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Author Topic: [Game] The Legend of Zelda: Black Crown  (Read 93080 times)

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Re: [WIP]The Legend of Zelda: Black Crown
« Reply #40 on: October 28, 2008, 02:54:21 pm »
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Hey tikta, may i ask how long you've been working on this project for? considering beta release is soon, that means you must have alot of content in there already!

Hah, hard to tell. This game went over many rewrites.

First try was over 4 years ago in C++ and SDL. I was just learning the API and it lagged like hell! Heh. Then some time later another try in C++ and OpenGL. Much better.

Then I've switched over to .net, writing my own rendering engine that used Tao.OpenGL.
This was the one version I've posted here on ZFGC.

Not really happy with my code I've switched over to use XNA, that was back then when XNA 1 was released. Complete rewrite as I knew .net much better now!

Now we come to this very newest version. By now I knew .net inside out, and I knew how to not do things. A complete rewrite was in place once again! For example now I use an component based entity system. I must say I'm quite happy with the current version of the game.

About content ... the game has got quite some content now: 152 items, 21 quests, 3 (unfinished maps), tozens of talents and attacks. More than any previous version! It is still not enough for it to be a true beta. (as in that it is feature complete ;) far from that!!)

For example I'm still completly missing the Magic talent tree. The logic for it is in place, but I just don't have the sprites needed for it.

But I need the feedback of you awesome players to improve the game!
I have one little problem with creating new content: .. I kinda suck at spriting ;O
« Last Edit: October 28, 2008, 02:57:09 pm by Tikta »
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Re: [WIP]The Legend of Zelda: Black Crown
« Reply #41 on: October 28, 2008, 05:33:08 pm »
Hey tikta, may i ask how long you've been working on this project for? considering beta release is soon, that means you must have alot of content in there already!

Hah, hard to tell. This game went over many rewrites.

First try was over 4 years ago in C++ and SDL. I was just learning the API and it lagged like hell! Heh. Then some time later another try in C++ and OpenGL. Much better.

Then I've switched over to .net, writing my own rendering engine that used Tao.OpenGL.
This was the one version I've posted here on ZFGC.

Not really happy with my code I've switched over to use XNA, that was back then when XNA 1 was released. Complete rewrite as I knew .net much better now!

Now we come to this very newest version. By now I knew .net inside out, and I knew how to not do things. A complete rewrite was in place once again! For example now I use an component based entity system. I must say I'm quite happy with the current version of the game.

About content ... the game has got quite some content now: 152 items, 21 quests, 3 (unfinished maps), tozens of talents and attacks. More than any previous version! It is still not enough for it to be a true beta. (as in that it is feature complete ;) far from that!!)

For example I'm still completly missing the Magic talent tree. The logic for it is in place, but I just don't have the sprites needed for it.

But I need the feedback of you awesome players to improve the game!
I have one little problem with creating new content: .. I kinda suck at spriting ;O

Haha wow, i see, so by the looks of it this should be the version to stick with, it's really hard to be "satisfied" with a game, because there's always so much more you can add, so considering your happy with it in its current state is very promising.

And about content, that's really great, so you've got alot of the features in the game, the basics ect, so now it's actuley onto creating the content and sqashing bugs :)

It's a shame i'm not a good spriter either, or i'd offer you my help, but your current sprites look great, unless of course, you didn't create them yourself hehe.

Well i can't wait for open beta, and of course i'll give you my honest opinion on the current state of the game, and if there's any suggestions (there always is!) i'll be sure to let you know, keep up the good work!
Re: [WIP]The Legend of Zelda: Black Crown
« Reply #42 on: October 29, 2008, 02:04:56 pm »
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One more day until XNA 3 comes out! \o/ :)

I've added the Controls, Crafting Recipe List and Credits to the third post of the first page.
Those will also be included in the game, but just to be sure!
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Re: [WIP]The Legend of Zelda: Black Crown
« Reply #43 on: November 02, 2008, 02:29:26 pm »
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And the game goes public beta! Thanks a lot to my alpha testers.

You can download the standalone game (no install) here:
http://tick.federrot.at/zelda/beta/TheLegendOfZelda_BlackCrown.zip (12.2 MB)

Or you can download the game, including all prerequisites here:
http://tick.federrot.at/zelda/beta/TheLegendOfZelda_BlackCrown_FULL.zip (22.2 MB)

A future version of the game might ship with an installer or OneClick!
I'm looking forward to your feedback. Don't forget to read the Controls.txt :>!

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Re: [WIP]The Legend of Zelda: Black Crown
« Reply #44 on: November 02, 2008, 08:00:56 pm »
I downloaded the full version, and installed everything that came with it, i start up the game, intro starts fine, i then go to create my own file and it crashes to desktop, know what i'm doing wrong?

Edit: got it working, just required a computer restart hehe, so first impressions were good, the graphics were awesome, and the polish on the menus and items felt great.

Though i've got to point out the combat and walk speed just didn't feel right, the combat felt way too slow, and the same for the walk speed, but i'm sure a little tweaking can fix this.


Walking while swinging your sword causes the animation to only 1/4 finish.

Somtimes while shooting enemies with the bow it will go straight through them

Will update if i find any others!

But as i thought, so far the game is fantastic, and with a little tweaking on the combat and movement, this will be a great game. Hope my feedback helps you!
« Last Edit: November 02, 2008, 08:15:39 pm by Kusimeka »
Re: [DEMO]The Legend of Zelda: Black Crown
« Reply #45 on: November 02, 2008, 09:20:48 pm »
  • I just saved Hyrule! I'd say that's worth a kiss.
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Ok, I tried this.

First off, you certaintly do have to jump through a lot of hoops to install this. You should try and integrate this into one big install, if at all possible.

So the actual game:

The music is nice I guess. I liked some of the visual effects such as the fog and darkness, although afternoons make things orange, you might consider adding that kind of effect.

