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Messages - Vaati

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Zelda Projects / Re: [Trailer] OoT Mod: Project 3rd Quest
« on: September 20, 2015, 05:52:05 am »
Hello, I just saw this on Youtube. Brought in some nostalgia, with the added factor of being something completely new as well! Looks really good. It seems I'm looking forward to pretty much anything N64 Zelda mod. Looks great.

Entertainment / Re: Do you guys actually read youtube comments?
« on: October 07, 2010, 10:24:36 pm »
*Bleep* yeah I do. I have three bands I like, that happen to be Christian, or formed by Christians, so I think most of you know that those kind of songs get alot of arguements going for them at times. I usually join the wreckcrew.

Zelda Projects / Re: [WIP]Ocarina Of Time 2D
« on: September 27, 2009, 05:32:27 pm »
My Kokiri Forest looks so plain...

Now, now...don't say that! Xfixium's just looks more...alive than other OoT 2D projects made before, your's is still good, and you gotten quite far in comparison to others.

Zelda Projects / Re: [WIP]Ocarina Of Time 2D
« on: September 12, 2009, 03:36:21 am »
Thank you very much, man.

Best of luck for your project  XD.

Zelda Projects / Re: [WIP]Ocarina Of Time 2D
« on: September 12, 2009, 02:04:52 am »
Do you use Paint for the job or simply Gamemaker?

Thanks for the instructions, but I'm sorry, I didn't get them completely...like the "blending operations" thing  :P.

Zelda Projects / Re: [WIP]Ocarina Of Time 2D
« on: September 10, 2009, 09:14:30 pm »
Could you please tell me where to get those tiles or tilesets? PLEASE!  :'(

Its just ALTTP tiles with a FSA filter applied on top ...

Ah, please forgive my foolish question...I have those filters, just that I didn't know how to use them :P

Zelda Projects / Re: [WIP]Ocarina Of Time 2D
« on: September 10, 2009, 06:20:30 pm »
Could you please tell me where to get those tiles or tilesets? PLEASE!  :'(

Zelda Projects / Re: [DEMO]The Legend of Zelda : Ocarina of Time 2D
« on: August 28, 2009, 12:28:59 am »
Hello, Ahmio, I haven't entered this site for a few months now...I thought project was dead by now, but awesome  XD! You went on progressing, I have tested out the demo...the only little problems are:

-Link's saumersault frame needs to be a little bit faster
-And that you can get stuck in some corners sometimes.

But that's just about it, I can't really complain about anything, nor should I, many users in this and many other sites tried making an OoT 2D but harshly failed.

Keep it on...I know you will progress more  XD

Zelda Projects / Re: [DEMO]The Legend of Zelda : Ocarina of Time 2D
« on: December 07, 2008, 03:30:00 pm »
Seriously, good work.

I remember like just a month and a half ago you were just starting and we doubted you would even get to Great Deku Tree, and look at you now, good job, keep up the good work.

Zelda Projects / Re: [DEMO]The Legend of Zelda : Ocarina of Time 2D
« on: November 18, 2008, 02:53:02 pm »
Alright, this demo is awesome, keep up the good work. XD

Zelda Projects / Re: [DEMO] LoZ: Guardians of Hyrule
« on: November 10, 2008, 10:25:49 pm »
Hey, why do you guys use coding and Drag & Drop options? Sorry, I'm just wondering  because games that use coding have many more bugs.

Coding allows for waaaaaaay many more possibilities in game design. Drag and Drop is for simple games.
The reason Coded games have more bugs is because they are generally more complex and intricate.
The more complex ANYTHING is, the more likely it is to fall apart or not work.

Thank you, still it doesn't matter, you guys pulled some great work over that fan-game.

Zelda Projects / Re: [DEMO] LoZ: Guardians of Hyrule
« on: November 10, 2008, 09:06:37 pm »
Hey, why do you guys use coding and Drag & Drop options? Sorry, I'm just wondering  because games that use coding have many more bugs.

Zelda Projects / Re: [DEMO]The Legend of Zelda : Ocarina of Time 2D
« on: November 10, 2008, 04:36:07 pm »

Wow. Deku Tree tiles.

Fix the doorways and you're good to go!
Thanks!!! I'll fix the doorways, but for now......

Has any LTTP Oot2D ever had the intro cutscene ?

Keep the bed on the top instead of the right.

Zelda Projects / Re: [Demo]The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past ADVANCE!
« on: November 08, 2008, 04:17:54 am »
I've tested the demo, you've done a great job, in fact, it's even better than it looks, you should try your next demo in Hyrule Castle. XD

Submission Archive / Re: [Costume] Master Poll
« on: November 06, 2008, 01:39:32 pm »
Congratulations, DJvenom the magnificent. And you too, Shadowman and Danzt.

Wow, this year's Costume Contest was fun and awesome.

Submission Archive / Re: [Costume] Master Poll
« on: November 02, 2008, 07:33:12 pm »
I voted for Bluleef, Shadow Man and Jetstorm4. 8)

Contests / Re: Contest #7: Halloween Costume Contest
« on: November 02, 2008, 12:08:05 am »
Awesome costumes, both of you, sincerely those costumes rock.

By the way, 4sword, can you tell us who won?

Thank you.

Discussion / Re: Zelda Future
« on: November 01, 2008, 12:39:08 pm »
Hey, just so we all don't think I'm dead, here's a little recent graphical stuff from the wiki.

If all goes well I should be able to show off Castleton in a short while.

Awesome, but don't you think Link might need a little more futuristic look?

Entertainment / Re: Pick your top 5 favorite Zelda songs
« on: October 31, 2008, 03:11:22 pm »
Yet, the ones I posted aren't my top 5 songs, I got ALOT more.´

Can I post more?

Contests / Re: Contest #7: Halloween Costume Contest
« on: October 31, 2008, 01:52:10 am »
I would've loved to join, but I didn't have a costume, naybe, next year? :'(

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