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Messages - Chippermonkey

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Other Discussion / Re: If I was a horse
« on: September 14, 2008, 04:35:12 am »

Debates / Re: Palin's 17 year old daughter is pregnant
« on: September 11, 2008, 08:13:21 pm »
No, no, it's fine. I see how you made the error.

Entertainment / Re: RUMOR:Will Smith offered the role as Captain America
« on: September 09, 2008, 08:37:38 pm »

This is a page linked to in the article. Read it if you think a black man can't be Captain America.

That would only work if they weren't going for the original Captain America.

I don't care who plays him, but I don't see any racism in this topic. I see people who say, "I know Captain America as white, historically he should be white, and in order to be accurate to the comics, he should be white." I hate to say I agree, but I probably wouldn't see the movie anyway.

Debates / Re: Palin's 17 year old daughter is pregnant
« on: September 09, 2008, 08:32:41 pm »
In fact, I didn't.

That was in response to:

But even then I don't call them whores I just call them idiots.

Debates / Re: Palin's 17 year old daughter is pregnant
« on: September 09, 2008, 03:42:22 am »
You just agreed with what they were saying, through name calling and generalizations, right there.
They were saying she wanted to get pregnant and putting a general spin on it by calling her a !@#$%. Inappropriate, sure, but I understood what they were getting at.
Yes, I get that. But you're also ruling out the way !@#$% is used in every day talking. A girl at school gets pregnant, even if she's only having sex with her boyfriend, what do they call her?

A !@#$%.

No here in Telford, we just call them a person. Probably because if your female and 16 it seems just fitting to be pregnant >_>

But even then I don't call them whores I just call them idiots. :)
Well that's what I call them, but everyone else I know, whether here or in another country, has referred to a teenager being pregnant as a !@#$%. Some were even pregnancies due to rape that the girl decided to keep. So, in a nutshell, I understood what they were getting at.

And even if I'm wrong, they were simply joking about the situation, anyway. Either way, don't take what they were saying too seriously.

But that really isnt the meaning of "!@#$%" though. I dont and have not heard of people calling a pregnant teenager a !@#$%, like Bert said, people just call them idiots or uneducated.

So if I got pregnant now, (I'm 17), would I be considered a !@#$% to you?
No, you missed the part where I said that I called them idiots, as well. I don't call people whores, ever, unless that's what they are.

Around here, though, a pregnant teenager is a "!@#$%," no matter what you try to say to counter it. "She was raped." "Still a !@#$%." "Oh, okay."

So now your a hypocrite?
No. I never once said that I called them whores. As a matter of fact, I totally disagree with that view, having had good friend get pregnant on a night of a simple bad choice.

@Kaede: The people around here are very assumptious. I believe I've only met a few people who would see a pregnant teenager and NOT go, "Oh look, she's a !@#$%." The worst part of it is, some of them are women who were pregnant at 16 and had a child. I, as I've said, merely call them idiots, because I disagree with getting pregnant at such a young age, yet I also understand that they have a free will and what they choose to do is their business.

I would never assume a pregnant person is a !@#$%. I hate the community around here for assuming that.

Other Discussion / Re: McCain = Bush (proof inside)
« on: September 09, 2008, 03:34:57 am »
I love that article, Bludleef. To me it says, "Both candidates have flaws," because both do.

Other Discussion / Re: What Sex Is Your Brain?
« on: September 09, 2008, 03:20:02 am »
The ultimatum one is weird, am I the only one who thought it logical to, when sharing £50 between two people, simply split it 50/50 (£25 for me, £25 for them).
Yeh thats what I did as well :S.

That's what I did too.
Same here...
Same :P.
Same here.


Other Discussion / Re: Face Your Manga!
« on: September 09, 2008, 03:18:23 am »
I got the email a few seconds after making it. I'll use it as my avatar for a little while, then switch back to my (<3) slime knight.

