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Author Topic: Horn of Balance  (Read 617623 times)

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Re: Horn of Balance
« Reply #1560 on: November 20, 2022, 09:28:10 pm »
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There a still a few lurkers on the forum it seems. Good to know!
Here's another screenshot of some progress.

Progress report:
Code: [Select]
v0.26.128 (18 nov 2022)
* Tweaked ingame menu colors some more

v0.26.129 (19 nov 2022)
* Edited and implemented new visuals for one of the old demo dungeon enemies

v0.26.130 (20 nov 2022)
* Fixed small longstanding masking oversight in a demo dungeon room
* Fixed freeze after trying to open big key doors without a big key
* Disabled journal menu page (for now)
* Replaced a few more sound effects
* Fixed missing effect if return warping between worlds after colliding despite using the return warp tile
Re: Horn of Balance
« Reply #1561 on: November 27, 2022, 10:36:41 pm »
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Progress report:
Code: [Select]
v0.26.131 (23 nov 2022)
* Made progress animating another enemy

v0.26.132 (25 nov 2022)
* Created/edited new visuals for hammer, shovels and net items (+ implemented them with flavour texts)
* The shovel can now be bought from the shop near the start of the game
* Made progress implementing new enemy sprites

v0.26.133 (26 nov 2022)
* Worked with artist on new sprites
* Implemented new menu icon replacement visuals for flippers, gloves, boots and rod of medu

v0.26.134 (27 nov 2022)
* Worked with artist on more spritework
* Slightly tweaked menu visuals some more
* Murray now has a single line of description to say for many menu items
Re: Horn of Balance
« Reply #1562 on: December 04, 2022, 07:46:38 pm »
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Progress report:
Code: [Select]
v0.26.135 (1 dec 2022)
* Create and implement new HUD visual for bombs

v0.26.136 (3 dec 2022)
* Tweaked several colors in the HUD and menu slightly
* Updated menu descriptions for several menu items
* Added new visuals for the bomb capacity upgrades
* Added menu descriptions functionality for a few more quest items
* Added new visuals magic attack rod of Medu

v0.26.137 (4 dec 2022)
* Tweaked visuals rod of Medu magic attack
* All quest page items now display a description text
* Updated text for collecting bomb capacity upgrades
* Visuals for collecting bomb/arrow capacity upgrades now better take into state and amount of bombs/arrows collected
* Implemented replacement item for the mushroom
Re: Horn of Balance
« Reply #1563 on: December 11, 2022, 10:58:25 pm »
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Sorry, no screenshot this week. There's lots of good progress in several areas, but not everything is fully completed yet. And I don't want to spoil things like the revamped subboss that has now been finished. Also note that I´ve also spend a good while to lay the groundwork for further progress during the rest of the month via new art commissions.

Finally I´m happy to report that my favorite spriter `Kohari` is now an actual teammember. Meaning she´s become THE spriter for this project and will be helping me prepare with the Kickstarter etc when the time comes. We´ve already worked with each other 9 times by now, so I´m quite happy to have been able to make the cooperation a little more official.

For those of you that (also) like to see list shrink over time. Here's what's still left before the next demo is fully done:
- 6x enemy visual + tweaking
- 16x character actions visuals
- New Hp/Mp items
- Collectable fairies
- 8x effect visuals
- 67x sound effect to replace
- Demo dungeon flow tweaking
- Text engine tweaking + font update
- Update PC controls to better match industry standards
- Full playthrough for testing

Progress report:
Code: [Select]
v0.26.138 (5 dec 2022)
* Created animations for demo subboss

v0.26.139 (6 dec 2022)
* Tweaked character tunic colors, to better stand out
* Prepared new art commissions
* Made progress implementing new subboss sprites

v0.26.140 (7 dec 2022)
* Formulated new sprite commissions

v0.26.141 (8 dec 2022)
* Tweaked demo subboss room tiling slightly
* Made progress implementing new demo subboss spritework
* Fixed small visual during appearing of subboss 1

v0.26.142 (9 dec 2022)
* Finished implementing new demo subboss visuals (including scenes)
* Edited subboss entrance scene
* Hero now rotates into ingame victory animation
* Cleaned up some of the coding behind the older character visuals

v0.26.143 (10 dec 2022)
* Made progress implementing new visuals sword attack animation
* Further formulated art commissions

v0.26.144 (11 dec 2022)
* Tweaked new visuals for upgraded swords (about 1/2 of the sword visuals now updated)
Re: Horn of Balance
« Reply #1564 on: January 02, 2023, 11:52:15 am »
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And here's the latest progress update.

