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Author Topic: Nominations - June 2010  (Read 4160 times)

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Nominations - June 2010
« on: June 29, 2010, 10:47:01 am »
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The month is almost over and I see no topic yet (:-\) so I'll start one.

I nominate Goodnight's MidnaPhone.
It's finished! The background shows an eye for detail. Beyond that it just generally looks really polished and professional. That, in my oppinion is something everybody should strife for.


I hope this PotM doesn't die a slow death. Making a topic once a month and moving it around to another board should only take mere minutes. Creating the summary and posting an interview can be reserved for when there was sufficient activity during the voting (like at least 5+ votes).
« Last Edit: March 15, 2011, 02:50:33 am by 4Sword »


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Re: Nominations - June 2010
« Reply #1 on: June 29, 2010, 11:16:26 am »
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I'll nominate A.K.'s Zelda 3D fan game. Since it's the best looking Zelda 3D fan game I've ever seen.  :P
Re: Nominations - June 2010
« Reply #2 on: June 29, 2010, 04:34:17 pm »
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Well, I would vote Goodnight's Midnaphone also. But mostly because it is the only project in "Completed", "WIP" and "Concept" that has had any real development done the past month.

Martijn the reason why there was no topic can have several reasons.

1) There might have been to little in the way of development done this month.

But I doubt that is the reason. What is more likely is the following

2) The PotM and a lot of other things is mostly done by 4Sword. He is swarmed by his duties as Administrator, Moderator and other site staff activity in the background. In addition to that he is working to keep the Community Project alive and he has a ton of school work to do.

3) From what I have been able to gather, he has asked other staff members to make interview questions, send them, obtain answers and generally write up an article. From what I have gathered is that they are mostly unresponsive.
Re: Nominations - June 2010
« Reply #3 on: June 29, 2010, 04:53:18 pm »
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Yeah, I know. 4Sword, if you read this. I volunteer to help out in this section.

Just seems like it'll die away if nobody does anything. I still think this is a nice incentive for people to work hard on there projects. And if there are just crap projects out during a month with very little progress then that's okay too. Doesn't mean it should be skipped. I'll optimistic here and say such a project should also be able to become PotM. To motivate the creator and to get other people to make sure the next month will be beter XD.


Re: Nominations - June 2010
« Reply #4 on: June 29, 2010, 05:46:53 pm »
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Some more reasons that I believe apply:
1) Not enough interest in the articles
2) Priorities right now regarding other projects (z3)
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Re: Nominations - June 2010
« Reply #5 on: June 30, 2010, 02:51:43 am »
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The Project of the Month from March was not done regularly because of finals week with school, the one for April was not able to get completed in its normal form because FrozenFire has been away, and the one for May was unable to be done because voting was done incorrectly and I was also busy with figuring out something the Community Project. I also got into the funk of thinking I could delay the release of them for a while, but after that while I was still preoccupied with stuff.

Also, if you are reading this dotyue; I got that one PM where you had sent a filled in template for the month of March, but there were some issues with the format so I had to go back in to correct all that. I had also decided to release all back-logged Projects of the Month with no interviews just so it could be shown to those viewing the site that awards were given out for that stuff, but again too busy with stuff.

Martijn dh, ah no worries about posting this topic. And yeah, the forum/site looks and is better when the Project of the Month is done because it helps give off the impression or represents the actuality that something on the forum/site is happening (e.g. a site with no recent news items looks dead). Although, some of the projects nominated in this topic don't have 3 posts associated with them - which means that the nomination procedure might need to be amended. Anyway, I am making you a Developer so that you can update the news feed and help make the Project of the Month better; i.e. possibly editing the procedures for nomination and voting, the format of the news articles, if and how interviews are done, etc.

Anyway I nominate/vote for Midnaphone. It has something unique which is not really seen in other projects. It also looks like it can be a tool for other users. It would be neat to see Midna in the fangames of other users.
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