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Messages - Vash

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Entertainment / Re: Majora's Mask Discussion
« on: August 10, 2009, 07:20:41 pm »
I didn't like it the first time.. I just got it on my wii and I'm attempting to play through it again..

I also just bought Twilight Princess for the Wii.. I intend on playing through that as well.

Feedback / Re: New Rants Forum
« on: August 10, 2009, 07:06:57 pm »
I thought this topic was about proposing an idea about adding a sub-forum to Feedback, not Jeod attempting to 'heck' 4Sword?

Getting back on track, as Mammy said, we pondered the idea in the past, we may have implemented it.. I don't remember, but obviously it didn't work.

The intent of this board was for feedback of any type, commonly to garner more attention, community related-feedback topics end up in Community Speak, rather than in here, but there's no way for them to get the proper attention they deserve anywhere else than in there.

I'm ruling this operator error.

Sorry FISSURE. I had no issues with it at all, nor did my mom. I did have issues with drawing a triforce on the screen during a specific part of the game.. but aside from that I had no real major issues.. The game is pretty fun and pretty awesome..

Now, Nintendo should have been nice and made it either touch screen or not touch screen.. I could agree with that.. plus you could play the game over and have a completely different feel.. but I think it's pretty dependent on the touch screen stuff.

Anyway. <3 Fissure.

Entertainment / Re: Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
« on: July 15, 2009, 06:39:37 am »
Oh god. I'm jealous.

Ours will be opening tomorrow, no mid-night opening for us.. it's coming on tonight's flight though.. I may have to go see it in theater.

Feedback / Re: It's July 14th again?
« on: July 15, 2009, 05:55:25 am »
Yes, you are being immature.  All I'm saying is you have no business telling other people how to run their website.  And why do you care so much (because you obviously do)?

I think I can answer the 'why do you care so much anyway' part.

It has to do with being an administrator or staff member here in the past, no matter how much you hated it, no matter how much you wanted out, you look back and think 'man, why didn't I do it this way, why didn't we do it this way', etc.. Thus your heart is always in it, it's impossible to let it go.

I can't excuse his immaturity though.. This shouldn't be about fighting it should be about working together.

Feedback / Re: It's July 14th again?
« on: July 15, 2009, 12:59:06 am »
The problem with ZFGC attempting to 'change' lies with the fact everyone has their own opinion about what to do and how to do it. I think Mammy said it.. and we've all said it a few times, you cannot appeal to everyone, but you can look at the situation and try to make the best of both worlds (or... how ever many worlds you have) and collaborate the ideas).

I'm debating the imageboard idea with some people right now.. I don't think it can be anon for it to be successful.. But it would be a good way to breakout sprites and resources if you could make it archive things.

Updates / Downtime: July 10th
« on: July 10, 2009, 05:37:58 pm »
Hi all,

There was a minor disruption in service/hosting today when we had issues with some billing problems. These issues were resolved and the site is (obviously) now back up.



Entertainment / Re: Another Celeb bites the dust
« on: June 29, 2009, 02:06:40 am »
Very sad indeed.

The only thing I'm concerned about is the fact they always go in three's.... and we went in fours.... so we have two more to go? Unless we count David Cardean(sp?) two weeks ago.

Looks good...   I still want to see a game that integrated IRC directly into the system, rather than building it's own chat system (just because I think it would be a great management tool. >.> it may not work at all though)

Feedback / Re: Contest Idea: Dungeon Design
« on: June 20, 2009, 07:35:00 pm »
So is this contest getting off the ground? It actually sounds fun.. if I can allocate some time for it..

Entertainment / Re: Finally playing Twilight Princess
« on: May 31, 2009, 10:45:49 pm »
Like with all Zelda games, I started playing it, gave up after a few days.... six months later picked it up and beat it in a week or so.

I'm eager to play MM again, now that it's out on the Shop Channel. I need to download it, I might do it today.

TP was great though. I do honestly, fear playing it on the Wii though.

Feedback / Re: About gm112,Wally,porkchop >_>.
« on: May 06, 2009, 05:24:53 am »
Well, it is a simple question and I will go to the point, why they got banned?

EDIT: I hope that you (4sword) don't give a stupid long answer D:, I don't have much time to read it all.

Note the bold text, this is why they're banned.. This is also why you shouldn't be here, it sums it the !@#$% up. Time to stop being a !@#$% suck guys, it's not that hard. 

*shakes his head*

Feedback / Re: About gm112,Wally,porkchop >_>.
« on: May 06, 2009, 05:18:13 am »
Just wondering, aside from appeasing Wally, Porkchop and gm and making this situation bigger than it really is. Why does it actually matter, and why does 4sword need to explain himself to you at all?

Obviously there was something going on, the said banned users were doing something wrong, as they are banned. Why does it matter passed that?

Feedback / Re: Officially, Porkchop and Wallnut1000 suck
« on: March 27, 2009, 01:09:59 am »
Oh, was this a welcome back topic? My bad.. Welcome back.

Feedback / Re: Officially, Porkchop and Wallnut1000 suck
« on: March 27, 2009, 01:09:20 am »
Pyra posted this to me, but I honestly can't do much about it. In my opinion Jeod, if you want to strive for maturity, don't spread things across to the forums that are completely unrelated.

gl and it's not wise to spam.

Zelda Projects / Re: [Demo] The Legend of Zelda <Name not chosen yet>
« on: March 15, 2009, 06:26:43 am »
Downloading now... it will take me a million hours do to super slow internet... but I'll fix up my reply later. :p just wanted to comment so you knew I was looking.

Yeah, I'm also curious as to what it is made in...

Entertainment / Re: Gamer Tags.
« on: March 15, 2009, 01:38:59 am »
My xbox live account is 'zfgc'.

Feedback / Re: Infin! Get yo ass down here.
« on: March 14, 2009, 11:24:25 am »
Looks like he !@#$% up the URL to me.


:)  He put a / where a ? was required...  Also, /forum/ was lacking but that was a given.

Updates / IMPORTANT: Re: #ZFGC
« on: February 28, 2009, 06:27:27 pm »
Apparently the 'agreement' between the two parties wasn't as -stable- as originally believed, thus Windfyre.net (or anything related to it) is no more, via DNS.

Please use irc.kbfail.net.


Updates / #ZFGC
« on: February 28, 2009, 05:44:10 am »
Below is a quote from the Windfyre network's forum. This is somewhat important news for our IRC users out there.

Also, DJVenom recently stepped down as the chatroom owner, currently I manage the channel.

Recently you may have noticed polls and announcements regarding a name change facing Windfyre. Due to disagreements with the owner of “Windfyre.net” the staff felt it would be best if we parted ways and renamed the network.

After two sets of poll’s we’ve decided to go with ‘Keyboard Failure’ or kbfail.net. As of February 28th 2009 at around 8:00am Eastern Standard Time the Windfyre Network will officially become The Keyboard Failure Network. We should note there will be a five to ten minute downtime at around 8:00am Eastern Standard Time.

Sudo.windfyre.net will become sudo.kbfail.net, moople.windfyre.net -> moople.kbfail.net and of course irc.windfyre.net -> irc.kbfail.net.

Any questions may be asked in #Services. Further changes will come in the next few weeks, including a new website.

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