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Author Topic: [DEMO] pureLA Engine and OoTGB  (Read 24479 times)

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Re: pureLA Engine and OoTGB
« Reply #40 on: May 28, 2009, 07:26:33 am »
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:) Thank you


Some more updates;

<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EW7GYATFG-A" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EW7GYATFG-A</a>

Basically finished up the sword script. ALL of those upgrades made that you see in the video are done through the item script. Nothing is dependent on Link. Hooray for modularization.

Ignore the slight video lag; it's not the game, it's the machine I'm on now (slow as !@#$%)

Random tidbit:

Justin OLeary says:
How long until we officially pass TRM? XD
Mamoruanime says:
Mamoruanime says:
6 or 7 minutes?
« Last Edit: May 28, 2009, 07:40:54 am by Mamoruanime »

King Tetiro

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Re: pureLA Engine and OoTGB
« Reply #41 on: May 28, 2009, 07:32:03 am »
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I have to try that some time (Not depending on the Link object)
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Re: pureLA Engine and OoTGB
« Reply #42 on: May 28, 2009, 09:25:09 pm »
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Shield item is finished. Biggest thing about it is that it uses the EquipStep event in the item scripts. It runs through a step event without being used (or creating a dummy object)

<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q0V-qbP08dE" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q0V-qbP08dE</a>

On a side note; I'm going to need some people to overlook and optimize some of my code. Being too close to the project makes it too easy for me to overlook some stuff :P

I don't need this right away though <_< I'd rather wait until some systems are near complete.
« Last Edit: May 29, 2009, 01:13:27 am by Mamoruanime »


Re: is zfgc dead yet?
« Reply #43 on: May 29, 2009, 07:48:39 am »
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Progress update for tonight:

Not much really; added some more depth to the inventory system. I'm trying to focus on the scrolling system. A lot of mathematical annoyances there along with some pretty crafty things that need to go on (a lot of steps involved to scrolling a room). Either way, I'm chuggin away at it. Probably not going to get much more progress done this evening though.

Deku stick mechanics have been thought out- it'll work like the sword in the way it slashes, however if you hold your slot button, you'll be able to carry your lit torch until you release the key. Releasing the key will return the stick into your inventory, however leaving it out too long while the stick is on fire will result in losing the stick entirely. Hitting an enemy or wall with the stick will also result in losing the stick.

« Last Edit: May 29, 2009, 07:59:35 am by Mamoruanime »
Re: is zfgc dead yet?
« Reply #44 on: May 29, 2009, 08:18:15 am »
  • AKA "Micah DS"
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... I'm trying to focus on the scrolling system. A lot of mathematical annoyances there along with some pretty crafty things that need to go on (a lot of steps involve to scrolling a room)...

Do you mean scrolling as in, (1) the room doesn't actually scroll and it still fits on one screen, but when you walk to the edge it does a "transitional scroll" into the next room, OR did you mean (2) that you'll be having large "rooms" in which the "view" scrolls inside the room because the room can't fit on one screen?

Deku stick mechanics have been thought out- it'll work like the sword in the way it slashes, however if you hold your slot button, you'll be able to carry your lit torch until you release the key. Releasing the key will return the stick into your inventory, however leaving it out too long while the stick is on fire will result in losing the stick entirely. Hitting an enemy or wall with the stick will also result in losing the stick.

And it's so great! :)

Except, I can understand that the stick would burn up if lit too long (btw, classic XD), but did you mean that by hitting an enemy or wall you'd lose it entirely as well (as opposed to just dropping it on the ground)? Meaning it would break? I guess that makes sense, but you'd have to animate the stick breaking or have a sound effect at the least, otherwise it'd seem weird like, "Oh, the stick just vanished in to thin air." Just some thoughts.
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Re: pureLA Engine and OoTGB
« Reply #45 on: May 29, 2009, 08:25:00 am »
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Yeah, it's going to split in half and fall. Imagine it like... when the bushes are cut (not as leafy though XD); it'll split, then flicker while it falls and disappear.