Link's sword animation looks a little odd. Like it isn't animated enough. The bow and arrow is fine.
I didn't try out the special moves. All those numbers are very intimidating. That's really hardcore. It might alienate people who arn't so strategy/RPG oriented.

Also, it could use sounds. just saying'

On the other hand, the underlying engine is pretty impressive.  Very well written and you clearly put a LOT of time and effort into this. Bravo.

We may as well call it "Small Forum Populated by a Few People Who Make Fangames, Mostly About Zelda, But More Often Talk About Other Nintendo Franchises Central"
Re: [DEMO]The Legend of Zelda: Black Crown
« Reply #46 on: November 04, 2008, 05:48:33 am »
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Ok, I tried this.

First off, you certaintly do have to jump through a lot of hoops to install this. You should try and integrate this into one big install, if at all possible.
Once again, it appears that your intelligence and powers of perception have no limits. Had you downloaded the correct version, you would have been fine.

So the actual game:

The music is nice I guess. I liked some of the visual effects such as the fog and darkness, although afternoons make things orange, you might consider adding that kind of effect.

Link's sword animation looks a little odd. Like it isn't animated enough. The bow and arrow is fine.
I didn't try out the special moves. All those numbers are very intimidating. That's really hardcore. It might alienate people who arn't so strategy/RPG oriented.
Go play Neverwinter Nights 2, Baldur's Gate, or any D20-style RPG. It's how most of us who follow the Strategy/RPG path prefer it. You can't hit every audience in a single game, so you might as well hit hard in a single target audience.

I'll edit in my thoughts after I play for a bit.

Played out pretty decently, transitions between time of day were smooth, though I suggest a different method of displaying the time of the day, perhaps one that works better to immerse the user into the game.

Animation speeds, as well as movement speeds, of the various actors and objects could be a touch faster than they are, though it's possible that it was simply lagging on my machine, because I'm in the process of extracting VMAPs and DBCs from World of Warcraft.

All-in-all, pretty good work.
« Last Edit: November 04, 2008, 06:01:23 am by Minalien »
There's such a double standard about religion in the modern world. Catholics can gather, wear white robes, and say "In nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti" and be considered normal.

But if my friends and I gather, wear black robes, and say  "Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn", we're considered cultists.
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Re: [WIP]The Legend of Zelda: Black Crown
« Reply #47 on: November 04, 2008, 01:36:16 pm »
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Thanks for trying it out and giving your feedback :). It's still all very much in development, and your feedback is just perfect to try and make the game better. I'll try to answer some of your concerns/questions.

I'd like to talk about combat speed first. It indeed may feel quite slow at the beginning of the game. But what could I do against that? Remember that you are going to get tons of new attacks.

Just to name some of the attacks that are currently implemented:
Bash, Push, Whirlwind, Counter Attack, Parry Strike, Light Arrow, Multi Shot, Poisoned Shot, Arrow Shower, ..

Also don't forget that Agility, some items and talents increase your Attack Speed.

Played out pretty decently, transitions between time of day were smooth, though I suggest a different method of displaying the time of the day, perhaps one that works better to immerse the user into the game.
That'd be great. I agree that the game needs more elements that make the player feel more like they are actually living in the game world. But I as a programmer, and not a good spriter, choose the easiest path for now. I suck at spriting :(!

Though I've got to point out the combat and walk speed just didn't feel right, the combat felt way too slow, and the same for the walk speed, but I'm sure a little tweaking can fix this.
Walk speed too slow? Hmm; I could increase the default walk speed by a whee bit. Just don't forget that there are also items that increase your walk speed; and the Sprint skill in the ranged talent tree.

Walking while swinging your sword causes the animation to only 1/4 finish.
I've decided to put this in as it increases combat speed. I think you'll get why I choose to do that when you get more than one attack :).

Sometimes while shooting enemies with the bow it will go straight through them.
Not a bug, but a feature. Arrows a have a chance to pierce through their target, there is even a talent that increases your chance for that to happen.

Also, it could use sounds. just saying'
Heh. Some more would be great, yes. But I'm not going to add combat sounds I think. This game has way too much fighting, swing swing splash kaboooom waaagh arghhh! Same with picking up items.

Maybe a level-up sound effect?
« Last Edit: November 04, 2008, 03:29:57 pm by Tikta »
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Re: [DEMO]The Legend of Zelda: Black Crown
« Reply #48 on: November 04, 2008, 02:11:27 pm »
Thanks for your answers tikta, And sorry for my stupidty, that's actuley a feature and not a bug!

About the walk & combat speed, after playing a bit more i've realised that yes, once you get higher level combat speed should be fine, but i still agree that the walk speed could do with a little boost, maybe make agility increase walk speed aswell?

Edit: I think some combat sounds would be nice, but maybe sounds like from LTTP, sounds that are quite simple and wouldn't get annoying, but so it doesn't feel like your hitting into the air, and a level up sound would be fantastic :)
« Last Edit: November 04, 2008, 02:13:11 pm by Kusimeka »
Re: [DEMO]The Legend of Zelda: Black Crown
« Reply #49 on: November 04, 2008, 03:29:36 pm »
  • I just saved Hyrule! I'd say that's worth a kiss.
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First off, you certaintly do have to jump through a lot of hoops to install this. You should try and integrate this into one big install, if at all possible.
Once again, it appears that your intelligence and powers of perception have no limits. Had you downloaded the correct version, you would have been fine.

I did download the correct version Min, you simply misunderstood. I downloaded the one with Direct X and .net and that other thing I forgot the name of. Having to install 3 other things to play a demo is annoying, even if all 3 things are in the same folder. One big installer would be much nicer and easier and less off-putting.

Learn to not be an ass Min. People are seriously starting to hate you.

