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Messages - AimesGames

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Zelda Projects / Re: Legend Of Zelda: Silent Echoes
« on: September 18, 2021, 03:53:54 am »
Well, I changed operating systems because it was hard to work on this on Linux, and somehow my flashdrive corrupted after I installed Windows 10... :'( Starting this over. I'll just use the original Zelda OOS or OOA sprites instead of the recolors because it's easier to keep tract on crediting.

Anyways, here's the video of the intro.


Zelda Projects / Legend Of Zelda: Silent Echoes
« on: September 05, 2021, 12:07:50 am »
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A long time ago when I was a teenager who had a dream of creating a Zelda game, I started making one.
I built my skills in Game Maker, and eventually made an engine that resembled what a somewhat Game Boy Zelda felt like,
I was determined to not use any example files, and I was determined on learning instead of copy and pasting.
I created an alpha build of Zelda: Forever Nightfall which featured a text engine, shield, sword, and save features.
After that, I stopped the project and started a project called Silent Echoes. It went from 2d to 3D, and then I gave up on it.
Now, going back to the gameboy style I am used to, I am starting up my Zelda game project once again with improved story, game-play, and feel.

The style is more of a Zelda Ocarina of Time meets Game Boy Zelda games.
This game starts off similar as Forever Nightfall, but without the cringey story I wrote for it.
This game is going to tackle on why Demise have hatred for the goddesses. I already have the intro written out, but I think I won't spoil that until the milk demo is fully completed.

While I have you all waiting, I will link my old cringey Zelda game demo here. The very beginning of gameplay is very similar to this where you have to receive the shop keeper's inventory from the monster.

It's an incomplete buggy mess. You were warned.



(I will properly write the names of the rippers momentarily)

Discussion / Good mood on a crappy day!
« on: April 25, 2015, 02:43:10 pm »
Today is super cloudy here, and it's rainy.  Which to me, puts me in a good mood.
I love playing Zelda games on rainy days, or watching other Zelda projects that people make on YouTube!

Speaking of which!
I feel like messing around with Blender.  I made a little simple game project, where you just walk.  And I was like.  Wow, that is so easy to do on Blender.  And well, I think I may just start transferring my game into Blender, which isn't nothing much except a title screen.  I want to do this so developing is faster.  You can also export your games, which I didn't know before which is why I turned away in the beginning.

And.  I really want to show you guys this person's Zelda game project made in Blender, and it really inspires me.

<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BOBg3g-WLes" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BOBg3g-WLes</a>

MGZedit: Fixed the youtube link

Zelda Projects / Re: The Legend of Zelda: Silent Echoes
« on: April 23, 2015, 03:51:51 am »

I personally think it looks nice.

Zelda Projects / Re: The Legend of Zelda: Silent Echoes
« on: April 23, 2015, 02:37:02 am »
If you had a hard time reading it, it's probably our screen differences.  I am on an HP ENVY, and the graphics card is A10 Vision AMD.  I am telling you that I can read the logo just fine, but I am practically being harassed about it for some reason as if I was lying or something.  No, I can read it fine.  20/20 vision seems to be rare these days, and unclear vision can result in blurry vision.  So, that said.  I maybe thought you had a hard time reading the logo -because- of the how gradient shaded to the right.

Now, I appreciate the criticism, but since this is my project and my post, I don't appreciate the non-feedback/lecture.  I obviously don't know much about colors, and I admit.  I don't need the constant spam of saying I was wrong.  If I wanted to learn from you, I would of had PM'd you.  And I say this in a matter of respect.

As for the graphics thing. The logo is graphics, yes.  But, I was thinking you were commenting on the graphics of the game itself.  As for everything else, I am not using this logo.  I am using the one that Fantym made since it's very nicely done.

Zelda Projects / Re: The Legend of Zelda: Silent Echoes
« on: April 23, 2015, 01:42:58 am »
It had nothing to do with graphics.  It had something to do with reading the logo.  I have no problem on reading it.
And has for color theory, I should probably get on that.  I honestly think getting good colors are hard to pick out.


Oh, I really love your logo design.  It actually matches to what I am going for.  I'll add you in credits and make a video montage (?) on the title screen.  Thank you all for the criticism.

Zelda Projects / Re: The Legend of Zelda: Silent Echoes
« on: April 23, 2015, 12:25:59 am »
I have 20/20 vision, so to me it's easy to read.  I think the problem is the gradient effect, but I wasn't much focusing on that.  I was trying to learn on how to use GIMP 2.  I could add an outline, and change the gradient effect.  And as for the lighting, could you elaborate on that?  Is there a name to that effect?

Thank you!