Other Discussion / Re: McCain = Bush (proof inside)
« on: September 08, 2008, 01:03:12 am »
If I were American, my vote would go to cakefarts for sure.

Who would want to vote for some McSame?
Because "McSame" is a media play. They're from the same political party--of course they have some of the same political views.

You didn't answer the question. Who would want to vote for some McSame?
I'm voting for McCain over cakefarts this election. I'd rather have a president in there who has some of the same views as Bush, than some dude who's more about his celebrity status and saying what sounds good.

Other Discussion / Re: What Sex Is Your Brain?
« on: September 08, 2008, 01:01:27 am »
50% toward male, however I have the empathizing ability of a female, and I'm more able to detect emotion than the "average" male.

Debates / Re: Palin's 17 year old daughter is pregnant
« on: September 08, 2008, 12:15:21 am »
You just agreed with what they were saying, through name calling and generalizations, right there.
They were saying she wanted to get pregnant and putting a general spin on it by calling her a !@#$%. Inappropriate, sure, but I understood what they were getting at.
Yes, I get that. But you're also ruling out the way !@#$% is used in every day talking. A girl at school gets pregnant, even if she's only having sex with her boyfriend, what do they call her?

A !@#$%.

No here in Telford, we just call them a person. Probably because if your female and 16 it seems just fitting to be pregnant >_>

But even then I don't call them whores I just call them idiots. :)
Well that's what I call them, but everyone else I know, whether here or in another country, has referred to a teenager being pregnant as a !@#$%. Some were even pregnancies due to rape that the girl decided to keep. So, in a nutshell, I understood what they were getting at.

And even if I'm wrong, they were simply joking about the situation, anyway. Either way, don't take what they were saying too seriously.

But that really isnt the meaning of "!@#$%" though. I dont and have not heard of people calling a pregnant teenager a !@#$%, like Bert said, people just call them idiots or uneducated.

So if I got pregnant now, (I'm 17), would I be considered a !@#$% to you?
No, you missed the part where I said that I called them idiots, as well. I don't call people whores, ever, unless that's what they are.

Around here, though, a pregnant teenager is a "!@#$%," no matter what you try to say to counter it. "She was raped." "Still a !@#$%." "Oh, okay."

I agree with Swiftu this time. That video was made of win and truth, and I intend to show it to any and all of my republican friends and/or acquaintances.
The funny thing about it is, these weren't the presidential candidates or VPs that they were trashing, just some of the main supporters. It holds no standing on the actual presidential candidate or VP, for either side. If anyone says, "WELL I JUST WON'T BE A REPUBLICAN AND VOTE DEMOCRAT" because of this, then they're obviously not paying attention to what the actual candidate/VP are saying.

Yes, a lot of people are completely hypocritical about things they support. People seem to dislike it when another group uses something, but love it when they get the chance to use it. As for me, a republican, I don't care how big of a town you were governing. If you were a governor, you have experience. Belittling that just because it's not one of the big towns is like telling a band from a small town that they can't perform at your battle of the bands (nationwide) because they came from too small of a town.

Gender card is never acceptable, no matter what side it's used for. I didn't like it when Hillary tried to use it, and if Palin uses it (or McCain), then I won't like it, even now.

Lol @ Bill, though. He's always the type of guy to say, "No, don't talk about that, withhold your judgment," then turn around and judge people for what he said to withhold your judgment of. If you point him out on it, he's at least man enough to admit he did something stupid, though, which is one of the only reasons I respect him.

Other Discussion / Re: McCain = Bush (proof inside)
« on: September 07, 2008, 01:52:43 am »
If I were American, my vote would go to cakefarts for sure.

Who would want to vote for some McSame?
Because "McSame" is a media play. They're from the same political party--of course they have some of the same political views.

Entertainment / Re: Stop putting those shitty ass anime cutscenes in games
« on: September 06, 2008, 09:58:31 pm »
What the hell is wrong with them? I don't get it. I mean, pre-renders can be equally !@#$% as can anything rendered with the game's own engine.