As for the room transition part-

Basically the steps for the transition are the following-

1st step- lock all objects; they can no longer perform their step event.
2nd step- transition the room by 1 screen while moving link by 16 pixels in that direction.
3rd step- seamlessly shift every object, tile, and the view over to the position the view previously was so the view is centered once again on the middle of your room.
4th step- unlock all objects inside of the view. Discard any objects 2 rooms away from the center.

There are a lot of individual scripts at work for each of those steps lol... A bit of a pain to keep them all organized in such a way that the systems don't... overlap with one another. (I want each one to be standalone)
Re: pureLA Engine and OoTGB
« Reply #46 on: May 29, 2009, 08:33:58 am »
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Yeah, it's going to split in half and fall. Imagine it like... when the bushes are cut (not as leafy though XD); it'll split, then flicker while it falls and disappear.

Perfect :)

As for the room transition part-

Basically the steps for the transition are the following-

1st step- lock all objects; they can no longer perform their step event.
2nd step- transition the room by 1 screen while moving link by 16 pixels in that direction.
3rd step- seamlessly shift every object, tile, and the view over to the position the view previously was so the view is centered once again on the middle of your room.
4th step- unlock all objects inside of the view. Discard any objects 2 rooms away from the center.

There are a lot of individual scripts at work for each of those steps lol... A bit of a pain to keep them all organized in such a way that the systems don't... overlap with one another. (I want each one to be standalone)

Yeah, I can see how that adds a considerable amount of difficulty to the programming. Good luck! Btw, I'm really liking this project! XD
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Re: pureLA Engine and OoTGB
« Reply #47 on: May 29, 2009, 08:38:54 am »
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Actually I accidentally left out a step D:...

Step 4 should be "Load new room files along with their object data", and then 5 was the 4 I put on there :s

Lol that's kinda why I'm having issues doing it right now. I need to write it all on paper and go from there lol
Re: pureLA Engine and OoTGB
« Reply #48 on: May 29, 2009, 09:02:18 am »
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Actually I accidentally left out a step D:...

Step 4 should be "Load new room files along with their object data", and then 5 was the 4 I put on there :s

Lol that's kinda why I'm having issues doing it right now. I need to write it all on paper and go from there lol

Yes, lol, that is an important step. Btw, I like how you've been posting video updates, and from the looks of it you seem to capture the GB style magnificently! :) This is pro
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King Tetiro

Leader of Phoenix Heart
Re: pureLA Engine and OoTGB
« Reply #49 on: May 29, 2009, 09:24:13 am »
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Yeh i have to agree. video updates rock!
  • Phoenix Heart


Re: pureLA Engine and OoTGB
« Reply #50 on: May 29, 2009, 09:34:03 am »
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I'm going to hold off on the scrolling system a bit more, and use the room/object shift + load scripts I have right now. I'd like to focus more on NPC development, and get all of that ready.



Re: pureLA Engine and OoTGB
« Reply #51 on: May 30, 2009, 05:34:38 am »
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I've removed any independent objects from the game, and made them dynamically load. IE objLink no longer exists; he is now part of the objActor group. objActor is a shell for any actors in the game, much like objItem is a shell for items. Keeps filesize down and what not.

Working on the dialog system now. Blah blah all part of the tedious Actor system :s
« Last Edit: May 30, 2009, 06:21:21 am by Mamoruanime »
Re: pureLA Engine and OoTGB
« Reply #52 on: May 30, 2009, 09:16:22 am »
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A interesting way of programming a engine. I'm keeping my eye on this project.


Re: pureLA Engine and OoTGB
« Reply #53 on: May 30, 2009, 09:18:38 am »
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A interesting way of programming a engine. I'm keeping my eye on this project.

Lol, it's probably the *only* proper way to code an engine for GM. People get stuck in this rut where they focus everything around a ton of random objects. It gets so unorganized that you can't implement the engine into another game at all due to dependencies on other little bits and pieces :p

With this you just need a few objects total to run your entire game. Those objects dynamically call scripts based on the way the developer sets up their game. IE: scrActorCreate(x,y,script); will create objActor, and force it to run only the routines specified in the defined script. Users responsibility to add the appropriate actor and item scripts though.
« Last Edit: May 30, 2009, 09:28:19 am by Mamoruanime »
Re: pureLA Engine and OoTGB
« Reply #54 on: May 30, 2009, 09:28:50 am »
  • AKA "Micah DS"
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Lol, it's probably the *only* proper way to code an engine for GM. People get stuck in this rut where they focus everything around a ton of random objects. It gets so unorganized that you can't implement the engine into another game at all due to dependencies on other little bits and pieces :p