Zelda Projects / Re: The Legend of Zelda: Silent Echoes
« on: April 22, 2015, 06:36:15 am »
This isn't really a huge update, but I really want to show off the title screen.
Without Lighting

With Lighting

MGZEdit: Fixed your image links :)

Zelda Projects / Re: The Legend of Zelda: Silent Echoes
« on: April 18, 2015, 08:56:59 pm »
Now I can get to progress.
I had trouble animating Link, so I stalled the project for awhile.  I was originally going to try to learn python, but life happens, and I didn't really like python, nor do I look Blender game making.  So, back to GM: Studio!

This project will now go on! If I have further complications, I'll just start go back to 2D.

Zelda Projects / Re: The Legend of Zelda: Silent Echoes
« on: January 27, 2015, 04:25:47 am »
That's what I was using.
It only uses .d3d models, and the process of converting models to .d3d is too complicating.

Zelda Projects / Re: The Legend of Zelda: Silent Echoes
« on: January 25, 2015, 04:46:37 am »
Good news and bad news!

Bad news is...Stalled again! I can't just can't use Game Maker...Blender and Game Maker aren't friends.  SIGH. So, I am going to learn on how to use Blender to make games.  Wish me luck! I am getting the hang of things!! :)

Good news is...Link has a walking animation! :) Yay!

Zelda Projects / Re: The Legend of Zelda: Silent Echoes
« on: January 22, 2015, 03:10:54 am »
Progress will be slow. I have started college two weeks ago.
But, expect nice updates at least. I haven't given up, nor do I plan to!

P.s. This will seriously be my first time animating a 3D model, so please don't expect something none choppy and professional.  But, please do give some criticism so it becomes a decent animation.

Zelda Projects / Re: The Legend of Zelda: Silent Echoes
« on: January 20, 2015, 03:43:08 am »

Listen! Hey! Listen! Hey, hey! -shot-
Anyways, I just wanted to show everyone that I am using a model replica from Super Smash Bros. of Young Link! :)

Zelda Projects / Re: The Legend of Zelda: Silent Echoes
« on: January 19, 2015, 02:52:54 am »
Bahahaha. Not yet, he's in surgery.

Zelda Projects / Re: The Legend of Zelda: Silent Echoes
« on: January 18, 2015, 04:59:27 pm »

Starting to get back into the project! I am learning on how to rigid models! This will allow me to make animations on the models! :) The reason why I stopped was because I got so irritated by blender, but I think I got the hang of it now.  I was able to move Link's head!!! :D I know right, amazing! Soon, you'll see Link walk! :)

Zelda Projects / Re: The Legend of Zelda: Silent Echoes
« on: October 03, 2014, 02:16:45 pm »
Woohoo.  So I found out how to have the texture load properly on Link on SivModeler (easiest program to edit models/fix).  What's great about SivModeler is that it's made with Game Maker, so Game Maker will read the model easily with all the fixes.  What I want to do now to my 3D projection test now is to make Link look a bit better, so I gotta do some research to make Link good as on SivModeler.

SivModeler Link.

Fixed.  All I had to do was separate Link from the camera.

Zelda Projects / Re: The Legend of Zelda: Silent Echoes
« on: October 03, 2014, 01:50:02 am »
Just need to bump this up so people can see~
New idea for the game.  It will no longer be in 2D. ^.^

Graphics / Re: Ocarina of Time 3D: All Icons
« on: October 01, 2014, 09:56:44 pm »
Waaa~Thank you so much! I'll use these when I comfortable doing 3D! :3 You're the coolest~ x333

Graphics / How to do this...(Got it)
« on: October 01, 2014, 03:52:24 pm »
I need your guy's help...
I am making my first Zelda game in 3D.  I can't effin get this thing to work.  So basically, I imported a premade model that was on Zelda capital, and I don't know how to put link's head back on.

Help me! Please and thank you! :C

Discussion / Re: Legend of Zelda: Silent Echoes --- Ideas
« on: October 01, 2014, 12:10:11 pm »
If WINE supported everything Windows (which hopefully is getting better and better I hear), I'd start using Ubuntu.  Game Maker works, but no midi support (which I got used to to use).

Though, I actually did have some computer problems lately that I have fixed I think, so I am on Windows of course now.  But with my experience with Linux again, I got midi to work kind of.  Except it cuts out when playing a Game Maker game if a sound other than the music players.  I am not really fund learning new languages, though.  I like the idea of Game Maker.  Games also should be something you should be able to play offline.

Thank you so much for those suggestions! Also, by the way I learned on how to code on BYOND (mostly C) and Game Maker, which are really fun to use~and easy.  I also learned on how to code on a little script that emulates C++ (used with a BYOND game).  Though, I have new plans for this project.

I am thinking about making it 3D~

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