonna change the graphics of this version, simply because I rather want to spent my time on the Nintendo DS version. And maybe te graphics in that version will be changed/improved. Of course you could change the graphics yourself if you have Photoshop. And it appears you already did so. :)

p.s I HAVE to get a better score then you! haha.

I gonna beat you, just so you know.
And when i do it, ill show you a Print Screen  ;)
You should try to imporve the Graphics, if you do that. It will be like a real game if you do that.
It will be a real game AFTER I improve the graphics? XD So all this time I didn't really work on a game because the graphics are out dated?... :P

It was awesome =)
I came to level 4 and i got 6170 points.
I give you a 4/5.
Funny game to play :]
Well thank you! :)
The best score I got so far was 10050!

Maybe upload it on Filebeam.com or something? The stupid Mediafire wont let me download it, appers a stupid error message when im downloading it and says that the connection is broken. I have tryed a several times.
I replaced all the download links with this one:

Well thanks to the advice of infinitus the CPU amount being used has been decreased around 5 times! This should make it run fine on anyone's computer. could the people who had problems confirm this?

I also changed 2 things:

1) You now get 1000 points when you bring 5 frogs home.

2) The time decreases much more like the original frogger.

I'm also interested in how far people here manage to get? What level + score information would be great. Anyway here's the download link to version 1.1! :)

Other Projects / Re: [Frogger] My first C++ game! :D (PC version)
« on: February 24, 2009, 09:10:56 pm »
I tried it and it was really good and fun to play.

But seeing as how many get errors here, I wonder what you've exactly used for programming this. As you've said you used C++, but that is not enough to create a game. Have you used DirectX or OpenGL or even a Win32 API. And have you made the game for 32 bits or 64 bits PC's. And which OS

I can say this. I have a Athlon 64 (64 bits) with Windows Vista 64. The latest in DirectX and OpenGL. And it works.
What errors did you get? And I just updated the links in this topic, since I forgot to erase a code line that tried to load a sound that wasn't there. And I used a library for the graphics and sound effects that my C++ teacher wrote. It runs perfectly fine on Windows XP/Vista 32 bit, I don't know about 64 bit.

Other Projects / Re: [Frogger] My first C++ game! :D (PC version)
« on: February 24, 2009, 08:59:01 pm »
I also receive an error when opening the file on Windows XP.

frogger.exe has encountered a problem and needs to close.  We are sorry for the inconvenience.

The error occurs when I double-click on the .exe file (to run it).

Edit -
Did you extract the Frogger.exe and res folder somewhere?

I extracted the files to my desktop in a folder called "Frogger".
EDIT: Sorry for the error guys! I made a embarrassing mistake! It tried to load a sound that I didn't include, because I wasn't using it... I fixed it now!
Here's the fixed version.
(old link removed; version 1.1 link in the first post!)

Other Projects / Re: [Frogger] My first C++ game! :D (PC version)
« on: February 24, 2009, 08:34:28 pm »
I want to try it but i get error when trying to open it :[
I also think that the game would be funnier to play if you tryed to get better graphics. :p
Did you extract the Frogger.exe and res folder somewhere?

Other Projects / [Completed] Frogger :D (PC & DS versions)
« on: February 24, 2009, 06:58:26 pm »
I had to create a game for a school assignment, so I chose for Frogger. I thought it was pretty doable for someone with my experience in programming with C++! And since I had only around a week to finish it, I decided to give it a shot! And in my honest opinion I think it turned out pretty nicely. I wrote (PC version) in the topic title, because I'm planning to create a Nintendo DS version as well. It won't be a straight port of this version though. Because I think it would be cool to use both screens for the game. Like the lower screen for the street part, and the top screen for the water part. I will start working at this version soon. It will probably take a bit longer then this version. Because I also have to start working on the next school assignment. Which is a network game.


Download link to version 1.1
Click here to download the game.

Arrow keys for moving frogger, and cursor in the game over screen.
Enter for starting the game when you're in the menu, and enter is also used to decide whether you try again or not when you are game over.

If you found a bug then please let me know, and please be specific about where it happend, how it happend, etc. (A screen can help explain A LOT) :)

Other Projects / Re: Steam Achievement Generator
« on: February 24, 2009, 05:48:20 pm »
Really nicely done Infinitus!

I played the demo, and I can't say much about it. Besides that the animation speed should be faster. Anyway good luck with your project! :)

All I get is an empty window, i'm guessing that isn't meant to happen.
You didn't place it in the root of C ?

Entertainment / Re: Well !@#$% you EA! >:(
« on: February 21, 2009, 12:49:04 pm »
Not too long ago I was excited about the news that Deadspace was coming to the Wii. But guess what? The game is ON-RAILS....  :-[ What the !@#$% EA?  :(


Why didn't you expect this <_<?
Because the original Dead Space was not on-rails?...

I think hes trying to say "Why didn't expect the fact its most likely going to be !@#$%"
Because I'm a optimist.

Entertainment / 8bit Zelda Medley <3
« on: February 21, 2009, 12:48:26 pm »
Someone made a beautiful 8bit Zelda medley from OoT/MM songs. You really have to hear it!

Entertainment / Re: Well !@#$% you EA! >:(
« on: February 21, 2009, 01:26:19 am »
Not too long ago I was excited about the news that Deadspace was coming to the Wii. But guess what? The game is ON-RAILS....  :-[ What the !@#$% EA?  :(


Why didn't you expect this <_<?
Because the original Dead Space was not on-rails?...

Entertainment / Well !@#$% you EA! >:(
« on: February 20, 2009, 02:02:39 am »
Not too long ago I was excited about the news that Deadspace was coming to the Wii. But guess what? The game is ON-RAILS....  :-[ What the !@#$% EA?  :(


Discussion / Re: N64 OoT Save Format
« on: February 19, 2009, 02:58:04 am »
Why would you want to know the save format of OoT?...

Coding / Re: Distortion in Game Maker?
« on: February 19, 2009, 02:53:44 am »
Could you explain yourself a little bit more? Because distortion has several meanings.

Graphics / Re: [WIP] Mabe Village LttP Style
« on: February 19, 2009, 02:15:25 am »
That's looking great! are you gonna use it for a fangame or doing this just for fun?

Other Projects / Re: [Demo] Golden Sun: The Lost Age Editor
« on: February 19, 2009, 02:12:22 am »
Made in GM?.... HOLY !@#$%! :o I'm suprised that you managed to pull something like this off with GM. Although I wonder, since you are able to write an dll in C++, why bother making a tool like this in GM?

Other Projects / Re: Sprite Sheet Maker
« on: February 19, 2009, 02:09:25 am »
That looks like a really usefull tool! I'll wait for a stable and faster version!

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