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Messages - FelipeD

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Zelda Projects / Re: [Video] TLoZ, The Midnight Radiance
« on: December 19, 2011, 03:17:40 pm »
As always, great maps. The stick factor sounds really good to me, original and zelda-ish!
Also, that forest screen is great, again! Those killer mushrooms are just lovely. Their sprite is also very well done and fully Link's Awakening styled! And it is really difficult to give this feeling to sprites, so double compliments. I'm repetitive, I know, but graphically-wise your project shows incredible coherence and style!

Then we have a dungeon, with Tail Cave graphics... I'd just say that... some palette customization may be great there, just to remove a deep connession with Tail Cave, but that's not really a downside. :3
I guess it's linked with the graveyard and Tompel's house, right? I see a cabin with a key... and the dungeon, and the term "Skull Key". So is it a mausoleum or something like that? Just supposing.  XD
Thanks for the comments, dude. I'm working a lot on the game before losing the inspiration. That's very common XD

About weekend I've some news

- Added new enemy: Sword Darknut
- Added the first appearance of the "bad guy"
- Changed the tileset of the first dungeon for something more umm... cryptic
- Starting the code of Shop Engine
- Minigame "The Arena" finished (I think just the name says all what you need to know)

And that's all.
This week I could be able to upload the real Trailer so... there you'll see.

Zelda Projects / Re: [Video] TLoZ, The Midnight Radiance
« on: December 14, 2011, 01:16:28 pm »
Well, that's just the beginning. The old wise man needs to see if you can use something like a sword and nothing better than a stick XD

About the game, I've been adding some enemies and designing the first dungeon.
For the forest area I wanted to do something like "evil mushroom" or something like that so... there are the screenshots

As you can see, the first time you go to the forest you just will be equiped with the stick. Later you'll get the Wooden Sword.
I've to point out the Stick can't destroy the bushes.

And that's all, folks (as Bugs Bunny used to say). Greetings!!!

Zelda Projects / Re: [DEMO] The Legend of Zelda : Chiming Bells
« on: December 13, 2011, 10:00:22 pm »
Dude, sadly I hadn't seen the screenshots. I say sadly because are awesome, specially the first one.
Plz just keep working like this, dude. I'm sure this will be such a good game
Greetings, sir!!

Zelda Projects / Re: [Video] TLoZ, The Midnight Radiance
« on: December 12, 2011, 12:55:12 pm »
Damn, nice of you to have my name in the game! ^^
But yeah, pretty solid engine you have there. Good luck once more :P
Thanks dude!! Yeah... you're in the game and you'll give me something called Skull Key. Very important!!

Well I'm back with good news about the game.
All the path until the first dungeon is finished, with the dialogues, the history, getting the sword, etc.
Also, two enemies has been incorporated: Octorok and Bat so we've more variety of enemies now.

I want to comment the "Training room". There is an old wise man who will give you a stick. Then you've to use that to kill the octoroks and show off your talent as an hero. Once you've killed the enemies, you will get the Wooden Sword and will be able to go to the fields.
There's a screenshot

Link using a stick as sword!!

Well sirs... that's all.
Now I've to start to design the dungeons (6 more 2 optionals) so anything I'll let you know.

Zelda Projects / Re: [Near Completion]Ode to Zelda GB
« on: December 07, 2011, 01:48:32 pm »
Dude, I played your demo and well... the engine is very solid. A little bit hard I think (I lost 1 time per minute haha). Anyway, I really liked it, very good job sir.
Btw, I found a bug. Maybe it's fixed now, maybe not. The thing is when I lost, Link was dying and a fairy touched him. He recovered all the hearts but the game over menu didn't appear.

Well, that's all dude. Greetings!!

It looks amazing!!
I'd love to see Isaac on Smash Land.
BTW, Dan gave you some answer about including Isaac??

He gave me the open source. Does that count?
Well, that's more than enough... that's very very good!! Congrats dude!!

It looks amazing!!
I'd love to see Isaac on Smash Land.
BTW, Dan gave you some answer about including Isaac??

Zelda Projects / Re: [Video] TLoZ, The Midnight Radiance
« on: December 06, 2011, 01:11:16 pm »
Yay, i thought something like that! Then I'm with you. For me it's even more complicated, I play the piano and... how could I make Link a piano player?! XD
I pretty much understand your choice, and i personally think that it's always great to put some personality in fan-games! It's your world, so why not. :)

Well.. Ganondorf has a church organ. I think that pianos might also appear, but surely not in the role of central instrument. XD
You're lucky, a saxophone is rather more easy to put. :D

Well, i'm looking forward this project! ;D
Good luck!
Hahaha implementing a piano, as you say, is very complicated.
Link can't just take his piano and play it wherever he wants like an ocarina or something like that. However for me it's still weird seeing Link playing his saxophone haha.
Thanks for your comments dude!!