Very true. That's why this project is so great! It's being done the RIGHT way. Good stuff. :)
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Re: pureLA Engine and OoTGB
« Reply #55 on: May 31, 2009, 09:57:15 am »
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Last update for 4 days-

I haven't really made much progress outside of touching up some of what I already have this week. It's been pretty hectic. I'll get more done next week.


Re: pureLA Engine and OoTGB
« Reply #56 on: June 05, 2009, 07:22:20 am »
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Okay- been fixing up some random crap that's been bugging me. Making some things run independently instead of relying on a specific object still (well with the exception of objController, which is required to run any of the systems).

Here is my current upload-dump, each is a milestone in development-

Code: [Select]
[pureLA.zip] 50.16kb 05/6/2009(Fri)07:58:45 0
2 [pureLA.zip] 49.69kb 05/6/2009(Fri)06:53:13 0
3 [ganondorf.PNG] 757b 30/5/2009(Sat)08:17:02 0
4 [pureLA.zip] 49.63kb 30/5/2009(Sat)08:12:43 0
5 [pureLA.zip] 48.87kb 28/5/2009(Thu)10:13:18 0
6 [pureLA.zip] 46.61kb 28/5/2009(Thu)10:26:55 0
7 [pureLA.zip] 44.08kb 28/5/2009(Thu)08:20:30 0
8 [pureLA.zip] 43.56kb 28/5/2009(Thu)07:17:36 0
9 [pureLA.zip] 43.22kb 28/5/2009(Thu)06:35:03 0
10 [pureLA.zip] 42.62kb 28/5/2009(Thu)03:22:07 0
11 [pureLA.zip] 41.84kb 23/5/2009(Sat)05:28:11 0
12 [pureLA.zip] 41.58kb 22/5/2009(Fri)09:23:55 0
13 [pureLA.zip] 40.81kb 21/5/2009(Thu)11:06:08 0
14 [pureLA.zip] 40.68kb 21/5/2009(Thu)06:42:50 0
15 [pureLA.zip] 40.64kb 21/5/2009(Thu)06:32:19 0

It's kind of my personal build backup. I'll possibly make them all available once I get some releases going. Anyway, the current dump involves fine tuning the menu some more; making it function properly with the other objects in the game. I still need to rewrite the code for the menu to cope with the one-script one-var items system... Not that hard, but I've been putting it off a bit. I'll get to work on that shortly.
Re: pureLA Engine and OoTGB
« Reply #57 on: June 05, 2009, 09:13:47 pm »
  • AKA "Micah DS"
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Thanks for the update Mammy!

I hope you get more time to work on this because I have great faith that it's going to be the best GB Zelda engine here on ZFGC, aw heck, the best anywhere! ^_^
I'm never one to use another person's engine because I always like to do things my way from scratch, but your engine is looking so good that even I would use it.

Your project remains my favorite for sure. :)
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Re: pureLA Engine and OoTGB
« Reply #58 on: June 07, 2009, 11:14:43 pm »
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Well thank ya' lol

Progress has been slow lately due to having to work the weekends. Thankfully this is my last full weekend working for a while lol


Re: pureLA Engine and OoTGB
« Reply #59 on: June 16, 2009, 03:49:18 am »
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Okay small update-

I'm incredibly busy with everything and it's taking away from this entirely too much >_<;; Although I set this up as a side project, theres almost no *side* to work on it.

If anyone's willing to work off of what I have so far, and follow the concepts I've put behind it accordingly, let me know and I'll send the source. Only sending this to one person though to continue it temporarily.

EDIT: Bit of clarification-

I'm not abandoning this at all. In fact, I'm still going to be working on this in my free time (when I have it), but if someone who has more time than I do would like to take on the task of finishing and fleshing out some of the systems I have using my methodologies, please say so soon :P
« Last Edit: June 16, 2009, 06:24:41 am by Mamoruanime »
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