Progress report:
Code: [Select]
v0.26.149 (26 dec 2022)
* Implemented pallet swapper for bunny visuals
* Implemented new sword menu icons
* Finished implementing new statue enemies and tweaked their stats
* Fixed oversight where you were able to “talk” to more enemies then intended

v0.26.150 (27 dec 2022)
* Standardized and finished the all (=96) new sprites for the character swordsin all common directions
* Implemented new sword visuals during file select / victory animations
* Made progress implementing new sword swipe animations

v0.26.151 (28 dec 2022)
* Replaced a few more sound effects
* Tweaked character animation of file select screen
* Tweaked sword attack animations (+implemented sword and pallet swapping)
* Fixed flint item usage not overriding idle animations
* Fixed terrain overlay visuals reseting between character animations
* Fixed phantom after images during some animations (which were caused by alpha values used on screen surfaces)

v0.26.152 (29 dec 2022)
* Finished implementing new sword swipe attacks (all directions and swords)
* Worked a little on future animations

v0.26.153 (30 dec 2022 – 1 jan 2023)
* Created and implemented new visuals for all the grab, push and pull animations

With the following list left before the next demo:
- 6x 5x enemy visual to replace <-- PROGRESS: One more type of enemies converted
- 16x 12x character actions visuals <-- PROGRESS: The default sword swings for all swords are now done. As well as the grab/push/pull animations
- New Hp/Mp items
- Collectable fairies
- 8x effect visuals
- 67x 63x sound effect to replace
- Demo dungeon flow tweaking <-- Finding it too hard to delete existing rooms so I'll be moving existing rooms too hard for the demo to later dungeons
- Text engine tweaking + font update
- Update PC controls to better match industry standards
- Full playthrough for testing
Re: Horn of Balance
« Reply #1565 on: January 08, 2023, 10:48:26 pm »
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Just a quicky update today as it's gotten pretty late before calling it quits. Do check out the attached .gif if you want to see the latest new animations added.

Progress log:
Code: [Select]
v0.26.154 (6 jan 2023)
* Edited item spawn system so bushes and rocks no longer spawn bomb and arrows
* Recoded some parts of the textengine to allow for multiple more symbols and more than one foreign language
* Added a little extra pause in the text engine after sentences.
* Expanded textengine and textfiles to show who is currently speaking during the various conversations

v0.26.155 (7 jan 2023)
* Spend the day organizing (and expanding) media presence -- Got totally drained. It's a lot more taxing then game development

v0.26.156 (8 jan 2023)
* Spend the day experimenting to learn some basic functionality in Audacity
* Replaced a few more sound effects (not all for next demo)
* Contacted a sound artist
* Fixed text engine visual oversight
* Implemented extra debug functions for sound testing
Re: Horn of Balance
« Reply #1566 on: January 15, 2023, 09:23:45 pm »
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The good news this week is that I've contacted a sound engineer and we're now cooperating to replace the large amount of original sound effects still in the game. The bad news: this game be big and complicated joh. I've been spending a large number of hours documenting and describing all the sounds and sound uses that need replacing. So I don't have any visual progress to show of right now.

Code: [Select]
v0.26.157 (10 jan 2023)
* Fixed error while throwing containers

v0.26.158 (13-15 jan 2023)
* Documented all sound uses in the game
* Implemented new sounds for opening and closing the ingame menu
* Found and removed some obselete textengine coding
Re: Horn of Balance
« Reply #1567 on: January 22, 2023, 09:27:54 pm »
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And another weekend of development is behind us. Progress on the sounds is going swimmingly. Animations are going a little slower, but are coming along as well.

And I "finally" decided on a visual approach for the game's health pick-ups, magic pick-up and fairies. The concept from way back in my design document has always been that all things in this game's world are brought to life via sprites (= as in tiny magical spirits). It's still all subject to chance, but I pictured these sprites as small fireflies, that also acts as the player's basic hp/mp pickups. And spirits can also combine in the wild to turn into larger elemental sprites (which you can capture and carry along). One type (which I now added) will mechanically replace the standard alttp Fairy. Other future sprites will replace potions, a few items, and will maybe also add some extra functions in the future. Maybe I'll tell you some more about it in the future.

