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Topics - Giverny

Pages: [1] 2 3
Feedback / Forum Fucks up when attaching file.
« on: August 25, 2008, 12:32:23 am »
You cant upload a file. after pressing post, it whitepage's and does nothing.

Graphics / A photo by Giverny(Ducks in a Pond)
« on: August 24, 2008, 09:56:25 pm »
Meh, my first posted pic :o (attached)

So, C&C?

Adverts & Recruitment / SCH-U740 4 Sale.
« on: August 12, 2008, 01:36:02 am »

Feedback / Ok, the resource system officially sucks.
« on: August 11, 2008, 04:19:21 am »
    The whole system pisses me off. Why can't you upload a !@#$% bitmap? What about .7z or a Tar.Gz? Maybe even a .NDS?

Can this be fixed?


Coding / [NDS][SOURCE] Zelda 1 DS Now with Poll.
« on: August 09, 2008, 06:21:05 pm »
Due to some stuff, I wasnt able to enter my entry for Comp6.
Well, here it is. the (ilegal olo) ROM, A bunch of backups, and the ugly source.

Also, I am posting here because I am releasing the engine. I have no plan to continue this, unless all of you want me to o so.

~LynkW-Wait, Didn't I change my username?

Graphics / TextBox Border thing
« on: August 09, 2008, 06:04:21 pm »
Well, two nights ago, at midnight, I decided to make borders. In the end I came out with a textbox.

Adverts & Recruitment / Need Spriter/Tiler
« on: August 04, 2008, 10:13:04 pm »
   Im looking for a spriter and a tiler for a project of mine. Anything would be apreciated :D.
If you want to help, show me an example of your work, and tell me the amount of money you charge. Yes, I will pay :D


OoA/S & LA / [SOLVED] :GB Tileset
« on: June 23, 2008, 06:20:07 am »
As the title says are there any good OOA/OOS tilesets out there?

Other Discussion / Operating Systems-Multibooting
« on: June 21, 2008, 07:07:35 am »
I ordered a new laptop recently, and Im have a hard time deciding what OSs I should put on it.
What OSs should I multiboot?
I have a 120GB HDD. I have decided I will have a combination of the below:
Vista Ultimate
XP Ultimate(yes, it exists. look it up on TPB)
Ubuntu 8.04

Any sugestions with what I should do?

BTW, specs:
AMD Turion TL-60 2.0GHz

LynkW- Wait, arent I Bruce Goodman?

Other Discussion / Need to buy a pointer.
« on: June 21, 2008, 01:53:52 am »
Hello    Wait. Im a regular. Screw formalities.
   I bought a new laptop (Dell Vostro 1000) recently. Now Im a picky person, so I need one of those eraser pointers found on most Lenovo Thinkpads(usually between the G, H, and B keys.) Can anybody point me to the right place where I can uy an external one?

    LynkW- Drunk as Ever.

Other Discussion / Unlocking an iPhone
« on: June 16, 2008, 11:04:24 pm »
Is it posible to unlock the iPhone to make it usable with verizon? Will it also be posible to do with the 3G iPhone?



Entertainment / FFCC Ring of Fates glitch?
« on: June 06, 2008, 03:36:47 am »
So I downloaded the game, and right after I started, I noticed that if you pick up an item, stand against the wall, and throw it, it will land on your head, so you'll be carrying it, but still be able to swing your sword, etc.


Entertainment / Games for XBox 360 Recmmendation
« on: May 18, 2008, 08:35:47 pm »
  What would you guys recommend for the 360? Im looking for a game like mass effect (Story, missions,etc), but not to much like Halo 3.
   What should I get?