We may as well call it "Small Forum Populated by a Few People Who Make Fangames, Mostly About Zelda, But More Often Talk About Other Nintendo Franchises Central"
Re: [DEMO]The Legend of Zelda: Black Crown
« Reply #50 on: November 04, 2008, 03:45:07 pm »
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Aliento, I agree with you. XNA games require way too much stuff to be installed.
I've tried to create an installer, but sadly it didn't work like I wanted it to. I'm going to look into it :)

.net 3.5 is going to come to Windows Update soon and will be integrated into Windows 7; that should increase the amount of machines that have .net 3.5 installed.

About the walk & combat speed, after playing a bit more i've realised that yes, once you get higher level combat speed should be fine, but i still agree that the walk speed could do with a little boost, maybe make agility increase walk speed aswell?
I've slightly increased the movement speed of the player. You can see all changes I've done so far to the game (since beta release) in the change log here:

Code: [Select]
********************************* *********************************
The Legend of Zelda - Black Crown
                           CHANGE & KNOWN BUGS LIST
********************************* *********************************

This list only contains changes that made it into a publicy released version of the game.

              + Added feature or noticable improvement
              - Bug fix or something removed
              * Changed or Information
              ! Important - Take note!

+ CTRL-Right clicking on an equipment in the inventory or the bottle now
  tries to put the item into the secondary equipment slot (related to Necklaces, Rings, Relics and Trinkets).
+ New 'Level Up sound'. May be switched out with a better version later. Any suggestions~?

+ New Item: Bloody Fish Knife (from Red Skeletons)
+ New Item: Expensive Silk     (from Demon Girls, and Demon Eye Babys)

* Base movement speed of the player has been slightly increased.
* All .wav sounds have been converted to .ogg! Reduces the size of the game by ~400KB.
* Hyrule Fields.mp3 has been converted to .ogg! Reduces the size of the game by ~1MB.
* Greatly reduced memory footprint by converting all fixed-size entity pools into dynamic-sized entity pools.
  In entities this means that 100 less Projectiles, 100 less Flying Texts and 3 less Lights are created.

- Fixed Iron Ore description. You indeed only need 3, not 5, ores to create iron.
- Fixed Crit not being rounded to two decimal places in the Character Status Screen.

« Last Edit: November 06, 2008, 02:12:12 pm by Tikta »
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Re: [DEMO]The Legend of Zelda: Black Crown
« Reply #51 on: November 04, 2008, 03:57:45 pm »
  • I just saved Hyrule! I'd say that's worth a kiss.
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Aliento, I agree with you. XNA games require way too much stuff to be installed.
I've tried to create an installer, but sadly it didn't work like I wanted it to. I'm going to look into it :)
Yay :3

It's good to see developers try and be considerate of the player's wants.

Anyways, I've already installed all that stuff, so I guess for future versions I can just download the game itself. I look forward to it.

We may as well call it "Small Forum Populated by a Few People Who Make Fangames, Mostly About Zelda, But More Often Talk About Other Nintendo Franchises Central"
Re: [DEMO]The Legend of Zelda: Black Crown
« Reply #52 on: November 06, 2008, 07:54:10 pm »
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Quote from: Aliento
It's good to see developers try and be considerate of the player's wants.
The players are the most important. :)

Quote from: Aliento
Anyways, I've already installed all that stuff, so I guess for future versions I can just download the game itself. I look forward to it.
Yep, indeed!

I've been wondering what you guys, that have played it, would like to see in the next version. An Ocarina system is on my to do list; but not sure when I want to start on that one.

Here's an image of the world editor (it uses WPF):
« Last Edit: November 06, 2008, 07:56:26 pm by Tikta »
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Re: [DEMO]The Legend of Zelda: Black Crown
« Reply #53 on: November 06, 2008, 08:28:55 pm »
  • I just saved Hyrule! I'd say that's worth a kiss.
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Well, I think having sounds would be good. As the game is, it's oddly quite and feels odd. If the player doesn't like it, maybe have an option to turn them off?

Also, an ocarina engine would be cool. You might thing about other instruments, though. Guitar, flute, saxophone? Ok maybe not saxophone, but still.

We may as well call it "Small Forum Populated by a Few People Who Make Fangames, Mostly About Zelda, But More Often Talk About Other Nintendo Franchises Central"
Re: [DEMO]The Legend of Zelda: Black Crown
« Reply #54 on: November 08, 2008, 02:00:30 am »
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Two new important changes that are in the current dev build:
Code: [Select]
! From now on the player won't be able to move while attacking with the sword.
! In exchange the speed of the melee attack animation has been increased.

I'm looking forward to hear your feedback on those changes.

Well, I think having sounds would be good. As the game is, it's oddly quite and feels odd. If the player doesn't like it, maybe have an option to turn them off?

Also, an ocarina engine would be cool. You might thing about other instruments, though. Guitar, flute, saxophone? Ok maybe not saxophone, but still.

I'm more and more considering to add (disable-able) combat sounds. I'll just have to find and steal them first :O. Minish Cap hmm..
« Last Edit: November 08, 2008, 02:13:39 am by Tikta »
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Re: [DEMO]The Legend of Zelda: Black Crown
« Reply #55 on: November 08, 2008, 02:04:15 am »
  • I just saved Hyrule! I'd say that's worth a kiss.
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If you're looking for sound,s a HUUUUUUUUUUGE collection of at least 75% of Zelda sounds from every game was made by Goodnight.


We may as well call it "Small Forum Populated by a Few People Who Make Fangames, Mostly About Zelda, But More Often Talk About Other Nintendo Franchises Central"
Re: [DEMO]The Legend of Zelda: Black Crown
« Reply #56 on: November 09, 2008, 12:19:08 am »
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If you're looking for sound,s a HUUUUUUUUUUGE collection of at least 75% of Zelda sounds from every game was made by Goodnight.

Awesome, thanks :) \o/.

The latest changes to the dev build:
+ New Talent: Fire Bomb (Ranged, requires Quick Hands 2/2 and Hand-Eye Coordination 2/3)
      Plants a powerful bomb that deals
      (15%/30%/45% Ranged + 66% Magic)
      fire area-damage.