And to close out.
Here's the latest list of what's left to do before the public demo:
- 5x enemy visual to replace
- 12x 11x character actions visuals <-- PROGRESS: The pick up / throw animations are now done and implemented
- New Hp/Mp items <-- PROGRESS: Technically finished it this weekend but I want to add some extra detailing still
- Collectable fairies <-- PROGRESS: Technically finished it this weekend but I want to add some extra variations
- 8x effect visuals
- 63x 60x sound effect to replace <-- PROGRESS: With another 11 sounds incoming
- Demo dungeon flow tweaking
- Text engine font update
- Update PC controls to better match industry standards
- Full playthrough for testing

Progress report:
Code: [Select]
v0.26.159 (17 jan 2023)
* Fixed visual oversight during boss appearance scene

v0.26.160 (20 jan 2023)
* Fixed bug where containers could get destroyed multiple types in sequence
* Fixed sound overlap during subboss attacks
* Worked with sound engineer
* Implemented new visuals for hearts and small magic bulb
* Tweaked new visuals for breakable walls further
* Hero now turns around gradually into idle animations and opening master chests
* Replaced one more menu sound effect
* Hero turns around gradually when picking up, or buying, an important treasure
* Phased out one of the menu sound effects

v0.26.161 (21 jan 2023)
* Animated new visuals for picking up containers
* Made good progress implementing new animation
* Spend good deal of time researching the business side of things

v0.26.162 (22 jan 2023)
* Further edited and fully implemented pick up animations
* Created and implemented fairy replacement sprites
Re: Horn of Balance
« Reply #1568 on: January 29, 2023, 09:39:43 pm »
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So I made a few additional changes to the mp/hp items this week. (In an effort to set my game slightly further apart from the original Zelda game). One thing let to another and it kinda sorta ended up taking the entire weeks development time to fully complete. I AM very happy with the results though. It feels polished and consistent now. XD

My journey down the rabbit hole went a little bit like this (for those interested):
I added the ability to fly to the small hp/mp items and in different ways to help colorblind players. Next I realized it would be inconsistent to let players only catch larger spirits, so I rewrote a good chunk of coding to also allow mp/hp items to get caught in your net. Which let me to having to update the saving system. But I also wanted to add in more larger sprites so that could be done together as both types where now handled the same. But to add those bigger elemental types I needed to update the item spawn rates to take them into account. And to do that I needed the game to tell which spirits would be suited for which cases. (To prevent a fire enemy to spawn an ice spirit down the line). And to do that I needed to add an element stat to enemies (and objects). And so on...

I love game development at times like this. To stumble down a hole like and crawl back out without loose ends feels great.


Anyway. Here's also the list again of what's left to do before the public demo:
- 5x enemy visual to replace
- 11x character actions visuals
- New Hp/Mp items <-- Now fully done
- Collectable fairies <-- Now fully done
- 8x effect visuals
- 60x  49x sound effect to replace <-- PROGRESS: Implemented the last batch and started detailing the next one
- Demo dungeon flow tweaking
- Text engine font update
- Update PC controls to better match industry standards
- Full playthrough for testing

Progress report:
Code: [Select]
v0.26.163 (23 jan 2023)
* Implemented 11 more sound effects

v0.26.164 (27 jan 2023)
* Cleaned up coding behind common items more
* Finished implementing new common mp/hp items
* Small mp/hp items can now also be captured with net
* Small mp/hp items will no longer be picked up if you are already fully restored
* Added more (placeholder) fairy replacements
* Started implementing replacement items for bottles

v0.26.165 (28 jan 2023)
* Finished implementing new bottle replacement visuals (with sketches for demo excluded items – for now)
* Game now also tracks and saves # uses of new bottle replacement items
* Updated the credits end page to also show stats new bottle replacement items
* Updated shops to sell nests instead of bottles (=not in demo)
* Went through all text to rename rupees in gems
* Big magic bulbs have been removed. The fairy replacements will now offer you bigger mp or hp restoration than normal mp/hp items
* Random item generation (like from bushes/enemies/digging) can now also spawn sprites with a small change of occuring
* Updated the overall item spawn rates in the game to reflect these latest changes
* All enemies now have a stat for connected element(s) to determine what type of sprite could potentially get spawned upon defeat, if any

v0.26.166 (29 jan 2023)
* Switched up what type of sprites spawn in dungeons
* Tweaked allignments of text on credits page
* Prepared next batch of audio commissions
Re: Horn of Balance
« Reply #1569 on: February 12, 2023, 10:42:01 pm »
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So here's this weekends update post. Man, it's gotten late again. I've been sick for over a week (nearly fully recovered now) and I just couldn't help myself from trying to squeeze everything out of the time left before sleep and work again.