You could always go back to live-action cutscenes.

... Yeah. The less said of that, the better.
Hey, I quite enjoyed Command & Conquer's live action cutscenes. Still do. Especially Red Alert 2's Tanya. :3

A truly skilled clan would take this monster down in shifts, ending with everyone being on the monster at once, for whatever experience or items its worth (idk how that game works so lol).

I don't see how GTA helped her save her family. She knew from GTA that can cars blow up when they roll over. Their car rolled over, it didn't blow up. Then without any help from video games she saved her family. Cute story if they ditch the stuff about GTA. It didn't help her save her family, her bravery did.
Sometimes you aren't spurred to act without prior knowledge of what could happen if a situation is left alone. This could be one of those situations. GTA didn't teach her to save her family, but it gave her a heads up on what could happen and that helped her act.

Still, everyone's getting excited over a girl who was very brave and then saying it was mostly the video game's doing. It wasn't, really. :-\
That's just because of the title. The people who are actually reading the entire article are actually commenting on the actions of the girl, with GTA as a side-thought.

I don't see how GTA helped her save her family. She knew from GTA that can cars blow up when they roll over. Their car rolled over, it didn't blow up. Then without any help from video games she saved her family. Cute story if they ditch the stuff about GTA. It didn't help her save her family, her bravery did.
Sometimes you aren't spurred to act without prior knowledge of what could happen if a situation is left alone. This could be one of those situations. GTA didn't teach her to save her family, but it gave her a heads up on what could happen and that helped her act.

Debates / Re: Palin's 17 year old daughter is pregnant
« on: September 04, 2008, 08:25:01 pm »
You just agreed with what they were saying, through name calling and generalizations, right there.
They were saying she wanted to get pregnant and putting a general spin on it by calling her a !@#$%. Inappropriate, sure, but I understood what they were getting at.
Yes, I get that. But you're also ruling out the way !@#$% is used in every day talking. A girl at school gets pregnant, even if she's only having sex with her boyfriend, what do they call her?

A !@#$%.

No here in Telford, we just call them a person. Probably because if your female and 16 it seems just fitting to be pregnant >_>

But even then I don't call them whores I just call them idiots. :)
Well that's what I call them, but everyone else I know, whether here or in another country, has referred to a teenager being pregnant as a !@#$%. Some were even pregnancies due to rape that the girl decided to keep. So, in a nutshell, I understood what they were getting at.

And even if I'm wrong, they were simply joking about the situation, anyway. Either way, don't take what they were saying too seriously.

Other Discussion / Re: Women are to blame if man cheats
« on: September 04, 2008, 08:21:00 pm »
Whoops I think I pressed your angry button Kyubi.


But seriously, there's definitely a negative/angered undertone to that article when you look at the quotes. And about the sexy underwear- since when were stilettos underwear?! On top of that, a G-String isn't necessarily that sexy, it depends on the person. I believe by sexy underwear he meant lingerie.

As for cheating, there often are excuses for it. For example, if you got ridiculously drunk at a party or something, which would be a disgraceful lack of self-control, but it's an excuse nevertheless. I can't really think of an innocent way of cheating, since cheating is in itself a horrible thing to do. But I do dislike the inherent bias against men when it comes to such topics.
The bias is just as bad as the bias against men in rape cases.

Debates / Re: Palin's 17 year old daughter is pregnant
« on: September 04, 2008, 08:19:41 pm »
You just agreed with what they were saying, through name calling and generalizations, right there.
They were saying she wanted to get pregnant and putting a general spin on it by calling her a !@#$%. Inappropriate, sure, but I understood what they were getting at.
Yes, I get that. But you're also ruling out the way !@#$% is used in every day talking. A girl at school gets pregnant, even if she's only having sex with her boyfriend, what do they call her?

A !@#$%.

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