* The 'Hand-Eye Coordination' talent has been changed to have 3 levels:
   Increases Dexterity by 5%/10%/15% of Agility.
* Experience awarded by the quest "Fresh Leaves" has been changed to 7 (down from 10).
* Adjusted the audibility of several Audio Emitters.

- Fixed a bug related to the combat system; Area of Effect attacks now will hit all targets,
  even if one target missed, dodged or resisted the attack.
« Last Edit: November 09, 2008, 12:33:45 am by Tikta »
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Re: [DEMO]The Legend of Zelda: Black Crown
« Reply #57 on: November 12, 2008, 10:18:56 pm »
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Hey all,

I've uploaded the newest version (sorry for double post).

You can download the standalone game (no install) here:
http://tick.federrot.at/zelda/beta/TheLegendOfZelda_BlackCrown.zip (11.2 MB)

Or you can download the game, including all prerequisites here:
http://tick.federrot.at/zelda/beta/TheLegendOfZelda_BlackCrown_FULL.zip (21.2 MB)

Patch Notes:

Code: [Select]
********************************* *********************************
         The Legend of Zelda - Black Crown
********************************* *********************************

This list only contains changes that made it into a publicy released version of the game.

              + Added feature or noticable improvement
              * Change
              - Bug fix or minor change
              ! Important - Take note!

! From now on the player won't be able to move while attacking with the sword, and as in such not breaking the animation.
! In exchange the speed of the melee attack animation has been increased.

+ CTRL-Right clicking on an equipment in the inventory or the bottle now
  tries to put the item into the secondary equipment slot (related to Necklaces, Rings, Relics and Trinkets).
+ New 'Level Up sound'. May be switched out with a better version later. Any suggestions~

+ New Item: Bloody Fish Knife (from Red Skeletons)
+ New Item: Expensive Silk    (from Demon Girls, and Demon Eye Babys)

+ New Talent: Fire Bomb (Ranged, requires Quick Hands 2/2 and Hand-Eye Coordination 2/3)
      Plants a powerful bomb that deals
      (15%/30%/45% Ranged + 66% Magic)
      fire area-damage.
* Base movement speed of the player has been slightly increased.
* The 'Hand-Eye Coordination' talent has been changed to have 3 levels: Increases Dexterity by 5%/10%/15% of Agility.
* Drop Chance of Small Red Apple has been slightly reduced.
* Experience awarded by the quest "Fresh Leaves" has been changed to 7 (down from 10).
* Adjusted the audibility of several Audio Emitters.

* All .wav sounds have been converted to .ogg! Reduces the size of the game by ~400KB.
* Hyrule Fields.mp3 has been converted to .ogg! Reduces the size of the game by ~1MB.
* Greatly reduced memory footprint by converting all fixed-size entity pools into dynamic-sized entity pools.
  In entities this means that 100 less Projectiles, 100 less Flying Texts and 3 less Lights are created.

- Fixed a bug related to the combat system; Area of Effect attacks now will hit all targets,
  even if one target missed, dodged or resisted the attack.
- Fixed Iron Ore description. You indeed only need 3, not 5, ores to create iron.
- Fixed Crit not being rounded to two decimal places in the Character Status Screen.
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Re: [Game]The Legend of Zelda: Black Crown
« Reply #58 on: April 22, 2010, 04:09:24 pm »
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Hey ZFGC crew,

just wanted to shout out that I have recently released a new version of the game!
Quite a bit has changed over the last two years. Including another rewrite of the base framework, hah!

You can download the installer of the game here:

Latest Patch Notes:
Code: [Select]
The game now requires the Microsoft .net Framework 4.0 to run!

+ New Error Reporting functionality:
In the case that an unexpected error has occurred the game
allows you to send an error-report to me.

+ Game Difficulty
The difficulty of the game can now be set upon character creation.
Some items may only drop on higher difficulties.

+ Customizable Controls
The ingame controls can now be changed my modifying the file at
"..\My Documents\My Games\The Legend of Zelda - Black Crown\key-settings.txt".


+ New Quests and regions. The journey doesn't end just yet!


+ New Talent "Arrow Rush" (Ranged, requires 3/5 Multi Shot)
    You gain a 6/9/12/15/18% chance to unleash a Multi Shot
    when you shoot a normal arrow.

* Shield Breaker
Damage Bonus changed to 0.05/0.10/0.15 of Block Value
per block point (up from 0.03/0.06/0.12).
Block point modified changed to 14 secs (up from 12 secs).

* Shield Mastery
Increased Chance to Block to 3/5/8 (up from 1/3/5).

* Shield Block
Duration changed to 15 seconds (up from 12 seconds).

* Arrow Shower
Now requires only level 2/3 of 'Rapid Fire'.


! The Chest of Winds
The chest of winds can be found at special places around the world.
It allows you to permanently store items and share them with your
other characters.

It is possible to upgrade the size of the chest.

+ It is now possible to fill up 'Small Empty Bottles' with water.
+ Many new items and affixes.

* The amount of rubies every item is worth has been greatly reduced.
To counter this the penality of transforming items into rubies
using the Magic Crafting Bottle has been removed.


- Suffix 'of Recovery':
The life+mana effect is now merged with an existing
life+mana effect of the item, if possible.

- On Hit Effects now don't get applied if the attack was dodged or parried.
E.g. the poison effect of the Poisoned Shot attack.

- Life / Mana will now be currently set when loading a character or
when equipping/unequipping items.


 - The damage done by Razor Blades has been slightly increased.


+ New 'Recipes' Window (Shortcut: B + Right)
The recipes windows allows you to browse the
recipes your hero has aquired so far.

+ New In-game Options
Pressing Escape opens the in-game options screen,
which allows you to save the game or return to the
character selection screen.