But anyway, let's talk game development progress:
The focus his been on two aspects lately: adding in more custom audio effects and improving the demo dungeon rooms slightly. It was only a few weeks ago when a whooping 60+ audio files still needed to be replaced and now (with the latest batch outstanding) we're almost at half. I don't want to go for too generic or arcade style audio so a lot time is going into finding the right direction and overall feel. Which stressful at first, but now that more and more sounds are getting replaced it's feeling very rewarding to hear things working together.
The dungeon tweaks I describe a little more extensively in next weekends update, when it's fully completed.


And here's the list of remaining items till the next demo again:
- 5x enemy visual to replace
- 11x character actions visuals
- 8x effect visuals
- 49x 38x sound effect to replace <-- PROGRESS: Another batch has been implemented. The next one is already started, but might take a week or two due to scheduling
- Demo dungeon flow tweaking <-- PROGRESS: Mostly finished. It's just some coding left to update and testing.
- Text engine font update
- Update PC controls to better match industry standards --> Finally DONE
- Full playthrough for testing

Progress report:
Code: [Select]
v0.26.167 (30-31 jan 2023)
* Finished preparing next audio commission batch

v0.26.168 (3 feb 2023)
* Moved three demo dungeon rooms down to a later area
* Restructured some code concerning area room data

v0.26.169 (5 feb 2023)
* Prepared next batch of sprite commissions
* Made good progress designing 2 new rooms in the demo dungeon

v0.26.170 (9 feb 2023)
* Changed default keyboard controls
* Made some progress adding in the new rooms into the demo dungeon

v0.26.171 (10 feb 2023)
* Made slight tweaks to coding flying tiles and most doors
* Tweaked switch sounds
* Tweaked fountains sprites
* Made progress replacing more sounds with sound engineer

v0.26.172 (11 feb 2023)
* Finished implementing last batch of audio files and put out new commission batch
* Tweaked door and switch audio files slightly to work together better
* Made more progress on latest demo dungeon rooms

v0.26.173 (12 feb 2023)
* Tweaked coding behind flying tiles
* Finished tiling and masking latest demo dungeon rooms
* Updated breakable floor to break via more methods
* Tweaked some more demo dungeon components slightly
Re: Horn of Balance
« Reply #1570 on: February 19, 2023, 09:27:19 pm »
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Just a quickie update this weekend as (like clockwork) I'm pretty beat from working on the game all day again. You would think I'd change my ways by now, but when I get started I tend to go until I'm done.

So the biggest news this week is probably that I've finally found a suitable name for the main character: Linden.

Why do I find it to be such a suitable name? Well, the Linden is a type of European tree. Clever right? Well, it gets way better: back in the medieval days it was considered a holy tree by some pagans and the early church. Being seen as a symbol of truth, peace and justice. And if you add the fact that it matches quite well with the HUD tree and has heart shaped leafs... it's just too perfect not to use XD.


Here's the list of remaining items till the next demo again:
- 5x enemy visual to replace
- 11x character actions visuals
- 8x effect visuals
- 38x sound effect to replace <-- STATUS: The next commission batch is still delayed due to scheduling issues.
- Demo dungeon flow tweaking <-- PROGRESS: Now fully done
- Text engine font update
- Full playthrough for testing


Progress report:
Code: [Select]
v0.26.174 (18 feb 2023)
* Further refined coding behind breakable floors
* Further tweaked hint texts in demo dungeon
* Added extra type of converyor belt
* Tweaked masking tall torches (+ added extra variant)
* Finished coding latest demo dungeon rooms
* Added 2 additional NPC's from later in the game to the demo dungeon for extra (optional) player guidance
* Switched to different HUD font
* Tweaked menu controls a little

v0.26.175 (19 feb 2023)
* Worked with Kohari on new visuals
* Tweaked demo boss and cape stats
* Started implementing new shield (menu) sprites
Re: Horn of Balance
« Reply #1571 on: February 26, 2023, 11:02:18 am »
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I'm not sure how much time I'll be able to spend on development today so here's an early update post. Also, I'm not completely tired while writing these for once. Yay, progress!

