« on: June 16, 2016, 06:10:54 pm »
I have mixed feelings. I like that there FINALLY seems to be voice acting and an open world. It looks like fun to walk around in it (the wall climbing and sliding on a shield is a nice touch). Though I wonder how long walking and flying around will stay fun seeing as the world is so vast and feels somewhat empty from what I've seen so far. I'm glad they brought exploration back to the series, though. It's something that's been lacking ever since Wind Waker, though that was mostly exploring water. It's almost like they 'filled up' the Great Ocean in this game with actual land to explore!
Having said that, I do agree with Donotfeedthemax. The graphics, no matter how you slice it, look dated as !@#$%. It doesn't make it unplayable, but compared to similar games that are out nowadays it really really stands out to me. Graphics have made an insane leap and Nintendo just feels like it's constantly lagging behind.
I'll have to see if the NX is any good, because there's no way I am buying a Wii U now obviously. If the NX is the same kind of garbage like before then I am definitely done with Nintendo.