+ Sidebar
New Button: Talent Tree
The character and talent tree buttons now change in color
upon a level-up.

* The default resolution is now 720 x 480, up from 360 x 240.
* Pressing Escape on the character selection screen closes the game.

- A sound sample is played when an item is transformed into rubies.
- Some memory improvements and various other small bug fixes.

+ New Framework
The game now builds upon the Atom framework,
replacing the old and now depracted Acid framework!

+ User Settings
User-controllable settings are now stored in the file:
"My Documents\My Games\The Legend of Zelda - Black Crown\settings.txt"

+ New Sprite Databases
The 1000s sprite definition files are gone and merged
into larger "Sprite Databases".

* Fixed a movement related bug that previously didn't allow
to slide along the edges of some tiles.
This mainly effected enemies getting stuck.

* Perfomance and loading time improvements.
* The Updater / Patcher now requests admin rights.

- FmodEx updated to version 4.30.01.
- Various other small bug fixes.

Older Patch Notes:
Code: [Select]
The Legend of Zelda - Black Crown

     ! Important - Take note!
     + Added feature or noticable improvement
     * Changed or Information
     - Bug fix or minor change

*---<    PUBLIC PATCH 5    >---*

 * Life and Mana Regeneration can now come in the same stat.


+ The second boss has learned some new tricks! Beware.


* The Item Description Drawing and Layout logic has been
rewritten from the ground up. This work has not been completed yet.

The main visible change is that items that usually would be
too large to fit into the game view are now compressed in size.
This doesn’t solve the problem in all cases, but reduces it greatly.

+ New classes for the magic talent tree. More to come soon.

* More performance and memory improvements.
* New weather settings!

- Updated FMOD to version ''.
- Fixed faulty sound drivers crashing the game when attempting to load the sound files required for rainy weather.
- Removed the option to change the filter used when scaling-up
the game window. From now on Point filtering is used at all times.

*---<    PUBLIC PATCH 4    >---*

<> <> <> <> <>
>-- QUESTS --<
<> <> <> <> <>

 + The Quest 'The Cause of Madness' can now be completed.

<> <> <> <> <>
>-- TALENTS -<
<> <> <> <> <>

 + New Talent: Revitalizing Strikes (melee, reqs. Recover Wounds 1/3)
       You gain a 15% chance on physical melee or ranged strike to
       heal self for 15/20/25% of damage done.

 + New Talent: Pyromania (magic, required Fire Vortex 2/3)
Reduces the cooldown of all offensive Fire spells
by 10/20/30/40/50% for 15 seconds.

 + Quick Hands
Now also increases Spell Haste by 2.5/5%.

 + Poisoned Shot
Fires an arrow that deals
(RangedDamage x 0.1(down from 0.3)) instantly,
((Ranged + Magic)Damage x 1.5/2/2.5 (down from 1/2/3))
       nature damage over 9 seconds (down from 16 seconds);
slowing the target by -25/35/45%.
15 seconds cooldown (down from 55 seconds).

 - Double Attack
Now also procs on default melee critical attacks, like intended.

 - Arrow Shower
Arrow Shower now stops when you die.

 - Fire Bomb
Arms now very slightly faster.

 - Fire Vortex
Now gains in size and strength by 5/7/10% (down form 5/7/11%)
every 0.5 seconds.
< > <> <> < >
>   ITEMS   >
< > <> <> < >

 + Many new items, item affixes and more gem slots.
 - Merchant Tingle now sells new items!
 - All set boni should work properbly now.
 - 'Inflamed' affix now provides fixed Fire Spell Power.   
 - 'Haunting' prefix now works as expected.
< > <> <> <> <
>   STATUS   >
< > <> <> <> <
       Reduces the chance for magical attacks,
       such as Firewhirl and Light Arrow to be resisted.

       Increases the radius of the latern light.
< > <> <> <>
>   MISC   >
< > <> <> <>
Zelda Updater.exe in the game directory allows one
to update the game by simply clicking once.
Only files that have changed are downloaded.
 * Improvements to enemy pathing and stuck detection.

 * Only one Ocarina Song can be played
   at the same time from now on.
 - Fixed a crash on non-english operating systems
   that use special characters to visualize time;
   for example greek.
 - Fixed a crash that occurred sometimes when
   changing the zone or playing an ocarina song.   
 - Updated FMOD to version ''.

*---<    PUBLIC PATCH 3    >---*
< > <> <>  <> <> >
>     TALENTS    <
< > <> <>  <> <> >

+ New Talent: Racking Pains (Support, requires Potion Mastery 1/3)
You ensure that your enemy has to suffer greatly;
by increasing the damage dealt with
Damage Over Time effects by 10%/20%.

- Frustration
Increases chance to get a Double Attack by 15/30/45%
(down from 20/40/60%) for 60 seconds.
But frustrated as you are there exists a 25% chance to
hit yourself for 25% (down from 50%) MeleeDamage.
- Impact Theory
The chance has been lowered to 20/30/40% (down from 20/35/50%),
but now Firewhirls will split like intended when fired
in short range.
- Smoothed Emblazonment
Increases the amount of stats rings and necklaces
give by 4%/8%/12% (up from 3%/6%/10%).
- Swift Fight Style
Now also reduces the cooldown of Firewhirl by 0.1/0.2 seconds.
< > <> <> <> <> >
>     ITEMS     <
< > <> <> <> <> >

Some items from now one might be part of a set.
A set bonus is applied when -all- items of a set are equipped.

+ New Recipe: Wizard Belt
       requires 1x Rudra's Quick-Strike Belt +
         1x Rudra's Soul Stone +
         2x Expensive Silk
- Recipe: Goron Assassination Dagger
now requires only 20 Goron Skulls, down from 25.

- Many items have gained gem sockets. Have fun!
- Many items have had their stats slightly adjusted.
- New items, items and items!     

< <> <> <> <> <> >
< <> <> <> <> <> >

- The game now only handles input when the game window
  is actually focused.

