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Topics - Vaati

Pages: [1]
Discussion / Kirby In Hyrule (Kirby fangame)
« on: September 18, 2008, 06:13:07 pm »
Hello fellow users, I want to make a fangame, a Kirby fangame, but main problem is, I don't know how to make platform games, neither sprites, etc.

You think you could help me out?

I'll be the story writer, I will be needing spriters, mappers(I think that's what they call the ones who make the maps) and programmers, the project will be developed in Gamemaker 6 or 7.

Here are a few beta screenshots(Thank you Atomicd1 for helping me with the upload): XD

This just some screenshot I posted. See that backround? It's actually from Kirby but I need some help, I need to make it look like Lake Hylia, I'll need some map spriters. You think you could help?

Kirby in Lost Woods, I know it sucks and that's why I need help, like I said I'm a beginner.

I'll be needing Deku sprites (side-scroller). Thank you

Discussion / Need Help.
« on: June 25, 2008, 12:38:33 am »

I need help in video uploading(for Youtube) i want upload a video i made,it's over 1 GB and Youtube only accepts 1 GB or lower

What Can i do about this?

My Youtube username is soul1112


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