So I've finally been able to finish spriting the character death and revival animations. It took a long time to get it to feel all nice and smooth so I'm really happy about it. All the remaining items are the toughest things that are left so each step feels like a big triumph. The animation ended up being a nice nod to the original SNES Zelda while still being different.

Also, I've finally decided to cut the demo scope a little bit by excluding sword charging (and thus also the sword release and wall poking). I don't want to rush things and go for a lower quality, just to get the demo out there sooner. So these features will be included in a second demo way later in the year. Depending on how things progress during March I might cut down the scope a little further.

And finally the progress on sounds: development is back on track for this week and the next. Which is great because I can focus more on other things again. The progress during March will be slowed down significantly however due to scheduling and life. This was taken into account beforehand this time so I should be able to complete the sound needs by myself via sound packs and edits. If not then I might consider placeholder sounds to not let the demo development get pushed into April.


Here's the list of remaining items till the next demo again:
- 5x enemy visual to replace
- 11x 5x character actions visuals <-- PROGRESS: I've pushed back a few character actions (like sword charging) and finished the death/revival animations
- 8x effect visuals
- 38x sound effect to replace <-- STATUS: The last batch of 8 sounds are practically done. The next batch of 8 will be commissions within the next few days.
- Text engine font update
- Full playthrough for testing


Progress report:
Code: [Select]
v0.26.176 (21 feb 2023)
* Improved sprites elemental sprites

v0.26.177 (22 feb 2023)
* Worked with sound engineer
* Shortened wall crash sound effect a little again

v0.26.178 (24 feb 2023)
* Tweaked and implemented visuals various elemental sprites
* Tweaked visuals new conveyor belt
* Tweaked audio levels
* Animated Linden death and revive character animations

v0.26.179 (25 feb 2023)
* Worked on sound effects and started work on next commission pack
* Tweaked music volume levels
* Started work on the new death sequence
Re: Horn of Balance
« Reply #1572 on: March 05, 2023, 10:21:52 pm »
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Last week I said we were on track with the sound effects. This week I decided to really make sure of that. So basically spending a lot of time finding (and creating) sound effects on my own to bring the remaining work down as much as possible. I'm quite proud of the jump in remaining work, given how challenging sound engineering is for me (and how time consuming asset hunting can be). The sound engineer should easily be able to complete the remaining work this month. And if not, then I've already picked out 4 sounds that can be pushed back to the next demo without too many players really noticing.


Here's the list of remaining items till the next demo again:
- 5x enemy visual to replace
- 5x character actions visuals
- 8x 7x effect visuals <-- PROGRESS: New enemy death visuals finished and implemented
- 38x 14x sound effects to replace <-- PROGRESS: Good progress has been made. One batch of sound effects is already being worked on by the sound engineer. With another smaller final batch planned during the rest of the month.
- Text engine font update
- Full playthrough for testing  <-- PROGRESS: Expanded the pool of early playtesters a little. Tweaked the demo based on their feedback


Progress report:
Code: [Select]
v0.26.180 (26 feb 2023)
* Finished implemented death and revival sprites
* Disable sword charging (for the upcoming demo only)
* Added extra demo boss impact effect
* Fixed potential visual issue when switching windows while dying
* Made progress working on the new death sequence
* Implemented new batch of sound effects
* Put out next sounds commission package

v0.26.181 (28 feb 2023)
* Created and implemented two sound effects

v0.26.182 (3 mrt 2023)
* Fixed and tweaked a number of small points after playtesting sessions
* Reversed descision for some health and magic items to not dissappear after a certain time
* Tweaked hinttexts slightly
* Expanded collission coding behind ledge jumping
* Player can now push objects while standing on small stair tiles
* Worked with sound engineer

v0.26.183 (4 mrt 2023)
* Replaced more sound effects
* Fixed issue where thrown containers would break against “the floor” before falling into an abyss or deep water

v0.26.184 (5 mrt 2023)
* Replaced more sound effects
* Implemented new enemy death visuals
Re: Horn of Balance
« Reply #1573 on: March 12, 2023, 09:31:04 pm »
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A quicky update this weekend. I've got some good and bad news to share.