< > <> <>  <> <> >
>      MISC      <
< > <> <>  <> <> >

- Internal refactoring and perfomance tuning.

*---<    PUBLIC PATCH 2    >---*

< > <> <>  <> <> >
>     TALENTS    <
< > <> <>  <> <> >

- Corrosive Fire:
now requires Firewhirl 2/5, down from 3/5.

- Impact Theory
The chance for Firewhirl to split has been increased to
20/35/50% (up from 11/22/33); but now an individual
Firewhirl can only continiously split 3 times.

- Critical Balance:
now requires Concentrate on the Facts 4/5, down from 5/5.

- Firewhirl & Firevortex
Mana cost has been adjusted.

< > <> <> <> <> >
>     ITEMS     <
< > <> <> <> <> >

! From now on you can find Merchants through-out the world.
  They sell items for rubies and give you, depending on your
  reputation towards them, a discount.
+ Picking-up and dropping-down an item now might make a sound.
+ Many new items.

< > <> <>  <> <> >
> User Interface <
< > <> <>  <> <> >

  - Minor bug fixes.

< > <> <>  <> <> >
>     QUESTS     <
< > <> <>  <> <> >
  + New introduction quest "The Sister" from Billy.

< > <> <> <> <> >
>      MISC     <
< > <> <> <> <> >

  - Snow Weather: The background sound now properly ends.

*---<    PUBLIC PATCH 1    >---*

< > <> <> <> <> >
>    GENERAL    <
< > <> <> <> <> >

! New Ocarina System
       Press K to open the Ocarina Window, use 1, 2, 3 and 4
       (or W, A, S, D) to play songs.
A song must be learned before it can be played.

There are many songs to be learned!

+ New Talent: Battle Awareness (Melee, requires Toughness 3/5)
      By improving your battle awareness you
increase your chance to parry enemy melee
attacks by 1/2/3/4/5 and 2/4/6/8/10% total.
+ New Talent: Bladestorm (Melee, requires Whirlwind 1/5)
You go nuts after using Whirlwind, turning for
       another 3/4/5 times, dealing (MeleeDamage x Y%)
       non-parry nor dodgeable damage.
       Compared to Whirlwind movement is allowed with
       a 20% speed penality.
      Damage increases with the level of Whirlwind.
+ New Talent: Furor (Melee, requires Frenzy 2/5)
      You show the true fury inside you,
      increasing melee attack speed
      by 15/30/45% for 10 seconds.
+ New Talent: Quick Strike (Melee, requires Double Attack 1/3)
      Requires a Dagger to be used!
       Swiftly strikes at the enemy dealing MeleeDamage.
       Can proc Double Attack. Cooldown of 4/3/2 seconds.
+ New Talent: Shield Breaker (Melee, requires Vitality Mastery 1/5)
       You build up strength in your sword arm after blocking an attack.
Unleashes MeleeDmg + BlockValue * (100 + 3/6/12 * Block Points)%
       1 Block Point is awarded for each block; lasting 12 seconds.
       5 Block Points maximum. 

+ New Talent: Shield Mastery (Melee, requires Shield Breaker 1/3)
       Increases Chance to Block by 1/3/5 and Block Value by 3/6/9%.
+ New Talent: Shield Block (Melee, requires Shield Mastery 2/3)
       Increases Chance to Block by 10/20/30 for 12 seconds.
       60 seconds cooldown.


+ New Talent: Fire Bomb (Ranged, requires Quick Hands 2/2 and Hand-Eye
Coordination 2/3)
      Plants a powerful bomb that deals
      (25/45/65% Ranged + 65% Magic)
      fire area-damage.  
+ New Talent: Headshot (Ranged, requires 2/5 Go for the Head)
      You aim for the head after landing a critical hit,
      fireing a swift partially armor-piercing arrow that
      has an improved chance to crit and pierce of 10/20/30%.
 + New Talent: Rogue Weapon Mastery (Ranged, reqs. Agility Mastery 2/5)
       You train your skills in the weapons of a rogue,
       increasing damage done with bows by 1/2/3%
       and damage done with daggers by 2/4/6%.

+ New Talent: Poison Mastery (Support, requires Potion Mastery 1/3)
       Studying the properties of poisoned herbs
       allows you to increase your damage done
       with poisons by 15%/25%/35%. 
+ New Talent: Critical Balance (Support, reqs. Concentrate on the Facts
       You learn to keep your combat balance
       even in the most critical situations.
       Increases damage done with critical attacks by 3%/7%/10%.

+ New Talent: Swift Fight Style (Support, reqs. Critical Balance 2/3)
       You adjust your fight style;
       reducing the cooldown of Bash and Light Arrow by 0.25/0.5 seconds
       and the cooldown of Quick Strike by 0.1/0.2 seconds.
+ New Talent: Mana Hull (Support, requires Meditation 2/5)
       You gain a 10% chance when attacked to
       surround yourself with a perfect hull of mana;
       regenerating 7/14/20% of base mana over 4 seconds.

+ New Talent: Magic Training
Increases Intelligence by 1/2/3/4/5 + 1%/2%/3%/4%/5%.
+ New Talent: Firewhirl (requires 2/5 Magic Training)
Casts a small whirl of fire that deals
103/106/109/112/115% to 105/110/115/120/125% fire damage.
0.9/0.8/0.7/0.6/0.5 seconds cast time.
4 seconds cooldown.
+ New Talent: Corrosive Fire (requires 1/5 Firewhirl)
Firewhirl also burns the target for 20%/30% to 30%/40%
fire damage over 6 seconds.
+ New Talent: Impact Theory (requires 2/5 Firewhirl)
By studying the properties of matter you
gain a 11/22/33% chance for Firewhirl to split
into 2 to 4 new Firewhirls upon impact.

+ New Talent: Applied Impact Research (requires 2/3 Impact Theory)
Increases the maximum number of new Firewhirls
a Firewhirls can split into upon impact by 1/2/3.         