I observed the gameplay video; the engine is fairly solid and is coming along nicely so far.  Things I noticed from the video alone:

-Picking up a Heart does not restore a full heart container, but instead only restores half a heart.  Is this intentional?  If so, I recommend updating the item graphic to match this.
-Link waddles when walking down, due to alignment issues in the sprite.  Take a look at the icon next to my user name to get an idea of how the GBC style Link should animate.
-When you attack and hurt enemies, they do not flicker or flash white, and instead just have a "chink" animation appear over them.  Again, is this intentional?  Sprite flashing is a bit more of an indicator when dealing damage to an enemy.
-You didn't actually show if the sideview area functions like a true sideview, where if you walk off the ladder, Link will fall.  Is this a true side-view implemented engine, or does it work like Zelda 1, where there are invisible "walls" in the air?

That's all I have however, I'll keep an eye on this.
About the Hearts is intentional but you're right. If Link takes one of them he should recover an entire heart container. I'm already considering that.
The flashing of enemies is finished as I said before so when you check the trailer you'll see.

When I recorded the video the sideview area wasn't finished but now you can use the Roc's Feather to jump over the enemies and all the Super Mario things.
I didn't want to tell you but there will be new abilities for the sideview areas XD

And that's all. Thanks a lot for the comments.
Any doubt just let me know. Greetings sirs...

Zelda Projects / Re: [DEMO] The Legend of Zelda : Chiming Bells
« on: December 05, 2011, 09:43:43 pm »
There are 20+ sidequests in the game. Does that count?
Assuming it takes you 1 hour and 30 mins for each chapter, there's at least 10 hours and 30 mins worth of gameplay. Excluding sidequests, collecting and best equipment
Holly Crap!! That's such a lot of fun!!!
I think my game won't take you so much time to finish

Zelda Projects / Re: [DEMO] The Legend of Zelda : Chiming Bells
« on: December 05, 2011, 06:24:10 pm »
Dude, it sounds great and I think that will be a very long game.
How many hours will take us to finish the entire game?

I have no idea. How long did it take you to beat the Wind Chapter? (If you didnt beat it, how long have you played it for?)
Ufff... It took me a lot of time considering I got lost in the town hahaha.
BTW, are you going to include optional missions or something like "helping people"?? I think that would be fantastic.
Well, that's all. Greetings dude!!

Zelda Projects / Re: [DEMO] The Legend of Zelda : Chiming Bells
« on: December 05, 2011, 05:45:14 pm »
Dude, it sounds great and I think that will be a very long game.
How many hours will take us to finish the entire game?

Zelda Projects / Re: [Video] TLoZ, The Midnight Radiance
« on: December 05, 2011, 01:04:24 pm »
I'm really impressed, i have to say!
I'm emotionally linked to Link's Awakening, that was my first videogame and still my favourite one.
Now, i'm always happy when I discover GBC-styled projects, but... there's one thing that bothers me: their lack of GBC feeling. Unfitting colors, elements from GBA games... they all make them so unnatural.
Well you're right dude. I agree with you about the conection with Zelda Link's Awakening, that was my first Zelda too and I played it 20 times perhaps haha.
Well, I'm trying to put the same essence on this game, with the same pallette color.
I added some graphics, yes... but I'm trying to don't be so destroyer with the essence of the GBC Zeldas.
If you find something that bothers you just let me know and I'll see what can I do  XD

But, surprisingly, your screenshots just amazed me: your mapping, your color choice... everything makes me feel nostalgic, as everything looks so original, Zelda-like.
There are obviously adds that couldn't be made with GBC: your message box, the shadows in the forest, the fading effect behind the menu. I have to say, I pretty much like them, as they somehow manage to fit and not to disturb me. That's just that fading effect which works a bit less, it is too "unlikely" within the rest of neat, decise graphics. That's just my personal point of view about graphics.
I'm very glad for that. Thanks!!

Then, about the story: i personally think that storyline should be made before the game (sometimes before making graphic choices), yet I think you 'll manage to make it good from now. Just don't go too far with maps and development, this may force you to adjust storyline because of graphics, which may result even well, but also a total disaster. I experienced that, trust me. XD
Don't worry about it. The history is finished but I don't want to post it yet

One last thing: why did you choice a Saxophone? It sounds a bit un-zelda-ish to me, to be honest. But I guess you have your motivations. I like the "core mechanic" of day/night changing. :D
Because I play saxophone and I wanted to put a personal touch on the game XD

Well, thanks a lot for your comments dude

I'm really impressed, i have to say!
I'm emotionally linked to Link's Awakening, that was my first videogame and still my favourite one.
Now, i'm always happy when I discover GBC-styled projects, but... there's one thing that bothers me: their lack of GBC feeling. Unfitting colors, elements from GBA games... they all make them so unnatural.
Well said! Everyone attempting a GBC style project always adds their own colors and graphics. Don't do that! In order for GBC style to work you have to stay true to the original, unless you're really talented and can make genuine GBC style graphics.
I agree with you. I'm not one of these talented people so I won't create graphics. I'm just modifying some existing images trying to be most GBC Style as possible.