The bad: It has become clear that the last required sound effects will not be available by the end of March, as intended (due to personal circumstances for the sound engineer). Despite the challenges that exist he did deliver more sounds this week and expects to deliver more by mid  April. There are more challenges still to tackle so it´s not all due sound effects (!), but it is what has made clear that the next demo will have to be delayed past April first. By how many weeks is still unclear.

The good: Massive progress has been made on the enemy visuals. I had expected it to be a fairly easy affair, but ended up spriting over 50 frames this weekend. Complete one boss battle (including small tweaks) as well as two regular enemies. With the spritework for two more enemies already progressing quite nicely.
Also, another playtesting session has been completed and the demo is proving to be quite stable.

Here's the list of remaining items till the next demo again:
- 5x 3x enemy visual to replace <-- PROGRESS: Two more enemies finished. Spritework for two more has already been started.
- 5x 4x character actions visuals <-- UPDATE: Dropping the net item from the next demo to save time
- 7x effect visuals
- 14x 10x sound effects to replace <-- PROGRESS: Yet more sound effects replaced
- Text engine font update
- Full playthrough for testing <-- PROGRESS: Yet another session finished.

Progress report:
Code: [Select]
v0.26.185 (6 mrt 2023)
* Tweaked small tiling oversight in demo dungeon
* Worked with sound engineer

v0.26.186 (10 mrt 2023)
* Created new sprites for common skeleton enemy actions
* Created various skull sprites

v0.26.187 (11 mrt 2023)
* Tweaked skeleton sprites to make the movements more readable
* Replaced visuals (+tweaked) Murray boss fight (NOTE: not in upcoming demo)
* Fixed credits not triggering at the end of the demo
* Fixed incorrect music playing after boss fights
* Made various more smaller tweaks/fixes based on the latest playtest session
* Boss helper death now brought more in line with regular boss deaths
* Made more progress on updating character death sequence

v0.26.188 (12 mrt 2023)
* Created and (almost fully) implemented new visuals for two more skeleton enemy types
* Implemented new sound effect
« Last Edit: March 12, 2023, 09:33:19 pm by Martijn dh »
Re: Horn of Balance
« Reply #1574 on: March 26, 2023, 09:31:02 pm »
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Well, the last couple of days really flew by this weekend. It´s nearly midnight again as well. To quickly summarize: some really good progress was made (meaning I got stuff done and at the level of quality I wanted), but it's also very much clear that a demo will never be ready by April 1st.  Still working my ass of regardless.

I have been in contact with a few animators that maybe could help out with the effects animation, but it's still too early to say if it's going to result in anything, let alone anything usable.

Here's the list of remaining items till the next demo:
- 3x enemy visual to replace <-- DONE! It feels good to fully close this chapter
- 4x 1x character actions visuals <-- PROGRESS: Lots of progress on this front as well. Now it's just the hardest animation left.
- 7x effect visuals
- 10x 3x sound effects to replace <-- PROGRESS: Replaced a few more sounds and dropped another. The next sound batch is getting worked on this week.
- Text engine font update <-- PROGRESS: Added characters for a custom foreign language. I'll likely leave it at that for now and replace the font itself in a later demo.
- Full playthrough for testing

Progress report:
Code: [Select]
v0.26.189 (17 mrt 2023)
* Tweaked skeleton sprites
* Replaced a few more sounds
* Had another playtesting session
* Added shine to key drops, to make them more noticeable
* Tweaked item drop rates
* Tweaked intro hinttexts
* Fixed small masking oversight
* Flintstones usage requires magic again
* Tweaked music calls a little
* Further tweaked hinttexts and a few more visuals

v0.26.190 (18 mrt 2023)
* Simplified coding behind the ingame menu navigation (also to slightly simplify usage)
* Fixed small visual hickup when equipping uncollected items
* Player starts with a one time usage caught sprite
* Tweaked existing skeleton soldier sprites
* Created sprites for another skeleton enemy type
* Cleaned up some old skeleton/skull movement scripts
* Finished implementing new visuals headless skeletons and floating skulls
* Added extra effect for soldiers when noticing the hero
* Floor indicator stays visible slightly longer in the HUD
* Worked on hero hurt sprites