+ New Talent: Firevortex (requires 3/5 Firewhirl)
Casts a vortex of fire that deals 100% fire damage and
gains 5/7/11% in size and strength every 0.5 seconds.
Sucks nearby enemies into it.
0.8 seconds cast time. 8 seconds cooldown.
+ New Talent: Razor Winds (requires 2/3 Firevortex)
You learn to control the winds around a Firevortex.
Increases the chance of the vortex to pierce through
targets by 30/40/50/60/70%.

* Parry Strike:
Has been replaced by 'Battle Awareness'.
       Talent points have been refunded.

* Bash: 
The mana cost has been slightly reduced.

* Battle Shout: 
Now requires Melee Training 4/5 (down from 5/5).

* Piercing Arrows: 
Now requires Ranged Training 4/5 (down from 5/5).

* Whirlwind:
       The mana cost has been very slightly reduced and
       the animation has been improved.

* Light Arrow:
The base cooldown has been changed to 9.5 seconds (down from 10).

* Frustration:
Self-inflincted damage has been reduced by 50%.
The mana cost has been reduced.

* Double Attack:
Now only requires Toughness 2/5.

* Shield Wall, changed to read as follow:
       Reduces physical damage taken by 15/20/25%.
       As a penalty also reduces damage done
       by 10% and movement speed by 40%.

* Multi Shot:
       The base cooldown has been reduced by 1 second.
       With 3/3 Imp. Multi Shot the cooldown of Multi Shot is
       now 8 seconds.

* Hand-Eye Coordination:
       The talent has been changed to have 3 levels:
       Increases Dexterity by 5%/10%/15% of Agility.

* Smoothed Emblazonment:
Now requires Critical Balance 1/3.
       Invested talent points have been refunded.

* Rapid Fire:
Has been changed to increase chance to pierce and
ranged attack speed by 5/10/15% for 24 seconds.

* Angel's Embracement:
       Now can also proc when an attack got dodged, parried or missed;
  now lasts for only 12 seconds (down from 15).

< > <> <>  <> <> >
>     QUESTS     <
< > <> <>  <> <> >

! New Quest Type
Wanted Quests are repeatable quests; usually given from Sign Posts.
Get your extra experience and reputation!

+ Many new quests; including:
"Toxic Preparations", from the Old Woman. Requires quest "Murder
Letter" to be completed.

* Many small quest changes.

< > <> <> <> <> >
>     ENEMIES   <
< > <> <> <> <> >

+ New Enemies
       "Weak Keese",
"Redeye Keese",
"Mad Goron",
       "Mad Chicken" and
       "Dark-Ghost Skeleton".

+ Some enemies only spawn at a specific time of the day.
  Will you meet all of them?

< > <> <> <> <> >
>     ITEMS     <
< > <> <> <> <> >

! NEW ITEM AFFIX system.
  Items can from now on have one of many prefixes and/or suffixes.
  e.g. Edged Demonic Sword of the Sages. 
  The prefix 'Edged' increases the minimum damage of the sword.
  The suffix 'of the Sages' adds intelligence to the item,
  based on item-level.
  Higher quality items have a lower chance to have any affix.

! NEW GEM system.
  It is now possible to find gems of the following 6 types:
  Fire, Water, Light, Nature, Shadow and Prismatic

  Gems can be socketed into items that have sockets.
  Each socket has one of the above types.
  If you manage to accordingly fill all sockets of an item
  an additional socket bonus might be added to an item.
  Fire Gems      -> Fire Socket
  Water Gems -> Water Socket
  Prismatic Gems -> Any Socket
  Any Gem -> Prismatic Socket

+ Items from now on might have Magic Resistances on them.
  Magic Resistances are based on a rating system,
and as such a higher level character requires more Resistance Rating to     achive the same effect as a lower level

+ MANY new items.
- MANY small changes, fixes and adjustments.

< > <> <> <> <> <> >
< > <> <> <> <> <> >

! NEW BLOCK system.
If a shield is equipped, but no two-handed weapon
then there exists a chance to block an enemy attack.
Only frontal attacks can be blocked;
       as such one has to face his enemy.

The Chance to Block is 25% by default,
       but can be increased with items/talents/buffs.
The amount blocked is modified by the Strength of the Player,
and items/talents/buffs.

! Most melee and ranged skills now use normalized weapon speed
  depending on weapon type, to calculate how much stats
  increase the damage of the attack.
  This makes faster weapons better;
  and keeps slow weapons around the same.
  Auto Attack and some specific skill still use the normal weapon damage.
Rods, One-Handed Axes, One-Handed Maces and One-Handed Swords
are normalized to a speed of 2.

Staffs, Crossbows, Two-Handed Axes,
Two-Handed Maces and Two-Handed Swords
are normalized to a speed of 3.

are normalized to a speed of 1,75.

are normalized to a speed of 2,25.

! The player is from now on allowed to move after executing
a melee attack, if the animation has finished for
atleast 80% (75% when using daggers).

< > <> <> <> <> <> >
< > <> <> <> <> <> >

* Strength now contributes slightly more to Maximum Melee damage. 
* Dexterity now contributes slightly more to Minumum Ranged damage.
* Agility gives now very singly increases Movement Speed.

* An additional rating bonus is granted for the following:
  Every 10 Strength a slight amount of Parry Rating is granted as a bonus.
  Every 10 Agility a slight amount of Dodge Rating is granted as a bonus. 
  Every 10 Luck some Crit Rating is granted as a bonus.
* Slightly more HP is given now each level.
* The effect of armor has been slighly increased.

* The base Critical Damage Bonus Modifier for ranged attacks has been
slightly reduced:
Melee: 2
Ranged: 2.2, previously 2.25!
Magic: 1.8

* Pushing Power:
       While wearing Daggers pushing power of all attacks is
       reduced by 15%.
- Fixed a bug related to the combat system;
       Area of Effect attacks now can hit all targets,
even if one target missed, dodged or resisted the attack.