Well sirs, thanks for the comments. Any progress will be posted as soon as possible

Zelda Projects / Re: [Video] TLoZ, The Midnight Radiance
« on: December 04, 2011, 04:44:38 pm »
Video looks nice. I am curious, though, when you hit the zombies, do they take damage each time? It looked like you hit each a couple times and they deflected it (they didn't flash or anything) before one of your hits connected and killed them.
You're right dude but I already coded that so don't worry about it.
When the trailer is available you'll see.

Well I changed the title screen and added some things like the mega zombies when you go to te cementery at night.

That's all.
Thanks for your comments
See you later

Zelda Projects / Re: [Video] TLoZ, The Midnight Radiance
« on: December 02, 2011, 01:17:07 pm »
sirs, I want to let you know I uploaded a little video showing a little bit of playability.
You can find it in the first post.
That's all... greetings to all of you!!

Zelda Projects / Re: [DEMO] The Legend of Zelda : Chiming Bells
« on: November 30, 2011, 12:44:30 pm »
I would've implemented knockback on Link however one of the future dungeons has a thin platform to cross whilst enemies patrol. Putting knockback would be just mean.
Ummm... you're right. That means a lot of damage.
I made a similar room and... well, I had to made a "god mode" to try that cave  XD so your decision about knockback is absolutely understandable.

Hope to see more progress soon sir

Zelda Projects / Re: [DEMO] The Legend of Zelda : Chiming Bells
« on: November 29, 2011, 01:45:39 pm »
Last night I played your demo and... well, it's great!! I really liked the fact of including characters of others zeldas and the way you made those sprites.
I've to recognize I got lost in the town XD (it was giant) but seriously I liked a lot.

Now I would like to suggest something. Perhaps when Link gets hurt he should move to back. That's my suggestion  XD

Well, that's all.
Best of lucks on your proyect, sir!!

Zelda Projects / Re: [Screens] TLoZ, The Midnight Radiance
« on: November 29, 2011, 01:18:22 pm »
First, it was The Cursed Tower. Then, it was The Light of Night. Now, it is The Midnight Radiance?
That's right. Beautiful name, isn't it??  XD
Seriously that will be the final name. In fact I'm already working (again) on the title screen

Zelda Projects / Re: [Screens] Zelda, The Light of the Night
« on: November 28, 2011, 08:50:48 pm »
I'm not good at suggesting names
Seriously!!?? "The Midnight Radiance" sounds great. I'm gonna think more about an appropriated name but I really liked it. Thanks dude

Dude. Looks nice, especially the little tweaks you've done from the game boy system style. And you're moving at a great pace!
Thanks dude!! Well... I'm progressing fast because I had lot of free time last weekend but the next one won't be so productive :(

Well... that's all. Thanks for the comments

Oh right well feel free to ask for my aid in the future for title names lol Didn't expect "The Midnight Radiance" to be sounding so great!

How goes the progress?
Well... I've thinking a lot about the name (...) and definetly "The Midnight Radiance" is just beautiful
King Tetiro... if I need help with any name or something like that I won't hesitate to ask for your advice (now I've to change my userbar now lol).

About the progress I've done the path (except for the dialogues) until the entrance to the first dungeon but that's just the beginning (perhaps 10%). But the main engine (dialogues, chests, some enemies, playability, etc) is finished.

Zelda Projects / Re: [Screens] Zelda, The Light of the Night
« on: November 28, 2011, 06:19:37 pm »
I'm not good at suggesting names
Seriously!!?? "The Midnight Radiance" sounds great. I'm gonna think more about an appropriated name but I really liked it. Thanks dude

Dude. Looks nice, especially the little tweaks you've done from the game boy system style. And you're moving at a great pace!
Thanks dude!! Well... I'm progressing fast because I had lot of free time last weekend but the next one won't be so productive :(

Well... that's all. Thanks for the comments

Zelda Projects / Re: [Screens] Zelda, The Light of the Night
« on: November 28, 2011, 03:03:01 pm »
Sirs, sorry for double post but I had to let you know that I changed the title of the game because... there's no tower!!
About the progress... It's ready the cementery and the path to get the first dungeon.
BTW the menu, the text system and the platform system are ready too.

here are some pictures for you!!

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