v0.26.191 (19 mrt 2023)
* Cleaned up the coding for default soldier enemies further
* Created (and almost finished implementing) new visuals for skeleton bowman enemy type
* Worked with sound engineer to replace another sound effect

v0.26.192 (20 mrt 2023)
* Made some progress implementing sprites crossbow wielding skeleton
* Created new visuals for crossbow
* Tweaked some hinttexts
* Dropped bombs from the upcoming demo (for now)
* Tweaked some demo container contents

v0.26.193 (21 mrt 2023)
* Tweaked final boss color pallet
* Updated foreign language font
* Updated credits

v0.26.194 (24 mrt 2023)
* Finally finished implementing new visuals crossbow wielding skeletons
* Added new visuals for skeleton thrown projectile
* Nearly finished work on the spider eye enemy visuals and AI

v0.26.195 (25 mrt 2023)
* Finished work on the spider eye enemy visuals and AI
* Cleaned up a pallet swapper issues with the latest enemies
* Worked on new hero hurt sprites

v0.26.196 (26 mrt 2023)
* Finished and implemented new visuals for: getting hurt, getting shocked (for now), wall crashing, and the dying starting frame
* Fixed error when trying to use non-existent weapon
* Implemented one more new sound effect
* Disabled a few sound effects (for now to be replaced later)
* Implemented visuals for another elemental sprite
« Last Edit: March 26, 2023, 09:33:16 pm by Martijn dh »
Re: Horn of Balance
« Reply #1575 on: April 02, 2023, 08:55:49 pm »
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This weekends progress has been small due to a birthday and needing some time to recharge. I will be working a little more then usual throughout this week though, so expect more progress by the end of next weekend.

As always, here's the list of remaining items till the next demo:
- 1x character actions visuals <-- PROGRESS: Got a first draft done for one of the 4 movement directions.
- 7x effect visuals <-- UPDATE: Been tweaking a few things to work up to the actual effect sprites.
- ~~3x ~~ 2x sound effects to replace <-- PROGRESS: A small new batch of sounds has been implemented. My sound engineer is too busy to do more this month, so I'll have to look for the rest elsewhere. While sounds were delivered I found 2 more sounds to replace while playtesting.
- ~~Text engine font update~~ <-- UPDATE: I'm pushing this beyond the next demo.
- Full playthrough for testing <-- Just needs one final pass I think

Progress report:
Code: [Select]
v0.26.197 (28 mrt 2023)
* Configured earlier hurt sprites to work with the pallet swapper (which I forgot to do earlier)
* Played around with an enemy pallet swapper to reduce future implementation time of (complex) enemy visuals
* Tweaked eye spider visuals slightly

v0.26.198 (29 mrt 2023)
* Applied a pallet swapper to (almost all) the containers (cutting out 42 resources and making future additions far easier to add and maintain)

v0.26.199 (30 mrt 2023)
* Applied a pallet swapper to the remaining containers (cutting another 13 supporting resources)

v0.26.200 (31 mrt 2023)
* Applied new enemy pallet swapper to more enemies (to cut another 137 resources)
* Tweaked DW frost pallet

v0.26.201 (31 mrt 2023)
* Found a major issue with the latest changes and rolled back changes to v0.26.196

v0.26.202 (1 apr 2023)
* Fixed the remaining issues resulting from rollback
* Fixed issue with hero shadow after use of revival sprite
* Tweaked sound timing when pushing/pulling objects
* Added destruction sprites for bones, frozen+stone enemies and banners
* Worked with sound engineer
* Finished character revival sequence

v0.26.203 (2 apr 2023)
* Started work on new running sprites
* Implemented a few more sounds
Re: Horn of Balance
« Reply #1576 on: April 03, 2023, 01:51:04 am »
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A birthday. Yours?
If so, happy belated birthday!
Re: Horn of Balance
« Reply #1577 on: April 03, 2023, 06:38:44 am »
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Yes it was. Thank you very much. XD
Re: Horn of Balance
« Reply #1578 on: April 09, 2023, 08:54:10 pm »
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Before I get into the proper update:
This game now has a kickstarter page:

Even if you have a passing interest in this game be sure to show your support by pressing the little notification button over there. To be notified of when the event actually goes live, but also to make a difference in making my dream a full reality.