- Fixed a bug related to the player movement controls;
       now the hero moves if the player presses
       Up/Left, Up/Right, Down/Left or Down/Right at the same time.

< > <> <>  <> <> >
< > <> <>  <> <> >

+ A new DAMAGE METER allows you to see how much damage you do per second.
  Press F12 to toggle the Damage Meter on or off.

+ Useable items can now be placed in the Quick Action Bar.

+ CTRL-Right clicking on an equipment in the inventory or the bottle now
  tries to put the item into the secondary equipment slot (related to
Necklaces, Rings, Relics and Trinkets).
- Character Status Screen now shows the Chance To Block and
Block Value of the Player if he can block. Hidden if using a two-handed weapon and/or no shield.

- Fixed Crit not being rounded to two decimal places in the
Character Status Screen.

< > <> <>  <> <> >
>      MISC      <
< > <> <>  <> <> >

+ New 'Mist' weather; and other weather adjustments.
* The background music of the Title Screen now fades-in.
- Updated FMOD to version ''.
- Many minor changes or fixes.
  • My Personal Aggregation Site
Re: [Game]The Legend of Zelda: Black Crown
« Reply #59 on: September 02, 2010, 04:22:10 pm »
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  • Posts: 45
Hey ZFFC members,

just wanted to post the latest Patch Notes.
Use the Zelda Updater to get the latest bits. Have fun XD

Code: [Select]
1 September 2010

* Updated FMOD Ex to version 4.32.01!
  Less memory overhead and improved MIDI playback.

28 August 2010

+ New natural npcs:
Butterfly, Mad Butterfly

* Modified some enemy spawn points
to spawn more enemies. Happy fighting!

- The title screen should once again
be populated by npcs!

27 August 2010

- Fixed a (rare) crash in the Character Selection Screen.

26 August 2010

+ Talent Window:
When moving the mouse over the 'Invest' button
you can now easily see the effect of investing
a talent point.


* Slightly increased base movement speed.

24 August 2010

- The dialog text should not be blurry anymore
with an widescreen aspect ratio.

23 August 2010

+ New 'Settings' screen that allows you to change
the aspect ratio (Normal, 16:9 and 16:10) and the
render mode (Window and Fullscreen) ingame!

20 August 2010

+ New settings flag 'stretch-fullscreen' (default value is false);
which when set to true scale sup the image to fully cover the screen in fullscreen mode.

9 August 2010
| Talents

* Bash
Melee Training requirement reduced from 3 of 5
to 2 of 5 points.

* Toughness
Melee Training requirement reduced from 2 of 5
to 1 of 5 points.

* Light Arrow
Ranged Training requirement reduced from 3 of 5
to 2 of 5 points.

8 August 2010

+ Added (experimental) FULLSCREEN support.
To enable fullscreen mode simply change the
"fullscreen" setting to "True".

The settings file is located at
/My Documents/My Games/The Legend of Zelda - Black Crown/

The desktop resolution is used when
the game is run in fullscreen.

- Fixed an animation related bug that was introduced
in the last update.

| Talents

* Flames of Phlegethon
Increased the cooldown from 150 to 200 seconds
and the casttime from 3.0 to 3.5 seconds.

30 July 2010
| Talents

* Flames of Phlegethon
The amount of waves has been increased by one,
and also the amount of pillars has been greatly increased!

In return the cooldown has been increased from 120 to 150 seconds
and the mana cost from 35% base/5% total to 50% base/25% total.

27 June 2010

+ New Item "Scroll of the Stone Tombs"
Teleports you next to the boss chamber
in the Family Stone Tombs.

* Ocean Gem
Doubled the amount of experience bonus!

* Kokirian Sword and Rusty Kokirian Dagger
can from now on have Suffixes.

26 June 2010

+ New Item "Scale Robe"

25 June 2010

- Fixed a bug related to +% Experience Gained items.


* Work continued on the Hyrule Rivers zone.
Don't let the snakes get you!
- Fixed a minor bug in the Route of Din (H).


* Adjusted 'Green Snakes' and 'Dark Octoroks'.

24 June 2010

+ New Item 'Whole Roast'
- Adjusted some drop chances.

23 June 2010

- Damage Meter (F12)
The damage meter will now correctly work
after switching to a different character.

- Ocarina Window
The selected song will now be reset
after switching to a different character.


- Fixed a bug that crashed the game while
load character in a certain state.

21 June 2010

* Critical Healing Modifier
Buffed from a static 2x to "0.2 + Critical Spell Modifier".


* Character Status Window
Now also shows the Critical Heal Bonus.
Renamed "Critical Damage Bonus" to "Critical Bonus"


- Code Cleanup.

16 June 2010

* Firewall
Now 4 instead of 3 Pillars will spawn
below the caster. The time between attacks
per monster has been slightly increased to
counter reduce the power of the spell.

Also; pillars now won't spawn in solid
geometry as often.

15 June 2010

+ New Item 'Small Potion of Respec'
crafted; resets all talent points -
usage costs rubies based on character level.

14 June 2010

+ New Item 'Potion of Oblivion'
crafted; resets all stat points -
usage costs rubies based on character level.

+ New Item 'Blood of a Virgin'
dropped by Blood Keese, Demon Girls and
slightly less often by Mad Chickens.

- Iron Ore and Iron
are now dropped by a few more monsters.

13 June 2010

* Empty Goron Potions can now be filled with Water!

8 June 2010

* The second boss has learned yet another spell!


+ More Music. Big thanks to Kai Rosenkranz from the Gothic II team.
Your work is brilliant!

21 May 2010

+ The amount of status points that are required
to invest into a stat are now shown when you
hover over any of the "+" Invest Buttons in the
Character Status Window.
  • My Personal Aggregation Site
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