Audio / MIDI instrument help...
« on: May 12, 2008, 01:17:18 am »
   I am trying to compose a few peices but  need a few certain sound/ Can somebody help me figure ut how to reproduce the following sounds in a MIDI editor?
The sound/instruments I need are in this :


Coding / Using surfaces
« on: May 05, 2008, 03:09:39 am »
background_delete (bgDark);
bgDark = background_create_from_screen (0,0,256,192,false,true,false);//slow
// invert
draw_set_blend_mode_ext (bm_inv_dest_color, bm_zero);
draw_set_color (c_white);
draw_rectangle (0,0,256,192,false);
draw_set_blend_mode_ext (bm_inv_dest_color, bm_zero);
draw_set_color (c_white);
draw_rectangle (0,0,256,192,false);
background_delete (bgTwili);

bgTwili = background_create_from_screen (0,0,256,192,false,false,false);//slow
draw_set_blend_mode_ext (bm_one, bm_inv_src_color);
draw_background_ext (bgDark,0,0,1,1,0,c_white,1);     
draw_set_blend_mode (bm_normal);

score = fps;

Im back(in black)! I must know, how would I use surfaces to make this code more efficiant? Should I draw on a surface instead of a BG?

Coding / Bloom in GM-Too slow-Help?
« on: May 04, 2008, 11:40:06 pm »
Code: [Select]
background_delete (bgDark);
bgDark = background_create_from_screen (0,0,256,192,false,true,false);//slow
// invert
draw_set_blend_mode_ext (bm_inv_dest_color, bm_zero);
draw_set_color (c_white);
draw_rectangle (0,0,256,192,false);
draw_set_blend_mode_ext (bm_inv_dest_color, bm_zero);
draw_set_color (c_white);
draw_rectangle (0,0,256,192,false);
background_delete (bgTwili);

bgTwili = background_create_from_screen (0,0,256,192,false,false,false);//slow
draw_set_blend_mode_ext (bm_one, bm_inv_src_color);
draw_background_ext (bgDark,0,0,1,1,0,c_white,1);     
draw_set_blend_mode (bm_normal);

score = fps;
That is the step code for my objBloom.
The problem is, it makes my game run at 4 FPS, instead of 30. It gives me the effect I want, which is the saturated twilight realm effect off TP. Are there any ways I can make it process faster?


Other Discussion / Running/Executing .jar fies
« on: April 23, 2008, 01:40:38 am »
How would I do so?

This is for a speech I have too write.



Coding / Sliding on Ice
« on: April 20, 2008, 06:53:12 pm »
How would one go about programming a script for sliding on ice that incorporates into goodnight's movement script?

Zelda Projects / ZFGC Engine- DEMO 1.0B
« on: April 19, 2008, 08:46:28 pm »
In response to the "ZFGC is Going Downhill" and other topics, I am pausing my other works to make an engine for the ZFGC.


Current Progress:

Demo Release 1.0b
Hold Z:Hold out sword(note:Spin attack not complete)

In this release,
Shallow water

none >_>

Note: I realise there are sprite allignment errors and colision errors. these are (respectivly) due to my laziness and the fact I threw up the demo map really fast.

Perfect Water Reflection: DONE
Sword: Started
Rolling: Done
Jumping: Done
Colision:  Done
Sliding on Ice/water: Done, except for proper colision
Swimming: Started
Walking in shallow water:Done


PRS(Perfect Reflect System)

Holding out one's sword.

Jumping UP a cliff?

The Team/Credits
LynkW: Leader/Coder
Drewdelz: AI Coder
GM112: Coder
The Unforgiven:Publicity/Banners

Goodnight: Movement
Mit: I have made references to the Engine tutorial.
GCE 3.0: (Will add in a later release) Lightning/Rain.
ZFGC: For any and all help this project has and will get.

Due to my bad memory, I may have forgotten somebody. Please post/PM if this happens.

Help Out:
Since this is a ZFGC Engine, it is encouraged that you help out in this project.
Current Jobs:
Spriter(Must be able to sprite in MC Style. Will mainly do new link sprites/ Link sprite edits.)
Coder(LynkW isn't the best coder here,so...Must be able to code things in GM.)

Support Banners:
Banner 1(Glossy):
Code: [Select]

Thanks to Xiphirx!
Banner 2(LTTP Clasic):
[Not Complete]
Thanks to The Unforgiven!



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