So.. I've had the past week off from work and was able to tackle many of the remaining spriting challenges. Which is a great relieve for me as I still do not consider myself a great pixelartist or anything. Each animation is new and a new puzzle to solve. Especially the abstract effects I find hard to wrap my head around before getting started. That being said, once done they are done. Unlike enemies and tiles I´ll only need single variants so that's a relief as well.

Also, after literal days of experimentation I've finally gotten the run animation to be just the way I had envisioned it beforehand. Will anyone care how each wind pixel has a reasoned position? No, properly not. But I like to think all the small details will all add up in the end. To leave people with the impression that this game is more than just the sum of it's parts you know.

Anyway, here's the ever shrinking list of remaining items till the next demo:
- 1x character actions visuals <-- DONE! Just don't ask me how many days I actually spend working on it. It was all worth it okay. 😆
- 7x 3x effect visuals
- 2x sound effects to replace
- Full playthrough for testing <-- One more outstanding playtest request

Progress report:
Code: [Select]
v0.26.204 (3 apr 2023)
* Made progress on new run animation
* Implemented visuals for another new elemental sprites
* Altered enemy crossbow colors for better readability
* Fixed depth issue when subboss destroys northern wall pieces
* Created replacement sprites for 3 more effects: floor destruction and spirit energy orbs and run effects

v0.26.205 (4 apr 2023)
* Tweaked visuals run effects and elementals
* Added new visuals for running in water
* Tweaked hurt and crash visuals
* Added extra debug function
* Added new visuals for landing in water
* Fixed small demo tiling and masking issue
* Tweaked demo dungeon tileset
* Worked on better visuals for another elemental sprite

v0.26.206 (5 apr 2023)
* Tweaked and implemented visuals for one more new elemental sprites
* Implemented replacement visuals for cape use
* Added new item to demo starting equipment: revival elemental sprite
* Made more progress with the hero run animation

v0.26.207 (6 apr 2023)
* Made more progress on the new run animations (with and without carried objects)
* Improved carried object sprite allignment

v0.26.208 (7 apr 2023)
* Recoded and expanded hero movement engine to cut across large corners more smoothly
* Fixed issues with frozen floors connected to moving platforms
* Made more progress on running animation

v0.26.209 (8-9 apr 2023)
* Finished and implemented new run animations
« Last Edit: April 09, 2023, 08:55:49 pm by Martijn dh »
Re: Horn of Balance
« Reply #1579 on: April 16, 2023, 11:13:40 am »
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More great news this weekend!
The first demo in the new style has finally been completed and is now downloadable over on Itch.io. Here the link: https://hornofbalance.itch.io/horn-of-balance-pre-ks-demo

Please show it some love so it can reach as many people as possible. XD

Progress report:
Code: [Select]
v0.26.210 (10 apr 2023)
* Applied hero pallet shader to new running animations
* Can now also stop running by pressing the run button again
* Replaced three sound effects with placeholder sounds
* Dropped part of the run follow up frames for more responsive controls

v0.26.211 (11 apr 2023)
* Created and implement new boss death sprite

v0.26.212 (12 apr 2023)
* Created and implemented flintstone fire effects
* Added extra check to prevent you burning through your mp too fast using the flintstones too fast
* Created hero water terrain overlay sprites and started implementing
* Improved (optional) text during demo starting room for newer players
* Polished cape usage a little

v0.26.213 (13 apr 2023)
* Finished implemented hero water terrain overlay sprites

v0.26.214 (14 apr 2023)
* Improved overlapping sprites between hero and water-grass
* Tweaked and implemented ice and fire elemental sprites
* Added kickstarter link and references in the demo
* Recolored wind elemental
* Made boss harder
* Cleaned up code behind item menu slightly
* Updated credits

v0.26.215 (15 apr 2023)
* Fixed error when lighting key demo dungeon torches
* Renamed extra control options
* Now auto detects controlers at all times
* Game now works with multiple controls at once (=use whichever you want if you have multiple plugged in)
* Updated credits
* Options to only show a partial HUD now takes effect immediatly when selected
* Shift button now also valid for button mapping
* Slightly edited button mapping process
* Sped up default room transition sequence
* Increased default gamepad stick deadzone
* Fixed visual hickup while falling down to the floor below
* Updated tilework in one of the early demo rooms to better signal sideroom
* Put out next sound commission
* Switched controller A and B button functionality
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